Regarding your last reference on jellyfish, the author is "[a] Journalist passionate about cutting edge technology, space and fighting climate change."
A quote:
For a long time the scientific consensus was that we are causing a jelly Armageddon and that we need to stop it before our oceans’ ecosystems collapse. Scientists have suggested we change our eating habits and start fishing and eating jellies. Some even thought we should geoengineer the ocean to have more nutrients and oxygen so that the jelly’s predators could grow in number to fight off the hordes of these squishy devils. In his incredible documentary ‘Blue Planet II’, David Attenborough suggested that we should set aside a third of the world’s oceans as marine reserves, where human activity is banned, to help fish stocks recover and to rebalance the ecosystems.
So, an interesting article, but obviously alarmist.
Not sure which part of that quote means it shouldn't be taken seriously. I sure wish the person yelling "fire" in this crowded theater that's quickly filling with smoke wasn't so alarmist.
A quote:
For a long time the scientific consensus was that we are causing a jelly Armageddon and that we need to stop it before our oceans’ ecosystems collapse. Scientists have suggested we change our eating habits and start fishing and eating jellies. Some even thought we should geoengineer the ocean to have more nutrients and oxygen so that the jelly’s predators could grow in number to fight off the hordes of these squishy devils. In his incredible documentary ‘Blue Planet II’, David Attenborough suggested that we should set aside a third of the world’s oceans as marine reserves, where human activity is banned, to help fish stocks recover and to rebalance the ecosystems.
So, an interesting article, but obviously alarmist.