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I like working from home for one major reason: my life is more significant than this job for my boss. I get about two hours back from not commuting that I can do whatever with, and I am not paid for commuting either. I can choose what my work environment looks like, be it at home or a buzzy cafe or a silent library or park with birds singing. I can actually take some time during the day to run errands while there is zero traffic, go to the dmv during the week instead of on saturday along with half the city, versus having to get these things done after work in rush hour traffic or burn a weekend day just to catch up on chores and errands. I can multitask in zoom meetings, by doing stuff like folding clothes or working out or just bringing the laptop out to work in my garden. I have also been able to spend a lot more time getting to know my neighbors thanks to all this available time we all have from not commuting and having more flexible schedules. If anything I feel like I am socializing with friends a lot more than if I had to come home late from the office and leave early for the office in the morning. We still have social events with the coworkers in town so I am not missing any interaction from them. I have no desire to ever commute again when I have gained so much thus far by avoiding it.

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