Have you tried the latest one? It's noticeably faster. Worth the $79. (And I'll get the touch screen as soon as it's available).
> I use white on black for night time reading, and can still fall asleep.
I've heard this from multiple people. I should try it.
I read my Kindle on occasion for hours and hours. Not only does it not hurt my eyes, but it's so light. The iPad is quite heavy.
I really wonder if Apple will ever come out with an eInk screen. After reading how upset Jobs got over Android ripping off the iPhone, I kind of think that maybe they never will and that they'll just let Amazon have that market.
> I really wonder if Apple will ever come out with an eInk screen. After reading how upset Jobs got over Android ripping off the iPhone, I kind of think that maybe they never will and that they'll just let Amazon have that market.
Are you saying that Apple came with iPod because no one had made an Mp3 player before?
Apple made iPhone because no one made a phone before?
I guess I don't see how they could improve the Kindle drastically this late in the game.
The Kindle should be faster, lighter, and the UI should be a bit easier (but the touchscreen version due out at the end of the month could solve that already).
Amazon's already reduced it almost as much as can be. I feel like if Apple came out with an eInk reader it would be tough to be anything but a "me too" product. Perhaps they could do color eInk? I think it would take an advance like that to make it worthwhile.
Color eInk isn't being done because it's a technical problem, not a design problem. Everybody knows color eInk would be cool, we don't need Apple to step forward and say "You know what, color eInk would be cool!"
We just need somebody to invent a feasible one, make it and sell it. You'll then see it in Kindles quickly enough.
Color eInk isn't being done because nobody is willing to bet the farm on it. Everybody knows color eInk would be cool, and we DO need someone like Apple to step forward and say "You know what, color eInk would be cool! And here's a billion dollars, make it happen!"
Have you tried the latest one? It's noticeably faster. Worth the $79. (And I'll get the touch screen as soon as it's available).
> I use white on black for night time reading, and can still fall asleep.
I've heard this from multiple people. I should try it.
I read my Kindle on occasion for hours and hours. Not only does it not hurt my eyes, but it's so light. The iPad is quite heavy.
I really wonder if Apple will ever come out with an eInk screen. After reading how upset Jobs got over Android ripping off the iPhone, I kind of think that maybe they never will and that they'll just let Amazon have that market.