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Kaketsugi – A technique for repairing holes or tears in fabric (2021) [video] (nhk.or.jp)
531 points by zdw on May 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 113 comments

I've always been interested in repair and have done a good bit of mending on my own clothes. I have a few black tee shirts from Target from about six or seven years ago that have just gotten a few small holes that I've repaired and you can't notice. Takes less than 5 minutes after a while from getting the thread out all the way to cutting it at the end.

For down jackets, you can get yourself a roll of repair tape for ~$5 that's as simple as cut and place. I used to work for a large outdoors retailer and we had access to damaged and returned goods at crazy discounts. I got a $200 down jacket for $2.50. Add the $5 roll of repair tape that I still have and we've got a great jacket that I've worn for about four years now.

It's kind of fun to do as well. Having sentimental value with the things you use is kind of nice, as long as you don't go overboard.

This craft was quite popular in Poland back in the day and went by the name "cerowanie artystyczne".

People earned like 20 USD a month. You ripped the pair of jeans your Uncle from America (archetypal figure from that time) sent you? Cerowanie artystyczne to the rescue.

Whenever we visited Germany in the 80s we pretty much took orders. We brought a lot of levis and cartons of cigarettes. And athletic socks for some reason.

I had this beautiful bespoke suit which had just been hanging in the closet, due to me gaining some weight. After slimming down I wanted to wear it again, only to find a couple of large and very noticeable moth holes on one of the lapels.

Welp, money down the drain I thought. Local dry-cleaner tipped me about "invisible mending", so I did some research. Ended up shipping it to the UK, and paid around £120 for getting the jacket repaired - with excellent results. Some might say that's a steep price, but the alternative was binning a £4000 garment.

If I ever bought a £4000 piece of clothing and it turned out that it does not protect me either from bullets or some seriously hazardous environments I'd bin it out of sheer disappointment.

But I know there are people that think it could have been money well spent.

To each their own I guess.

I can add this to those that gained a bit of weight, and have a sewing machine, or just a needle and thread.

Most pants, even the cheap pants at Costco, have about a 1" to 2" at the back seam of excess fabric.

Be it cheap, or expensive, most brands have a bit of material to make the waist bigger.

Use a razor, or sewing thread cutter (I don't know the name, but you guys have seen the tool before. They are everywhere, including Safeaway).

You carefully cut the fabric from the backside of the trousers.

Use a magnifying glass, or I use a stereoscope, in order to not tear the delicate fabric, cut the thread.

Then sew the elongated pieces together. You don't need to worry about serging the material in most cases.

In the end, if you are a 38w you can go to a 40w in an hour.

(This does not work with most jeans though. Just slacks. I'm very interested in the technique this family uses to repair fabric. I kinda know what they are doing in their repairs, but I would like to know more. If anyone knows more about this technique, I'd appreciate any instruction, or further information on this technique of weaving. I need extra income, and I'm in the Bay Area.)

> sewing thread cutter

"threadripper"- you know, like the workstation cpu

But the threadripper uses a LGA and doesn't have any sharp edges. It does come with a torque screw driver though which you might be able to use to rip apart threads.

> sewing thread cutter

You mean a seamripper?


I found their website. https://www.oriwa.net/ The pricing seems quite reasonable considering the skill and time required. For example, about 42 USD for up to 5mm in diameter hole in a suit.

Now when it is on the HN frontpage, many SV folks will send their Patagonia jackets to this shop.

I think the Mars Colonists will really benefit from learning this craft. Or maybe even the ISS astronauts... you know just in case, your trip home gets postponed.

I got a shabby and scuffed up 10 year old leather jacket cleaned recently. It cost me less than £50 and came out great. Buying a new one would have cost £250+

I wonder where the biggest opportunities are to get people reusing and repairing their things rather than buying new ones.

It's satisfying, usually functionally-equivalent and cheaper once you know where or how to get it done.

> I wonder where the biggest opportunities are to get people reusing and repairing their things rather than buying new ones.

Back in the day you repaired things because a really well made thing would last a lifetime with proper care. But Amazon and Walmart made it their mission to get people to keep buying clothes, so now clothes are cheaper and more disposable.

I think the best thing we could do is encourage people to buy fewer things that are better quality. Maybe encourage manufacturers to have a warranty program that works with independent repair shops. You spend more with the intention of keeping it longer, and can get it repaired if needed.

And less repairable. Fabrics are more often a blend.

However, we are fighting against the market on this. It is the same as the software subscription vs one-time-purchase model.

The economy depends on people constantly consuming, buying new things. Trend started long before Amazon and Wallmart; they just accelerated it.

Well I think we can change that. There's no constitutional proclamation that says we have to be a consumer society. gen Z are much more conscious of these issues, we could help guide them towards more responsible purchases and intentional living, and the market should slowly follow

Only the American economy depends on the constant consumption, and we can clearly see how that ended: with riots and looting in the streets, a true beacon, pinnacle of success.

Other economies are much more content to pay for reuse and repair.

> I think the best thing we could do is encourage people to buy fewer things that are better quality.

I would LOVE to do this, but I have absolutely no idea how to identify quality. Is the $50 t-shirt at Macy's actually going to last me longer than the $10 that looks identical at The Gap?

Since I don't even know, I usually end up taking the $10 safer choice.

> I think the best thing we could do is encourage people to buy fewer things that are better quality.

I’m unsure whether this would be good for the environment. What are the risks of not using it, or damaging it? Systematically, I believe our environmental footprint is approximately how much we earn, so deciding if the environment is better off for that choice is not obvious.

I just buy good second-hand clothes since that is more likely to be good for my pocket (and perhaps with luck, the environment).

Second-hand clothes have a huge positive effect on the environment! It's the "Re-use" in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. https://www.panaprium.com/blogs/i/environmental-benefits-of-...

It really feels like it should be positive, but I am very unsure it is.

1. Systematically, I believe our environmental footprint is approximately how much we earn. I spend less money buying second hand clothes, but I spend those savings elsewhere in the economy.

2. The revenue of a second-hand clothes dealer is spent in the economy, likely causing the average environmental impact of the economy where the store is located.

3. My marginal increase in second-hand clothing usage might cause a marginal increase in new clothes purchases. More likely for expensive “vintage” clothes since they have a limited supply, and vintage goods more likely cause a substitute goods effect for new clothes. Less likely for very low demand undesirable clothes (cheap thrift store clothes that would otherwise just be recycled).

Generally I think that most things make little difference. To make a positive environmental impact I suspect requires one to do something that has a fairly direct effect (plant some trees, change legislation), or reduces societies total impact (war, death, reducing reproduction). Reducing your use of something that is very clearly 100% petrochemical-based (gas, plane flights) makes some difference, but mostly your money goes into the economy: even 100% “green” goods are actually only as green as your country’s economy. There is massive amounts of green-washing going on, so most green goods are actually no better than whatever they replace (and from what I can tell, most green goods are worse for the environment).

Just because you spend $5 doesn't mean it has a negative environmental impact. Give me $5 to spend and I can either kill all the fish in a river with it, or clean up said river. It depends on what you spend your money on.

Small things do have a big impact. Even just voicing our opinions makes a big impact. Why do you think eco-friendly products are so in vogue? Organic products, fair trade, rainforest alliance, products made with 50% recycled content, lower energy use devices, cars with higher gas mileage, electric cars. None of this stuff existed a few decades ago, but it has all been steadily increasing and having more of an impact. It's a slow pace, but small things do add up to big change over time.

This question has led me away from big box stores and more to online clothes retailers. Certain brands give a really comprehensive breakdown of what their clothes are made of and how they're constructed. Right now I'm thinking of a pair of Outlier pants that I've had for about 4 years or more by now, probably have 500 wears in them. They have some minor fading and a couple of burn holes from standing too close to campfires, but are otherwise unscathed. They were something like $150 when I bought them but I was sold on the textile they used (very durable high-nylon synth blend), and in this case it paid off -- I would have blown holes in the knees of jeans 5 times over in the same period.

Not really a measure of quality (rather of ethics), but I like Good on You’s ratings: https://directory.goodonyou.eco/

Pay attention to the seams and stitching. Rows double or triple-stiching in parallel, and compare with he cheap ones.

Fabric quality is another big one, but that’s difficult to tell. But at least for cotton it’s generally a bit thicker and heavier.

Some well crafted garments also have thicker fabric near high-wear areas (jeans), or as a “patch”.

We don’t need a consumer society to thrive, but we need skilled artisans+quality goods to make it work (which we outsourced away generations ago, sigh).

It’d also help answer the more awkward issues of hidden-away slave labor that we rely on today.

To identify quality one may start by eschewing the habit of wearing undergarments as one’s main garment.

I have a 12 year old all-season jacket from LL Bean that is full of holes. It has survived a decade of winters in NYC and upstate NY. It has a removable lining so the coat also works in Spring and Fall. In the summer I can use it as a small backyard picnic blanket.

I love it so much and it is so functional that I refuse to replace it.

I wish I could just mail it to a service that would fix all the holes, clean it, and mail it back.

I'm sure I could find a local tailor, but local tailors aren't always easy to find, and the whole process is such a hassle.

Seamstress-as-a-service? Any takers?

I have a similarly aged jacket from Orvis. Even in Southern California, I probably wear it 300 days a year. The inner, fabric lining has some holes in it, and I just took it to the local cleaner. They managed to stitch it all up and make it...umm...whole.

Are they pretty? No. Only so much you can do, I guess. But it's functional, and it's inside, so, no worries.

A daily driver jacket is just like an old friend.

Linus was right.

It's too bad that scumbags took advantage of LLBean's lifetime warranty so they ended it. You may still be able to send it back to them to repair, but a few years ago it wouldn't have cost you anything. Maybe worth a shot if you really love it!

Aahaha, my parents used to abuse that service (finding old jackets abandoned by students at the end of the school year) and I told them to stop because it was taking advantage.

So, I looked into doing that back when LLBean had the lifetime warranty, but they offered to send me a new jacket. They wouldn't repair the old one. And I wanted to keep my old jacket.

Might be able to go to the local tailor. Definitely depends on the place, but a tailor is likely to do that kind of work for you. A lot of tailors I know also have professional cleaning equipment, so that might be the double whammy.

It's satisfying, usually functionally-equivalent and cheaper once you know where or how to get it done.

It sure is (currently wearing pants which are probably 20 years old - as such their style is also back in fashion if I see what youth is wearing these days), but only if you were raised or self-thaught to hold that in high regard. Or I could even say 'if you have common sense' but that's perhaps just bias from my part.

I wonder where the biggest opportunities are

I'm tempted to say 'education' and 'have politics push for it' but I honestly don't know at this point. Seeing what it takes to even get a slight notion of something being fixed for other global problems (climate, biodiversity) I'm not exactly optimistic about that.

This is an option for a £250 jacket but not for a £50 jacket, so I guess the place to start is buying higher quality products that are worth repairing.

I agree with you that I probably wouldn't want to pay to repair an inexpensive item of clothing, but I can't articulate why. If an item is poorly made, it may not be worth repairing, but price doesn't always correlate to quality.

I've been thinking about this lately with a wristwatch. I have a 10 year old Seiko mechanical watch that cost me $50. To get it serviced will cost more than I paid for the watch, however there's nothing about the watch that makes it less worthy of servicing than a watch that would have cost 10 or 100x more.

It's sentimental attachment for some objects - the daughter figured out how to repair T-shirts and sweatshirts (she learned the trade from her self taught father but he could not do these repairs prior to her breakthrough).

Why not? If you worn it until it needs repair you’re probably fond of it.

Same story. I got a Ferragamo leather jacket 15 years ago that I've worn often. It has all been scratched up and tainted in places. Went to a local shop to have it shampooed and reconditioned. It's all fixed up and shines like new. I can definitely wear it for another 20 years. It only costed $80.

> I wonder where the biggest opportunities are to get people reusing and repairing their things rather than buying new ones.

Other than submissions like this one?

For those who don't want to watch the whole thing - check out the repair @ 9:54 - truly amazing work - they show the detailed work leading up if you rewind from there.

Personally I have a bunch of patches I like that I sew over holes - we use flowers for our AirBnB sheets and it can really add to the personality. It's also a lot less time consuming than this work!

Wow this is awesome.

Here's a random YouTube link I found [0]. I guess the basic idea is to get a patch of the same material, line up the pattern (if any) and fray the ends of the patch to have the threads expose. Then go through and interleave the frayed thread ends to seamlessly fold into the garment's fabric.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haiA_4tBrjw

If you didn't watch the entire video, I highly recommend it. What a beautiful style of story-telling; I was expecting a quick explanation of what kaketsugi is, but instead I got so much more. It was an inspiring look at the relationship between a mother and father, and between people and their clothes, and it was utterly heartwarming.

If you or others wish for more of this type of optimistic slow mini-documentary, NHK's "Document 72 Hours" is a show which camera crew stay in 1 ordinary public place continuously for the titular 72 hours, at all hours of the day.

They interview people they come across, and collect small and honest stories of people's lives. The show has been going for a long time, and they consistently manage to find heartwarming little stories in places you wouldn't expect to find them, with nothing but kindness and attention. One of my favourites so far was at a coin-operated hot ramen vending machine at the side of a road. The English narration is pretty cheesy, but I suppose it's part of the style.

You can watch the most recent episode here: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/72hours/

For archives and discussion, have a look into https://www.reddit.com/r/NHKWorldFans/.

I was super impressed the father taught himself everything (when he realized his tailor business was going defunct) and became a student of fabric in order to repair it. That is some incredible grit.

If this is interesting to you, check out r/invisiblemending and r/visiblemending communities on Reddit. Folks on there are pretty creative!

All comments here are about the technique. But I found the video to be quite different. Yes, the method of repairing clothes like this takes a lot of effort, time, and huge amount of practice.

For me, the video was about many other things. It was about skill and craftsmanship, of course. It was also about apprenticeship, about a master and his protégé. But it was also about love and affection and a father's guarded praise about his daughter. And a daughter's delight in becoming as skilled as her father. And about two craftsmen who take a lot of pride in their work and use it as a medium to make their customers very happy. This is rare in today's world. It was also about calm and peace, an almost meditative state that one gets into, when one is deeply immersed.

A really beautiful video. It's not often that one gets to pause, reflect and be touched while constantly being swept in this river of information.

Thank you.

Seeing the customers bring their garments alongside their story was beautiful.

They don't just get their clothes repaired, they get their memories alive, they care for the past events, good or bad.

The father and daughter team in fact goes way beyond working on the clothes, they somehow heal the customers as well.

A beautiful documentary, really.

I recently had the exact same thought watching this video of Billy Strings and his father playing together.


An amazing series of videos of Japanese professional repairs:

Shuuri, Misemasu - or The Fascinating Repairmen


Thanks! I loved this one of a guy fixing a 70’s(?) suitcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRzy7LJXYVg He has a huge workshop full of suitcase parts, so must do many per workday at a guess. Serious skills - I loved the careful masking of the existing stickers when he repainted it. Although he did leave the castors on when spray painting, which seemed odd to me.

And this guy is fixing kitchen graters (although for a short moment they show him making new ones too). Perhaps used by chefs, since it looks like he has about 5 of the same type to fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_XeZZkff0g Although they show a lady at the end opening the mail for her fixed one. Made from copper, and I guess he is puts a zinc coating on it (over a charcoal fire no less!)

I wish I understood Japanese so I could get more of the context.

I’m not aware how prevalent this technique is in Japan, but here in the US it is totally unheard of. I watched the whole video. What an exquisite result. So impressive. It makes me realize the level to which some people dedicate toward their craft. I am not at the Katetsugi level of craftsmanship in my own profession, but this documentary inspires me to get there!

It's called "invisible reweaving" in the US. It used to be a routine service offered by dry cleaners, and a few places still offer it. Clothing is so cheap today it's rarely worth the trouble.

In 90s India, dry cleaners did dyeing and darning too. And puncture shops offered vulanisation and retreading bald tires. Now they are all but gone.

To digress, Now I'm looking at https://www.reddit.com/r/Visiblemending/ with interest. Seems Reddit environmentalism is endorsing long lasting clothing and keeping them alive longer.

>vulanisation and retreading bald tires

There's a reason those are largely gone - retreaded tires have been the cause of many accidents and blowouts over the years...

it's gone for regular pedestrian vehicles mostly, but it's still fairly common in the U.S. to see retread shops near any semi-truck hub areas.

lots of retreads on tractors and trailers and buses. the only tires that are required to be virgin/non retread are the steerers on buses

Yes, "reweavers" are extremely rare.

Master tailors who create bespoke clothing and work with very expensive wool fabrics may still have a reweaver that they use. It's only economically sane if one is dealing with suits, for instance, that start beyond $2000.

The tailor who made my last two suits from will do it. I have not had reason to ask about pricing (yet).

They aren't cheap and I really like their work, but I don't think they're the sort of place that people travel to buy from. So I imagine other tailors offer it.

I've had this done to a pair of suit pants by a not particularly notable dry cleaner and they did a great job. It was expensive though. I think it's not so much that it's unheard of here as it is that very few people in the US have clothes they care about preserving enough to justify the cost. I think it cost me about $60 to have my pants rewoven and I could have gone to Macy's and gotten a new pair for that money. I could probably have gotten 2 or more at H&M or Uniqlo. Unless the pieces have sentimental value or you have a really elevated fashion sense it won't be worth it.

It’s not unheard of - in the US this type of repair is called “reweaving”


It's not unheard of but I had a really hard time finding anyone capable of doing that kind of work in the Bay Area. Even when I did find someone the work was not great. Maybe I would have better luck in a bigger city like NYC? I think perhaps people being unaware of this technique has lead to a drop in demand over time and thus a diminishing supply of practitioners.

I remember my dad telling me about being in the Marine Corps stationed in Norfolk, VA back in the early '60s. He mentioned that there was an Asian lady who ran a shop in town that could do this - apparently she made good money repairing damage to military dress uniforms.

I loved the Art and Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance and this here is pure quality. Creating quality makes me happy but it's a shame that I don't get to always create quality at my current job.

Persig’s wife just released a book of unpublished writings of his

On Quality: An Inquiry into Excellence: Unpublished and Selected Writings https://www.amazon.com/dp/0063084643/

https://scienceandkindness.net/ is out of St. Paul, MN. I believe you can send them your clothing. I follow them on instagram because I think they do some really cool repairs.

NHK World has some great content. When I stayed in Hanoi for a couple months, the Japanese international TV channel was one of the few things I could watch.

There were tons of great stories on travel in Japan, people who make everything from whisky to bespoke prosthetics. All kinds of fun stuff.

Really made me want to visit.

I tried learning invisible stiches to repair some clothes - nothing as hard as kaketsugi - but later found out about easier techniques that leave the the results are visible but still looks good.

- Sashiko https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sashiko - Boro https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boro_(textile) - And this sub with heaps of exampled and tips https://www.reddit.com/r/visiblemending/

I've had a reweaver mend holes in a sweater. It came out well, but it's not cheap, and it works better for some patterns than others. I'd really only recommend it if the clothing item would cost more than $200 to replace.

or if it's priceless

It's reweaving but seems like the duo are pioneer in developing methods for repairing different materials. Almost like bespoke art restoration. The work on extra fine tshirts was impressive.

I do some basic mending for clothes that gets retired to gym use, little obvious patches/sewing with slightly off color material and pretend it's knockoff Kintsugi. But I also learned value not being precious/sentimental with clothes and enjoy wear them pretty hard. Personally it feels better to just wear new clothes, especially now that performance fabrics are becoming popular. Won't wear anything without elastane if I could hep it.

I think this is awesome. The technique is really mindblowing. I really enjoy seeing passionate and precise crafts.

But it's not for me, I only wear old T-shirts I don't care about that are full of holes.

This is an interesting contrast to kintsugi in which you repair broken ceramic with gold paste, to make the damage even more visible to appreciate its part in the history of the object.

This reminds me of a product that I'm not sure exists that I want sooo bad.

I've got a precious pair of jeans, and a hole right in the crotch. I want a patch I can glue on, no needle required, that is stronger than the existing cloth. Is this a thing?

I know there are some places that will make the jeans with a reinforced crotch for this very reason (helpful for riding bikes). I think a lot of larger brands that user to make jeans like this have stopped, likely to increase profits unfortunately.

I've sewn up crotch holes in the past with some scrap fabric and it's not bad, but it is a bit tedious. I'm wondering if sewing in a simple piece of scrap fabric and then adding a small iron on patch would provide decent reinforcement.

The product exists. Fusible interfacing is a sheet of heat-activated glue.

But beware repairing with stronger materials. This shifts the stress to the interface between the two fabrics, often at an already-weakened-but-not-yet-failed part of the old fabric, hastening a failure in the new location.

Also some locations in clothing are more amenable to the increased bulk/stiffness. These are unfortunately not usually wear points.

Good luck though, sometimes it works out!

"Fusible interfacing" is the search term for "patchs that glue on". From my experiene the connection is not as durable as the existing cloth (especially the edges come off easily) and I'd still seam it with a line of stitches.

I'm glad I've learnt how to sew.

- Repaired a rucksack - sports kit - night clothes - ripped jeans - I've fixed my son's pricelessly irreplaceable red toy dog. (We joke (not joke), car, or toy dog, we save the dog)

Each time has been rewarding, and calming in the repetitive nature of the task.

I followed the instructions here:


Reminds me of this absolutely fascinating video of restoration of antiques (few centuries old) into "like new" condition for museums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIoi-DSm0e4

Heartwarming, sincere, self-taught, intense tradition: Absolute magic. Cherished repair is what the world needs more of --- to appreciate craft and the people who make it happen. It would take a while before Shima Seki can hack that, if ever.

This is madness...and the fact it's done manually! Wow! I wonder how much this type of service costs?

Love this video and the people in the movie! Thanks for recommendation. It's really beautiful and warm.

If you enjoyed that there is a lovely series about old crafts in Japan that I watch periodically. This first video is about a man who repairs old books for his clients.


That was one of the most beautiful videos I've ever watched.

Thanks for this!

These two are takumi in every traditional sense of that word.

Kintsugi seems to be more about owning the mistake while this is meant to be as little noticable as possible.

I mistook the name for that technique as well and my first thought was, "I thought the whole point is to not be invisible?"

are there any examples of japanese doing a bad job at things. kinda like gory dolphin hunting they do but wonder if there's others.


I hate to be that comment but that site on mobile is ridiculous. Scroll down just a little bit and your view of the article is reduced to a tiny porthole that's maybe 5 lines tall. Everything else is occupied by a banner video thing and a cookie footer.

In this case, that video is the story. The "article" is not much more than a caption.

Yeah, I realized that when I got back to a computer. The video had an exaggerated "Close" button next to it and I was expecting more of a text article. On my phone, I had hit "back" before digging deeper due the poor site layout.

Seeing someone have to repair a Supreme hoodie kinda ruined it for me, not gonna lie.

Supreme make great quality clothes - you might not like the hype around them but their box logo hoodies will last years - they are not cheaply made - that's the trick here tho - fast fashion - zara, h&m etc - is low cost but unlikely repairable - Anything Rei Kawakubo (CGD) - Raf Simons - Acne Studios - Thom Browne can all last a lifetime if maintained and repaired correctly -

I really like Comme des Garcons (especially shirts, even if lately I'm wearing more Paul Smith and Etro) but it's very expensive (and like with many other high fashion brands only mainline items should be bought in most cases). Acne is great and almost reasonably priced in context.

two of my CDG SHIRT Shirts from 2014 - two CDG Play Shirts (not polo) from 2016 - still wear them regularly - black play one I had professionally redyed last year for $15 - looks brand new -

This is the company that asks teens to spend their last dollar on a brick with a Supreme sticker on it, right? Or am I mixing that up with another brand manipulating children for cash?

this is a lazy comment - I believe it was in conjunction with another new york artist who's studio is in the same building - Tom Sachs - he's an installation artist - and the brick was $30 - not accounting for taste huh- never the less - your point is extremely poorly made -

I think you've let your brand loyalty blind you from a lot of the damage that brand has objectively caused.

looking at your history of comments- you might consider acquainting yourself with the guidelines - otherwise i'd suggest HN maybe isn't the right community for you -


I think that you're digging into my history is telling about how triggered you are about me having an opinion on a brand that puts very basic design on top of overpriced clothing that they don't actually make themselves. Nothing in these guidelines refrains opinions. Telling me my comment is lazy, however, does.

Speaking of lazy, here's where Supreme stole their identity and style from: https://www.complex.com/style/2013/05/barbara-kruger-respond...

Also, my account isn't 34 days old, so I can't feign moral superiority over anyone. I just have this one account.

lived across the st from the Supreme store on Lafayette for years - we started digitalocean in the same building as their store - know the supreme founders well - and the "origin story" - good guys - only thing I garnered from looking at your comment history is that you don't understand what the word "objectively" means yet use it ad nauseam - and - you're unfamiliar with the site guidelines - i'm new here so maybe I read them more recently than you? good thing I was here to remind you before you get in trouble for intellectual dishonestly - don't worry - everyone makes mistakes friend! :=)

Cool story. I lived in neighbourhoods where teens have been stabbed trying to get Supreme clothing. So you’ll have to excuse me while I disregard the coolness of living across the street from them. That anecdotal tale isn't the point, and shouldn't even matter. Nor does my use of the word “objective.” It actually has nothing to do with what we’re talking about here. The term “personality cult” comes to mind, though.

There is no intellectual dishonesty here (I literally linked an article, so not sure how you landed on that) and I am pretty familiar with the guidelines. Calling a comment lazy is an example of someone who hasn’t really read the guidelines in a way that applies to themselves. You just don’t want to hear other’s opinions. Pretty simple line to follow. You’d think someone who has read the guidelines so well would know that you’re not actually supposed to be making accusatory remarks to other members, no matter how angry you get about them not liking your clothing brand. Possibly the weirdest hill to die on, given the state of the world.

I've been in this community for a number of years. Can't say I've ever felt the need to stalk someone's history, and this is the first I've experienced it directed towards me, after thousands of interactions in this community. That's 12 years of interactions. Very strange behaviour indeed.

"Comments should get more thoughtful and substantive, not less, as a topic gets more divisive."

Otherwise it's- imo- objectively - lazy -

The fact that someone could have a conversation publicly available, and reference the guidelines they are applying in partisan is baffling. I almost suspect satire. I would give yourself a second of self-reflection. You are the first and only violator of the guidelines:

You: “this is a lazy comment - I believe it was in conjunction with another new york artist who's studio is in the same building - Tom Sachs - he's an installation artist - and the brick was $30 - not accounting for taste huh- never the less - your point is extremely poorly made -“

The guidelines: Be kind. Don't be snarky. Have curious conversation; don't cross-examine. Please don't fulminate. Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community

You: "looking at your history of comments- you might consider acquainting yourself with the guidelines”

The guidelines: Eschew flamebait. Avoid unrelated controversies and generic tangents.

You: “good thing I was here to remind you before you get in trouble for intellectual dishonestly”

The guidelines: Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one that's easier to criticize. Assume good faith.

Poor form smoking in a suit! Those people are doing what art restorers do when canvas paintings get damaged and they weave the canvas back together. Its amazingly impressive.

Smoking is very common in Japan and especially during after hours with coworkers.

Why name a something that's been a thing in the west since the beginning of time with a japanese buzz name? what's the goal?

Because English is not their primary language and the world doesn't revolve around the English language???

That Japanese "buzz name" is just what it's called in Japanese for "invisible mending". What do you want them to call it in their native language?

For you and anyone else to expand their foreign language vocabulary.

Those foreigners speaking unamerican languages!

it's just the Japanese name for it

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