of this is cool a language specifically to help new programmers to learn programming when their primary language is spanish?
honestly this would a be godsend for my girlfriend. Most algol programming languages are super focused on english keywords that are very intuitive for a natibe speaker but nto so much for a Spanish speaker.
case in piint. "if" in spanish is "si", but "si" is also spanish for "yes"
as you can imagine, trying to explain with teh language barrier can get difficult
Pedantic is being the friendly, correcting cynic. Native Spanish speakers use si as si in texts and informal messages all the time. It's understood from context; I think.
It's not hugely different from using i instead of I as the first-person singular pronoun in English which I wouldn't class as 'abhorrent' but rather 'very informal', which is fine so long as the actual language itself is preserved.
In the case in question, a programming language, we can assume a context-free grammar, and therefore the keyword equivalent for "if" would be "si" and the keyword for "yes" would be "sí".
honestly this would a be godsend for my girlfriend. Most algol programming languages are super focused on english keywords that are very intuitive for a natibe speaker but nto so much for a Spanish speaker.
case in piint. "if" in spanish is "si", but "si" is also spanish for "yes"
as you can imagine, trying to explain with teh language barrier can get difficult