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Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (July 2022)
112 points by whoishiring on July 1, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 239 comments
Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format:

  Willing to relocate:
Readers: please only email these addresses to discuss work opportunities.

Searchers: try https://seisvelas.github.io/hn-candidates-search/ or https://hirehackernews.com/.

"You're like a laser-guided missile I can point at technical problems" -- a past employer


  Location: Pittsburgh, PA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: PostgreSQL, Python, Emacs, Linux, GNU Make, Bash, Docker + docker-compose, misc Lisp and Scheme dialects, JavaScript, Node.js, Terraform, Nginx, misc cloud services/platforms, + more
  Learning/interested in: Nix, other expression/config languages, statically-typed functional languages, logical/data-constraint languages (eg Prolog, Datalog, Mercury, CUE), + more
  Email: contact@armichael.com
  Resume: https://www.armichael.com/resume.pdf
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewrmichael

I'm a software engineer (backend/data/infra) with a background in college level mathematics education and community service.

Intensely curious, with wide exposure to a variety of technologies, problem spaces, and programming paradigms.

Recent work includes relational database design and administration, data modeling, API design and integrations, documentation, and tooling/scripting/automation for a greenfield project at a startup.

I'm also a long-time juggler and occasionally perform for charity and holiday events.

  Location: NYC
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Go, JavaScript, Python, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Electron
  Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-e-97a490178/
  Email: phil@multiprocess.io
Dev and manager for the last 10 years. Dev manager at a series A startup and then at Oracle. Quit Oracle last year to scratch my own itch and see if I could build a company around open-source data tools [0].

Over the last year (12 months) I've gotten nearly 5000 github stars across a few repos, thousands of users, 10 or so open-source contributors, around 20 blog posts and projects on the front of HN (across eatonphil.com and multiprocess.io/blog), ~900 members on a hacker discord and 300 on a virtual hacker meetup. I talked to a bunch of VCs (including YCombinator) and saw similar products not further along get funded but ultimately couldn't nail it myself. So I'm headed back to full-time employment.

Either interested in engineering management at a late stage/public company or interested in flexible roles (more toward the cofounder spectrum or director of engineering) at earlier stage startups in the data and devtools space.

[0] https://datastation.multiprocess.io/blog/2022-06-11-year-in-...

Hey all, good afternoon here from the East Coast. I am a 11 year plus full stack software engineer looking for new opportunities. I invite all to check out my small blog and my GitHub as I am rather proud of all my documentation there. Some things notable about myself I was basically a founding engineer with Signal Foundation and myself came up with the name change "TextSecure" to "Signal". Also as far as I am aware I had the first OSS implementation of a limit order book online and my Ethereum exploit write-up is IMO pretty cool.

Location: Rhode Island

Remote: Local or Remote

Willing to relocate: No relocation

Technologies: Javascript, React, Java, Rust, Docker, Linux, Git

Resume/CV: https://rhodey.org/assets/resume.pdf

GitHub: https://github.com/rhodey

Email: mike@rhodey.org

Hey, your resume link gives a 404 just FYI.

Location: S.F. Bay Area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Numerous, see resume

Resume/CV: https://laclin.com/kiraly-resume.pdf

Email: me@boldcoder.com

I've worked on 100s of successful projects for Rockwell, Northrop Grumman, Adobe, Motorola, the DTIC, UK-NCIS, and many others. I was the sole software developer one year for 50% of the U.S. Vote and did the initial draft of one of Adobe's printer protocols. I've worked on my own Linux distro for 25 years and have patched and built 1,000s of FOSS packages in the process.

In my most recent role, discussed in the PDF, I had a patch to Linux kernel 5.17 accepted. It was a minor patch but made it possible for the project to support vanilla kernels.

I'm looking for 1099 work. At the moment I have a preference towards junior roles and/or "fill in the gaps" tasks.

Hi Robert - I don't have a position to offer but I can suggest a recruiter who will get you placed I'm fairly sure given you're in Bay Area if you DM me. You've got a lot of interesting experience!

Some constructive feedback about your CV you might want to consider to get picked up faster (I read through a lot of resumes):

- change the order of your experience so it's reverse timeline; start with your more current experience and then go backwards in time instead of starting with the oldest experience first

- change the wording to be more concise, it takes a lot of time to read through because you include lots of details like it's a story in first-person (use the word 'I' a lot). Example:

   "As part of this work, I contributed to upstream OpenCart."
Change to just a summary bullet point like:

   * heavy contributed to upstream OpenCart (https://github.com/opencart/opencart) project
Otherwise, good luck!

Hi frellus, thanks for the feedback. You seem to not provide an email address in your profile. You can send me a ping as my address is publicly available!

Sorry about that, I'm not sure how to DM on HackerNews and I don't want to expose my e-mail here, but I'll post my LinkedIn:


Also here's a link to the recruiter I'd recommend; they focus mainly on DevOps/SRE roles for the Bay Area: https://www.harrisonclarke.com/

Location: San Francisco

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Javascript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, Prisma ORM, PostgreSQL, Heroku

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VGheqSk-GqH-A2IQ7ey_lMgm...

Email: barrettm51@gmail.com

Website: https://barrettnelson.me/

I'm Barrett Nelson. I'm a recent bootcamp graduate with a strong full-stack skillset looking for a paid internship or entry level software engineering role. Willing to work hard and learn quickly in my next position.

  Location: Chicago
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes (conditional)
  Technologies: JavaScript, Node, PHP, MVC frameworks, Ruby, .NET, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Git, Docker (basic), Apache
  Résumé/CV: on request
  Email: chris.cajas.m@gmail.com
I've been in the freelance world for roughly 10 years, working as an independent contractor for boutique web agencies, early startups and other small businesses. Even game dev for indie game studios. College graduate with no formal CS training or education.

I want to go from a freelance dev/webmaster type of role, to a better-paid and more formal SWE career. Collaborating with and learning from a team of engineers, to build and deploy products at larger scales.

As a freelancer, I have adequate client-facing experience, communicating directly with clients for to better understand their problems, and discussing RFPs to meet goals. On the tech side of things, I've been very much been a "code only" person. Usually working independently (sometimes alone, sometimes in a small group of developers) with feature work and closing tickets with little regard to CD/CI. I will need on-boarding to learn modern, systematic approaches to software engineering using methods involving automation, testing, and cloud services. And understanding the team dynamics of a larger company.

Not interested in contract work or small startups. Remote work would not be a problem, having been accustomed to remote-only workflows since 2013.


A sword is to a whetstone? :/

  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes (only)
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Full-stack, JavaScript, Smalltalk, Swift, Rust (more in my dev story in personal site, link below)

  Email: sebastianconcept@gmail.com

  Not in a hurry. I’m exploring career improvement opportunities. 

  I’ve helped (twice) companies to scale their applications from millions of users to an architecture that can scale x10 that. I’m a full-stack developer with a bias towards writing flexible and elegant code that other developers find easy to read, scale and maintain. I'm good at keeping tech-debt at bay (AKA maintain ability to scale in complexity while keeping tech costs linear). I've been working remotely in diverse teams for the last 9 years. I can help mostly with anything JavaScript full-stack and docker, AWS, GCloud.

  I’d be happy developing iOS Swift or Rust, JavaScript or Smalltalk which I know is niche but it’s my forte :)

  My current pet project is an IDE for Smalltalk with a Svelte frontend and a Rust backend.

  Not interested unless you have something in the higher side of 6 figures plus benefits and your company have good chances of being acquired or, better, going IPO.

Location: Portland, OR

Remote: Required

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JS, Node, React, Go, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, many static site generators, Docker, Linux, and much more

Résumé/CV: https://benaiah.me/assets/resume.pdf

GitHub: https://github.com/benaiah

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benaiahmischenko/

Website: https://benaiah.me

Email: benaiah@mischenko.com

I have over a decade of experience working at all levels of the stack. After nearly five years at Netlify, I took some time off to work on authorship projects and I'm now finally ready for another opportunity. I've worked on a very complex entirely front-end application allowing you to do content management for static sites (https://netlifycms.org), build infrastructure powering the sites of hundreds of thousands of users, and many other projects. I'd love to join a team doing socially meaningful work at scale with interesting technologies. Please reach out if you are looking for someone with my experience or know someone who is.

Location: Canada

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Various solvers (CPLEX, Gurobi, Or-Tools, etc.), Python, C++, Bash, Linux, and others

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/PhilippeOlivier/curriculum-vitae/blob/mas...

Email: See CV

I have a PhD in optimization / operations research. I'm the father of four young children, so I'm looking for flexible/remote part-time work, and/or contract work. I can work between 20 and 30 hours a week (this varies depending on whether kids get sick, etc).

My specializations revolve around optimization and operations research. You can give me a real-world problem and I can translate it into a mathematical model that can be solved (often optimally) via integer programming, constraint programming, or various forms of metaheuristics. I could manage my way around new solvers and programming languages if the project required it.

I'm currently working on a daily fantasy sports (DFS) solver as a personal project. Taking as input the predictions/requirements of a user, this solver can generate optimal lineups for multi-entry tourneys. It is, as far as I am aware, the only DFS solver that can generate provably optimal sets of lineups for multi-entry DFS tourneys.

Location: Rzeszów in Poland, Europe

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Python, PostgreSQL, Django, Git, Docker, Linux. And whatever is needed.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YpDL3hzLu28h9cI1cV_tDdv9nK3...

Email: stakent@walat.eu

I'm redirecting my career path from industrial maintenance management to software development.

I've done, among other things, over 10 years of code maintenance and functions extensions in a live industrial production environments.

My current preferred tool set: Python, PostgreSQL, Django, Git, Docker, Linux. Now I prefer boring tools which allow me to concentrate on the problem at hand.

I'm open to other tools as needed.

My most recent project is Polish law change monitoring service available at https://unkot.pl. The source code https://gitlab.com/stakent/unkot

In the past I've used go (golang), cython, neural networks with feedback loops running on CPUs, genetic programming.

I've designed and implemented event driven architecture with log based source of truth for the system which is distributed, eventually consistent, can work with unreliable network.

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Linux, AIX, Docker, Golang, .Net, Java, HTML, CSS, JS, Node, Angular, Python, Rust, React, Postgres, SQL, Git, EC2, S3, WebXR, Lua, Bash, Perl, P$, VBA, etc.


[DOCX]: https://fucci.dev/assets/Heather-Fucci-Software-Engineer-Res...

[PDF]: https://fucci.dev/assets/Heather-Fucci-Software-Engineer-Res...

Email: heather@fucci.dev

I'm a software engineer that is tired of attempting to transition into the industry by taking adjacent jobs in tech. My decade long career has been defined by me taking a role on an IT/tech support team and finding ways to create software solutions for my work in order to demonstrate my engineering ability. This strategy has been unsuccessful aside from exposing me to software development at every layer of the stack with a large variety of disparate systems.

If you need a software engineer who's not going to shy away from any technology you put in front of her, with the customer service skills to back it up, I'm your gal.

I'm currently working nights so replies may come late.

I started in a similar path, working as IT support and pivoting that role to in house software development.

Wishing you the best, and wanted to suggest converting your resume to PDF for sharing. I can't open it on my phone.

Thanks, and good shout--I updated my comment with a PDF link.

Location: East Coast, USA

Remote: Yes (required)

Willing to relocate: No

Tech: JavaScript, Ruby/Rails, Java, Kotlin, Scala, some Python

CV: Upon request, please read below:

* I am looking specifically for a 4 day work week at a stable, profitable company that can pay around 250k *

I am an experienced Staff Software Engineer with experience managing teams as well (~13 professional years + many more hobby years of building software at scale, for small and large tech co's). I am mainly backend focused currently but have done full stack in the past and am happy to again. You will find that I am a very capable engineer and leader, work well on a team (I enjoy mentoring junior engineers quite a bit), and enjoy working closely with product/exec leadership on executing a vision. My goal is to build the software that serves the business, rather than software that I think is cool. I can manage a budget and deliver working, scalable software without running up huge AWS charges.

I've been doing "the grind" for well over a decade now, and am casually looking for something a little more sustainable that allows me some time to spend with family, on hobbies, and on side projects.

Reach out if this sounds like you :)

Email: rco8786 at gmail

Keeping this separate from my main HN account as I am currently employed.

23 years of experience in software engineering in both web and application-based settings on a variety of platforms utilizing a variety of languages in a wide range of industries. I have worn a lot of hats over the last 23 years. The last 4 years have been mostly at the managerial level as a team lead and engineering manager, and I think I would like to continue down that path. I still enjoy a bit of hands-on development work, but working with people is actually more interesting!

  Location: Alabama, USA
  Remote: Yes, Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes [0]
   - Concepts: Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Project Management, Team Management, Engineering Leadership, SDLC
   - Languages: Bash, C, CSS, Forth, Java, JavaScript (mostly Node and Vue, but a bit of React Native), Lua, Objective-C, PHP (Laravel, Lumen), Python, Swift
   - Systems: FreeBSD, Linux (Ubuntu, Gentoo, RedHat/Fedora/CentOS), Mac OS X
   - Tools: Apache, Asterisk, AWS (EC2, S3), Azure (Storage), Beanstalk, bower, collectd, Composer, Docker, ElasticSearch, Grafana, Git, InfluxDB, Kibana, Logstash, MySQL (Percona), nginx, Postfix, Postgres, Puppet, Sass, Sphinx, SQLite, Terraform, Webpack
  Résumé/CV: Full resume available on request
  Email: hire2022@epsilonthree.com
[0] The answer to this is complex. We would probably be looking to relocate even for a fully remote position. Not to put too fine a point on things, but Alabama is not a safe place for us anymore and is trending more and more unsafe. However we need to stay within a reasonable driving distance of our aging family. So places like Maryland, DC area and Delaware, and possibly northern Virginia or maybe Georgia at a stretch (in and around Atlanta) would be options.

  Location: West Virginia, US
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C#/.NET, C, C++, PHP, JavaScript/Node.JS
  Résumé/CV: Will provide upon email request.
  Email: ItsKaitlyn03(at)protonmail(dot)com
  GitHub: https://github.com/ItsKaitlyn03
Hi there! I'm a self-taught programmer, I've been programming using the above technologies for over 7 years (though I'm primarily a C#/.NET developer).

I've developed various projects/tools over the past few years that are useful for me but I think others would find interest in as well, some of the projects I've built/worked on include:

- EditorEX, a mod for the hit VR game "Beat Saber" that enhances the newly added official 3D beatmap editor and adds some well-desired features.

- Reality, a Unreal Engine mod loader written in C# that works by hosting CLR and uses native delegates, etc.

- osu.Launcher, a program which runtime patches the rhythm game called "osu!" to let it run on unofficial servers.

You can check out all of these projects over on my GitHub, feel free to reach out over email if you're interested! :)

  Location: Silicon Valley / San Francisco Bay Area (CA) USA, NYC (PST, ET, CET)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: next.js, react.js, amp, seo, incremental migration, web performance, web accessibility
  Résumé/CV: contact
  Email: contact+hn@abhineet.me
  Résumé/CV: https://abhineet.me
Need help with migrating to next.js? Looking for a React developer who would be productive from day 1? Hi. I'm looking for full-time remote roles in a well-funded stable company (I will work in the company's core office hours. 0 issues with timezones. Been working remotely before covid)

Building websites since 2016, working with React since 2018 and have 2 years of production next.js experience

Super comfortable with Next.js, React, Redux (with sagas), tailwind, material ui, styled-components, SEO schemas, AMP, MERN, scalable deployment on GCP/AWS/Vercel, incremental migration and parallel deployment (WordPress blogs, new next.js code and old code working on the same domain)

I value web performance (web vitals) and accessibility and could create high conversion dynamic pages

Embedded Firmware Engineer

Location: Sarasota

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: No thank you

Technologies: Sensors; Communications; Drone/UAV/robotics: New product development; Sustainment; Embedded/firmware/bare metal, FreeRTOS, NuttX; *nix/RF/crypto; Kinetis KE Cortex M0+ & M4, Nordic Semi's M4 SOC, ST's M4 ARMs, Espressif's ESP8266, Microchip dsPIC; realtime; IAR, gcc via MCUXpresso & Kinetis Dev and TrueStudio & unix like systems; MPLAB-X IDE; Embedded FreeBSD; Embedded Linux on for ex. Raspberry Pi / Broadcom BCM2837; PX4 drone NuttX on STM32F4; gdb; clang; UML; debugging development prototype hardware; embedded HTTP server; grid support power generation systems; TCP and UDP over IP; Ethernet; power line communications; RS-485; RV-C CANBUS; Bluetooth LE; LoRA; Battery powered devices; storage scopes; visual studio; Java w/Android Studio; GNSS. Licensed attorney & pilot (ASEL/IA); amateur radio extra class

Resume: Please request by email

Email: hginfla@gmail.com

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: IR/Search (Java, Python, Solr, ElasticSearch, Lucene), ML/Semantic Search (Pinecone, SentenceTransformer, PyTorch), Computer Vision (C++, OpenCV, LibAV, LibSVM, FLANN), Data Science and NLP (NumPy, SciPy, sklearn, SpaCy), Hadoop

Résumé/CV: https://andremourao.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/AndreMour...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andre-mourao/

GitHub: https://github.com/amourao/

Email: andre.b.mourao@gmail.com

R&D engineer (with Ph.D. in Computer Science), with experience on building large scale distributed systems for Search, Computer Vision and Machine Learning.

  Location: Italy
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: TypeScript, Javascript, Node.js, Python, Go, Docker, Git, Bash, Protobuf, SQL, Vue.js, Svelte
  Résumé/CV: Available on request
  Email: tidy.desk5535@fastmail.com
Full stack developer with over 6 years of professional experience building medium sized projects (mainly REST APIs/microservices in TypeScript), I enjoy pure functions, contributing to open source projects and building new things, I have built and scaled a profitable side project that is handling millions of events every year.

Location: Atlanta Ga, USA (planning on moving to another state though).

Remote: Required.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: Modern C++, some Python, familiar with HTML/CSS/JavaScript but rusty, Qt

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iq7nkcfqjkinu2p/Iris%20Chase%20Res...

Email: iris (at)) ....... enesda puncutation com (good luck scraping that ;)

Self-taught, I've spent years trying to bootstrap software companies but I've exhausted my ramen money if you catch my drift.

My crowning project is called IVD (github.com/irischase/IVD) which is a GUI programming language and implementation; it's also: A bad way to try to make money from scratch. I really leveled up a ton in all aspects as an engineer from the project, but it's unfinished and in hiatus because after spending 3+ years on it I realized how much time doing anything interesting takes (especially alone) and that I need to pick my battles more wisely. I still want to get back to it someday though, but for now I'm seeking employment to get my ducks in a row. See my resume for a better overview of what I've been up to.

I'm fine with web tech, it just wasn't appropriate for the projects I got most of my experience on. Feel free to reach out if you feel like there could be a fit! :)

  Location: Brazil / Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Mainly TypeScript and React nowadays but I've worked with stuff likeAndroid, Angular, AWS, Backbone, C#, CoffeeScript, Cordova/PhoneGap, CSS, Drupal, ECMAScript, Elm, Express, ESLint, F#, GraphQL, HTML, iOS, Jade, JavaScript, Kepler, Knockout, Lua, Mocha, MySQL, Node, Objective-C, PHP, Prettier, Publique!, Rails, React, Redux, REST, Ruby, Sass, Styled Components, Stylus, Symfony, TypeScript, Unix, among others, in the past
  Email: adelgado1313@gmail.com
Résumé/CV: https://elros.com.br/docs/A-Daniel-Delgado-CV.pdf (check it out it's quite detailed)

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adanieldelgado/

– 15+ years of technical experience in many technologies and industries

– 3+ years of leadership experience

– I'm very product-focused, I want to deliver value to customers, and I love to immerse myself in whatever problem I'm solving

– Looking for positions that I can apply both technical knowledge and leadership skills, such as Engineering Manager, Tech Lead, Lead Developer, Software Architect, or other positions depending on the context and size

Location: Washington D.C. Metro Area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but I am open to discussing a reasonable schedule of visiting HQ/my team's office (e.g. for a week once a quarter)

Primary expertise and experience: Regulatory affairs including de novo IND and BLA filings, project management, value proposition development, cross-functional & multinational team collaboration and management, stakeholder management, vendor evaluation

Résumé/CV: Please email me for a .pdf of my CV

Email: dyhndz [at] gmail [dot] com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dyhndz

Hi, I am a highly motivated biotechnology professional with a diverse experience background including time at a top 10 global pharma company, national government laboratory, rare disease biotech startup, and now international CRO. I have collaborated with cross-functional teams and subject matter experts to develop product regulatory development support solutions and value propositions for over 150 biotech and 5 international pharmaceutical companies. My goal is to take my experience supporting sponsors and apply it by working for a sponsor directly, utilizing my end-to-end drug development and regulatory knowledge as well as management expertise to contribute to the company's mission.

While I am open to discussing regarding a variety of roles, my position preferences include regulatory, program and portfolio management, and analogous solution consulting roles.

  Location: India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Résumé: gnanesh.me/resume.pdf
  Email: gnaneshkunal (at) outlook.com
  Github: https://github.com/GnaneshKunal
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gnanesh-kunal/
  Technologies: Python, Golang, Typescript, Rust, React, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Postgres, Cypher Query, Distributed Systems, Cloud computing, OpenTelemetry, Google Cloud, Reverse Engineering, Distributed Tracing
I have been doing Golang, TypeScript and Python professionally, mostly targeting Backend development. I have led JavaScript to Typescript migration of frontend and took complete responsibility to add multiple enterprise backend modules with test driven approach. Furthermore, I tend to be a T-shaped person with the core in full-stack/backend and consistently learning leadership skills. I understand database internals and actively contribute to Redis ecosystem. Properly skilled with distributed technologies and cloud native patterns. Currently working for a fintech company. I have multiple independent contractor experience spanning from desktop & web application development to reverse engineering mobile applications. I also contribute to OSS during my free time.

Please mention HN while connecting with me.

Location: Southern California Remote: yes

Willing to relocate : No

Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, Go, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, mongoose, RESTful APIs, JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, React/Redux, HTML/CSS, jQuery, AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku, Terraform,Docker, Docker Swarm Mode, Ansible, Linux, Git/GitHub, OCLIF, Webhooks.

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10rgNd6ydT4efA3yPQk-fnQJ5P4D...

Email: leal.brendan@gmail.com

I'm a full stack software engineer looking for new opportunities. My latest work involved developing Sentinel, an open source, self-hosted, platform as a service with built in support for canary deployments. I'm proud of leading the design of Sentinel's core architecture which was designed to be deployed in any cloud provider. This involved automating the provisioning of compute instances and their configuration details with Terraform and Ansible. I also played a significant role in other parts of the Sentinel platform including:

- the implementation Docker Swarm Mode for managing applications deployed on the platform

- designing a RESTful API

- developing a command line interface written in TypeScript.

You can read more about the project here: https://sentinel-paas.github.io/

Location: India

Remote: Yes (Preferring US/Canada timezones)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Full Web/SaaS stack, Java, Python, Git, Docker, Linux, and quick adaptability in an unfamiliar stack.

Résumé/CV: http://nitinpathak.com

Email: np1810[at]pm.me

From school itself, I was actively involved in software development, with my first public application being released in 2012. In 2016, during two months internship, I developed a web app to create geofences over Google maps and send alerts when breached. After college as a CS graduate, I started as an intern in 2017 and eventually progressed upwards to SDE1 and then SDE2 by 2018. Over time within different projects, I have worked with AWS S3, SQS, DDB, Firehose, ElasticSearch, StepFunctions, Lambdas, API Gateway, CloudFront, and Route53, EC2, ECS, and frameworks like – AngularJS, ReactJS, FabricJS, SpringMVC. Over the past two years, I have tried to involve myself in every engineering aspect that a programmer might not usually find himself in. I got into hardware by dissembling and repairing my old 2014 college laptop, installing Hackintosh understanding Apple kexts, learned about networking, Linux iptables and created wireguard exit rPi node for accessing Indian sites from the US, built Kali Nethunter for Nexus 5, repaired PCB for household washing machine, did freelancing for family-network clients, installing GrapheneOS on my Pixel and have been trying out different ideas myself that might turn into a startup.

Please mention HN while connecting with me.


Hi ! Wonder if you'd like to send us a CV ? We're a Flutter development agency based in south Manchester, UK. We also work with Native and React Native.

We're currently looking for a permanent middle/senior mobile developer - https://foresightmobile.com/careers - quite happy with remote workers. Salary totally negotiable. You've got some great skills there and we'd be very happy to have a chat with you.

All the best ! Dave

Location: Munich, Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, within Germany or to Norway/Denmark/Sweden.

Technologies: Python, C++, Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, SQL, the Python ML/DS Stack (numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, Tensorflow, JAX). First experience in React+typescript (with next.js).

Résumé/CV: https://www.nicholasjunge.com/cv.pdf

Email: nicho[dot]junge[at]gmail[dot]com

I'm a software dev with math/physics background, primarily focused on machine learning and data science/engineering. My main topics of study were theoretical physics, statistics, numerical analysis and ML.

I have worked with some other tools that fit the broader "MLOps" job description too, like Docker/Kubernetes, primarily on GCP. I would like to continue my career in this space (ideally as an MLOps / Data Engineer).

On the side, I have been contributing to a couple of FOSS projects, like Google Benchmark, JAX and ZenML. My latest project is pybm, a Python CLI for reproducibly benchmarking code throughout a git history. You can find it along with several other projects on my github at https://github.com/nicholasjng.

Location: Brisbane, Australia (GMT +10)

Remote: 100%

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Laravel, PHP, Python, VueJS, Ionic Framework, AngularJS, Tableau, PowerBI, Pentesting, Vulnerability Analysis, Robotic Process Automation (UiPath)

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kmuf9kgwszqakxu/resume.pdf?dl=0

Email: kharosjobs@protonmail.com

Salary: Equivalent to $150k+ AUD

I'm a full stack developer with 7 years experience in developing interactive websites and mobile apps. At the same time I also built 7 years experience in Business Intelligence and have worked extensively with both Tableau and Power BI and also used ETL tools and python to ingest data from excel exports and API's. My biggest accomplishment was developing an entire reporting website with Tableau reports for the franchised section of one of Australia's largest telcos, including payment processing using Stripe.

I'm looking to make the move into cyber security now and have some experience pentesting on HackTheBox and have obtained CEH (Master) and Comptia Security+ certifications.

I'm between jobs at the moment so open to any offers of employment or contract work in cyber security or in BI.

Software Engineer with CS background and understanding of the need to create product value proposition for customers.

Prefer a team that deems it is important to seek out other technically competent people to work with. Also prefer teams that take ownership of the stack as much as possible from frontend to backend.

Location: San Francisco / CA / US

Remote: Yes open to remote or hybrid or onsite

Willing to relocate: Yes

Résumé/CV: https://wjkgc.vercel.app/wnfjkrg.html

Email: Inside https://wjkgc.vercel.app/wnfjkrg.html

Technologies: Bash / Shell, JavaScript, Python, Go, TypeScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, Svelte, ReduxJS, GraphQL, Jest, ESLint, PM2, NextJS, ExpressJS, AWS, HTML, CSS, Assembly, Adobe Photoshop

Other: GPT-Neo, HuggingFace

If you know geocities, you can mention it when you send me a message. If you were an early adopter of irc or gmail, you can mention it too.

For the crawlers:

Github: Inside https://wjkgc.vercel.app/ceknogf.html

Gitlab: Inside https://wjkgc.vercel.app/ceknogj.html

Website: https://wjkgc.vercel.app/wnfjkrg.html

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, React Native & Node.JS development with JavaScript and TypeScript. Python, Pytorch for Machine Learning.

Résumé/CV: I have a masters in computer science, with a thesis in deep learning.

I also have a blog at https://www.mikealche.com where I've written several blog posts that made it to the front page in Hacker News: General problem solving: https://www.mikealche.com/software-development/how-to-implem...

Databases schema design: https://www.mikealche.com/software-development/a-humble-guid...

React animations tutorial: https://www.mikealche.com/software-development/learn-react-a...

Email: mikealche at gmail

          `                        I am github.com/tombh
                        Full-stack engineer with 15 years experience             '
                      British digital nomad currently in South America
                    .                        .             `
                        Some of you may know me from https://brow.sh                       `
                          < the text-based terminal web browser />    ' 
                  '    ᵗʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠʳᵒⁿᵗ ᵖᵃᵍᵉ ʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃ ᶠᵉʷ ᵗⁱᵐᵉˢ
                                            ...            `                     .     
                 Linux · Typescript · Golang · Python · Kubernetes · Postgres
       `                         ᵈᵉⁿᵒ · ʳᵘᵇʸ · ʳᵘˢᵗ · ᵉˡⁱˣⁱʳ
              `                           Remote                 .                        .
                                    Willing to relocate
          '                         ᵗᵒᵐ ᵃᵗ ᵗᵒᵐᵇʰ·ᶜᵒ·ᵘᵏ                            .

                                   `                    .

  Location: Malaysia
  Remote: Yes, and have previous experience working remotely
  Willing to Relocate: Open to the possibility
  Technologies: Ruby / Ruby on Rails, Solidus, JS(Turbo, Stimulus), Slim, Mysql, PostgreSQL, CSS (Sass, Bootstrap, Tailwind), deployments(Heroku, DO, AWS), UI Design.
  Résumé/CV: https://ajmaleylia.com/ajmaleylia-ruby-resume-2022.pdf
  Email: aj.eylia at gmail.com
Hi, I'm Aj, a backend developer(Rails) with over 9 years experience. I believe in writing simple, easy to read code with a strong emphasis on maintainability. I’ve worked with clients as well as gained experience in enterprise and startup environments.

What are things that I can do?

  - develop custom business tools/dashboard with chart and graph
  - develop RESTful APIs for your mobile apps
  - develop custom e-commerce with Solidus or develop Shopify app
  - develop SaaS product with payment, subscription module
  - automate business with third party tools like Slack, Mailchimp, Helpscout

Location: Hungary

Remote: Yes (US time zone)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C# .NET MVC, React, Angular, JavaScript, Xamarin, REST, SQL, Azure DevOps, AWS, Docker, Blazor, WCF, SOAP, SCSS, Netlify functions, etc.

Résumé/CV: https://www.boroscsaba.com/

Email: boros.csaba94@gmail.com

Github: https://github.com/boros-csaba

Toptal: https://www.toptal.com/resume/boros-csaba

Available for part-time or full-time contract work, preferably on a long-term basis, but I'm also available for smaller projects.

I am very flexible with my working hours (mostly working with clients from USA and EU). I am a full-stack developer with more than 8 years of professional experience mostly in the C# .NET stack as a freelance developer. I don't shy away from the DevOps and DBA parts of the project either. I also like to create beautiful UI's that users love.

I prefer a long-term contract, but I'm also available for smaller projects.

I also work through Toptal. My CV is available on my toptal profile and my website.

My rate is $70/hour.

  Location: Offshore
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Pandas, SQL, Vue/Nuxt, RESTful Flask, Heroku, Netlify, Linux
  Résumé/CV: https://www.anyfactor.xyz/
  Email: anyfactor@gmail.com
  Timezone: Timezone agnostic. 
  Rate: USD 25 / Hour 

> Programming Language: Python, Javascript

> Data Analytics/Engineering & Browser Automation: Pandas, Requests-HTML, Selenium, Tableau, SQL

> Learning: Typescript, PySpark, DBT, GCP, Airflow, intermediate PostgreSQL

Looking for: Entry level, contract, remote position in a development team which is open to collaboration.

Preferred positions:

Data first Technical Roles: Data Engineering, Data Analytics, Analytics Engineer, Python Development

Customer Facing Technical Roles: Customer Success Engineer, Technical Support, Customer Support etc.

Experience: 5 years experience as a freelance Python developer specializing in automation, web scraping, bots, data analytics and API development. I specialize in reverse engineering sites, building automation solutions on top of that, doing data manipulation and wrapping everything an API with a simple web UI. I also part time as a small startup oriented social media manager.

I am looking for a Junior Frontend or Full-Stack (with Node) role.

  Location: Vienna, Austria
  Remote: Either is fine.
  Willing to relocate: Would be interested in relocating to London (need visa), or Japan (spouse is Japanese). Anywhere else, probably not.
  Technologies: TypeScript, React/Next.js, CSS, React Query, Express, Postgres, MongoDB, REST, GraphQL, tRPC, Jest, Cypress, Docker, GitHub Actions, AWS (EC2/S3/RDS), Git, Linux
Self taught programmer with a background in design, currently working as a University lecturer while building out projects and contributing to OSS, looking for my first full time dev job. I’m a full stack developer with a particular strength in front end design/styling but can contribute anywhere in the stack.

My long term goal is a role where I can make use of my experience as a teacher, but for the time being I would also be happy just being an IC.

Portfolio: https://c-ehrlich.dev

Github: https://github.com/c-ehrlich

Email: on portfolio/github

CV: on request

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes. Only to the US for now.

Technologies: Python, Django, DRF, PostgreSQL. I've also played with CSS and Javascript. I'm comfortable doing code reviews, writing automated tests, and with Git. Other technologies I've worked with include Docker, Kubernetes, some AWS, RabbitMQ etc.

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DjfVknJG9Knaslsv1CLqeD77...

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ferdemacedo

Email: fer.de.macedo@gmail.com

I have about a year of experience as a Software Engineer/Back-end developer and I am looking for a full-time role. Interested in going Full-stack if there's space to learn on the job! Also super interested in learning new languages and frameworks that are not listed here!

Not looking for senior roles at the moment.

Feel free to contact me via e-mail or Linkedin.

Look forward to hearing from you! :)

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Remote: Yes (CET timezones)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C#/.NET Core/.NET Core MVC/ML.NET/EF Core/MSSQL/Python/Native Android App Dev with Java

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_1UeECZ-86qpyUmajECO_ug4WBh...

Email: On resume

Hey there. I'm pretty close to having 1 YOE in software development. I've professional experience in .NET Core, especially with integration of deep learning models. I've liked hopping around between software specializations and frameworks during my studies but somewhat settled on what I want to do.

I'm mainly looking for a fulltime junior role in backend/backend focused fullstack role, would like to broaden my limited knowledge on cloud and DevOps if I can. I'd also be okay with long term contract work, with close to typical weekly working hours.

The tech that I think I'd pick up quickly because I've tinkered with them before: Redis/Docker/PytTorch/OpenCV/NestJS/Firebase Functions

Location: Virginia

Remote: Yes (have worked exclusively remotely for past 11 years)

Willing to relocate: No

I've been doing full-stack work for the past 11 years, with Python and Django on the back-end and HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery on the front-end. I've also worked with the Django REST Framework and React.js. I'm intimately familiar with schema and data migrations, including migrations between Django projects. I've worked extensively with startups and I've worked with Twitter. I have a lot of experience working with distributed teams and am open to occasional travel. Available full (~32hrs) or part time. Interested in Python work or full-stack with Python.

Résumé: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8b4x4qzEFAOS0FFb1NhcDBOVk...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustan-bower-722331ba/

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Python, Django, Django REST Framework, migrations

Email: dustan.bower at gmail

  Location: Minneapolis, MN
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Java, R, OCaml, C, C++, NumPy, Matplotlib, NLTK, React
  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1shbDGq63KU1EPFfPnYNWnR1I_w69R3ydVInvGKd0tYU/edit?usp=sharing
  Email: baumgartgustav@gmail.com
  Internship: Yes
  GitHub: https://github.com/GustavBaumgart
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gustav-baumgart-8261881b5/
I received my B. S. in computer science with a math minor from the University of Minnesota this past May 2022, and am currently pursuing an M.S. in computer science at the same university. During my academics, I focused on software engineering and machine learning.

Since June 2021, I have taught Python and Scratch to elementary and middle schoolers at the non-profit AiGoLearning. I am currently interning at TurbineHub, where I write code to integrate data on wind turbines and electricity prices. These experiences have taught me to be a clearer communicator and a self-starter.

  Location: EU-based, 5 hours overlap with PST
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Kafka, Flink, Spark, Cassandra, Druid, Scala, Python, Zookeeper, BigQuery, Redshift, Kinesis, Airflow, DBT, Snowflake, PrestoSQL, Stitch, FiveTran, Clickhouse, SQL, Big Data Engineering
  Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10FN5XoGcOdMj6p1lcl4iQCQ1PKvjEjyp/view
  Email: in the profile
I'm pursuing a role in the high-scalability distributed systems space. I'm a well-rounded Scala data engineer with deep knowledge of the internals of distributed datastores.

Core Skills:

● Cassandra (Data Modeling, Troubleshooting Performance And Operational Issues)

● Druid (Stream Ingestion, Cluster Ops, Data Modeling, Scaling Complex Queries)

● Stream Processing At Scale: Kafka, Flink, Spark Streaming

● Languages: Scala, SQL (highly proficient), Python (proficient)

Other Skills: Zookeeper, BigQuery, Redshift, Kinesis, Airflow, DBT, Snowflake, PrestoSQL, Clickhouse, Stitch, FiveTran.

Educational Background: Computer Science.

EU-based, 5 hours overlap with PST. Solid experience working remotely and working with teams that are distributed geographically.

  Location: Medellin, Colombia (GMT-5)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Not yet
  Technologies doing Testing & Frameworks: Selenium Web driver, Cypress, React.js, Vue.js, Docker, AWS, Accessibility, JIRA, Confluence, Git, Postman, Jenkins, API, Adobe Analytics, Axe Tools, Salesforce.
  Résumé/CV: https://douglasfugazi.co
  Email: itmteleco [at] gmail.com
QA (Manual and Automation) Engineer. I've been working with 10+ years of experience in Software Testing in Agile environment and has hands-on experience in all stages of software testing life cycle.

I've worked in several testing projects in finance, retail, insurance, media OTT, e-commerce and banking companies, with knowledge of testing techniques/methodologies and how to apply them (including automation, functional/integration, sanity, regression, exploratory testing, end-to-end testing, API testing, etc.). I've been delighted to be a leader setting up QA best practices understanding of all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle.

Contract or part-time

Location: Africa

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: yes, to any location in Africa, where i can get the necessary permission to live and work.

Technologies: Linux, Fullstack, System Administration.

Résumé/CV: on request (software development, CTO, mentoring, training, fluent in English and German)

Like a recent Ask HN: Recommend employers with positive social impact I am looking for similar work. I am a European software developer who has lived and worked on four continents. Now it's time to move on and so i am looking to relocate to Africa.

While i could find a job elsewhere i believe that the experience living in an area where my work is going to have an impact gives me a better understanding of the needs of the location i am serving. Whether it is through direct contact with clients and users or just by being part of a local community and learning about the reality of living there.

I have more than a decade of experience running a company, doing software development, support and training and mentoring adults and students, as well as working on educational projects, and i am willing to take on a mixture of roles as needed to support a project.

Location: Los Angeles

Remote: Yes

Relocation: No

Email: tpm-starter@proton.me

Bio: I am at a director level at a major tech company managing cross-functional engineering teams and TPMs. I have experience in building and leading partnerships and programs focused on revenue and distribution growth. I also have experience in building and launching e-commerce and marketing products for some of the industry titans.

In my experience, Technical Program Management (TPM) is an extremely valuable function and capability that can supercharge the output and efficiency of an engineering team. From stakeholder alignment to orchestrating dependencies and from reducing complexity to increasing visibility, TPMs can provide immense value. In my past roles at fast-growth startups, I have built TPM organizations from scratch to help unlock that value. I consider that as my superpower and want to leverage it to help your teams realize the potential of an impactful TPM organization. If you find yourself thinking if your company is ready to hire the first ever TPM or just wondering if you even need a TPM, then I can be of help. Thanks!

  Location: New Hampshire
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No --I cannot move due to family obligations but would be willing to travel on-site once per month
  Technologies: Python (GUI, Django, Flask, Selenium, etc.), Linux, SQLite, PostgresSQL
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samuel-woodward-b4170162/ | woodward.fyi
  Email: sam@woodward.fyi

I have had the good fortune to spend the last couple of years working at the ground level of a startup. Starting from the bottom and working my way up to a Director level position, I was able to get a unique view from being part of the decisions and mistakes a company makes as it goes from being on the brink of bankruptcy to growth on a global scale.

My initiatives to continuously automate as much work as possible allowed the company to expand at an exponential rate while not increasing headcount. The extra capital this saved us allowed us to easily handle industry-wide downturns without having to cut any of the workforce or pull back on any projects.

   Location: Hyderabad, India
   Remote: Yes
   Willing to relocate: Yes
   Technologies: FOSS Stacks, Web/Mobile, SaaS/PaaS
   Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/srinivasaki/
   Email: srinivas.aki@gmail.com
I'm a senior technologist with extensive experience building and managing engineering teams. First half of my career, I have been a hands-on programmer working with high-energy teams. Second half of my career, I have been an executive leader, mentor, and promoter of startups in my roles as CEO, CTO, and VP of Engineering with early to mid-stage startups. I have a strong sense of Product, UI/UX, and Software Engineering.

As for new roles, I'm open to building new teams or managing existing engineering teams. An ideal fit would be for a company that is interested in setting up an offshore team or a company that is interested in establishing itself in India as a new market.

I'm looking for something exciting that I can associate myself with for the next 5 to 10 years. Cheers !!!

Location: Russia

Remote: Probably No

Relocation: Required

Technologies: Haskell, Elm, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eA9HBZwklNr2r-aYzODxJLgR...

Email: worldisaduck@gmail.com

Strong sides: love to tinkering, researching and learning

My main experience comes from web dev, it is something I could do good now, but as you may see from my resume: I like to try new things and good at learning and trying new stuff as well. Currently I'd like to find a Haskell developer role, even though I don't have much of a production experience with it, you can assess my understanding of this language by looking at this small app: https://github.com/worldisaduck/haskell-pcap-sniffer Also if you have interesting project or product on Elixir(or pretty much any language) and see me fit, I'd love to work on you team.

  Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Java, C/C++, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Pandas, Hugging Face, nltk, spacy, OpenCV, scikit-learn, git, bash, deep learning, computer vision, object detection, natural language processing, data science, data engineering, machine learning.
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17su9FNHrZm_Mrg1aqtPmKIN5o3t62B8U/view?usp=sharing
  Email: phamkienxmas2001@gmail.com
I'm undergraduate student studying Computer Science at the University of Minnesota. I have > 2 years of experience working with deep learning/data science/data engineer. Currently, I'm currently working on a data analytics internship at a hedge fund this summer. I'm interested for a software engineer/data science/data engineer/AI internship for Summer 2023. Contact me if there is a position which I might be a good fit for.

  Location: Bogotá, Colombia
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: React, Typescript, JavaScript, Redux, GraphQl, React Native (Basic), Git, HTML, SASS, Styled Components, Redux, NextJs, and React Query
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscarvelandia/
  Github: https://github.com/OscarVelandia
  StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/11348077/oscar-velandia
  Email: oscar.daniel.v.s.235(at)gmail.com
  Learning/interested in: Rust, and Elm
  Rate: 65 USD/hour

  I am a Front-End developer with more than 4 years of experience:

    * Migrating projects from Vanilla Javascript to Typescript and React Js,
    * Creating MVP projects mainly using Typescript, NextJs and React Native
    * Working in new features for existing projects
    * Refactoring code, adding and configuring code quality tools like ESLint and Husky in existing projects
    * Working with Agile methodologies

Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript / TypeScript, React, Redux / Zustand, NextJs, GraphQL / Apollo, CSS / CSS-in-Js, React Native (Basic)

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r6tn3HzYF8jr4pEHt49xM469icY...

Email: kazakovkirill1@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neven4/

GitHub: https://github.com/neven4


I’m a front-end developer with more than 5 years of experience. Every day, during this period, I try to write more readable, modular, performant, testable code and improve my skills in these areas by reading articles, books. I have advanced knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, React and its ecosystem, web apps architecture and try to share them with my teammates.

Location: West Coast US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: (Tech) Cisco (IOS, -XR & -XE, NX-OS), Cisco ACI, Linux, AWS, Ruby, Python, R, C#; (Biotech) PCR, ELISA, Mammalian Cell Culture, Aseptic Technique, Quality Systems/GMP

Resume: (PDF) https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WkLAynFKvI4pL86QJoBQ2NvlxB...

Email: cameron.sean.r@gmail.com

I have dual hatted as a network engineer and product manager for years on client facing engagements. Have been involved in occasional side engagements specific to security. Life science geek on the side.

I would prefer a remote role. Alternatively I can do hybrid engagements (2-4 contiguous days per week onsite) to Burbank, the Bay Area, or Seattle. Other arrangements may be feasible. Feel free to ask.

My priorities in an employer are a) adequate challenges / use of my skill set b) opportunities for professional development c) health insurance.

Thanks for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Location: San Jose, CA

Remote: yes

Relo: no

email: irm-pro@proton.me


I have built a career focused on building infrastructure and DevOps organizations at fast growing companies. I am currently leading a large and growing infra engineering org at a recently IPO'd company. My passion lies in helping startups build the capabilities that are foundational to any tech company. Lately, I have been advising startups on how to build a scalable incident response and management system I provide a complete and people-scalable incident response program for teams that helps you respond quickly and effectively to incidents, and facilitates data gathering to turn incident data into insights to help you improve your product.

Why is it important? The way your team respond to incidents directly impacts the customer experience. Inefficient, slow responses to issues facing your users can have substantial impact on your bottom line for users who are new to your business, or trying to complete transactions with your software.

If you have been wondering about this topic, then let's talk!

  Location: Edmonton, Canada
  Remote: Preferred but will happily commute/relocate for the right job
  Willing to relocate: Yes.
  Technologies: Python, Java
  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14RFZvydYrmAcWjKqZOVMaCeJCSp6IgCw/edit
  Email: a-brunet@live.com
I just finished my Bachelor of Computer Science major in May and I'm eager to find that right first job. I'm hoping to catch the attention of a company who sees the value in someone who knows the importance of hard work, effort and the will to succeed, with the willingness to offer the training to go from graduate to star employee.

The ideal job would be one that offers plenty of room to grow and a chance to build on my skills.

I have basic skills in SQL, C, Application/Network Security in addition to intermediate Python and Java. But as someone who picks up new skills and knowledge at a astounding pace, just give me a chance and I'll not disappoint.

I'm Muhammad Ali, definitely not the boxer. I usually describe myself as a tech nerd.

Here what I'm bringing with me 6 years of professional experience as a full stack web developer 3 years of working remotely worldwide (mostly in EST timezone) Frontend expert (focusing react js, next js daily tool) Mid-level backend developer (focusing on node js, also knows golang) Experienced in writing code for 500k+ users/per month Experienced in leading & managing small teams Served 40+ clients as a freelancer Wrote 100+ technical articles/contents Mentored 50+ people for programming Growing 45000+ followers on Instagram for programming

I'm using regularly Typescript, Nextjs, Reactjs, Javascript, Nodejs, Expressjs, Golang, GraphQL, Rest API, Google Cloud, Docker, Vscode & Git

I think resumes are backdated. Here my LinkedIn profile - https://linkedin.com/in/nerdjfpb

Btw, I send meme to slack!

I'm a M.Sc. student at the University of Koblenz, Germany in Web & Data Science, about to finish this month. I'd like to take roles related to data-driven and cloud-native opportunities, specifically similar to Cloud Architect/Engineer, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer.

Location: Koblenz, Germany

Remote: Maybe, Hybrid

Willing to relocate: Yes in Europe

Technologies: Python, SQL, Javascript, Markdown, Octave, LATEX, Amazon Web Services (AWS), SVN, Git

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v79ht5jr75loe1m/CV_Aditya_Mehta_MS...

Email: adityam582@yahoo.in

Website: https://adityam582.github.io/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eradityamehta/

Location: India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1df4gJAzy8EEFwFeXfNQ6Ua7Wp_q... Email: smanik.im at gmail dot com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maniksingla Technologies: Scala, Java, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Postgres, Distributed Systems Design, Cloud computing, Databases

I have around 13 years of experience out of which most of it is individual contributor building analytical engines for unstructured data and improving ingestion formats for performance. I have worked on Parquet, Lucene and Arrow. I have good experience with distributed Systems design. On the language front, I have mostly worked with JAVA and Scala.

Multimedia producer and software developer. As a writer and musician I have developed excellent communication skills. As a manager in retail I sharpened my collaboration and team skills. Now as a software developer I am ready to be on a great remote team. Looking for a company that will help grow me into a senior position.

  Location: CA, USA
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: not at the moment
  Technologies: React, JavaScript, Python, Django, JQuery, Git, Bash, Postman, MUI, WebPack, JSON, HTML, CSS, XML, JSX, ChartJS, Protools, Inkscape, Gimp, Ableton, Logic Pro, TypeScript, node, npm, heroku, digitalocean
  Résumé/CV: Available only on request
  Email: randallthomasmusic@gmail.com
My aim is to use my skills and talents in such a way as to make a positive impact on people/society. I am looking for a team I can support and who will help me level up quickly. I welcome learning new tech and am a quick study.

Location: Atlanta, GA Remote: Preferred Willing to relocate: Yes, if it's Austin, TX

Technologies: JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, React/Redux, Git, PostgreSQL, NodeJS and Express Resume/CV: https://abhireddy.io/public/assets/ar_resume.pdf email: areddy0325@gmail.com

I am a software engineer based in Atlanta, GA. I enjoy solving real-world problems and giving value to people through technology.

I am proficient in JavaScript and Ruby, but I will work with the right language for what is needed to get the job done. I am also confident in my ability to apply "just-in-time" learning to pick up new technologies quickly.

To learn more about what I worked on in my previous role, please take a look at my latest post


Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes and on-site

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Backend development and integrations, Java, Mulesoft, Javascript, Node.js, Angular, Python, SQL, Linux

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C8OVbmk-QET4Y6DsNueoDtWKK9...

Email: JaredLMosley@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jared-mosley-a23a49140/

Github: https://github.com/superturkey650

I am a mid-level developer who likes to work mostly on backend API development and integrations. I enjoy refactoring just as much as creating from scratch, and I know the importance of documentation and good communication. I give back to my community using my skills and am eager to grow with good mentors.

  Location: Asunción, Paraguay (GMT-4)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Oracle, Postgres, SQL Server, REDIS, Linux, Git, ASP .NET, C#, Razor, Entity Framework, Linq, Javascript, HTML, CSS
  Résumé/CV: On request
  Email: fmasche { at } gmail.com
My interests and passion lay mainly in backend development, but I'm always willing to give a hand to the frontend team when it's needed. I have almost 9 years of experience in the fintech sector. My favorite projects are the ones where I had the opportunity to build the systems from scratch. My top 3 are:

1. In my beginning years, part of the team in charge of reengineering an entire web banking platform for the Paraguay branch of the largest bank by market share in South America. During these 3 years, I mastered C# by translating Oracle stored procedures into REST and SOAP APIs, and later integrating these services into the web frontend project. I also came up with a quite clever idea (and implementation) of reusing PL/SQL stored procedures through HTTP wrappers that ended up being very helpful to significantly reduce development time for parts of it.

2. Led a team of mobile and backend developers to launch the first app of one of the top banks in the country, allowing users to perform operations such as account, investment and other products inquiries, credit card and service payments, wire transfers and hiring new services.

3. Led the Instant Payments Systems project. 10 finantial institutions implemented our product to integrate their core to the Central Bank system for 24/7 payments.

I'm passionate about writing clean and maintainable code, and I'm always interested in learning new technologies.

Also, got a full scholarship for a Master's degree in Data Science. Got my degree from a US uni and lived in Virginia for two years while completing the program.

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Negotiable

Technologies/Languages: Python, C++, Java, Linux, Git, Pandas, NumPy, Tensorflow/PyTorch, scikit-learn

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sx0vynygbulo6c6/AndreSilvaCV.pdf

Email: See CV

Github: https://github.com/andrecsilva

Solid mathematical and problem solving skills (Computer Science Phd. with thesis on Topological Graph Theory) and a good amount of experience developing academic/scientific software. Looking either for software development or data science roles.

To make things go smoother, please consider including on your e-mail: any mention of Hacker News, if you pay based on location and the currency you're paying with, and details about the hiring process (how many interviews, etc.).

Please, no recruiters or any hiring consultancy of any kind.

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: React.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, AWS, JavaScript, ES6+, Next.js, Gatsby, Apollo, GraphQL, data visualizations (D3.js, Mapbox, Leaflet), headless CMS (Contentful, Prismic, Strapi), MobX, Redux, Wordpress, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Material UI, Webpack, Heroku, TypeScript, web3 (ethers.js) and more.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ngTkTVeDaakyFxEmPyyqyMuKxD6...

Email: mail [at] andrejgajdos.com

I am a full-stack web developer with focus on React.js and over eight years of experience delivering software. I am very detailed oriented and love building from 0->1. I have worked for clients all around the world in many different industries. I have delivered solutions for solo founders, startups, digital agencies and big companies, such as Apple and Binance.

I help senior React developers with best practices, design patterns and tooling to scale React.js applications in terms of maintainability and performance. I have background in computer science and am able to create everything from small business websites to custom web applications.

Portfolio: https://andrejgajdos.com/projects/

Personal Website: https://andrejgajdos.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrejgajdos

Github: https://github.com/AndrejGajdos

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, JavaScript, Go, SQL, HTML/CSS, Express, React, Redux, DigitalOcean, Heroku, AWS, Docker, PostgreSQL, Node.js, MongoDB, HTTP, REST APIs, OpenTelemetry

Resume/CV: https://idkraut.dev/assets/Isaak_Krautwurst_Resume_04-05-202...

Email: isaak@idkraut.dev

Software Engineer with years of experience designing and building in Ruby, JS, and Go ecosystems. Passionate about learning, creative problem-solving, and collaborative development.

I recently built Hypha, an open-source observability framework for distributed systems. Hypha deploys an end-to-end telemetry pipeline that sets up distributed tracing, aggregates existing logs, and correlates logs with traces. Read the case study here: https://teamhypha.com/case-study

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Typescript, Python, Lisp, Perl, PHP, SQL, Swift, PyTorch, TensorFlow

Resume: https://www.surf-the-edge.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Res...

Email: artur.ventura@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/artur-ventura-48500314/

Github: https://github.com/nurv

My professional background is in artificial intelligence. Currently I’m the Tech Lead at Bond Touch, and I’ve worked at Unbabel, a YC company, as an artificial intelligence engineer on the Machine learning team. I also have some interests in quantum computing, financial modeling and robotics.

  Location: Porto, Portugal (GMT+1)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Django, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, React Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Flask, Redis, Celery, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, AWS, Docker, Elasticsearch
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albertommoura/
  Email: albertommoura@gmail.com
  Availability (Starting July 2022): 40 hours/week
[Python-Django/React-Node Fullstack Developer] If you are looking for a technical architect for consultation or a full stack developer, who can help you with development, you have reached the right place. My goal is to make sure that my clients are 100% satisfied with the work that I perform and that their solutions are built to increase usability, revenues, and user experience. I can guarantee that the time you spend talking to me will be worth it!

  Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
  Remote: Yes, (with 7 years of experience working remotely)
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: React.js / Vue.js, JavaScript / TypeScript, Node.js / Ruby, Ruby on Rails, GraphQL / PostgreSQL / MongoDB, Git, Babel, WebPack, Redux, NoSQL, MySQL, MsSql, Redis.
  Résumé/CV: CV on request. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iraklijani/
  Email: irakli.janiashvili@gmail.com
ABOUT: Full-Stack Software Engineer with 10 years of experience.

Past: Cabal (https://getcabal.com) (YCombinator S21), Shogun (https://getshogun.com) (YCombinator W18), Gametime (https://gametime.co), Ministry of Health of Georgia.

Location: Vancouver, BC Canada

Remote: Yes but office is fine later

Willing to relocate: Maybe


   Property-based testing
   Technical writing 
   Functional programming 
   Conceptual design of new features
   Basic SQL like CTEs/Aggregates/Window functions 
   Converting math/stats functions to programs 
   Metaprogramming like CI and dependency management
   Tools like Git, wrangling textual data with the shell
Resume: Working in non-tech labour (w/security clearance)

Email: jb3946170@gmal.com

Looking for apprentice or internship. I primarily audit university courses and whatever stack you're using I can learn from TypeScript to C++, and I'm careful to never ask the same question twice to avoid bothering engineers on Slack. Any role where I can slither my way in to eventually working on the code so open to user support, technical writing, QA/testing oracles, or even bounty-style work for PRs solving open issues.

  Location: Toronto, Canada
  Remote: mostly these days
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: AWS, Java, swift, JavaScript (node, react), Python (Django), serverless, Docker, Kubernetes, hardware design
  Résumé/CV: on request
  Email: jobs-july2022 <@at@at@> stewjacks <dotcom>
Stewart here. I’m an all around software engineer with lots of experience wearing different hats. I’ve done fullstack, cloud dev ops, mobile, and some hardware. I’ve built multiple products from whiteboard to production, from iOS and Android apps to web apps to APIs to cloud backends, and often all of the above . I’ve more recently been jumping on projects to put in production infrastructure on AWS. I’m currently taking contracts (insured LLC, short and long term contract), but am interested in entertaining part or full time gigs as well. Feel free to reach out for a chat.

Location: USA

Remote: Yes / Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Rust, Rails, Ruby on Jets, PostgreSQL, Crystal, HTML/CSS/JS, Node.js, Deep Learning / ML, C/C++, Java, PHP, .NET, PL, Compilers

Resume/CV: https://sam0x17.dev

Email: sam [at] durosoft [dot] com

Min Salary: $250k/yr

I am on the market looking for my next position having just finished a 2+ year stint as CTO at Arist (YC S20) where I built their engineering team and stack from the ground up (we used Ruby on Jets + VueJS), completed a full product rebuild in a little over year, achieved SOC-2 Type II compliance (which involved a formal audit and passing a third party penetration test), and ultimately exited after helping to close a $24m combo Series A+B funding round led by PeakSpan capital. I have a decade of startup experience and have served as CTO or engineering lead at muliple startups, most of them Rails-based.

Location: Argentina (GMT-3)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Git.

Resume/CV: https://veronicadip.github.io./Dip-Veronica-CV.pdf

Email: dipmveronica@gmail.com

Website: https://veronicadip.github.io./

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/veronica-dip/

GitHub: https://github.com/veronicadip/

I‘m a fast learner front-end developer. I did various projects using the mentioned technologies and now I‘m looking for new opportunities to collaborate, learn more and share my knowledge. I love solving problems, overcoming new challenges and teamwork.

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No (for the time being)

Technologies: NodeJS, Typescript, React, MySQL, MongoDB, Git, Docker, Linux, Cloudant, Kubernetes, Helm, REST, GraphQL, Kafka, C#, PHP, Laravel

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZoF--KP0JsN0KcSu53JM0NXDSIH...

Email: jpablolassala@gmail.com

I'm looking for opportunities as a remote contractor.

I've worked as a Full Stack Web Developer with emphasis on the Back-End. Up to this day I've worked as an employee for local companies but I'm willing to take the leap with an international team.

As a developer, my focus is to create scalable, flexible and clear written services, always sticking to good practices and Agile methodologies. Willing to work as a team member in a collaborative environment, and to teach others if necessary

  Location: Beverton, OR (USA)
  Remote: Yes, currently leads multinational remote team
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Robotics, Hardware, IoT device engineering, sensor fusion, systems engineering, PCB engineering, Python, High Volume/Low Latency architectures (Tb/s)
  Résumé/CV: On request
  Email: cehoward@thehowardspdx.com
A multi-disciplinary inventor / technical lead with deep experience in end-to-end quick-turn development of complex camera/sensor systems and holographic content capture. I specialize in developing and building the teams and ideas required to turn abstract requirements into successful operational products on highly compressed budgets and timelines for multi-sensor fusion and sensor tasking, processing, exploitation, and delivery systems for AI, data intelligence, and other intelligence applications.

Location: Vancouver, BC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Python, Poetry, Flask, Git, Java, and more

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14oXe10o0N2EJdYOyCrMbV56WDVK...

Email: liamilanyvr@gmail.com

Hi! I'm Liam, 16, and looking for a programming related internship/mentorship/job. I'm a snowboard instructor during the winter season, so I have some work experience. I've been programming for 6 years, but have never worked professionally in the field, mostly working on personal projects. You can find some of them at https://www.liamilan.com/ Open to doing just around anything you need me to do. If you have an opening, or any advice, hit me up :D

  Location: Offshore
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Not at this moment
  Technologies: Social Media Management, Virtual/Inside Sales, Digital Marketing, Research and Strategy || Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS, Microsoft Excel, Canva
  Résumé/CV: Available par request
  Email: itnadigital@gmail.com
  Website: https://www.itnadigital.com
As an experienced social media manager and virtual administrator I am hoping to break into entry SDR/BDR/inside sales role. I have been working as a SMM/VA assisting business owners and founders involved in real estate, property management, fintech, edtech etc industries. Working as a social media manager I have assisted with lead generation and referral hunting from social media while also helping out with outreach so, I am looking to level up to a inside sales role.

Location: Edinburgh, UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Linux, Figma, Inkscape, GIMP, Scribus, Visual Studio Code, Git, HTML, CSS, static websites

Email: hi@angeliqueboudeau.org

Portfolio: https://angeliqueboudeau.org/#portfolio

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angélique-boudeau/

I'm a French graphic & digital designer with an eco-friendly focus.

* I work for businesses that want to have a positive impact on the planet or their community

* My design process takes into account the sustainability of the final project from conception to end of life

* I am experienced in running projects from start to finish including working directly with clients



* Static website design - responsive mobile/desktop designs that are lightweight and fast

* Logo design, branded social media banners, posters, booklets

* Custom illustrations - digital/vector/bitmap artwork

  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: JavaScript (React, Redux, Node.js, Webpack)
  Website: https://msaracevic.github.io
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mirsarace
  Email: dev.msaracevic@gmail.com
Website: https://msaracevic.github.io

I am a web focused software developer. Since 2014 I've worked in Berlin in several companies as a full time employee, most recently in FinTech companies. Since 2021 I am doing freelance work, both small short projects and few lengthier ones.

My strengths are delivering MVP projects and frontend infrastructure. Looking for a minimum 20 hours per week part-time engagement or full time contract to help build your product. Past employer contact numbers for references available on inquiry.

Location: Kiev, Ukraine

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Java,Python – base knowledge, Mongo, PostgreSQL, AWS, Azure, Spring, Hibernate, Junit, Spock, RabbitMQ, JDBC...

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dpNwZbcz77RBwfXWuKJCTWHCmKN...

Email: rybalchenko.d.u@gmail.com

Experienced Team Lead / Software Engineer with deep knowledge of Java core and broad range of computer expertise – good understanding of the object-oriented approach, RESTful services approach, continuous integration process, microservices architecture, agile practices, building and motivating of a high-performing team. Lead and manage cross-functional team of 5-7 people. With excellent communication and analytical skills. Quick learner and result-oriented. Python as a plus.


Curious, what are some of the strategies for dealing with high resolution? It seems like most neural nets are fixed size and max out around 1024x1024. Do you just run it in sections and merge results? Cheers!

That's the main approach I've encountered. Slice, inference, filter duplicates from the results.


One way is sliding. The other one is to first work on lower resolution and then propagate the information in high resolution and then refine the objects in high resolution.

Location: Denver, CO, USA

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: C/C++/Python/JavaScript/PHP/React/Three.js; 3D graphics guru (40 years experience, several famous projects); OS Team for original PlayStation; R&D for 1st Live Internet Video Service (5 years before YouTube); authored multiple complete media production pipelines (documentary, 2D animated media, feature film VFX); global technology patent author; ffmpeg contributor; extensive deep learning for computer vision experience; Finance & International Business duel major MBA, graduated 2nd in class; extensive past successful startup experience.

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g6olxpy37vh3rz1/Blake_Senftner_Res...

email: bsenftner[at]earthlink[dot]net

    Location: Nashville, TN
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: likely no, but up to the opportunity
    Technologies: Python, Javascript, Modelica, C/C++, Matlab, GazeboSim, Julia
    Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/ibrahimahmed1
    Email: ibrahim[dot]ahmed[at]vanderbilt.edu
    Github: https://github.com/hazrmard
I am finishing my PhD in fault-tolerant control using reinforcement- and transfer- learning (expected Fall 2022). I apply my work to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and smart buildings to achieve data-efficient and safe data-driven control. With a background in Electrical Engineering and Physics, I am interested in full-time engineering/research opportunities involving machine learning, high performance computing, embedded systems, and web development.

Location: Manhattan, NYC.

Contracts: No, full-time W2 only.

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: No.

Objective: Staff Software Engineer

Experience: 25 years

Technologies: C/C++, C#, Win32, Linux, POSIX, SQL, etc.

Profile: https://wiki.tcl.tk/Joe+Mistachkin

Affiliations: SQLite ( https://www.sqlite.org/crew.html ), Tcl/Tk ( https://tip.tcl.tk/24 )

Side Project: https://github.com/mistachkin/eagle

Résumé/CV: Available by request.

Email: joe [at] [put_my_user_name_here] [dot] com

Phone: Please see "https://www.mistachkin.com/" for detailed instructions.

  Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
  Remote: Yes or Hybrid
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Data Science in Python (typical stack), Data Engineering & MLOps on cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure, Foundry), Git
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattpa
  Email: via Linkedin
+4.5 years of professional experience as a data scientist & machine learning engineer. Aspiring solutions architect with a big picture perspective, capable of translating high level business requirements into concrete technical solutions. Compassionate leader & mentor, striving to build long lasting relationships and hyper-effective teams. Generalist, equally comfortable with deep diving into a research paper, as well as tackling engineering and infrastructure challenges. Eager learner and a team player.

  Location: Seattle, WA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Java
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewparmett (can also email me for full resume)
  Email: matt [.] parmett / gmail.com
Hey all - I’m a former healthcare VC that’s working through a CS master’s degree at Penn with the ultimate goal of jumping into an engineering role. As a VC at Echo Health Ventures (http://www.echohealthventures.com) I invested in healthcare delivery businesses like Dispatch Health, Genome Medical, Heartbeat Health, and TytoCare. I helped these businesses find product/market fit, scale operations into new markets and channels, and optimize their financial planning / fundraising. Prior to Echo I was a healthcare investment banker at J.P. Morgan.

My master’s program has a flexible schedule so I’m primarily looking for an internship or “working student” role where I can contribute to a product codebase in a professional/production context. Feel free to reach out if you have a role that could be a good fit for a highly motivated graduate student with substantial real-world experience (including fairly deep healthcare domain knowledge) and a growing tech skill set.

While I would prefer an engineering role, I’m also available to serve as a formal or informal advisor to venture-backed businesses. As an ex-VC, I have lots of insight into fundraising, business planning, and product development (especially in the healthcare space). I’d love to help de-mystify VC for early startups and/or work with established teams to help optimize capital formation or product development. For this type of engagement, I’d prefer to work with folks who are local to Seattle, but I’m open to a remote arrangement as well. Reach out and we can grab a coffee or set up a zoom meeting to get introduced.

I’ve had a bunch of good conversations with folks from prior threads - I look forward to chatting with you!

  Location: EU, Germany, Frankfurt/Rhein-Main
  Remote: Primary
  Willing to relocate: Unlikely
  Technologies: Web (HTML, CSS, JS, Node, React, TS, PHP, NGINX), Docker, SQL, MongoDb, D3.js, SVG, XML, JSON, VBA, Java, AWS)
  Resume: on request
  Email: noop42@reasoningabout.com
T-shaped person with 5+y management (C*O) and 20y individual contributor experience. I like to work all over the stack and contribute at every point of the process. Past nearly seven years I did co-build a health b2c start-up. Additional past experiences in banking/finance (5y) and data analytics (5y). For me it's purpose and team over technology. Money is a problem to be solved early and then forgotten about. My super-power: I can talk to business, IT and customers and most actually understand me.

  Location: Los Angeles, CA 
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Java, Python, AWS, Tableau, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, data warehouse, Git, Jenkins, Jira, Scrum/Agile, Javascript, Go (familiar), Hibernate (ORM), cucumber (gherkin), mockito, Test-driven development, Behavior-driven development 
  Résumé/CV: Please send me the request, so I will send you my resume. 
  Email: samiforce@hotmail.com
Hi, please feel free to reach out to me. I am a long-term and visual learner. I am eager to learn new challenges and problems. So, yeah I am pretty good at picking up new tools and language to know the core concept. I am open to discuss with you about any topic. My rate is flexible based on what and how your requirement is. Please email me at samiforce@hotmail.com

  Location: Florianópolis, Brazil
  Remote: Preferable but not required
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Unity3D, C#, Rust, Java-/TypeScript, Shaders, Git
  Résumé/CV: https://kroltan.me/
  Email: hn@kroltan.com
Looking specifically for game development roles. Can relocate to another country if sponsored. No NFTs, would rather not work on predatory F2P.

I have a passion for doing the best, so I'm up to date on C# and Unity techniques and features, consider myself good at architecting for type- and data-safety, while having respect for performance-critical situations where you have to cast abstractions aside.

I value simplicity and ease of use, both for other developers (maintainability, not over-engineering) as well as "users" (whoever creates the inputs for a system, or the end-user)

Location: Mountain View, CA

Remote: Works for me

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Bash, Ruby on Rails, Angular, and Postgres

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z78il0ukon30iha/JasperBeachy.pdf?d...

Email: jbeach17@gmail.com


I am a self taught Software Engineer/Ethical Hacker with a CompTIA Security+ certification (currently working on my eJPT). I have a few Software Engineering experiences but am also very interested in cybersecurity. As I seek to combine my paradoxical love of creating and breaking, I am currently seeking an interesting role somewhere between the worlds of Ethical Hacking and Software Engineering. Drop me a line and let's have a chat!


Location: Minneapolis, MN

Remote: Yes, Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Email: Liam.dale@gmail.com

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n9dYX-EhexkGj0iENPLIg8x2DE5...

Seeking: Customer Success and [Associate] Product Manager positions.

Accomplished teacher retiring from the classroom and looking for my next door to open.

- Extensive experience structuring and leading lessons and workshops, facilitating and assessing objective-oriented discussions, and monitoring progress/pain points as a leader-participant in anticipatory and retrospective planning teams.

- Adept at building effective, productive relationships across communication styles and cultures to reveal stakeholder concerns and coordinate strategic solutions.

- Calm in a storm and comfortable leading in a team with dignity.

Location: San Diego, CA or Remote

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: To Europe, unlikely any US locations

Technologies: Golang, Python, ROS, Pytorch, Tensorflow, K8s, AWS, GCP, Terraform

Github Profile: https://github.com/hlfshell/

Resume: https://github.com/hlfshell/resume

Email: kchester AT gmail.com

Experience cloud engineer looking to make use of in-progress Masters of Robotics Engineering. Long history of designing and building complex systems for maintaining data pipelines for world wide networks of robotics, as well as a host of other technologies (over a decade career).

Looking for work more directly on robotics - path planning, navigation, vision, and control.

Will relocate for the right offer, open to and may soon be eager towards leaving the US.

Location: Eu, Skopje Macedonia Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Angular, Node, Flutter.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/berat-sulimani/

Email: berat_01993@hotmail.com

I am a Senior Frontend Developer with almost 6 years, willing to work as well as Full-Stack (using Node.js => (Nest.js || Express)) or focusing doing mobile applications using Flutter. I have worked in a various applications, Commercial, Industrial, Educational. Angular 6 years, (HTML, SCSS, TypeScript, JavaScript) React 2 years, Node.js 2 years, Flutter 2 years,

I would prefer a remote role.

My priorities in an employer are a) adequate challenges / use of my skill set b) opportunities for professional development c) health insurance.

Thanks for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi HN! I'm a generalist SWE with 10 YOE in tech (mostly backend dev and DevOps). I'm very strong in Python. I'm also in the top 4% all-time on Stack Overflow. Lots of startup experience at various stages.

Location: Cincinnati, OH

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Docker, Bash/Shell, *nix, CI/CD, GitOps, Terraform, cloud engineering / cloud infrastructure (mostly AWS with some GCP), software architecture, many flavors of serverless, security & compliance, DNS, etc

Résumé/CV: https://i.taylore.dev/cv-hn

Email: tedmiston+hn@gmail.com



Anyone from HN is welcome to add me on LinkedIn, just please mention "HN" in the note!

More links and info in bio.

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: eventually yes

Technologies: Java, Python, Metasploit, Penetration Testing , Mobile app testing, Network Security, Wireshark, Nessus, Burpsuite


Email: ambikaprasad.s@vitap.ac.in

I am fresher recently graduated in 2021 looking for opportunities in the field of Cyber Security or related areas . I have worked part-time in Mobile application penetration testing and VAPT along with various projects in Web app Testing tools and Intrusion Detection . Keen and excited to learn and adapt upcoming future challenges .Interested in full-time positions and please refer to my linkedin page for more details or i would be glad to reply back as well.

  Location: Everett, WA (USA)
  Remote: Yes, with several years of remote experience
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Go, Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Linux sysadmin
  Résumé/CV: http://tslocum.github.io/resume/
  Email: trevor@rocketnine.space
Hi, I'm Trevor Slocum. I have been in a professional programming role for 8 years, and have been programming much longer as a hobby. I am active as an open source software author and contributor. I am self-taught and learn quickly. I am seeking a fully or mostly remote role.

    - Code: https://code.rocketnine.space/tslocum
    - GitHub: https://githuhb.com/tslocum
    - Games: https://rocketnine.itch.io

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Remote: Yes, not preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, Python, C, x86-Assembly, UEFI, Coreboot

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eoGtxuVfWYYzGvfr40aP9RM0Vvc...

Email: brentonpublic@gmail.com

I have 8 years of experience as a BIOS Developer, but left that behind me to pursue Machine Learning. My goal is to find full time work that compliments my personal interest in State-of-the-art Deep Learning. I'm looking to join a team that works with modern AI models and keeps up with the SOTA advancements in ML. I also have a wide range of mechanical/artistic hobbies which I hope will one day cross paths with my professional career.

thanks for looking!

Location: Texas

Remote: Yes, and Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, Python, Terraform, AWS, linux, git, bash, high-scalability, test automation, rapid iteration, kanban, marketing, advertising

Résumé/CV: https://www.calibrateyourbusiness.com/static/karim-nassar-re...

Email: founders.email@calibrateyourbusiness.com

Are you a founder looking for a technical partner without all the up-front commitment? I can help you build your product and hire a tech team.

I am a hands-on 20-year pro looking to help an early stage company take product development to the next level over the next year at contract rate plus stock grant.

After our engagement, you will have a testable, scalable stack as well as a team to manage and expand it, no strings attached.

  Location: Knoxville, TN
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, NPM, Vue.js, Next.js, React.js, Three.js, Pixi.js, Phaser(2), HTML5, SQL, Bash
  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QAj-bCryaQf20Ln0HuWc_HifSFCIUO3U3_f6mPlFjb0
  Email: kahootbird at gmail .com
  Portfolio: ronniegoodrich.io
Creative problem solver. Willing to learn new things. Coming from a multiplayer .io fullstack game development background.

Recently completed the #100DaysOfCode challenge, coding a minimum one hour every day tweeting progress.

During the challenge two web applications were created, a piano app using React and Next.js, a miniature message board with Vue.js using a REST API. NPM packages, various javascript design patterns.

Location: California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Android Development, Object Oriented Development, Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse IDE, ADB, Java, C/C++, SQLite, XML, HTML, CSS, Git and Linux.

I develop Android apps for phones and tablets. I have published apps in the Google Play store. I have full life cycle software development experience, including: product concept development, product design, project planning, research and development, algorithm development, programming, testing, debugging, publishing apps to the Google Play store and app maintenance.

Email and Resume/CV: http://compxpressinc.com/docs/kpcv.html

Website: http://compxpressinc.com

Location: USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity

Technologies: Azure, AWS, OpenStack, Ansible, Terraform, Python, Javascript, GitOps, DevSecOps, Microservices, Cybersecurity, Linux, Containers, Blockchain

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/art-aquino-0b57a5150

Email: art.aquino@cloudbox.network

I love complex problems and solving them with technology. As a Senior Cloud Infrastructure and DevOps Professional, I strive to create efficiencies via automation and empowering developers using self service pipelines. My work is my hobby, and I have a passion for anything to do with computing. Looking for a company with a modern vision and looking to hire experienced professionals to solve the most difficult problems.

Location: Poland

Remote: Strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: C# (ASP.NET, .NET 6), React, Javascript, Typescript, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, AWS, Docker, Sysadmin

Resume/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7hl8gkxmc4k0v4/Michal%20Jasikowsk...

E-mail: michal@jasikowski.pl

I'm Michal, working remotely for more than 10 years. Primarily a full-stack (C#/React) developer, but I've been wearing many hats in my career - from a system architect, through consultant, to project manager.

Experienced in developing custom complete ERP/CRM solutions from ground-up and integrating with various third-party systems for e-commerce and recruitment industries - both solo and as a part of a team.

A musician after hours.

Looking for UX Research Internship/Freelance. Currently working on my masters.

  Location: NYC
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Depends on the offer
  Technologies: UX research methods: Card Sorting, Tree Testing, Moderated User Testing and Unmoderated Remote User Testing, Figma, Miro, HTML, CSS, UserTesting.com, Adobe Acrobat, G Suite, Microsoft Office, YouTube Studio, Photoshop, InDesign
  Résumé/CV: https://ariella-brown-portfolio.glitch.me/ (site is currently not responsive) 
  Email: abrow638@pratt.edu
Feel free to connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ariellafbrown/

  Location: NYC / Greenwich, USA
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: probably not. willing to travel
  Technologies: Python (20 years), SQL (20y), Redshift (5y), AWS (12y), Go, Linux, Java, Scala, Cassandra, Redis, nginx, Elasticsearch, Spark, etc.
  Résumé/CV: please contact
  Email: tropenatt29 [at] gmail
20 years' experience, primarily data engineering, database optimization, and eng management at early/growth-stage startups (several exits). Previous experience in big finance, insurtech, fitness, search, healthcare.

I enjoy

- hands-on development

- tuning & replicating databases

- training & mentoring

- supporting or leading strategic recruiting / hiring initiatives

- providing technical and strategic advice

- coordinating large initiatives across teams / orgs

Primarily interested in consulting or contract work; open to full-time.

Location: Washington, USA

Remote: Yes. I am an experienced remote worker, but I prefer a hybrid work environment.

Willing to relocate: Yes! I am excited by the opportunity to live in a new city.

Technologies: Pixel-perfect mockups, mobile app design, user interface (UI) design, responsive front-end web development

Résumé/CV: https://dillonbrown.me/resume.pdf

Portfolio/Website: https://dillonbrown.me

Hello, my name is Dillon and I want to help you create cool stuff. I'm looking for UI and UX positions, as well as junior web development work.

I am completely obsessed with usability. I owe this passion to my time designing for others. When I design app interfaces, I am trying to make someone else’s life a little easier — this is how I help people with the gifts I have. I understand most people do not want to spend hours learning about every tiny detail of every product they use. Very few people are constantly thinking about how they interact with technology and how it might be better, but I cannot be any other way. My mind is endlessly observing myself in the way I use things and how they might be improved.

User interface design is my passion and I can do some basic front-end web development. Plain old HTML and CSS are my tools of choice. I can hack together some JavaScript given enough time. By far the most impressive JavaScript I have cobbled together is for an open-source web app I built as a passion project, which can be seen here [1]. Please take a look at my portfolio [2] to see some selected projects.

[1] https://github.com/dillonjohnbrown/the-drugulator/blob/maste.... [2] https://dillonbrown.me

I am a software engineer with 15+ years of experience. I work on hardware projects.

Resume/CV : https://www.dropbox.com/s/l6w2wd55ql5acnn/CVPYB.pdf

Location : UK, EU, possibly Asia. Relocation possible.

My experience is in embedded systems, wearables, scientific equipement, manufacturing, set-top-boxes / video, consumer electronics...

I am looking to work with fast-moving hardware startups or scaleups.

More info on this in my CV, as well as my open source work and my writing.

Technologies : "Full Stack". Which means : systems and low-level development, firmware and digital electronics ; backend development ; and web development on occasion. Collaborative work style preferred : onsite, pairing, ...

  Location: Orange County, California
  Remote: Yes, willing to do remote or in-office (preferred local)
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: ASP.NET (Professionally), Swift/iOS (Personally), and more
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-n-linnell/
  Email: james.n.linnell@gmail.com
I'm a full stack software engineer with about 5 professional years of experience, in the Financial Tech industry. Looking to move to another, more exciting industry for new challenges. Would like to get into iOS development professionally instead of just via personal side projects, if possible, as a change of pace. Good knowledge of server-side infrastructure requirements and software architecture.

  Location: Cagliari, Italy
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: React, TypeScript, Nx, Gitpod
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamghelfi/
  Email: trumbitta@gmail.com
20+ years of work experience as a frontend developer, architect, and team lead.

T-shaped with good understanding of backend, REST, design / UX, DevOps / FrontendOps, ...

Looking for a product company, where I can express my love and attention for my users, fully remote or remote first, within a smallish, supportive team, working with a reasonably modern tech stack, where I can keep on learning and honing my skills. Even better if my users are developers.

I am interested only in full-time permanent roles, best if through Remote.com, Deel, or similar.

  Remote: Yes (Remote Only)

  Web Technologies: React, JavaScript/TypeScript.

  Mobile Technologies: Flutter, React Native, Java, Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C.

  Résumé/CV: CV on request.

  Email: elena.mongrab@gmail.com
Hello, I am Elena, an experienced senior-level web/mobile engineer with 8+ years of experience. I've started migrating my Web2 developer career to a Web3 and looking for a Solidity engineering position.

I would like to join a team of talented people, where I can quickly grow and master my skills around Defi, DAOs, and Web3 which I am really excited about. If you are considering an entry-level candidate with a big motivation and senior-level software engineering background - please let me know.

Looking forward.

  Location: Toronto, Canada
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: JS, React, Node, Postgres, rustier with Python. Worked with old versions of Rails & Django but will need to get up to date if used. Assorted other web tech.
  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/190yT0kGjGIrj2aG5Eno-ET6bmdayAe9tA3PkNKadfyY/export?format=pdf
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walter-miller-9567631/
  Email: waltermil@gmail.com
Long time dev, worked with a variety of languages.

Jobs have been very React heavy for the past few years and I'm kind of sick of React. Looking for something more backend or at least with less CSS & fewer browser issues.

  I am a software engineer with 4 years of working experience as a Full Stack 
  Developer.Hands-on experience with different JavaScript frameworks which 
  include Node.js, React.js, and Angular. I have worked on BNPL solutions 
 ,medical related software's and e-commerce application.
  currently i am working remotely with a Thailand based company. 

  Location: Pakistan
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate:Yes, if really needed and depending on the country

  Location: Montreal, Canada
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: JS, Ruby, Golang, Express, PostgreSQL, 
  MongoDB, RESTful APIs, React/Redux, HTML/CSS, Jest, 
  Cypress.io, Docker, AWS EC2, OpenTelemetry
  Résumé/CV: https://iulspop.dev/assets/Iuliu_Pop_Resume.pdf
  Email: iuliu.laurentiu.pop@gmail.com
A full-stack software engineer that overflows with curiosity. I am seeking a remote full-stack or backend role. I recently created Hypha, an open-source observability framework that makes debugging distributed systems easier by correlating logs and traces in a single tool. Read our technical case study here: hyphaobservability.com/case-study.


Location: Denver

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: No

Algorithms / Strategies:

  -Options Implied Volatility Arbitrage strategies

  -Stock & Equity Algorithms, Current tracking over 500 stocks and thousands of options chains.

  -Futures (ES, NQ, CL, GC…)
Software & API:

  -Python, Mysql, PHP, amCharts, charts.js, google charts,TD Ameritrade / Interactive Brokers

  -Portfolio & Risk Management
Additional Information: MBA in Finance, Register Investment Adviser

Email: algo@strategic-options.com

Non Traditional Cover Letter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13Bcg4zUmMWGnyUBUPLQ7dibM...

Hi there! I'm a freelance full stack software engineer with a focus on web development technologies. I have over 8 years of start up and freelance experience developing performant web applications. Worked for a range of sectors whereas my main experience has been for with fintech companies with focuses in financial transparency/reporting/budgeting for governments, complex payroll systems, loan management, and accounting. Looking for part-time contracting opportunities!

Location: LA / Remote: Yes / Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, JavaScript/TypeScript/Node, HTML, CSS/SASS, GraphQL / Apollo, among others

Résumé/GitHub/Email/LinkedIn available on my website: andrewkowalczyk {dot} com

  Location: Cologne, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Typescript, React, NodeJS, Python, AWS, Google Cloud, Github, Keycloak
  Résumé/CV: https://sebastian.wiendlocha.org/cv
  Email: sebastian@wiendlocha.org
Hey, I'm a german full stack developer with 6 yoe in web-dev looking to work on interesting projects. I'm a generalist, pragmatic but up-to-date with current web technologies, standards, best practices and tool-chains. Previous experience in working with international teams, agile methods and self-organizing teams. Might be open to relocate for the right opportunity. I am not looking for freelance contracts, only full-time roles.

  Location: Remote/SoCal
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Golang, Python, Node.js, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Kubernetes
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13lR3wquwgy9YjS9m_B5cK8XQwSTNHWJZ/view?usp=sharing
  Email: hugo.sjoberg88 at gmail dot com
I'm Hugo, I like backend things. I truly enjoy working with backend services that need to be able to handle high throughput and databases with many entries. Like a cargo ship, I also enjoy containers, I enjoy them the most when they are orchestrated by Kubernetes. The containers I like the most are the ones with code written but not limited to in Golang, Python, or Node.

I studied computer science (didn't finish final thesis) and I work as a full stack developer (mostly ruby/rails/nodejs/react). I'm a crypto enthusiast and I'm looking to switch to web3/smart contract development. My github profile is https://github.com/romeroadrian

  Location: Argentina
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: ruby, rails, javascript, nodejs, react, sql, html/css, python, a bit of go. Starting with solidity
  Résumé/CV: https://romeroadrian.com.ar/cv.pdf (a bit outdated)
  Email: work@romeroadrian.com.ar

Hi, my name is Vedran, and I represent a small high-grade web consultancy team with extensive experience in architecting, building, and managing large custom-made applications.

A recent project we built is a small ticketing app Shindig (read more here: https://bytecode.hr/projects/shindig) for exclusive events, battle-tested at a Fly Over event in Northern Croatia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHy33FWfZ0c). Check out our current projects: https://bytecode.hr/.

Throughout the last decade, we made Airbnb-like platforms, music streaming apps, healthcare/finance/construction apps, real-time GPS vehicle tracking suites, worked on core systems of big data platforms (millions of daily transactions) and more. We mainly collaborate with companies but also have a lot of positive experiences working with non-technical founders. We are searching for greenfield projects with a budget that we will build using Ruby On Rails and React. We are also looking to develop some small WordPress sites.

We are also using some no-code platforms like SupaBase and Webflow ---

Location: Central Europe

Remote: Yes, since the beginning of our careers

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby On Rails, React, React Native, Javascript/Typescript, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Heroku, SupaBase, Webflow

Résumé/CV: https://bytecode.hr/

Email: vmarcetic@bytecode.hr


We specialize in React front-end, Custom WordPress sites, back-end, DevOps and system administration (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Elastic, Docker, AWS, etc.). We charge per project or a minimum of $70 per hour. Read more on https://bytecode.hr/.

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Remote: Read below

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Classic back-end: JVM (Java/Kotlin/Scala), python, Elasticsearch

Résumé/CV/Email: https://gist.github.com/brusic/a554ef5414a42595470a2c9ccfd69...

Like any other technologist nowadays, I get a ton of recruiting emails and do not need to announce my candidacy on Hacker News. However, I would love to return to working in an office, but there are no strong tech jobs AFAIK in Central Los Angeles. Please hit me up if you know of anything.

For remote jobs, I would love to get more involved with machine learning. Used to be heavily involved in the search world.

I'm a Technical Coach, looking to create a high-trust, productive environment for your teams. I help teams work together effectively, delivering more value to customers faster, improving morale, and upskilling the technical side where needed. Always open for a chat, book a time https://calendly.com/stewaterman/30min

Location: Durham UK

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Agile, XP, Scrum, Technical Coaching, background in Full Stack Web Development

Résumé/CV: https://stevenwaterman.uk/assets/cv.pdf

Email: jobs@stevenwaterman.uk

    Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
    Remote: Yes (or hybrid)
    Willing to relocate: Not at the moment
    Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Kubernetes
    Résumé: On request
    e-Mail: equal.bowl8148@fastmail.com
I'm still a bit fresh in my career and in between jobs at the moment due to layoffs. Can't give you a fancy description or introduction as it's like everyone else's: we're developers and we do what we do best. Otherwise I'm more specialized in backend work with 12 years of experience of Java (including small side projects and high school classes). Looking for a permanent position.

Location: Pakistan

Remote: Full Remote, Experienced in working remotely for 2 years.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, React Native, Javascript, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, React Hook Forms, Redux, Bootstrap, VS Code (Front End Technologies)

CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wh3lYRQ_KCGIJrUCqggMWMH0X2i...

Email: dali@danishkhanzaada.com

Website: danishkhanzaada.com

For more than 2 years now I am working with cross culture teams, which includes working and collaborating with Malaysian, Canadian, Germany, USA and Dubai Startups. Experience in Startup culture and familiar with ups and downs involved.

  Email: c410.f3r (at) gmail.com
  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes
  Résumé/CV: https://c410-f3r.github.io/curriculum.pdf
  Technologies: AngularJS, Assembly (x84_64),C, C++, Cryptography, Docker, Docker Compose, Ember.js, GCP, Golang, Java, JavaScript, Kubernetes, Linux, MongoDB, MySQL, NodeJS, PHP, Polkadot, PostgreSQL, Python, ReactJS, Rust, SQL Server, Smart Contracts, Solana, Solidity, Substrate, TypeScript, Vue.js
  Willing to relocate: No
Software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and over ten years of experience in several technologies and programming languages. There are two fields where I mainly act: (1) DevOps; from database administration and data modelling to back-end programming or front-end design all the way to orchestrated deployment with latest tech and (2) Standalone software; involves embedded development in restrict environments, blockchain applications mostly related to Parity's Substrate and plain command-line interfaces.

On the open-source side of things, I regularly contribute to several projects, helping and communicating with other developers. Take a look at the available coding portfolio in my GitHub profile at https://github.com/c410-f3r where most public collaborations in the last five years were more focused on the Rust Programming Language ecosystem.

Over 40 certified courses have been completed and nine professional certifications that covers a wide range of areas were obtained from different organizations, e.g., Linux Foundation and the Blockchain Training Alliance. Learning is very important to keep up with both old and new technologies, my newest certification is the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect and more certifications will be earned over time.

In my last work experience I refactored, architected and developed many key parts of a Parachain always aiming for security, readability, robustness and maintainability, which contributed to two successful marketing campaigns. In addition to all this and to finish, I also created and deployed a brand new Relay Chain like Kusama or Polkadot for custom usage and testing.

Hello Caio. I've sent you an email before to connect. Do you want to ping me on email? gabriel at silver.dev.

I am thinking of a couple of blockchain startups that you might be interested in.

Hi, Rachel here!

Location: Greater Los Angeles, CA

Remote: Yes (or in-person in Los Angeles)

Willing to Relocate: No, not until 2024

Technologies: CPG product manufacturing, rapid prototyping in hard and soft goods, mechanical engineering and product design, plastics, design for manufacturing, fabrics (cut and sew design and pattern making

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rbenyola or https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NLOBBQQjM9jELKLqDly6inpo...

Email: rkbenyola@gmail.com

Location: Kansas City, Missouri

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, Spring, SQL, Git, Linux, Some Python/Django/Flask

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: andy [at] aykrieger.com

Personal Site: aykrieger.com

GitHub: https://github.com/aykrieger

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andy-krieger/

Hi, I'm Andy and I have four years of experience working on back-end Java APIs (Spring, microservices) with a healthcare IT company. I'm looking for a full-time software engineering role and I'm excited to work with newer technologies (possibly Kotlin, Golang).

   Location: Utah, USA
   Remote: Yes
   Willing to relocate: no
   Technologies: python, postgres, docker, kubernetes, microservices
   Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nhumrich/
   email: hireme@humrich.us
Looking to run an engineering team. A perfect fit would be if you are looking to enter growth phase, and need an engineering leader to help drive efforts to scaling your team. I have a background in devops/infrastructure, but am very well versed in all aspects of SaaS engineering. I focus on developer productivity among growth and process, especially for industries that require compliance.

Location: UK Time Zone (Asia Pacific)

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arpan-desai-61282215/

Remote: Yes

Technologies: ReactJS, NextJS, Angular 10+, Shopify, Laravel, AWS, Serverless, iOS iOS, Flutter, React Native

Work: https://bit.ly/mf-profile-w

Email: arpan@mobilefirst.in

I work with high-growth startups & mainly do team augmentation of mobile & web developers.

Schedule a Chat: https://calendly.com/arpand

p.s - I am founder of the app development agency.

  Location: Colorado - Remote only
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: no
  Technologies: Kubernetes / AWS / Terraform 
  Résumé/CV: on request
  Email: kubernetes_sre@protonmail.com
Resume can be given on demand. I have co-workers that love these threads.

I've been in the Devops/SRE space for 21 years. I've been using Kubernetes in production on large clusters for over 5 years now. I've saved companies 40%+ of their AWS bill by utilizing autoscaling and spot heavily with great success.

Looking for a new role where I'm working in a fast paced environment and help them with their cloud/kubernetes experiences.

  Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: not at least until 2024
  Technologies: NodeJs, ReactJs, git, docker, sql, noSql. See resume for detail
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fendyheryanto
  Email: fendy3002@gmail.com
Senior software developer with 10 years of experience, mainly in nodeJs and reactJs, php following close and C# that needs some time to refresh.

I'm excel at requirement analysis, as well as designing solution and architecture. Also good at learning and following best practices, as well as using development tools such as redis, rabbitmq and docker.

Location: Bangkok/Seoul (UTC+7/UTC+9)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, golang, node.js, Next.js, TypeScript, React, Elixir, Erlang, C, eBPF, Swift, Win32, VPN, API, GraphQL, SQLite, Tailwind, REST, SSO, WebAuthn, web3, crypto, browser extension, ...

Email: amir@amirmalik.net

Résumé/CV: https://amirmalik.net/resume

I have 10+ years experience implementing software systems. I'm reaching out beyond my usual network to try to find interesting and unique opportunities. I'm a full-stack engineer and have experience in everything from low-level network protocol design to frontend UX/UI implementation. I'm open to both part-time and full-time work. I highly value teams that are remote-first and operate in an asynchronous working style. I'm currently based in East Asia (but happy to travel anywhere on Earth to meet you) and prefer to work non-nocturnal working hours. If the team is based in the West, that means you get me as an on-call person during U.S. night time for free :)

Latest few projects:

* I worked with the folks at Uno https://uno.app on a few different cool things on automating browser and WebView logins using custom automations, React, and browser extensions.

* "Web3" side project: https://loginwith.xyz built in PHP (nostalgia ftw!), SQLite and Dockerized into a beautiful small container setup. Given time, I'll add WebAuthn support and deemphasize web3 wallet logins. It has a pretty neat Amazon-style email magic link login that's easy to integrate into your website. Just open-sourced it on GitHub!

* Main side business: https://kvdb.io built in Go. In-progress work includes replacing the Lua scripting engine with a JavaScript engine. I think the app server paradigm of the 2000s will be back with a vengeance. Running for 4+ years and I intend to keep it running forever.

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, C++, Python, TypeScript

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/arrjayh/arrjayh-resume/blob/master/hickok...

Email: robertjctrl@gmail.com

Mid-level systems software engineer. Seeking opportunities which require some domain expertise in systems software. Have had a breadth of experiences; from web to embedded to distributed computing. My most recent work revolves around app enablement for a variety of platforms (Xbox, PS4, PS5, Switch) for an online streaming service.

Location: New York, NY Remote: Yes, preferred - will also happily do hybrid Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Python, Numpy, Pandas, SKLearn, Tensorflow, MySQL, STATA, R Resume: https://www.madelynbgoodman.com/ Email: madelyn.b.goodman@gmail.com

Data Scientist hungry to jump into a tech company and leverage their data to grow the business. I have a track record of being able to quickly integrate into a team and start adding value in no time. I am a quick learner, have positive energy, and am passionate about tech and data.

We are a software company focused on mobile development that works in markets such as the American and European markets. We work with a solid tech stack that allows us to provide high-quality solutions to startups and software factories that need extra resources to scale their team.

Location: Montevideo, Uruguay

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React Native, Flutter, Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, elixir, AWS

Email: hello@metalabs.software & marco@metalabs.software

Web page: [https://www.metalabs.software/](https://www.metalabs.softwar...

  Location: Bend, OR, USA
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Unlikely, maybe to EU.
  Technologies: C, C++, Endpoint Agents, Linux, Kernel Dev, eBPF, Security, some Python
  Résumé/CV: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YAEG41f9wTsa84_Rexcmq2lEn4hzYH4Ef0T-2WRWPC0/edit?usp=sharing>

  Email:Full name on gmail. I am Quillian Rutherford, no extra chars or spaces.
Looking for a good company with a product I like, sadly no cloud experience, just endpoints and embedded. Willing to learn new things and use new technologies to get things done.

Location: SF bag area Remote: yes Willing to relocate: no Technologies: Flutter, Firebase, SwiftUI, gRPC, GraphQL, etc Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jiaqifeng/ Email: georgefung98@gmail.com

I’m a mobile dev with a decent amount of experience building mobile experience, my latest personal project is Hacker News client called Hacki: https://github.com/Livinglist/Hacki

Location: Austin, Texas

Remote: Sure!

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: AWS, Terraform, GitHub, GitLab, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, etc. Super dynamic, can learn new or different cloud or technologies on the fly. Have been doing this 10 years now and no plans to stop!

Resume/CV: https://github.com/autotune

Email: hn@contrasting.org

Notes: I have a pending contract offer taking far too long to onboard so seeing what else is out there. Ideally looking for something in the open source space where I can contribute to the infra in a very public way, but this is up for negotiation. As with most things.

Location: NYC + Long Island, New York

  Remote: full remote is cool, hybrid is ideal 

  Willing to relocate: No. Very open to onsite travel for work

  Technologies: Excel, SQL, Flowcharts, Python, Any analytics tool. 

  Résumé/CV: Business analyst from 2013 to 2020 across various industries (supply chain, medical coding, SaaS Data product.  Currently working as a pricing specialist and IT Bid coordinator for government contracts at a small business
Education: BS Information & Systems Engineering from Lehigh University in 2013

  Email: ericmausler@gmail.com

Eric, I sent you an email 15 minutes ago

  Location: Los Angeles
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby
  Résumé/CV: https://justin-lloyd.com
  Email: wanted@justin-lloyd.com

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  |        -~ justin-lloyd.com ~-       "|
  |      \\//                           ,'
   `    -(@ @)-          KNOWN ALIASES  |
    `+----(_)--oOo--+ Principal Engineer|
  :' | Booking no.  |     Technical Lead;
   ; | 0xC0FFEEFULL |Head of Engineering/
  <  +-oOo----------+                CTO'.
  ,' Last known location: L.A. (remote) ;
  |                                    /
  " IS ACCUSED OF:                     \
  '. 20+ yrs shipping $2B+ in product  `,
   /   Robotics & autonomous vehicles   ;
  l   Embedded & firmware programming   `:
   ;  Creating AAA games & VR/AR tools  l
  |  Building low-level device drivers ;
  |   Computer vision & sensor fusion  /
  |                                   |
  | C, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, Golang,  >
  | ASM, Rust, computer vision, SLAM,  ;
   \PyTorch/TensorFlow, GPU, gstreamer,|
    \OpenGL/CL/CV/AI, Solidity, Lisp, .
     >body tracking, robotics, CUDA, ~`
    .  autonomous vehicles, Clojure  !,
   !                                .'
  .` ARMED W/: MSc S/W Eng, MSc AI/DL,`.
  | MBA, MS ProjMgmt, MBA Entrepreneur ;
   !                                    |
  |  Known associates: Ericsson, Apple,/
  | Activision, Intel, PayPal, Facebook|
  \  ___  __   __   _   _   _   _   ___ \
   |(|_|`  _) (__) / \ / \ / \ / \ (|_|` ,
   |.|_|) /__ (__) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ .|_|) :
  __:      If seen, contact:             |
  \ `'-._       wanted@justin-lloyd.com  |  /;
   \     `###----....__    _____.....---+-#'/
    `-.__..-------..   `:,-'             _.'

Location: Denver, CO Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Not really Technologies: Full-Stack, Java, C# Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dudekrafal/ Email: digitaldudek / gmail . com

15+ years of experience working with IT support and systems administration. I've recently graduated from Regis University and looking for a career change into a developer role. Going through right now all the materials plus new things online to get ready for some job hunting.

Location: Great Falls, MT.

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: React, JavaScript, Firebase, MongoDB, Node, Express, Git, Jest

Résumé: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nd6N3xEV5Uuzkn_LlqrzpDv6g2m...

Email: jsemana054@gmail.com

I'm a recent CS graduate looking for remote positions in the US. Don't see your stack? I'm willing to learn it and everything else that comes. I want to get into some real hands-on experience in the industry and I hope someone will take the chance on me. Thank you!

  Location: Florida, US
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Azure, CircleCI, Terraform, Ansible, Python, Go, Ruby, Typescript, C#, Rust, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, some kernel & compiler experience.
  Résumé/CV: On request
  Email: legacyofillumination@gmail.com
Experienced (10 years) operations/cybersecurity/engineering person interested in part-time work. I like painless deploys, solid well-documented infrastructure, and I try to automate everything (except feature estimation).

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Remote: Happy with remote or in-person

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Python, React, PostgresQL, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Heroku, Java, Spring, Git,

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YQD5f0QC4hTxEIw8hi_wjl2QuJ2...

Email: msmccready@gmail.com

I'm a self-driven, resourceful, and highly versatile full stack engineer. I’ve built two sites from the ground up and had broad responsibilities—from creating engaging, elegant front-ends to complex, synchronized back-ends.

Fullstack Engineer, Focused on Backend, Skilled in Python, Flask, Django, Node.js, React, and AWS

Location: Kathmandu, Nepal

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Flask, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS services like RDS, Lambda, EC2, S3, ECS.

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/3ABlzQB

Email: https://imgur.com/KRkjDJJ

Hire Me: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0175a3c1f564ba7618

   Location:            United States
   Remote:              YES; travel negotiable
   Willing to relocate: NO
   Technologies:        Jira/JSM, JQL, Confluence, Automation, MySQL, Postgresql BigFix scripting, Kali, Python
   Résumé/CV:           Upon request
   Email:               hackernewsjob@outlook.com
I have worked with State, Federal, Private, and Public organizations. I am primarily interested in a Jira Administration, but also have a growing personal interest in Penetration testing and am currently working towards CPENT certification.

I'm a cybersecurity executive with 7 exits to date.

Open to senior management and Board roles primarily in cybersecurity, as well as IoT, AI, blockchain -- Past roles include 3 x as CEO, 1 x as President, 2 x as Chairman, 1 x a Executive Chairman, 1 x as independent Board member

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada -- also have EU citizenship Remote: sure Willing to relocate: unlikely Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardreiner/ Email: Use LinkedIn please

Location: Los Angeles

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends on Location

Resume: I am currently a data analyst for an NFL team. Previously I was a data journalist and authored two books(Nabokov's Favorite Word Is Mauve and I Don't Care If We Never Get Back) and was an interactives creator for Slate Magazine. I am interested in working full-time for a company that has unique data or a unique role for data in their industry. I am open to journalistic/consumer facing writing on a contract role. Happy to send over more background or chat over e-mail!

Technologies: Python, Javascript, mySQL

Email: bbblatt [AT] gmail . com

  Location: Germany/EU
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C++/Qt/Python/Gitlab CI/Bash/Linux/Embedded
  Résumé/CV: On Request
  Email: On Request
I've been working as an embedded Linux C++/Qt engineer for 6 years. In the last few years, I have also moved our code onto CI/CD pipelines on Gitlab. I also do a lot of plumbing in Bash, and maintain some smaller projects written in Python and C. I'm available for 20h/week. Native-level German and English.

Location:new york


  Willing to relocate:no

  Technologies: Core infra tech



Location: Philadelphia, PA

Remote: yes, or local

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: C/C++, python, flask, sql, node.js, Networking, wireshark

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/rkblake/Resume/blob/master/resume.pdf

Email: blakerandall0@gmail.com

A few years out of college. Would really like to be able to work in python or another modern language, but also have several years of c/c++. Teaching myself full stack dev and recently built a web app that I'm trying launch.

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JS, ReactJS, NodeJS, NextJS, GraphQL, Docker, Kubernetes

Résumé/CV: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/905601162529607680/90...

Email: csharath@outlook.com

Please know more about me here: https://wise-fragrance-fd5.notion.site/About-me-0dae9b0b174a...

Location: Rochester, NY -> Kingsport, TN

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: Javascript, Node.js, Express.js, React, Typescript, Redux, PHP

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16hG9kEgOjI-DTwFZjiFD2q5S...

Email: raphael.platte@gmail.com

I've been primarily frontend, looking to move into full-stack or backend. I can write good logic, and I'm hungry for technical challenges, like building something new.

  Location: Barcelona
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
   - Concepts: Node.js/Go/Python, React, Relational and non Relational Dabs, Jenkins, Docker etc 
  Résumé/CV: Full resume available on request
  Email: adrienaranda@gmail.com
I was part of Bolt's layoffs and I'm based in Barcelona! I have ~1YoE but I'm not afraid of asking and I have a proactive profile so I'm confident I could bring value to any dynamic organization. Feel free to hit me up and thanks!

Location: France

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Rust, Python, PHP, JS, Lua, Java, SQL, SPARQL, PyTorch, MediaWiki, NLP, Linked Data...

Résumé/CV: https://thomas.pellissier-tanon.fr/cv.pdf

Email: thomas at pellissier-tanon dot fr

I am a software engineer with a strong research background. I am mainly focusing on data management, databases, and NLP.

See my website for a more detailed description: https://thomas.pellissier-tanon.fr/

  Location: Sacramento, CA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Resume/CV: Available upon request
  GitHub: https://github.com/soulofmischief
  email: hello @ bad-software dot com
Senior full-stack JavaScript-focused engineer with a focus in single page apps, UI/UX, web games (three.js, etc) and crypto/web3. Fast-paced learner, capable Linux sysadmin. Wearer of many hats.

Looking for interesting and fun problems to solve! Contract/part-time/full-time welcome depending on the role.

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Resume: available on request

email: power-recruiter@proton.me

I am an experienced recruiter with experience at FAANG and currently leading a team of brilliant recruiters at a major crypto project. I love helping teams scale up as quickly and as effectively as possible. So if you're a startup in a hyper-growth phase and struggling to keep up with the hiring pace, I can help! I'll work with you or your existing recruiter(s) in developing a plan to effectively evaluate and leverage external recruiting resources to scale up your teams.

Location: Ontario, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: GIT, JavaScript, React, HTML / CSS, SCSS, React Testing Library, Jest, Wordpress, Bootstrap, JQuery, REST API

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: ruildo5@live.ca

Website: https://ruildodcl.ca

Young & eager professional with an Interactive Media & Design background looking to transition to an entry-level Frontend Web Developer role. My design background lends to creative problem solving skills with a keen eye and attention to detail whilst developing frontend interfaces.

  Location: India 
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies:  Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Helm, Ansible, Linux 
                 AWS, GCP, SQL, Redis
                 GoLang, Rust ,NodeJS, Python
  Website: https://lxz.io
  Résumé/CV: https://resume.lxz.io
  Email: hey [at] lxz [dot] io
Hey Im a Devops Engineer, Worked on AWS, Docker, Kubernetes and Terraform with over a year of experience.

Completed my AWS Solution Architect and CKA. Looking for a SRE / DevOps Role.

Location: Guadalajara, Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C/C++11, Python3, Robotics (ROS1/ROS2, Gazebo, FlexBE), Linux(Ubuntu), Embedded Systems, GIT, Code Review, Agile(Scrum), Unit testing(gtests, rostests).

Resume: (PDF on request)

Email: andrestoga [at] tutanota [dot] com

I'm currently seeking a Robotics Software Engineer position at a Robotics company/startup/institute. My research interests lie in Robot Algorithms, Navigation, Motion Planning and Autonomous Ground Vehicles(AGV). I'm open to all sorts of opportunities, so please reach out!

  Location: Bucharest/Dragasani, Romania
  Remote: Yes(preferably)
  Willing to relocate: Yes, if really needed and depending on the country
  Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, ReactJS, GatsbyJS, GraphQL, Contentful CMS, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Netlify & Heroku deployment. 
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f2HhgZcEoc5VK1_JqOXGNMWqjgRdtgl5/view?usp=sharing
  Email: alin.sofianu@gmail.com
  Website: alinsofianu.dev

  Location: Italy / Dublin, Ireland
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Svelte, React, PostgreSQL, Linux, Arduino, NodeJs, Python
  Résumé/CV: https://github.com/madacol/aboutme/blob/master/resume.md
  Email: madacol10 gmail
I have a very wide range of knowledge, but with depth into web development (~5 years) and a bit on electronics.

I am highly attracted into DevOps and decentralized technologies (including bitcoin and ethereum)

Learning Rust

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Node.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Python, React, AWS, Postgres, Mongo, Kafka

Résumé/CV: https://achie27.github.io/resume/

Email: architmathur2011@gmail.com

  - Backend-leaning full-stack SWE with 3+ years of industry experience
  - Built applications in fintech, defi, real-estate, and advertising
  - Relevant profiles along with resume here - https://achie27.github.io

  Location: Europe (EU)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: C, C++, C#/.Net, Javascript, Typescript, React, Haskell, PostgreSQL, very basic Azure/AWS
  Résumé/CV: On request
  Email: gromaceandwallit@gmail.com
Software engineer with a heavy mathematical background (M.Sc). Been working for the past 6 months as a back-heavy fullstack developer at a company specialized in cybersecurity.

Able to work Pacific and Eastern timezones if needed.

SysAdmin of 14 years looking to branch into DevOps. remote only looking for a learning experience for my first job in DevOps. Location: Hatfield, Pennsylvania

Remote: only

willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Ansible, Docker, Vagrant, Jenkins CI, RHEL 8, Hyper-V, apache / httpd, Git, Github, Windows, Windows Server, Linux, PRTG, MSP360, TrueNAS

Resume: https://hermannetworkops.com/JHermanResume.pdf

email: jonathan.herman@hermannetworkops.com

Location: South Korea (globally remote in UTC+8 - UTC+10)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Elixir, Phoenix, Python

Salary: $70k (negotiable)

Resume/CV: https://github.com/chrishop/cv/blob/master/cv.pdf

Email: chris.j.h.original AT gmail.com

I'm Chris Hopkins. I'm moving from UK to SK in a couple months.

REALLY hoping I can stay as an Elixir Dev, been working for 3 years with OTP in a high traffic environment.

Email me if you want to chat :)!

Location: US, Europe, Latin America

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React, ReactNative, JS FE (Vue, Angular, vanilla JS), .NET, NodeJS, native mobile (Android and iOS), PHP, Java, Python, Flutter, Mendix

Résumé/CV: Email for appropriate CV

Email: elliot@doubleibis.co

I run a small agency with my brother and help developers in the US, Europe, and Latin America find work. If you need to hire or augment existing staff, odds are we can help.

Shoot me a note at elliot@doubleibis.co with the role(s) you're looking to fill and we'd be happy to help!

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Mocha

Resume- https://www.linkedin.com/in/samee-ansari

Email: mdsamee255@gmail.com

I am a college student getting my undergraduate degree in computer science. Looking to Kickstart my software development career. I have a knack for problem solving and research. Please reach out to me with any software or web development roles.

Thank you for your time.

  Location: San Diego / Lopez Island
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Ruby on Rails
  Résumé/CV: Over 15 years of production Ruby on Rails experience at Apple, Intuit, and successfully acquired startups
  Email: In my profile
Ruby on Rails Engineer with tons of production experience looking for contract work starting August 1st. I can travel if needed.

I'm also available for mentoring, consulting, and advising if that is of interest.


Location: Pennsylvania

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, SQL, C/C++, GCP, PyTorch, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Transformers, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recommender Systems, Tableau, Notion, BigQuery

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15ZMsBNQi3NDpY3Sf9Or7n764kJE...

Email: chris.uzokwe@gmail.com

I’m a recent Drexel graduate with a masters in EE and bachelors in CE. Recently I interned at Spotify as a data scientist, working primarily with Google Cloud Platform in transforming TBs of listener data into insights. I was also a Media Entertainment Laboratory (METLab) research assistant, where I researched and applied state of the art machine learning and deep learning methods to text, audio, and video. Projects include object recognition, recommendation engines, NLP, and RL agents. I’m looking for remote machine learning or data engineering roles.

Location: Berlin, DE

Position: Werkstudent/Working Student (20h/week)

Remote: Yes (only Germany though)

Willing to relocate: No

Résumé/CV: on request


Third year Bachelor's student looking for a cyber-security job.

Python, JS/TS, Go, Rust.

Interested in:

Reverse Engineering


Web Security

Static Analysis / Security Tooling


Location: Salt Lake City, UT Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, PostgreSQL Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tdDJo424CqOyu-iAs0E-Fxpj... Email: carston.morrell@gmail.com


I'm a fullstack C#, .NET and Xamarin certified mobile professional developer with a range of experience from the last sixteen years across a number of different domains.

I released my first app to the Apple app store in 2012 from conception to completion.

An ideal project would be to work on an MVP, Prototype or Proof of Concept mobile app and deliver it to your phone via TestFlight within a month.

CV available upon request.

Location: Birmingham, UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: C#, .NET, Xamarin, SQL

CV: available by email.

Contact details on profile.

Location: New Delhi, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes(anywhere in india)

Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Spring, Spring Boot, multithreading, distributed system, Mysql, MongoDB, Postgresql, Linux, Docker, Bash Scripting, MacOS, Git

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1162mKIlIieLBTWPFUWZBtlCn...

Email: yours0182@gmail.com

  Location: NY, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: PHP, Laravel, React, Vue, .NET (C#, VB.NET), Encompass, Sage 200
  Résumé/CV: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AnIhOsRqHCywhKEa4MXKn2JXOXV9qg
  Email: marnold1@pm.me
9 years of work experience in the software/web-app development space. Looking for Laravel-based, salaried, permanent work, but open to whatever comes along.

Location: Mumbai, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: User Interface (UI) Design, Responsive Front-End Web Design and Development, Graphic Design, Explored UX Design, Linux, Docker, Bash Scripting, MacOS, Git

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dvkdjLIkLJpjTw3wJcZQhcE6dfz...

Email: kentongonsalves@outlook.com

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Remote: Open to Remote

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Javascript, C++, SQL, PostgreSQL, Machine Learning/AI (scikitlearn, tensorflow etc), Data Analysis

Resume/CV: Please Email for Resume

Email: Titlechamp74@gmail.com

I am a software engineer with a background in bioengineering/bioinformatics. I am a fast learner and am eager to join a company that tackles interesting problems. I am looking for an entry/mid level position. Please email me with any questions

Location: Berlin, 3 - 6 hours overlap with EST

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Elixir and Phoenix, Kafka, Kubernetes

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulgsbyrne/

Email: paulgregorybyrne@gmail.com


More than 8 years professional software development experience, including working remotely with US based teams, I'm flexible and communicative, and currently available.

Location: UK Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: C#, JavaScript, SQL, .NET, Node.js, Docker, Containers, Databases, AWS, Azure, cloud stuff, rest on CV Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/garethrbrown Email: gareth.brown@appsoftware.com

Location: Finland, Europe Remote: absolutely,yes Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: UX design, user research, data visualization, psychology, human factors, good understanding of web development (HTML, Javascript, CSS) and AI as well as SaaS startup

Résumé/CV: mishinova.github.io

Email: margarita.mishinova@aalto.fi

Interested in positions such as UX designer, service designer, user researcher, data storyteller and in areas mitigating human environmental impact.

I'm an analytics and data science professional with over 10 years of professional experience.

  Location: Arizona (USA)
  Remote: preferred
  Willing to relocate: maybe
  Technologies: R, SQL, Python
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abraham-mathew-21221b29/
  Email: mathewanalytics@gmail.com
  Code: https://gist.github.com/abmathewks

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Techonologies: Python, SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), Git, PowerBI, Data Science stack (NumPy, Pandas,Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn), NLP (Spacy, BERT), Streamlit

Resume CV: https://bit.ly/3umq7WZ

Email: lucasdcypriano@gmail.com

Solid mathematical and problem solving skills (Production Engineer bachelor). Looking either for software development or data science roles.

Location: Yerevan, Armenia Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React/Redux, Angular, Node.js + Express.js and Python + Flask

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hesamyan/

Website: http://hesamian.com/

Email: hesamyan@gmail.com

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C++, Qt, C, Python (Jinja2, Numpy, SciPy, SymPy, PyQt5, Flask, Sqlalchemy), CMake, Make, CI, unit testing (Google test, Unity), static analysis (writing tools with Clang tooling), Ansible, Docker / Podman, POSIX shell, Bash, Linux administration, Linux packaging, LaTeX, ReST; Also familiar with HTML, CSS, ES6+, React, Node.js, but not an expert; Dabbled in Rust, willing to learn it.

Résumé/CV: on request; CS BSc, 6 years of experience

Email: andrej.radovic@protonmail.com


I'm looking for a remote C++ development job: backend/libraries/GUI all suits me fine, just not embedded. Dealbreakers: "defense" (weapons/war), "gaming" (gambling) and crypto.

Up until now I did embedded development (in spite of my CS background), along with Qt C++ development (6 years of experience). Now I want to switch to (non-embedded) C++ full time. I can say I'm very proficient at modern C++, I've devoted most of my free time for 2 years to doing a deep dive of it.

I'm also very experienced with Python: generating C/C++ code, writing development tools with it, including Flask web-based tools and webhook-glue-services, as well as processing numerical data and doing some DSP in it.

I'm an expert at setting up company infrastructure (with Podman in Ansible on RHEL), administering and connecting internal services (like Gitea, Gitlab, Sonarqube, Reviewboard) and setting up CI systems (Drone, Gitlab CI) for C++/C/Python development. I'm also very good at large-scale refactoring, writing static analyzers and fixers with Clang tooling (clang-tidy). Automation of all kinds is my game.

I have several small FOSS projects on my Gitlab (https://gitlab.com/andrejr), packages on PyPI (https://pypi.org/user/andrejr/) and I also maintain packages on AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/account/andrejr).

I'm willing and able to establish, recruit and lead a small local team in Slovenia.

Location: Vienna, Austria

Remote: Yes, but not preferred.

Willing to relocate: Yes, immediately, but only to the U.S. I require visa sponsorship within the U.S.

Technologies: (from most to least preferred) Redteam Pentesting (No social engineering), Reverse Engineering, Python, C, x86-32 Assembly, PHP.

GitHub: https://github.com/chris-pcguy

Email: chris.hiring@broke-the-inter.net

Name: Catalina Fernandez

Technologies: React, Vue, Nextjs, Express, Graphql, Mongo

Looking for: a Fulltime / Part-time job

Timezone: GMT-3, CST

Location: La Plata, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Desired salary: 20 USD/h

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cooz- blzewSL85_tCcRChwbSP5Rt5Vuc/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105379343858895622352&rtpof=true&sd=true

* Location: USA, NYC area

* Remote: exclusively

* Willing to relocate: N/A

* Technologies: Python, C++, SQL, NoSQL, Go, Golang, Docker, Git, SVN, Subversion, Linux, Bash, Windows, Kafka, Redpanda, Terraform, AWS, Azure, Redis, Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, LDAP, Active Directory, OAuth2

* Resume/CV: www.adiuvat-consulting.com

* Email: jon.north@adiuvat-consulting.com

* Backend engineer(s) available including me, with extensive experience! Please visit the website for more!

Location: USA, Seattle

Remote: YES -- ONLY

Willing to relocate: NO


Typescript, React, C#, Rust, Java, others

SQL (Postgres, TSql), document DBs


Email: mamidon_jobhunt@outlook.com

CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KfXLSAvadMBn4vb-3ZeopKv-...

EX-Facebook, years of experience in the payments space, full stack developer.

Currently working in fintech.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, PHP/Laravel, JavaScript/VueJs/React, Swift / iOS, AWS. Wordpress, Mysql/ DynamoDB / Firebase, PyTorch

In a past life, I had a PhD in engineering (informatics related). I have 10 years of startup experience building web apps, scaling backends, data science, and machine learning. Resume available on request

Email: kumarmd@pm.me

Location: Latin America

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: crytpo/blockchains; Elixir, Haskell, Rust, Ruby, Python, C, JS, web (full-stack, mostly backend)

CV: https://gildedhonour.xyz

Email: alex @ serendipia.email


I'm an expert of nothing, a problem creator as well as a solver. I've been in IT for a decade or so.

For the last 2 years I've been working with cryptocurrencies and blockchains.

Let's talk.

Location: Ontario, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Languages/tech: Preference for C++, Rust, TypeScript, Elixir/Erlang, but fully capable in other languages. Linux. Embedded. Etc.

Bio: 20 years experience. Recent 10 years Google. Embedded/IoT as well as backend. Experienced generalist with "systems" focus. Open for freelance or senior eng roles. No Crypto/Blockchain.

Contact: ryan [dot] daum @ gmail [dot] com

  Location: South Africa
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Nim, Python, JS, C/C++, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, Oracle DB
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jfilby
  Email: jason.filby@gmail.com
At the moment I'm looking for contract roles, but am really just curious about what's out there.

  Location: Brooklyn, NY.
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C, Python, Java, Flask, Linux, Bash, Git, HTML, CSS.
  LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/abe101
  Résumé/CV: Feel free to request on LinkedIn/E-mail.
  Email: abe.hn7 [at] habet.dev
Self-driven Software Engineer with a passion for open source

Location: India, Chennai Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Angular, Java, Spring boot, Mysql, Mongo, Spring data Mongo, Bootstrap.

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YT45pOdaNjKpbcCNO4ZViECj-w6...

Email: jeffrinjesus@gmail.com

Location: Amsterdam, NL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Go, SQL, Linux.

Distributed systems and scalability.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/acadavid Email: alejandro@alcaisa.com

Available as interim Engineering Manager / fractional CTO. Previous experience includes companies like GitHub and Coupa.

Location: Heart of Europe Remote: Yes Relocate: Depends

Data scientist/engineer working in a neat and well-paid position is looking for a new challenge, preferably dealing with functional programming and in a quant/trading related domain.

I bring low-ego / social skills, well-rounded technical knowledge and an analytical mind.

chuhujitri@matra.top (email is throwaway and randomly generated)

Excuse the op-sec

  Location: Chile (LATAM)
  Remote: Yes, preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes.
  Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Elasticsearch, React, Vue JS, 
  PostgresQL, and more.
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JIqG4BfZ9PpPZyiYc5oJkbikZVTot1yE/view?usp=sharing
  Email: realdevsdonttestjk@outlook.com

Thinking of creating a startup? Want to use the latest technologies. STOP DON'T DO IT.

Use old proven technologies instead. Save tons of money. Your tech will be out of date in less then 5 years anyway so start 20 years behind... in the long run you will be better off!

Location: San Diego, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: no


Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/georgewscottiii

Email: gscott@officeroam.com

Location: London, United Kingdom

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, Go, Elixir, Rust, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Linux, React, Javascript

Résumé/CV: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1player/resume/master/resu...

Email: contact@combo.cc

Location: New Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, React, HTML/CSS, SQL, Linux, Github.

Resume: https://github.com/esteban90-dev/cv/blob/main/Stephen%20Alla...

Email: stephencallard@gmail.com

  Location: Guayaquil, Ecuador
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Flutter, Dart, Javascript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, Firebase, MongoDB, Parse Server
  Résumé/CV: https://dctech.dev/downloads/CV%20Daniel%20Coyula.pdf
  Email: danicoy@gmail.com
  Web: https://dctech.dev

Location: Italy

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: it depends

Technology: Security, AWS, Azure, Python, Networking

CV: On demand

Email: hn.iwzo1@aleeas.com

I am working as security architect for a F500. My duties are designing datacenters (cloud and on prem) and secure infrastructures. I am working closely with security operation department to understand and define security related use cases and map to their tasks and procedures.

Location: Vienna, Austria

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React (Native), Next.js, Vue.js, Deno, Node.js, SQL, Git, Jest

Résumé/CV: available upon request

Github: https://github.com/slymax

Email: contact@slymax.com

Web: https://slymax.com

Seeking: Engineering management, or exciting SA or principle/senior mobile engineering position

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: iOS (incl watchOS and tvOS commercial experience), React Native, Android, React, Ruby/Rails, Elixir/Phoenix, AWS SA, Azure, CI/CD (AWS, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, CircleCI etc)

CV: Available on request

Email: mfchnjobs@gmail.com

  Location: Arkansas
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Linux, BSD, LXC, KVM, Qemu, Docker, K8s, AWS, GCC, Vultr, Linode, Nginx, Wireguard, OpenVPN, ZFS, Ansible, Jekyll, Gitlab.
  Résumé/CV: https://alexmorris.dev/Resume.html
  Email: hey(ᵃᵗ)alexmorris.dev

Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania (GMT+3)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, JavaScript (isomorphic), PHP, Python, Elixir, MongoDB, Web, Dev/Ops stack

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marius-pop-a0201a213 (LinkedIn)

Email: marius@deva.host

Location: Bulgaria

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Electron

Résumé/CV: https://astoilkov.com

GitHub: https://github.com/astoilkov

Looking for small projects (2-4 weeks) or consulting work.

Location: N/A

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Full stack. Python/JavaScript/ts/nodejs/python/reactjs/redux/docker/html/css/git and etc. Résumé/CV:


Email: andron.andr@gmail.com

Location: Israel

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Product & UI/UX designer, expert in designing and building consistent design systems with React + Storybook

Resume: https://about.danielalter.me/about.pdf

Email: daniel@overview.co.il

Location: Los Angeles area

Remote: Open to remote anywhere or hybrid in the LA area

Willing to relocate: Leaning toward no

Technologies: Lately Ruby/Rails. Python/Flask before that. Some React sprinkled in there. I'm not too picky about tech stack – I've switched a few times and I'll probably be able to pick yours up.

Resume: on request

Role: targeting senior/staff backend IC. Not interested in director, EM, or heavy leadership type roles – I want to stay hands on.

Email: audible.cleats-07@icloud.com

I'm a value-minded backend engineer, currently in a staff+ role at a successful ecomm company. 15ish YoE, most of that in startups, most of those backend roles. My main strengths are:

- Pragmatism: doing what's right for the company/business rather than what seems cool in terms of tech.

- Aptitude for understanding complex legacy systems & working productively within them (I'm not going to say "this sucks! we need to stop everything and rewrite it!" a week after joining)

- Curiosity/interest in learning about the business and customers impacted by my work (so I can do a better job of building). Learning new domains and new business areas is one of the things I like most about changing jobs.

- Willingness to color outside the lines when needed to make the company successful (e.g., putting on my PM hat to fill in gaps where needed). I think of this as a "fixer" mindset.

I'm passively looking for my next role. Main priorities are:

- Sustainable pace, and good work/life balance. I don't want an org that encourages – explicitly or implicitly – folks to work themselves to burnout.

- Financially solid/healthy company (for obvious reasons in this economy)

- Diverse team (in age, seniority, past experience, etc). I want different perspectives to learn from.

- Collegial, friendly, supportive team dynamic.

- Collaborative and open product/eng relationship.

Open on tech stack – I'm a quick learner and not snobby about them. Pretty open on industry/company focus. I specialize in logistics now & would love to continue learning about that, but not a requirement. I'm in LA and like it here, but would consider relocating to the SF Bay Area or NYC for a really awesome fit (and a really strong offer).

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Remote: 100% only remote, timezones: GMT-8 to GMT+1.

Technologies: Rust, TypeScript, Angular (NgRx, RxJS, Nx).

Resume, CV, contact: https://jamm.dev

First 2 weeks: up to 20 hours per week, up to 40 hours later.


No cryptocurrencies, no Russian companies, no micro-loans.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes, it is preferred.

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Go, Kubernetes, Bash, Typescript, Node.Js, Rust, deno, Helm, Terraform, Consul, nmap, vim, doom

Résumé/CV: https://seanmacdonald.ca

Email: hello @ the domain name shown above

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankitpopli1891

Email: hire@ankit.dev

Location: India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, PostgreSQL, Mongo, AWS, Docker

Location: UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Nope

Technologies: React, Redux, Typescript, Styled Components, Jest, Cypress.

CV: https://github.com/nunohora/cv/blob/main/Nuno_Hora_CV.pdf

Email: check cv

Location: CA, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Golang, JS/TS, Web, PWAs, Node, Testing. Currently learning React and AWS serverless.

Résumé/CV: https://www.gaunt.dev/resume/

Email: hello@gaunt.dev

  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Clojure, JVM, Browsers, Node, Datomic, Kafka, React
  Résumé/CV: https://souenzzo.com.br/resume-en.html
  Email: souenzzo@gmail.com

Location: Asia / China, UTC+8.

Resume: https://www.printfinn.com/resume.html

I'm Finn, looking for a fullstack Ruby on Rails position, feel free to contact me.

  Location: Norway
  Remote: Hybrid
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: JS, TS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Nomad, Terraform, Linux
  Résumé/CV: https://qwelias.me/cv
  Email: contact@qwelias.me

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Remote: 100%

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: ReactJS, React Native.

Tech Stack: NextJS, Mapbox, Google Maps, QR codes, OCR, Firebase, Netlify, Netlify CMS, Stripe, etc.

Website: https://alamedadev.com

Email: hola@alamedadev.com

  Location: Poland
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Django REST Framework, Docker, GIT, Linux, Web scraping, HTML, CSS, some JS
  Email: dariusz@choruzy.com
  *** PART TIME ONLY ***

Location: Chicago

Remote: Yes or In Person

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: ReactJS, NodeJS, Salesforce, Apex, LWC, Javascript

Résumé/CV: https://mgarf.com/Resume.pdf

Email: opportunities@mgarf.com

  Location: India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Go, Python, SQL, GraphQL, Docker, Microservices
  Résumé/CV: [request on contact]
  Email: varshneybhupesh@gmail.com

Location: Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Vue 3, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, D3, Elixir and Phoenix.

CV: https://lobotuerto.com/about/cv

Email: adriandcs@gmail.com

Location: Madrid, Spain

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: Java, SQL, NoSQL

  Résumé/CV: LinkedIn.com/in/devstival

  Email: markcosta15@hotmail.com

Location: Japan

Remote: remote only

Willing to relocate: no atm

Technologies: React, Svelte, Rust, Ruby/Rails, Elasticsearch, AWS, GCP, Vercel, Firebase, Kubernetes

Resume: will provide once you requested me in email

Email: tnzk+hn at tnzk.org (please mention this post)

I think you confused whoishirig with whowantstobehired

We'll move it. Thanks for watching out for a fellow user!

Seems already moved? Thanks kisero and dang!

I am a designer with an experience of leveling up UX maturity of product teams. My priority is making sure the control of the apps and products is in the hands of humans using them. Overall 8+ years of experience in teams and products of various sizes.

  Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Product design, UX design, Design systems, Interaction design, Figma, Sketch, Web design, HTML, CSS, JS, React, Svelte, Git, Python
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/apustoshilov/
  Email: apust@hey.com
  Website: https://apust.com

Location: Seattle Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Maybe Technologies: Kubernetes, Terraform, Python, Go Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zanew Email: zane . W / hey.com

A gladiator of production k8s with 5+ years of experience. 15+ years overall tech work experience. Check out my github for public open source projects I’ve created and contributed to. https://github.com/sepulworld

Team leader, top contributor, mentor, knowledge sharing

Location: Greater Providence area, RI, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, C, Go, Javascript, Bash, Perl, Scheme/Racket, HTML/CSS, Django, Apache, Nginx, Debian packaging, Git, learning React via Codecademy

Resume: https://stuff.bennacar.com/files/bnacar_resume.pdf

Resume tl;dr: 7 years SRE-equivalent experience in an academic setting

Email: ben [at] bennacar [dot] com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bnacar

Location: Australia - but will work in your timezone if its a deal-breaker

Remote: 8 years experience working remotely

Willing to relocate: No thank you - unless you're somehow in Pennsylvania!

Technologies: python, linux, blockchain technology, smart contracts, peer-to-peer networking, solidity, dapps, incentive systems, applied cryptography

Résumé/CV: On request - my personal website is http://roberts.pm

Email: matthew@roberts.pm


First: I want to say I dislike having to market myself. It feels really embarrassing and egotistical... But let me try something...

Hello, I'm a senior blockchain engineer that likes trying to invent new techniques for solving problems and loves learning a lot. Some things I've invented where I was the first [or one of the firsts] to do so include:

- Designing a secure crypto-asset storage protocol with built-in safe-guards for lost keys, incapacity of its owner, and safe-guards against malicious co-signers. My protocol made use of multi-sig with redundant key pairs and time-lock encryption to provide fail-safe recovery options. Today: this general protocol is what is used by some of the most secure asset storage solutions.

- Designing ways to move money across blockchains that don't support complex smart contracts. One such way is to create a contract on Ethereum that releases payment if a person can produce a particular ECDSA signature. The signature is provably insecure and allows for recovery of its associated private key.

    1. The idea is that a counterparty would build an ECDSA deposit address on a third-party blockchain that consists of the ECDSA addition of your public key and theirs -- and deposit funds to it.
    2. They would then make a smart contract that lets them claim an ether deposit if they provide the provably weak signature.
    3. You would make an ether deposit into the contract and they would then provide the signature for you to recover their private key.
    4. By combining your private key with theirs you now have a private key that can be used to claim the coins on the other blockchain.
- A variation on the above contract idea would be to have both sides using Ether as a way to ensure the protocol continues on chains that don't support time-locked refunds.

- A key focus of my work on blockchain technology is how it can be used to solve complex trust problems in the online world. One such example is the use of micro-payment channels to incrementally move money between traders without the need for a third-party clearing-house to hold deposits.

- I am particularly interested in the notion of 'algorithmic corporations' - corporations that are regulated entirely by software algorithms - who allow open participation from computers - and whose 'work' can be verified through algorithms. A blockchain is one such example because all of the inputs and outputs to the system can be measured by software. But there are other systems that also satisfy this definition. For example: 'primecoin' is a coin that pays rewards for finding prime numbers.

My professional background is mostly in decentralized trading systems where I've built crypto-asset, token, and futures exchanges on various popular blockchains. But my skill set covers: smart contracts, applied cryptography, security, crypto-economics, and much more. I am currently working on a new peer-to-peer networking stack for Python 3 that will be released as open source. I am extremely passionate about cool tech and motivated. Hope to hear from some cool teams! Thanks a lot if you read this long post.

Location: New York City Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Node.js ( 5 years),Golang ( 4 years) C# ( 10 years), Svelte ( 1 year) AWS ( 3 years) docker (3 years) Résumé/CV: 20 years career software developer . Resume available on request. I am also the creator of fabform .io Email: irishgeoff @ yahoo .com https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffrey-callaghan-ok/

Location: Françe

Remote: 100% (I've no leg)

Willing to relocate: 0%

Technologies: Cross Operating System, C, CPP, LUA, PERL, PYTHON, SHELL, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML/CSS/JS, SQL, LDAP, SAMBA, FIREWAL, UX... (roughly 15 years exp!)

Résumé/CV: on private demand. here is my public playground https://github.com/752963e64 You'll grab my interests and skill lvl from reading...

Email: 752963e64 @ tutanota.com

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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