I have been trying to do the same thing! I was looking for projects on github that I could adapt to a new language. Sadly, most of them require a server. It seemed to me that this game could pretty easily just run on the client alone.
I will dig into yours and see how it can be adapted to different languages too :)
I think wordle does just run indefinitely on the client. It has a word list in its JS which has the list of winning words in order, so you can see the upcoming ones. And the current word is somewhere in localstorage as well. Obviously not much fun if you poke around there too much, but my guess is it just checks the current date and indexes the words array and sets all the state from there.
I have been trying to do the same thing! I was looking for projects on github that I could adapt to a new language. Sadly, most of them require a server. It seemed to me that this game could pretty easily just run on the client alone.
I will dig into yours and see how it can be adapted to different languages too :)