There are a lot of "CS Course Online" type suggestions posted on HN, which are great - but for those of us with full time jobs and lives it's just a non-starter to approach that quantity of material.
I'm also more of a hands on learner which is how I got to where I am - but at the same time I can appreciate and happily absorb a well written, thoughtful book... In other words, I only have time for high quality, and high information density.
My meta suggestion in answer to the author: Not to downplay the utility in general CS knowledge and fundamentals, but you already sound like you are driven and have a direction - I recommend you ride that wave and buy books or seek out material that's more specific and relevant to what you are doing right now. You will soak it up so easily when you have something right in front of you to apply it to or think about - it's an opportunity, you will work on different things throughout your working life and this opportunity may pass. Personally, I have found CS fundamentals work their way to the surface through research into these more domain specific things - although I still recognise I could have much better awareness if I tackled it head on as you are suggesting.
I want to underscore this suggestion for another reason: computer science isn't one thing, but a whole host of related disciplines. I think of medicine as an analogy. Even if someone wanted "the basics", and you ask 10 computer scientists, you might get different answers. Turing machines? Automata? Compilers? Algorithms? Solve time?
What we tend to think of as "basics" happen to be what the problems were 50 years ago in computer science. If you don't have machines, you study the theory. If you have a very simple machine, you study the solve time (big O notation type stuff, although with exponential growth that is becoming more, not less, important).
All this is to say if you want to study VR/AR, perhaps the most important aspect is the relationship between the view angle, and the object. You would need to know linear algebra, transforms, the effect on the viewpoint and so forth. Linear algebra is one version of "the basics".
I'll second this -- just hack on things that motivate you and you'll learn along the way. But working through at least the first third of an algorithms course will pay dividends if you're doing stuff with VR. Fortunately you can do these in parallel -- work through one lecture or a half lecture of "broccoli" and then go back to the meat and dessert of domain-specific hacking/reading until you're ready for more veggies.
Thank you for the great comment. I see what you're saying with regards to focusing on domain specific material instead. I'm leaning towards one of the CS algorithms books suggested here + perhaps the 3D Math Primer book:
There are a lot of "CS Course Online" type suggestions posted on HN, which are great - but for those of us with full time jobs and lives it's just a non-starter to approach that quantity of material.
I'm also more of a hands on learner which is how I got to where I am - but at the same time I can appreciate and happily absorb a well written, thoughtful book... In other words, I only have time for high quality, and high information density.
My meta suggestion in answer to the author: Not to downplay the utility in general CS knowledge and fundamentals, but you already sound like you are driven and have a direction - I recommend you ride that wave and buy books or seek out material that's more specific and relevant to what you are doing right now. You will soak it up so easily when you have something right in front of you to apply it to or think about - it's an opportunity, you will work on different things throughout your working life and this opportunity may pass. Personally, I have found CS fundamentals work their way to the surface through research into these more domain specific things - although I still recognise I could have much better awareness if I tackled it head on as you are suggesting.