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On Device Learning (geohot.github.io)
111 points by abhaynayar on Sept 4, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 50 comments

I think his definition of AGI is off. It does not need human characteristics as it will be machine intelligence, not human intelligence. I think seeking AGI from a human-centric view will keep us searching in the wrong locations for things that feel human but are not generally intelligent.

For General Machine Intelligence I would like to see research in the following areas -

1) Understanding of the hardware and software on which it runs. This will allow it to introspect and self improve at the lowest level. I think there is a lot of opportunities in research in applying our large language models to machine languages.

2) An internal representation of facts. While there is no guarantee that it would outwardly represent the truth, an intelligence must be able to discern between reality and hallucinations.

3) A probabilistic reasoning engine. Based on its priors about X and Y, find the probability of X -> Y. This could also aid in forgetting, as it could then generalize and discard individual facts.

I really believe we should pivot to an idea of Machine Intelligence. Otherwise we will continue chasing metrics that make probabilistic models feel human, but not necessarily bring them to life.

I think all these discussions are pointless, since we lack any rigorous definition of intelligence or "understanding." Going for something "human-like" might be worthwhile simply for the fact that we associate intelligence with humans and thus would more easily accept it in something that mimics us, despite never being able to prove that it is actually intelligent. In the same way, going for some technology that is more rationally explainable might cause humans to doubt its intelligence, because we still don't understand human intelligence and thus people would conclude such a thing can't have human-level intelligence. But that has nothing to do with the most reasonable path towards AGI. Almost all the approaches I've seen listed so far can't be accepted or dismissed with today's state of research - we can only pursue as many of them as possible and hope that the path clears up eventually.

The second two things I listed deal with current model limitations, one being hallucinations the other being logical reasoning. The first is a hypothesis I have and will likely help with logical reasoning.

All these things fall into the same trap, because they implicitly assume a sound definition of understanding (e.g. for reasoning) and consciousness (e.g. for hallucinations), which we simply don't have. Don't get me wrong, all these things would be nice to have and to some degree we actually already do (at least for internal representations and probabilistic reasoning engines). But with our current level of research you simply can't claim they're better or worse ideas than those listed in the blog.

Interesting thoughts. I was having a very similar chat with a friend about this recently, including exactly the question of "what should the reward function be", or at least the most minimal one.

Some aspects we thought of:

- pain (minimal reward): this should probably be hardwired straight to the artificial brain, though it can't be enough as otherwise no activity would take place. The agent would learn that the best course of action is to sit still

- so we also came up with curiosity being a necessity. Encountering an unseen or hard to predict state leads to positive reward

- although I am not sure whether pain is not sufficient by itself. E.g. in nature, actions are still necessary. Otherwise, other pain signals (hunger and thirst) start showing up.

- what is tricky to figure out is how this works for more complicated intelligence such as humans. Let's be honest, most babies are fed whenever necessary by their caretakers. What causes them to learn? What causes grown ups to learn?

So something important that we'll have to figure out is what needs to be hardwired versus what emerges from 2nd order things such as chemistry, hormons, gut bacteria, upbringing, role of parents etc., and whether there's a difference between non-conscious or simple intelligence versus complex ones w.r.t. the necessity of these aspects. E.g. you might talk about aspects such as "love" (towards your partner, children, born or not, future generations) but it is much more unclear how necessary this is, and how to quantify it.

Perhaps indeed this emerges from the basic reward function but only after a meta-simulation:

> I don’t think there’s a way to learn it aside from millennia of multi agent survival competition.

I think you could get pretty far with avoiding pain and avoiding boredom.

The avoiding boredom can be seen in humans studies like https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1250830

> I don’t think there’s a way to learn it aside from millennia of multi agent survival competition.

i think that millienia of multi agent survival competition in a sufficiently high fidelity world will you get there, and certainly all our best evidence indicates that's where we come from.

but i really don't think at all that precludes any drastically effective shortcuts being taken by beings whom are capable of introspection to guide an engineering effort.

Curiosity is not a necessity. While curiosity is integral part of what makes a human well, human, it doesn't have to be hardwired. In us it is hardwired onto dopamine circuits (cf. Molecule of more, great read). However, I'd argue that in us, it is simply a form of inductive bias, i.e. an existing part of our hardware that makes it cheap.

The keyword here is cheap. Any sufficiently powerful maximizer with an infinite horizon __has__ to develop curiosity otherwise they will not be able to maximise their reward function.

In-fact, I'd argue that this is true for most mammalian functions such as taking care of our pack, exhibiting pro-social behaviour and so on, but there is a caveat. For this to happen, there needs to be an actual benefit in the behaviour.

Due to evolution operating mostly linearly with small changes through genetic and epigenetic information passing, there seems to be relatively little variation between generations, which then implies that it is difficult for some candidates to overwhelm everyone else in a winner takes all fashion, hence maximization of replication will eventually result in cooperation simply because that allows genes in support of it to continue replicating, effectively self-selecting for itself.

We saw this in the OpenAI video where agents eventually learned to cooperate in what was effectively a prisoners dilemma. In the video, there were two teams, the hiders and the seekers, in an environment that could be manipulated. Eventually the two teams learned strategies. From the perspective of seekers, their utility function involved observing the hiders. For the hiders, their utility function was to minimize their exposure to the seekers. For all intents and purposes, and for each team, the other agents were part of the environment. So given two hiders, one could hide behind the other to minimize their exposure to the seekers. This is effectively a defect. Eventually however, the hiders learn to cooperate and instead cooperatively manipulate the environment through strategies.


Sorry if I got a little bit off topic there.

Regardless, what causes us to learn is neurotransmitters getting released because certain circuits activate, the neurotransmitters charge a neuron which causes it to fire. Connections between neurons get reinforced if they are frequently used, which reinforces them, makes them cheaper, and that inevitably reinforces certain patterns of behaviour.


What i propose is that we should instead look into analogies as a means of learning. Humans seem to be great at using analogies. Mathematically speaking, an analogy is a functor between categories. A category is a collection of objects and morphisms (directed relationships) between the objects, this is as abstract and simple as it gets. A functor between categories essentially maps the objects and the morphisms of one category to the respective of the other. When we use an analogy, we do the same.

> A is to B as X is to Y

This then allows us to learn the morphism in the category with {A,B} using just known relationships.

I think I got off topic again, but this is something that I have been recycling in my head for a while and needed to eventually get out.

Curiosity is the explore part of the explore/exploit trade-off. We have some particular neuro-chemical sensations which correspond to exploration. But in this sense curiosity should be a pretty general feature of any intelligence that needs to adapt to dynamic context because the explore/exploit trade-off is quite fundamental.

Could you possibly post a link to the video you refer to above?

Here [1]. They called it "emergent" property, but I only see that as inevitable behaviour.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kopoLzvh5jY

> Sorry if I got a little bit off topic there.

Not at all. Though forgive me for not agreeing with some key points you raise.

> Curiosity is not a necessity. While curiosity is integral part of what makes a human well, human, it doesn't have to be hardwired. > The keyword here is cheap. Any sufficiently powerful maximizer with an infinite horizon __has__ to develop curiosity otherwise they will not be able to maximise their reward function.

With that I do in fact agree. I think curiosity was a quick solution to fix some immediate problems I was seeing from the pain-slash-survival angle, perhaps from a belief there should be more to humanity. I also feel it is rather emergent and should (must!) emerge pretty fast, even, in order to survive.

Actually typing out the last sentence made me realize another meta-meta-level of intelligence. Whereas the basic reward function is level 0, the chemistry surrounding and interactions with out body it might be level 1 (might be, because they are probably emergent as well), evolution is definitely level 2 (or 1) - the multi-simulations of agents. On top of that, there's the fact that initialisation is cheap: meaning that even if some emergent properties are highly necessary on top of the basic reward function, and might lead to very complex aspects later on, a designer (and this is a very badly chosen word mayhaps) would be prepared to deal with those given the fact that there are many chances. Many one-cell organism striving to do better in the "soup". The more I think about this, the more I start becoming convinced that computational biology should have been a serious field (and many are saying this).

> In-fact, I'd argue that this is true for most mammalian functions such as taking care of our pack, exhibiting pro-social behaviour and so on, but there is a caveat. For this to happen, there needs to be an actual benefit in the behaviour.

See, this is where I respectfully disagree. The benefit can be emerging from a longer-term simulation rather than immediately. You might say: sure but what are the chances of this happening? Well how many intelligent species like ours have we encountered so far? On this planet, in this universe?

> Due to evolution operating mostly linearly with small changes through genetic and epigenetic information passing, there seems to be relatively little variation between generations, which then implies that it is difficult for some candidates to overwhelm everyone else in a winner takes all fashion, hence maximization of replication will eventually result in cooperation simply because that allows genes in support of it to continue replicating, effectively self-selecting for itself.

Yes and no. From a gut feeling I agree though I also think small changes tend to take over very rapidly in a population pool once they show up. The waiting is mainly for the showing up part.

> We saw this in the OpenAI video where agents eventually learned to cooperate in what was effectively a prisoners dilemma. In the video, there were two teams, the hiders and the seekers, in an environment that could be manipulated.

I saw that as well, and this is why although I believe at some point this will be possible, the main reason why I agree with hotz is because our simulations suck and always allow for exploitation. Unless it doesn't, of course. The on-device part, hence, for me, is not that necessary. But it means we should have a very robust simulation (which so far we don't have in any area of RL and associated topics; digital twins are a joke; people making them care more about dataviz; and so on).

> Regardless, what causes us to learn is neurotransmitters getting released because certain circuits activate, the neurotransmitters charge a neuron which causes it to fire. Connections between neurons get reinforced if they are frequently used, which reinforces them, makes them cheaper, and that inevitably reinforces certain patterns of behaviour.

Too tired to go into this but you touch upon some key differences between gradient descent and biological neuron learning, though we are getting closer to that: spiking neurons, memory cells, even real-neuron cell chips. I am not sure electronics wouldn't be able to emulate it correctly in the end. If after all, P <> NP, then what does the "real" difference of a computational time step make?

> What i propose is that we should instead look into analogies as a means of learning. Humans seem to be great at using analogies. Mathematically speaking, an analogy is a functor between categories.

Agree, and surprising that this is still such an open question in AI even given the one-shot and zero-shot learning research. Though it seems like this has been put on the backburner yet again. It amazes me even today how young humans are so good at that. Like someone said: show a cartoon tomato and a real tomato to a toddler. Next time show a cartoon of an elephant and wait until they see a real elephant. They will shout: elephant. Though on the other hand, the solution for this might be very close to use. A small architectural or multi-modal change. I was more pessimistic about this a few years ago, but less sure today.

I think the main piece missing of the puzzle is stepping away from supervised learning, self-supervised learning, and going for a continuous self-supervised reinforcement learning, where predictions for t+1 are continuously matched with reality, like a human brain does. The only problem is that you need to have a continuous reality. But we have that.

> I also feel it is rather emergent and should (must!) emerge pretty fast, even, in order to __survive__.

That is in fact correct. Apparently dopamine circuits activate with exploration and novelty. An example given in the book I mentioned above [1] asks you to imagine walking to work, and seeing a new burger joint, your brain goes

> aha! Prediction error! I must explore

Which is why we crave things and want to try new stuff. So effectively we have a world model that is constantly evaluated and some circuits that promote search for novelty, not only making it cheaper to execute certain behaviour, but compelling us even to do so, making it harder not to do things.

> See, this is where I respectfully disagree. The benefit can be emerging from a longer-term simulation rather than immediately. You might say: sure but what are the chances of this happening? Well how many intelligent species like ours have we encountered so far? On this planet, in this universe?

The benefits here are seen when we consider just how long it takes to have a properly functional human. I mentioned above that changes across generations are small, genetic and epigenetic. What I failed to mention however is that that is not the only way information is passed between generations. This is where pro-social behaviour shines the most I think. In the capacity to accumulate and pass information across generations.

Using your levels of intelligence, we could argue that all of them serve a self-replicating purpose the core - level 0 if you will. On top of that chemistry exists, providing a basic self-replication mechanism. Evolution itself - the capacity to mutate - is a search mechanism for better self-replication ontop of the chemistry, so level 1 if you will. Then due to limitations in speed of evolution - societies evolve, not individuals - we have a level 2, epigenetics. Then we reach group dynamics (e.g. monkeys with electroshock that learn not to do a certain behaviour even though none of the original monkeys of the experiment are present), so information is passed through immediate interactions. This could very well be level 3. And finally passing and disseminating information across generations through written work as a level 4.

[1] https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/38728977-the-molecule...

I’ve been thinking deeply about this over the last couple of weeks. So sure, the obvious answer is the overriding human reward function is survival, propagation of our dna. Except I think it’s more complex than that, take War for example where people sacrifice themselves for an idea of nationality or culture, that goes against the ‘selfish gene’ theory. I think the answer is there are multiple reward functions that compete for dominance. Perhaps each of the different ‘brains’ has it’s own reward function.

> that goes against the ‘selfish gene’ theory

On the contrary, it confirms it, it means some individuals for the overall replication success of the genes they are constituted of, will sacrifice themselves.

In the book from which this theory have been popularised, the exemple of bees stinging like kamikazes is given.

>take War for example where people sacrifice themselves for an idea of nationality or culture, that goes against the ‘selfish gene’ theory

People sacrifice themselves in wars, because they think it's going to improve the chances of survival for their offspring, their extended family, their tribe, their kin, their nation, etc.

Exactly. This is the crux of the question: what is necessary as a starting point. What is not. And given what is: what emerges over time (like nationalism).

George Hotz comes a long way from the days of the first iPhone jailbreak.

I would love to hear a podcast on his life and career so far.

I fondly remember the details of the first iPhone jailbreak and the intricate detailed explanation he put out at the time.

He was on the Lex Fridman podcast twice. He's definitely an interesting guy. I've been following comma.ai for some time now it's really cool seeing how much they've accomplished.

August 2019 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwcYp-XT7UI

October 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L3gNaAVjQ4

I talked with him in the olden days[0]. Great guy. Incisive questions, got to the heart of things in very few words.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AllJoyn

he has a youtube channel and also streams on twitch i think.

He's streaming right at this moment. [1]

[1] https://www.twitch.tv/georgehotz

The first iPhone jailbreak is simply exposing a debug port

The current iPhone jailbreak requires the effort of nation states.

I know who's winning.

Sure. But it was a "stick it to the man" moment.

The high-level human reward function might be quite simple: just try to copy other humans. This works, because all living people are repositories of successful survival strategies, and unsuccessful behavior is weeded out by natural selection.

The reward function doesn't need to understand that sticking its arm in a fire pit is dangerous, it just doesn't do it because it has never seen anyone do it. It can also learn this by asking someone or reading it from somewhere, but it's the same thing.

It gets a job, because everyone else does too. It will get married, buy a house, get a dog etc. It'll talk about weather with its neighbor. No complex reward function needed; just copy.

This cannot work because you cannot learn causality this way. I'd you don't know why you are doing something, you don't understand it. Then if you encounter a new situation, you dont know how to react.

For example, you see that when the car is accelerating, people start pressing the gas. Then if you are in a car that starts accelerating, you will keep pressing the pedal, you don't understand that pressing the pedal is what causes the acceleration.

I took this example because it is something that really happened while I was teaching an agent to drive a car in a video game. The agent was trying to imitate lot of human recordings playing the game. And it learned to press the gas exactly when the car started accelerating, leading to a loop of never-ending acceleration.

Behaviors shouldn't be exact copies, but amalgamations of behaviors, much like art generated with diffusion models or text generated with GPT-3. That's copying with some ability to generalize and be creative.

It should be able to learn the causality, in the same way as GPT-3 is able to predict words in the correct order: "I pressed the brake pedal, and the car stopped."

But the correct order can be very hard to detect for causes-effects that are very close to each other.

Yeah, maybe. My original point was trying to answer the question of why is it driving. Why is it trying to drive like a normal person?

There's a strong tendency for humans to want to be 'normal'; to fit in. The 'want to be a human' seems to be a powerful reward function for humans, and it might work for AGI as well. For both humans and AGI, it can be achieved just by trying to copy others.

To get there, it should be able to figure out causalities etc. otherwise it wouldn't get the expected results.

Ok, now I see what you mean, and I think I agree with you. Imitation can be part of the reward, and it's true that child learn partially by imitation. It can certainly make learning much quicker. But I don't think that's enough. You need other rewards as well.

Life came before intelligence and intelligence emerged as a tool for advancing life or in another words intelligence helps you to increase your survival rate and it helps you to evolve. Those two things are interconnected.

I was researching Artificial Life a little bit and I came across this paper: Philosophical Aspects of Artificial Life, Mark A. Bedau.

The paper states[0] that processes characteristic of living systems are:

self-organization, spontaneous generation of order, and cooperation

self-reproduction and metabolization

learning, adaptation, purposiveness, and evolution

So artificial general intelligence would need to exhibit some of these characteristics if not all in order to be called "general". What I'm trying to say is that AGI would need to self-organize, cooperate, reproduce, learn, adapt and evolve either in digital or physical environment in order to be called Artificial General Intelligence and then it would sort of became Artificial Life capable of surviving on its own without anyone telling it what to do next.

[0] https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

This is very similar to the idea of embodied cognition:

> Embodied cognition is the theory that many features of cognition, whether human or otherwise, are shaped by aspects of an organism's entire body. Sensory and motor systems are seen as fundamentally integrated with cognitive processing. The cognitive features include high-level mental constructs (such as concepts and categories) and performance on various cognitive tasks (such as reasoning or judgment). The bodily aspects involve the motor system, the perceptual system, the bodily interactions with the environment (situatedness), and the assumptions about the world built into the organism's functional structure.


I believe this is a pretty mainstream concept in AI, also see the "AI and robotics" section in the page.

Yeah any definition of "intelligence" that precludes Steven Hawkings (who most certainly was not "capable of taking (almost) any human job").

This is an interesting definition of "something", but it isn't human intelligence.

> Thought [sic] it occurs to me that it would be pointless. Nobody doubts we could make a model and write MPC to control it. We could probably also build a simulation environment, do RL in the simulation, then transfer it over. But what happens when we encounter a bump? Gravel? Snow? A human trying to knock it over? A banana peel? Did you put all those things in your simulator?

> The only way forward is on device learning.

This clearly is faulty logic. None of that forces on-device learning at all.

Makes me think of Carmacks remark (from the lex fridman interview) that he 'almost count anyone out' that tries to make AGI happen through real life humanoid-ish machines. (Meaning simulated worlds that can do e.g. 1000x real time is much more efficinent.)

george talks about "A banana peel? Did you put all those things in your simulator?" -- it doesn't matter if it's in the simulation yet, the generalization of your algorithm is what matters... once it's ready to act with new objects by itself, put it in there to see if it can generalize around it. Humans dont know what a banana peel is until they've been exposed to it, and they work with it.

smart of carmack to say "almost anyone", clearly smart people are working via the humanoid aspect and I'd guess they'll have some discoveries before the simulation people, but not necessarily because they're going from the humanoid approach

At certain point, training / inference difference will be blur. Is GPT-3's prompt some kind of "learning" or just a different way to poke the model?

For RL, things like domain randomization, particularly, the way to train "teacher-student" network (like in MIT Cheetah running paper), when inference, it recovers physic parameters of the body, does that count as "learning"?

The simulation may not have "banana peel", but for a multi-modality model, it is not hard to imagine it has encountered an object with similar physic parameters before and "other models" in the system, after "fall over", can recover such parameters and won't be tricked again. Does that count as "learning"?

It all depends on how you define "learning".

I was just saying that I think George is wrong to say "The only way forward is on device learning." Especially his use of the word "only". I think in order to interact in the real world, you will have to learn in the real world to some extent, but like pilots do in training, something/someone can learn a lot from simulations.

Something to consider is that living creatures in general have hundreds of millions (billions?) of years and (insert very, very large number) of variations of trail and error in the real world. Intelligence and learning came way before humans.

Oh, I am totally in the camp of "simulation is enough". My reply is a convoluted way to argue that once learned enough in simulation, adaptation in real-world should just work (if you treat adaptation as a way of learning).

Geohot has some bias to believe AGI would have to exist in meatspace, he has invested years into cracking self driving cars and dealing with the messy real world.

He does plug open pilot at the end.

I'm not gonna take anyone's side here, just to point out that "bias" goes both ways. Carmack is a life-long game-developer (always more focused on "technical" aspects of gamedev, like graphics), and now basically a rich celebrity, who can indulge himself by something as grand and abstract as "working on AGI" (since 2019).

While Hotz is probably best known for his exploits, he still is a legit machine learning professional, and comma.ai is legit business actually focused on "AI-kinda -stuff".

Now, AGI is that thing from the joke about "teenage sex". Everyone has some opinion, but we don't really take it too seriously when LeCun, or Karpathy, or Hinton express their opinions on that, because everyone (except for Musk fans, obviously) knows, that no one knows. And as I've said, I'm not gonna take anyone's side here, but unlike Hotz, Carmack has almost as much clue about that stuff as some random FE-developer out there. So you can as well replace "bias" with "experience" here, and it would be as true, but the whole meaning would be quite different.

> Carmack is a life-long game-developer (always more focused on "technical" aspects of gamedev, like graphics), and now basically a rich celebrity, who can indulge himself by something as grand and abstract as "working on AGI" (since 2019).

He also started a rocket company and was a big part of making VR workable with reprojection techniques and other innovations (some of them may have had precedent but so did Doom, he and others got it all working in useable form this time, like Doom (Ultima Underworld was a bit slow and had to be run in a much smaller fraction of the screen)).

Beyond just pure rendering, he also created the first usable megatexturing/virtual texturing, now used about everywhere, which is almost more of a data management problem. It maybe wasn't that great until SSDs, but he knew that and put out an early mindblowing iphone version using the solid state storage and integrated cpu/gpu memory as well.

It seems odd to define AGI in a way that blind and deaf humans don't qualify for. This standard is certainly a standard for some kind of utility, but it seems very unrelated to the thing normally referred to as AGI.

> It must fit in a similar space to a human. Like it or not, it’s what the world is designed for.

This doesn't follow. The machine can be distributed, only peripherals need to fit in human space and they don't need to be smart.

> What is the human reward function?


Also, I don't know the right keywords to look for it, but it sounds like OP's (fascinating) question should have been tackled in scientific literature. e.g. found this in 10 seconds https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.04289

I like the direction of this post - intrinsic reward via some form of artificial curiosity is an understudied topic, especially at scale, I can't help but see the obvious compute and experience rate limitations inherent to real robots and their on-device computers.

When training a large NN requires 100x compute to run one instance of it, and when we know how much scale helps these things, what follows is we really have to put it into the foundation of your system design.

> What is the human reward function?

Sentences like this scare me.

The thought that something as nuanced, complex, diverse, and ever-changing as human desires, can be captured in a single, static "reward function" sounds ridiculous to me.

And yet, people will try, and they will probably get pretty close. And then those whose desires do not fit neatly into that "reward function", will suffer.

I can already see lots of suffering caused by this type of thinking, today.

Have you heard of the molecule dopamine?

That’s the reward mechanism, not the function, isn’t it? You can release it by jumping off a cliff or reading a novel.

I was just thinking that the next class of advances in AI could come from the ability to learn in a similar way humans do.

For example, a model could read a book and then answer questions about it after a period of thinking about and processing the information.

Basically, go beyond the paradigm of single forward pass.

The current models do something like intuitive, instant thinking humans do. But they can't do the type of thinking which takes a long period of time.

Taking long term considerations into account does not need to happen over a long period of time. The advantage of machines is their superior ability to parallel process efficiently so you'd expect answering questions would happen pretty quickly or even as the model parses the book.

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