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You're not missing anything. People need and want different things.

I hate commuting. It's wasteful and pointless.

I have many sensitivities that are difficult to manage in a busy environment. Managing them is distracting and cuts down the amount of productive time I can use in a day. When I'm at home or in a small office I get more done and feel less stressed out at the end of the day.

I don't spend as much time and effort making social connections through work as other people do. I'm past the point in my life where I need to make connections and instead prefer to focus on those I have and matter most to me: my children, my partner, my life-long friends and neighbours and my extended family.

Not commuting means I don't have to be exhausted and lose hours of my life each day waiting to get somewhere else.

Not being in an office means I don't have to wear noise-cancelling headphones, feel the stress of sitting under florescent lights, and all of the chaos from all of the scents. I can be in an environment that is conducive to me and feel "normal."

Not being in an office means I can work in my yard, surrounded by my garden, and listen to the birds. I can take a break and read a book with my cat. I can go for a walk to my local cafe and hear the latest gossip from the barista. I can drop my kids off at school in the morning. I don't have to own a gas-powered vehicle. I can just live where I am and not be pressured to be anywhere. That's a very nice thing to have and it has made my life 1000x better.

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