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Ask HN: I'm looking for a good book on the fundamentals of CS
253 points by Karsteski on Dec 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 188 comments
I'm at the beginning of my software dev career, and as I didn't go to school for anything related (B.Sc. Chemistry), I feel like I really would like to have the fundamentals of CS down. Doubly so as I would like to go into the field of VR, and right now I'm working on my own toy rendering engine, which I feel is really exposing my lack of knowledge...

Anyways, any suggestions welcome. Ideally it'd be more digestible than just a plain textbook but I'm open to anything. I imagine either way it'll be a tough but great read to work through :)

I had a good relantionship with Segdewick's books, before being turned off by Cormen a few times. They are less math focused, and overall have a beginner friendliness to them. They won't take you by the hand an explain things like you are 5, but nevertheless they are more easy to digest.

Also as a non-popular opinion in this current age, I recommend you to learn how to implement your algorithms in C, rather than an easier to grasp programming language. Even if you are probably not not going to program in C in your future career, understanding how memory management works will give you an edge later.

Also given C's loose style, you will also get some skills in organizing your code in a language that doesn't impose a lot of obvious constraints to the way you write your code. You will be able to build your own conventions, and evolve them once you get more skilled. Seeing what others are doing is also important.

Good luck!

PS: Don't fall into the macro trap, you will never get out. (inside joke).

I’ll sort of second this by saying that Sedgewick’s Algorithms I/II courses on Coursera are top-notch and completely free. He is a truly thoughtful educator.

Completing those courses was probably the most useful thing I did when prepping for interviews as part of a career change 6 years ago.

Awesome!! Any other tips you have for someone going through that career change as well? I have a Mathematics BA, and worked as an actuary. I've self taught myself varying degrees of SQL, Python, JavaScript, and C, but I've found it difficult not to feel like an imposter without formal qualifications, even though I know I'm a capable learner and love solving challenging problems.

I came from math as well! For what it’s worth, I’ve found that even the brightest computer scientists and software engineers have a solemn respect for mathematics.

Don’t worry about formal qualifications. This is an industry where the largest and most successful companies were started by college dropouts. It’s still very young and things are changing faster than academia can keep up. A willingness to learn and relearn is critical.

My prep for big tech interviews basically boiled down to those algorithms classes, doing ~150 leetcode problems, slapping together a small junky android app, and perusing undergrad CS material on Wikipedia. To be honest, the first two are probably enough to get your foot in the door at the biggest companies.

Software dev is a trade, not a science. With a math degree and stats work experience, I'd say you're better qualified as far as credentials than most of us professional devs.

There are various approaches to becoming a good Software developer, and to be honest I think math fundamentals are as important as algorithmic foundations, which you can probably also pick up quite well with your background.

The one major difference (it is a tendency, not absolute) between software devs who came from CS and those that changed careers into it is a deep passion for computers and how they work. Look at HN, there's a lot of talk about Lisp, Assembly, C etc. although few people actually need it for their jobs. Dealing with these things usually comes from a place of passion more than a place of necessity, and they do make you a better dev, too.

A book I can warmly recommend if you want to see how deep your own interests go is "Principles of Programming languages" by MacLennan. He takes a historical approach, explaining the design principles of programming languages by looking at historically game-changing programming languages that few people still use today. The exercises get progressively more complex, and the last exercise is to design and implement your own programming language, a task I haven't yet done myself.

Discrete math is to Computer Science as Calculus is to Physics. If you still remember any discrete math from your Math BA, you should have zero issue consuming any undergraduate textbook on theoretical CS.

This was the book I used. It is more accessible yet interestingly some comments seem to characterize it as "beginner friendly" in a way that suggests it is less canonical. Make no mistake, if you learn the material in Sedgewick well you'd be light years ahead of 99% of your peers. It likewise provides depth and foundations for things like leetcode, thus far the majority of leetcode problems I've done were toy versions of things covered in the book.

On a more personal / subjective PoV, IMHO its just a much better book than the majority of the others. Its not as basic as Grokking Algorithms nor as interview focused as Cracking the coding interview. I would suggest the latter if you just want to be good at programming interviews.

Interesting, I was working through sedgewick course on Coursera, I hit a bit of a wall, it seemed like one of the assignments was just really badly explained. However lots of other students were fine so it's probably me. I considered getting the grokking booking instead.

What's the main difference between sedgewick and the grok algo book?

Do you remember which assignment? I did the first one, percolation and hooo boy, that was a trip. The problem statement buries the key library that you use for everything at the bottom of the page. Did get it eventually though.

Hi, yeah week 3 collinear points, I had to post a number of questions on the message board due to language being ambiguous. In the end I could only get 74 percent and I had no idea why. I spent hours and hours and hours on it.

Yes percolation was a tough first assignment.

Week two was linked lists and really straight forward.

Also I found Sedgwick's explanations too terse, I ended up on YouTube countless times watching other videos that helped me get what he was saying.

I think it's probably me though, it's a Princeton course so I guess it's aimed at the very bright!

I like how Segdewick's book comes with working examples in java, which feels very approachable for a practitioner. In comparison, Cormen's book has lots of pseduo code examples where the indexing is 1 based. Cormen lays out the reasoning for this early in the book, how 1 based indexing is clearer for teaching, which sounds completely reasonable but is an additional hoop to jump through when trying to build working examples of the algorithms.

I've actually implemented a few algorithms and containers in C, I agree with your advice on that front!

Were you referring to [Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach](https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Sedgewic...)?

He's more likely talking about "Algorithms": https://books.google.hr/books?vid=ISBN9780321573513&redir_es...

CS50 from Harvard on https://edx.org used to teach Computer Science using C and still might do so.

I've actually gone through CS50x, but I felt that was only a base introduction compared to a regular old CS curriculum

I'm a big fan of Sedgewick's books myself. I like how he has parallel series of his books, for different programming languages. So you get "Algorithms in Java" or "Algorithms in C++" or whatever, depending on your preference. I think he has at least C, C++, and Java versions.


Do you know if there's much difference between these beyond the language used? It seems like he's only updating the Java version these days, and that's what is used in the Coursera course. From what I can tell he's collapsed it down to just a java version entitled "Algorithms" that hit 4th edition in 2011.

I'd rather have the exercises / examples in C but not if it means swimming upstream.

It's funny, I have each book of all three of the respective original series: Java, C, and C++. But I have never sat down and done a "side by side" comparison. And I've mostly worked through the Java version. I guess I had assumed that the contents were largely the same modulo language oriented variations, but I can't swear that that is the case.

From what I can tell he's collapsed it down to just a java version entitled "Algorithms" that hit 4th edition in 2011.

I never got around to picking that one up, so I don't really know anything about it.

this recent book published by No Starch implements everything in pure c: https://nostarch.com/algorithmic-thinking

This book is a fun read too!

"Foundations of Computer Science" by Aho and Ullman might fit your bill. Its focus is more on the concepts and principles of computing rather than math-centric CS theory. http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/focs.html

Another nontraditional intro to computing worth mentioning is "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" by Abelson and Sussman(s). It teaches programming concepts using the Lisp/Scheme language (seldom used any more), but does so brilliantly.

"Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist" by Downey might provide the right mix of computing concepts and programming practice.

If you do want a traditional intro to CS theory, two books that cover that topic well are: "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Sipser, and "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation" by Hopcroft, Motwani, and Ullman.

Three very good books that introduce algorithms are: "Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach" by Manber, "The Algorithm Design Manual" by Skiena, and "Algorithms" by Sedgewick and Wayne.

Remember that CS theory doesn't age, so buying a used early edition of a textbook should serve your needs just as well as an new up-to-date edition.

I second the recommendation for "Foundations of Computer Science." (and for the other books as well, but wanted to highlight it.)

For a second or third book, consider 'Algorithm Design Manual', Skiena. I find it more approachable than the MIT Intro to Algorithms.

Also, 'The C Programming Language' remains one of my favorites for a pragmatic approach to learning how to say things to a computer, a great balance to learning the theory. There's a reason 'Hello World' has become so widely known that it's a cliche. But there is plenty of great advice there no matter what language you're in.

Both editions of The C Programming Language are on archive.org, by the way.

This is the second edition:


The Aho book also looks to have gone out of print.


Based on the description you give, you probably want a Data Structures/Algorithms intro.

The canonical Algorithms textbook is Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al. The MIT OpenCourseware course on Algorithms -- which includes videos and assignments -- follows along with that book: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-compu...

Note: In your case, I'll recommend against SICP as a first resource, which is mentioned in some other comments. It's more of an introduction to functional programming. From your description, I'm not sure you need an intro to programming. And functional programming in particular is not really on the critical path of knowledge you'll need to muck about in VR land. It's not irrelevant, but it's not the critical path. An algorithms course probably is indispensable for that endeavor, though.

By all means, read SICP if you'd like. It's a great resource. But if you're trying to get from "I can program" to "hardcore hacking on VR stuff", step 1 is probably a decent algorithms course taught in the imperative style.

CLRS is great, no doubt about it, but I think Sedgewick is probably friendlier to someone studying on his or her own. Note that there are several versions of Sedgewick, which use different languages (I think there are at least C, C++, and Java versions).

I'd go with Sedgewick, then get CLRS and Knuth for use as reference material.

If I had to learn algorithms again, and especially if I had to self-study the topic, I would personally choose a somewhat lighter textbook as an entry point, and then use CLRS for more rigor when needed. I used Skiena's excellent book for this purpose, but Sedgewick's might also be a good option. Note that Skiena doesn't cover all the topics in CLRS, but you should find most of it in there. But what you DO find is a much entertaining and motivating read.

Yes, I'm not sure that CLRS "Introduction to Algorithms" is approachable for everyone without prior exposure to formal CS concepts, notation, etc. My undergrad CS curriculum used "Algorithms in Java" by Sedgewick during our freshman year while we learned to write our first programs. We didn't use CLRS until a more in-depth algorithms class during our junior year. I read much more of CLRS in a graduate-level algorithms class.

Agreed. Are you aware of any recorded lectures / assignment sets for a course based on Sedgewick? I tend to suggest CLRS because the OCW lectures are so high-quality and most learners want at least the option of watching lectures.

Well, there's apparently one by Sedgewick himself. :-)


I can't vouch for it, as I haven't watched them.

Nice! Those video titles are a hot mess :( I'll have to go through them at some point over the break and figure out if they're high enough quality to recommend over the OCW videos.

They are also available on Coursera.

So my problem with CLRS is that a lot of the content is in the exercises. There are places in the text where it says, "refer back to solution to problem 34", etc. The problem is, there are no answers to exercises to be found - and the exercises are so open-ended there's no way to check to see if you actually got the right answer or not. IMHO, CLRS (or any educational text that doesn't make exercise answers available) is one of the worst options for self-study.

i recall finding some published solutions manual to the book 7-8 years ago when in college

Grokking Algorithms is also a good quick read in this space. It's a high level "here are some things you should know about and how they might be used" which exposes the reader to important algorithms and patterns without going too deep.

Note that a 4th edition of this book (frequently referred to as CLRS) is coming out sometime early next year.

So this one? By Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS)


yep, that's the one!

slightly unrelated : the javascript edition of SICP is also coming in April 2022. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/structure-and-interpretation-...

Truly thanks. I have Scheme and Racket editions, wasn't aware of JS version coming out.

Amazing. Thanks for the info, even if unrelated.

CLRS truly is the canonical way to learn algorithms at most top CS institutions. I can't upvote this enough.

I was lucky enough to have Cormen teach my algorithms class in school as well as a few other courses. He is a phenomenal teacher.

I'm currently going through TAOCP[1]. So far, seems pretty good (although I found one mistake in an exercise).

Also, I can never recommend Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective[1] enough. (Also features a rare mistakes in an exercise or two, but that's detail.)

And for network protocols, Comer's Internetworking with TCP/IP[3] was just great (you only need volume 1). I've read Stevens' books on socket and IPC programming in Unix, but didn't like them, so I also stayed away from TCP/IP Illustrated, but others have different opinions.

[1]: <https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/taocp.html>

[2]: <https://www.csapp.cs.cmu.edu/>

[3]: <https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Comer-In...>

> although I found one mistake in an exercise

Check on Knuth's website to see if it's already been corrected. If not, you could get a prestigious Knuth reward cheque for finding an error.

Hm - I've read all three books and even tried working the exercises... I can't say I'd recommend TAOCP to somebody who's looking for a book on the fundamentals of CS. The books are fascinating, don't get me wrong, and I recommend every programmer read them, but they go way too deep into minutiae, while simultaneously ignoring other important topics to be useful as an introduction.

Agreed. I like that there are so many resources for people who want to learn how to program to hit the ground running. Some of the classic textbooks are wonderful for going back and filling in knowledge gaps. I'm at a point in my career where Dover's old proof-based math books start making sense. TAOCP is similar. If you already know the subject matter being covered, you'll have a lot of "Oh THAT'S why it works that way!" moments.

If you mail Don Knuth about the error you found in TAOCP, he'll send you a check for $1 -- he used to do that, anyway. People tend not to cash the cheque, but keep it.

I have no idea if this is current info, but Don Knuth's website describes what happened. He now issues checks from the fictional Bank of San Serriffe [0].

This line is classic Knuth:

  only 9 of the first 275 checks that I've sent out since the beginning of 2006 have actually been cashed. The others have apparently been cached.
0: https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/news08.html

That's the current info, though it sounds like he didn't always do that:

> Knuth offers monetary awards to people who find and report a bug in TeX. The award per bug started at US$2.56 (one "hexadecimal dollar"[41]) and doubled every year until it was frozen at its current value of $327.68. ... Due to scammers finding scanned copies of his checks on the internet and using them to try to drain his bank account, Knuth no longer sends out real checks, but those who submit bug reports can get credit at The Bank of San Serriffe instead.

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX - this is about TeX, though most of it is generic over all his various cheque schemes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knuth_reward_check)

It's a hexadecimal dollar, actually, $2.56.

People often frame the cheque to put it on the wall.

I've read he stopped doing this because scumbags copied his account information from an image of a check.

God bless you. I tried reading the AOCP books and it's hard... and I have a degree in CS

I found them extremely accessible, and I was a high-school dropout. (Admittedly a very late dropout, but a dropout nonetheless.) That was back when volume 4 didn't even exist as listicles yet. And, let's face it, the sheer size (and cost) of the thing, even then, was a bit intimidating, but there's nothing in it that can't be followed with a bit of algebra and the barest hint of what the kids these days call "pre-calculus". While it may be a bit of a slog to listen to Knuth, his writing is about as clear as it ever gets, things are laid out in a clear progression, and nothing jumps out at you suddenly without a clear buildup and foundation.

Concrete Mathematics, which isn't the easiest but also not the hardest math textbook, developed out of a course teaching the math from Chapter 1 of TAOCP. For people who find the first chapter, in particular, intimidating because of the math portions, it may be a good option to study before resuming TAOCP rather than just dropping TAOCP.

+1 for Concrete Mathematics. Learning more about discrete math had an immediate impact on my job as a data scientist.

And he is a funny writer. I didnt do the homeworks but found it surprisingly accessible

IronicaLly, I put off reading Seminumerical Algorothms for years because didnt understand it was numerical algorithms for computers without reals. The random number chapter alone is so awesome.

Oh, that's what it is? Ahh!!

I’m 27 years out of Uni and it’s great to see Comer's book still being used and recommended, and updated of course.

> I'm currently going through TAOCP[1].

When someone without a formal CS career is asking for a CS fundamentals book and you're dropping TAOCP I'm not sure if this is a humble brag or an attempt at trolling.

I don't have a formal CS career either. In one of the other comments someone wrote they read it being a high school dropout. Different people like different things. Note also that submission author studied chemistry, so they did get their fair share of training in mathematics.

And we are all very impressed. However, it's obvious how this set of books would intimidate mainstream non-exceptional folks (unlike yourself and the other person on this thread) from pursuing CS. I mean sure, different people like different things, but this piece of scientific literature is both very talked about and very little read as opposed to other, more distilled and popular sources of education. Sources which, due to solely their popularity, would have a lot more people around to help you when you're having trouble making progress.

Not saying these are bad books, they're actually brilliant (even with a couple of errors in the exercises). But with my (teeny tiny very little) teaching background, it's probably at the bottom of the list of things to recommend to someone just starting to look at CS fundamentals. Skiena's book would probably be my first choice.

> but this piece of scientific literature is both very talked about and very little read

Rightly said.

I am quite sceptical of people claiming they have "Read" Knuth's TAOCP; Browsed? Yes but Read/Studied? Not easily convinced. But perhaps i am just being too prejudiced and cynical.

I highly recommend "An Introduction to General Systems Thinking, by Gerald Weinberg. An orthogonal piece of advice that I got from a different book of Gerald Weinbergs' is to learn 3 or 4 Very Different languages simultaneously, to grasp the enormous difference between them all. In 2021 I'd recommend C (lowest level other than assembler: 1st caveat, I haven't looked at Rust) and then at least one Lisp-family language that has Lots of Insane Silly Parentheses, which Paul Graham argues is the most powerful language (by far). I'd also choose Smalltalk and Python. Caveat 2: Every programmer will have an opinion on this list, but the main point is to get exposed to the diversity of languages. Also, I'd recommend listening to a lot of talks by Alan Kay. There is lots of fun and interesting stuff to learn from lots of different people, but Alan Kay has focussed on how do we develop stuff that is radically simple, radically powerful, and completely accessible to children as a tool for learning and exploration. His notion of 'object-oriented' (a term he invented) is completely different from how the term is used today.

First, I want to support any mention of any Gerald Weinberg book. Every one is gold. IMO, Intro to GST is great for developing a scientific mindset, something broader than computer science itself.

I would suggest a grain of salt to go with the three-four languages at a time recommendation. I'd have to dig up a stored book to find the reference, but Weinberg typically suggests learning two different languages, at least at the beginning. He advocates for the benefits of recognizing it's possible to say the same thing in different ways. My knee-jerk reaction, knowing him, is that he picked two rather than three or four to make things manageable for people getting started. If programming becomes a hobby, vocation, and/or avocation you'll likely wind up learning most of those languages eventually.

I agree, 3 or 4 at a time is probably too much, I may have misremembered (I can't find the recommendation in any Weinberg book at my fingertips). But six months of solid work on 2, then six months of work on another two is an idea.

I would personally de-recommend Python. It essentially has no unique paradigm or even one that it does really well. I'd replace the Python suggestion with an ML-dialect such as F# or Ocaml. I agree with you though. I think everyone needs a bit of experience with a Lisp/Scheme, an ML dialect, a Smalltalk, Elixir/Erlang, Prolog, and Forth.

And I think it's better to think in paradigms rather than languages in that you choose a new language to learn a new paradigm.

Python contains CS clusterfumbles like calling evaluated expressions "literals", failing to distinguish between variable initialization and assignment, and evaluating the default expressions of optional arguments at function definition time, rather than call time.

Someone learning CS who already knows Python has to unlearn and relearn material in the area of programming language semantics.

Python is fine for introducing complete beginners to algorithmic thinking. Almost anything is.

The main thing I was thinking (I don't use Python myself) was that it's super-popular right now, and fits in the realm of 'a scripting language'. I'm loathe to recommend bash for what I hope are obvious reasons, and I have worked in and detested Perl. I prefer Ruby for small bits of scripting this and that, but chose Python because of it's popularity.

Interested in what gets suggested here...

There are a lot of "CS Course Online" type suggestions posted on HN, which are great - but for those of us with full time jobs and lives it's just a non-starter to approach that quantity of material.

I'm also more of a hands on learner which is how I got to where I am - but at the same time I can appreciate and happily absorb a well written, thoughtful book... In other words, I only have time for high quality, and high information density.

My meta suggestion in answer to the author: Not to downplay the utility in general CS knowledge and fundamentals, but you already sound like you are driven and have a direction - I recommend you ride that wave and buy books or seek out material that's more specific and relevant to what you are doing right now. You will soak it up so easily when you have something right in front of you to apply it to or think about - it's an opportunity, you will work on different things throughout your working life and this opportunity may pass. Personally, I have found CS fundamentals work their way to the surface through research into these more domain specific things - although I still recognise I could have much better awareness if I tackled it head on as you are suggesting.

I want to underscore this suggestion for another reason: computer science isn't one thing, but a whole host of related disciplines. I think of medicine as an analogy. Even if someone wanted "the basics", and you ask 10 computer scientists, you might get different answers. Turing machines? Automata? Compilers? Algorithms? Solve time?

What we tend to think of as "basics" happen to be what the problems were 50 years ago in computer science. If you don't have machines, you study the theory. If you have a very simple machine, you study the solve time (big O notation type stuff, although with exponential growth that is becoming more, not less, important).

All this is to say if you want to study VR/AR, perhaps the most important aspect is the relationship between the view angle, and the object. You would need to know linear algebra, transforms, the effect on the viewpoint and so forth. Linear algebra is one version of "the basics".

I'll second this -- just hack on things that motivate you and you'll learn along the way. But working through at least the first third of an algorithms course will pay dividends if you're doing stuff with VR. Fortunately you can do these in parallel -- work through one lecture or a half lecture of "broccoli" and then go back to the meat and dessert of domain-specific hacking/reading until you're ready for more veggies.

Thank you for the great comment. I see what you're saying with regards to focusing on domain specific material instead. I'm leaning towards one of the CS algorithms books suggested here + perhaps the 3D Math Primer book: https://gamemath.com/

Algorithmics by David Harel is not much mentioned anymore, but it's really good if you can find it. An easy and inviting read, it was written as a popular book not a textbook but nevertheless covers many topics with very thorough and clear explanations, and also touches on history and culture. I recall there were several versions with different titles - Algorithmics: The Soul of Computing was, I think, a cut-down version.

Seconding Petzold's Code for hardware and low-level programming. Also seconding Downey's Think Python (which has appeared in several versions with different titles). It is an easy read but is a bit deeper than many introduction to Python books.

Also seconding Wirth's Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs but it requires a lot more concentration and study than the previous suggestions. It is also old-fashioned, from the late 1970s I think, uses Pascal as its programming language. It teaches and celebrates a rigorous, economical programming method and coding style which is not much in vogue any more.

The Harel book is "Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing", not "The Soul of Computing".

The book was actually originally just called "The Science of Computing" and published in 1987. The second edition in 1992 had the name changed to "Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing". The third edition in 2004 kept that name and had Yishai Feldman added as coauthor. There was a 2012 reprinting of that which had a new preface written for it that talked about Turing (2012 was his centennial year).

I have the original 1987 edition. Comparing its contents to the third edition's via preview on Amazon, it looks like the first four parts are mostly the same topics.

The chapter on "Algorithms and Intelligence" had moved from the fourth section to a new fifth section and been renamed to "Algorithmics and Intelligence", and a new chapter, "Cryptography and Reliable Interaction" has been added to the fourth section.

Other new chapters, all in the fifth section are "Software Engineering" and "Reactive Systems".

The second edition, according to the preface in the 2012 printing, had little change from the first as far as the chapter content but added exercises and solutions.

From second to third chapter 3 changed from "Programming Languages" to "Programming Languages and Paradigms" and dropped APL and Snobol and added C, C++, and Java. Chapter 10 changed from "Parallelism and Concurrency" to "Parallelism, Concurrency, and Alternative Models" and added quantum computing and molecular computing.

Thank You.

I have the 3rd edition and have often wondered whether i should look at the earlier editions for some insights; maybe i should hunt down a cheap used copy to add to my collection.

Oops...it turns out I didn't quite get the early history right.

The first edition was in fact called "Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing". The book I have, "The Science of Computing" is the trade edition [1] of that, published one year later.

The trade edition has "carefully modified to reflect the slightly less technical background of a typical reader". The structure and much of the text remained the same but some passages were rewritten and "several of the starred subsections that appeared in small font in the original edition have been eliminated". Those often contained proofs and other more mathematical things.

[1] an edition of a book intended for general distribution, as opposed to a text edition which is an edition of a book prepared for use especially in schools and colleges.

Excellent !

Your recommendations are right on the money and not just for noobs. This is the first i have seen Harel's book Algorithmics being mentioned on HN. More people should read this book; not sure why it is not that well known.

Just to add to your comment;

Students need to understand the distinction between Computing Science and Computer Science. Harel's Algorithmics explains the former while Petzold's Code explains the latter. Wirth's Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs marries the two.

”Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software” by Charles Petzold.

It will take you on a journey from a lightbulb to assembly language. It’s extremely well written and I wish there were more books like it.

Second this. A great book for understanding how computers work at a low level.

Literally the perfect place to start.

I liked "Algorithms Unlocked" by Cormen (https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/algorithms-unlocked). It's the same author that co-wrote "Introduction to Algorithms" (or CLRS) that's referenced in a few other comments, but this one focuses on the what and why of algorithms and pulls samples from a few areas of interest.

It's not too long (~200 pages), so might be worth checking out before diving into one of the more comprehensive textbooks.

If you're interested in 3D programming, I found "3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development" to be the most accessible for the math fundamentals. I just discovered it's now available freely online as well: https://gamemath.com/.

A couple friends of mine in similar situations spoke very highly of The Imposter's Handbook (https://bigmachine.io/products/the-imposters-handbook/)

I have a CS degree and I still really enjoyed reading through the 1st ed. of the first volume. I haven't looked at what was done with the material since then.

My favorite CS book is structure and interpretation of computer programs.

I used it for one of my college CS classes. The book was written to be a semester class and MIT even has various offerings of their version of the course recorded and available on YouTube.

The book is online and available for free.


I can't recommend How to Design Programs (HtDP) enough.

The authors care deeply about not just the content, but the learning process itself. It may at times feel repetitious and even boring, but it's a principled introduction to CS which will set you up for success in ANY programming language. And the book is free online :)


From here you can graduate to lower level programming concepts in C (or Rust), more practical languages like Ruby, Python or even Java for high level application design. Basically, it's time to learn about full-fledged memory management one way or another. Don't miss out on some type theory along the way, remembering that they are just codified data definitions and function signatures.

I haven't used it myself but have heard good things about the resources here - https://teachyourselfcs.com

Also haven't used it, but this link from there [0] regarding intro to CS-style discrete math proofs seems somewhat lacking.

There doesn't seem to be enough focus on teaching proof techniques, and skips straight to discrete math content.

Could be a decent beginner resource if combined with something that teaches proof techniques though.

EDIT: the MIT book also listed is actually good [1]

[0]: https://cims.nyu.edu/~regev/teaching/discrete_math_fall_2005...

[1]: https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.042/spring17/mcs.pdf

This is a great list. The person who made it runs a school for CS fundamentals, and I've been taking classes there for about a year. I strongly recommend it: https://bradfieldcs.com

This website is blocked in India with the message.

"The website has been blocked as per order of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under IT Act, 2000."


That’s weird. Try this archive - http://archive.today/IDB10

Hope you're searching first, lots of book threads every few months here:

a month ago Ask HN: What are some of the best well-written books on computer science? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29182386

3 months ago Ask HN: What are your top 5 favorite computer books? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28308141

7 months ago Ask HN: Best book for software engineers (besides the well-known ones)? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26833319

Reminder: you can enjoy and contribute to the thread without upvoting

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman.

Also known as "The Wizard Book" or "SICP".

The full text is legally available online[1], but I found it worthwhile to buy a copy.

There are at least two really good sets of video lectures to go with it if you are so inclined. Personally I enjoyed the ones from Berkeley.

[1]: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html

Beware of the Cormen et al "Introduction to Algorithms". It's a good book. But while it says "introduction", it's typically used for like a third-year undergrad who has a fair amount of programming, data structures, and algorithm experience already. It's more about algorithm _analysis_ - that is, how to prove things about algorithms and formally establish their run-time/complexity bounds - than about how to use or write them. Probably not what you want to start with.

Knuth's Art of Computer Programming is even more hardcore than that, imho. Probably not what a beginner wants unless you want to dive right in to the deep end.

SICP is more accessible but still pretty textbook-y.

But I don't actually know what I'd recommend instead. I did a CS undergrad degree, so Cormen and other textbooks are how I learned. But I did that over 5 years with lots of professional help. Dunno what a good self-study-friendly alternative is.

Surprised no one seems to have mentioned the godfather of CS books, The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie [0]. At first glance, it's a programming language book rather than a "computer science" book, but you probably won't think that by the time you're finished ...

First, every operating system you'll use - likely in your lifetime - is a giant mountain of C code. From the kernel all the way to the userspace utilities. As a programmer, your career will be forged on the shoulders of giants, and those giants wrote in C. So to understand how your machine works, you must learn C.

Second, K&R covers far more than just a language - it presents a system of thinking about computing. It covers algorithms for line counting, memory allocation, and the construction of linked lists. The techniques you learn for pointer manipulation will enable you to author implementations of data structures that are considerably more elegant and simple than the naive methods [2].

It contains fundamental, influential insights about the computer science field on nearly every page.

Still, I'd discourage you from writing C professionally if you can help it. Rust retains nearly all the advantages of C while abandoning its unsafe memory model and replacing it with compile-time determined allocations and de-allocations. As roughly 70% of CVEs in C or C++ projects are caused by memory unsafety, this is a significant feature [1]. But the insights you make in studying K&R will translate to everything you build, regardless of language.

You'll walk away with a mental model for computers so powerful that it was the genesis of our modern technology era.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language

[1]: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/memory-safet...

[2]: https://grisha.org/blog/2013/04/02/linus-on-understanding-po...

FWIW, I liked Plum's "Learning to program in C" far better than K&R's book. I can't recommend Plum today though because it's pre-ANSI so the code all uses K&R style declarations.


In particular they say if you can't take the time to do all of it then there are 2 books that give most bang for buck: _Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

See hacker news thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22286340

Bottom up cs is a great resource. https://www.bottomupcs.com/ It might feel very low level at first but once you understand these fundamental building blocks of computers you will be really well equipped to build upon this knowledge and learn higher level concepts. I also think the Rust Programming book (https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/) is a great resource for general programming knowledge. Some sections e.g. on the borrow checker and lifetimes aren’t 100% applicable to general programming knowledge but I still recommend it. It is more of a 201 level book instead of 101 though.

That website is poorly named. It's not about computer science any more than a resource on anatomy is about medicine.

I don’t think you’ll find a better return on investment than working through The Elements of Computing Systems (https://www.nand2tetris.org/) which recently got a second edition. It won’t teach you how to make a rendering engine, or even necessarily any data structures or algorithms, but it will give you a big-picture understanding of the practical fundamentals (literally “what is a computer and how does it really work?”) which you can then use to direct your own learning based on what you want to know next.

There are some good mainstream recommendations in the thread already. For something less obvious: Given your background, you may find SICP (https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html) works well for you.

If you work your way through the exercises, and read the footnotes, you'll end up with a pretty solid base. You don't have to do the work in scheme, but that in itself is a good learning exercise.

If anyone wants to work through SICP, but is having trouble getting MIT Scheme for their computer, or wants something closer to a Fisher-Price student IDE, :) there's an add-on for DrRacket:


This book [0] uses Java. The content of the edition using Python is the same IIRC. The first one used Swift and is a tad older.

[0] https://www.manning.com/books/classic-computer-science-probl...

Plus one for these. I found them a quicker and perhaps funner read than CLRS which was my undergrad textbook, and it covers a lot of interesting stuff. These are all a part of David Kopek's book project you can find here: https://classicproblems.com/

Lots are recommending CLRS, but IMO it is way too dry and dense for a first course.

I taught myself algorithms with the Algorithm Design Manual by Skiena, and I strongly recommend it. The first half is an exposition on algorithms, and it is mercifully readable, fun, and short. The second half is a catalog of different algorithms. You don’t really read through it, but it is useful as a reference if you have a specific problem you’re trying to solve and you want a background on algorithms in that area.

For formal resources:

You might like the Princeton Algorithms Coursera course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1

SICP is an amazing book, but I HIGHLY recommend you follow along with a lecture video as the textbook was designed to go along with lectures for electrical engineering computer science students. Brian Harvey's lectures are fantastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4leZ1Ca4f0g&list=PLhMnuBfGeC...

And maybe some math? All of this is kind of abstract to start out with. It might be useful to combine this with youtube videos on your project, because you may be discouraged with doing a lot of abstract work and not concrete work on your project.

Also, freecodecamp and youtube in general is an excellent resource if you're stuck on any particular part of CS. Freecodecamp has compiled a lot of the best videos across the internet on particular concepts and you can get a deep dive into a topic if you're ever stuck. Nowadays, if you're stuck, often viewing someone else's explanation can get you unstuck fairly quick.

Harvey also has his own book, which is sort of an "intro to SICP". Available free online:


I've found Harvey's lectures do a little too much, and risk less motivated students missing the forest for the trees. In my experience, SICP really focuses on the core points and belabours them until it's 100% sure you got it.

Basic Microprocessors and the 6800 (1981):


A lot of recommendations here, so I would like to ask for some (hope that's allowed).

- Operating Systems. I had a course on OS (I'm a student), but I felt it was kind of lacking, and would like to explore more. - Compilers? Seems very interesting

Also I've started with a bit of haskell to learn functional programming, would love some pointers from the more experienced people here :D

(Also networking?? So much to learn lol)

I've done a moderate amount of compiler work, and the resources I'd recommend are:

- "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" (v popular, generally referred to as the 'dragon book' on account of its cover): http://ce.sharif.edu/courses/94-95/1/ce414-2/resources/root/...

- "Parsing Techniques": https://staff.polito.it/silvano.rivoira/LingTrad/ParsingTech...

- Not quite about compilers, but the website 'Crafting Interpreters' touches on the pre-compilation parts of a compiler (scanning, lexing, parsing, optimisation): https://www.craftinginterpreters.com/

- If you're compiling a typed language, this blog post is a good intro to type inference algorithms, esp with a view to implementing a Hindley-Milner (bidirectional) type system: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2018/type-inference/

I highly, highly recommend at least trying to write a compiler or interpreter. It's a fantastic way to understand more about PL theory, and improve your proficiency with data structures and algorithms.

As for functional programming, it's basically the art of removing the word 'self' from your programs.

Wow thank you very much!

No probs, best of luck!

If I have any advice, it's:

- Don't try to write a scannerless parser. It's a fool's errand. Lex first into tokens (e.g. LEFT_PAREN, KEYWORD(for), STRING_LITERAL("foo"), NUM_LITERAL(7), etc), then parse that.

- By the same, uh, token: keep everything modular and loosely coupled. Don't mix up parsing state into your lexer (unless you're lexing C or Python, famously), don't mix up lexing code into your interpreter, etc.

- For parsing, start with a simpler grammar. Parsing mathematical expressions is a classic example. Avoid complex grammars that require lots of backtracking or lookaheads. If you want a real language, Go is a good example - a large part of its famous compilation speed is due to its simplicity (due to the fact that its authors are old men who live in a counterfactual version of the 90s imagined in the 70s).

- YMMV, but I find the best approach to parsing is a packrat-inspired bottom-up parser. Iterate over the tokens, and for each token filter your list of rules ('productions') to those which match. 'Reduce' the simpler expressions as you go, and build the more complex expressions out of them (e.g. functions will typically have several statements/expressions, expressions several operations, etc).

- For the compilation step, unless you specifically want to learn about writing object code, then target a 'backend' IR like GCC or LLVM. You'll benefit from their optimisations, and the vast number of platforms they support.

- Choose a language you're familiar with - ideally a simple one - to write it in. You don't want to be learning a new language as you're doing this, trust me.

If you already know the basics of what an OS does, it's best to just get into some more detail of how it does it. "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD operating system" is a great book for the structure of a *nix system. If you understand the design of one of these systems, none of the others is hard to figure out.

Beyond that, if you want a more academic read it's good to read up on some other architectures. This paper on the history of the L4 microkernel family is a really good discussion of the design decisions and evolution of that system that gets into some classic OS issues: https://trustworthy.systems/publications/nicta_full_text/898...

Other kernel designs worthy of interest are exokernels and unikernels. Also with regard to systems design I've always liked "end-to-end arguments to system design" (https://web.mit.edu/Saltzer/www/publications/endtoend/endtoe...) and another paper on the duality of OS structures (http://occs.oberlin.edu/~ctaylor/classes/341F2012/lauer78.pd...)

Thank you! :)

On Networking:

I highly recommend - An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM Networks, the Internet, and the Telephone Network by S. Keshav. Unlike other books, it actually does give you a 360 degree view of the entire field which is no mean task.

On Operating Systems:

I have heard good things about Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces by Arpaci-Dusseau though i haven't read it myself.

"Foundations of Computer Science" by Aho and Ullman is an excellent book and freely available:


K&R. It's short, quick to get through, and the exercises are great for beginner CS. At the end you'll have a good working knowledge of C, which will act as an excellent base to move into other languages/disciplines.

I liked Algorithms by Dasgupta-Papadimitriou-Vazirani


It's written in an approachable, almost conversational style.

Beyond that, for a broader view of algorithms and computing that includes AI, there's Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell/Norvig. My favorite part of that book is actually the "Foundations of Artificial Intelligence" which goes into the deep history of computation (as far back as ancient and medieval times).

Upvote for P&D&V; a top-notch free (CC BY-ND 3.0 CZ) Czech algorithm textbook (http://pruvodce.ucw.cz/) was based primarily on their book (because it's excellent!).

Maybe try the NAND to Tetris


For my CS degree, the two classes that were most useful foundations-wise were:

1. Learning how to prove things with math

2. "Baby compilers" machine code, building an assembler, building a simple MIPS compiler, regular expressions, parsing, etc

There's a lot of other topics but those two really set the foundation. All algorithms class and data structures are best understood with a mathematical intuition. Not to mention you want to go into VR, lin alg might help you.

YMMV. Lots of great programmers don't have a math background, but for me that helped.

The CLRS book is pretty standard (but mathy).

You'll learn things as you work too so don't discount patience.

> All algorithms class and data structures are best understood with a mathematical intuition.

It's funny, I like to say I program by intuition. Trying to go through algorithms now, many years after college, makes me realize some math shortcuts really help, and I no longer have an intuition for that.

Would love to hear an example if you can share more!

Also maybe formal and symbolic logic. I don't have a CS degree, but I had a class where we, as a class, created an entire analogue symbolic logic language from scratch and it's by far one of the classes that's had the most value for me when doing any kind of tech/dev work. No idea how/if that's approached in CS programs, though...

As far as math proof books go.. I'd just check the library for something which covers stuff like truth tables in the 1st chapter and then lots of proof strategies (induction, breaking down by cases, contrapositive, proof by contradiction) with exercises. And find somebody to correct your mistakes which you will make XD

I found one! OP, please check out this Mathematics for Computer Science book from MIT. [1]

That book can be found on the Teach Yourself Computer Science page. [2]

The TYCS page says this book is advanced... but they teach this content to 1st years at University of Waterloo.. so really it's just difficult beginner material.

[1]: https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.042/spring17/mcs.pdf

[2]: https://teachyourselfcs.com/#math

"Introduction to Algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.

"Algorithm Design" by Jon Kleinberg, Éva Tardos.

"Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Michael Sipser.

"Course notes for CSC B36/236/240: Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Vassos Hadzilacos. http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~vassos/b36-notes/notes.pdf

Not a book but https://teachyourselfcs.com/ if you want typical curriculum and also not a CS book but good book "Computer Science Fundamentals" (sneaky title, free online).

Although I recommend starting from "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software". Coolest book ever.

I would suggest to read beginning part of SICP, with out actually diving into reading chapters, why SICP matters ? => (https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/sicp.html).

Take a look at Norvig's essay (https://norvig.com/21-days.html) and suggestions from teachyourselfcs.com.

https://github.com/ossu/computer-science is also a good one.

If want more, https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-compu...

Everything I took away from my 4 year degree in CS is in The Practice of Programming by Pike & Kernighan.

Older books on computing can really help. When computers were unfamiliar to almost everyone, the author took care to walk through the fundamentals of computer science.

Jon Bentley. "Programming Pearls" https://www.google.com/books/edition/Programming_Pearls/kse_...


(not about Perl the computer language, but rather pearls or unexpected jewels of wisdom)

An accessible style, a collection from the Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (CACM). Also used in a first-year course of computer science at US Naval Academy.

Simple problems are discussed in detail, often leading to subtle insight that yields better performance.

I've always been partial to "Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines" [0] by David Evans of the University of Virginia.

[0] https://computingbook.org/

I found The Imposters Handbook - Rob Conery to be a fantastic overview of CS concepts. Taught me where my CS fundamentals were deficient and gave me enough of the proper language to search effectively and start filling in those deficiencies.

I'd advise SICP. Even though it is focused on functional style, it really does apply to general programming.

It made me a far far better engineer when I was first starting out.

There are lectures online for the book if you want to break up the tedium of just reading it.

Something ive needed on my learning journey is attacking "both ends" -- so something like sedgewick for reading and then something about using pre-builds and c# in unity.

Its nice to actually hang out in 3D space and start to build an intuition between fiddling with the c# and whats going on in your unity scene. Maybe your toy engine has legs and you're better off with a more foundational approach. Personally though i find dense coursework obfuscating and like having my "microwave dinners" on the way to knowing how to cook from scratch ;)

Dont listen to my advice tho listen to someone pitching a bunch of boring books. Its the right way...

More bad advice - Maybe there are some 3D models out there (sketchfab turbosquid cgtrader) that model some of your favorite chemical structures? Ways to play with stuff from your other backgrounds? The 3D plane holds so much possibility for drawing on other disciplines.

Also daniel shiffman has some absolutely deranged and highly caffeinated intros in various flavors of js- his series "the nature of code" is very magnetic and accessible and his clumsy exuberant vibe is good for busting imposter syndrome.

Lots of good stuff in this thread already, so I'll just add a thought or two. A lot of commentators here have picked up that what you need is roughly the equivalent of a "Data Structures & Algorithms" course. I agree with that sentiment. Whether you actually take a course, or work through some books, or whatever, so long as you acquire that knowledge you'll have a great foundation.

The question then is "what next?" To which I would say that you want roughly the equivalent of a course titled something like "Introduction to Computation" or "Automata Theory & Computation" or whatever. That is, you'll want to understand things like Universal Turing Machines, Finite-State Automata, Formal Grammars, and some basics of Computational Complexity Theory (the same "Big O" stuff you'll hear mentioned in the Data Structures & Algorithms class, but going a little bit deeper). This stuff isn't necessarily required to do a lot of "grunt work" programming, but it starts coming into play if you want to do some more advanced stuff.

One of the classic texts in this area is by Hopcroft & Ullman.


And on a semi-related note, there's a really good course on Youtube: MIT 6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science, taught by Tom Leighton[1], that you might find useful as well. A version of the book[2] used in that course is freely available online as well


[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._Thomson_Leighton

[2]: https://people.csail.mit.edu/meyer/mcs.pdf

This is self serving, but I wrote the Classic Computer Science Problems series for developers like you—folks who work in software but don't have a CS education. It is a broad survey, using code instead of theory. It's broad not deep. They're not textbooks:


I also recommend Grokking Algorithms by the same publisher as an introductory book if you don't want a textbook.

None of these go into graphics at all though, so they won't help you with rendering or VR.

Computer Science Distilled: Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems

Highly recommended for freshers, especially who had no academic background on computer science and willing to start their career as dev.

  The best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman. 
- Alan Perlis

I'll take the opportunity to hop on to this thread and admit that I have never properly learned C (I have seen some code here and there). Considering there are several comments advising on using C as the language to implement the algorithms, what is your recommendation to get started with C? I'm looking for something that is not too long (I have a problem continuing with big books) and yet is concise and teaches the language in a well rounded manner.

If you don't know C at all, hunt down a old book called The C Primer by Hancock and Krieger. It is the best introduction to C for absolute noobs. It was based on teaching notes used at Bell Labs itself and is quite easy to read and follow (i owe my career to having read this book when i was a noob). You can then move on to K&R.

Next you should checkout Data Structures and Program Design in C by Kruse, Tondo et al. This book teaches Algorithms/Data Structures but using good structuring techniques in C. Follow up with Sedgewick's books.

To learn about C and Low-level details there is nothing better than Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective by Bryant and O'Hallaron.

Finally, to learn about the dark corners of C checkout C Traps and Pitfalls by Andrew Koenig and Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets by Peter Van Der Linden.

It's hard to recommend anything other than the original K&R - "The C Programming Language".

It's obviously not going to teach you the ins and outs of modern C development, but it's the best introduction to the language out there IMHO.

https://nostarch.com/Effective_C by Robert C. Seacord. a little about the book and the motivation behind "Why C": https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9237323

The Manning book is a great, very approachable and even enjoyable intro to the basics of algorithms and data structures. It’s got illustrations and everything!

It doesn’t go into loads of detail but as a first intro I think it’s great, then you can go deeper if you want.


I'm a bottom-up learner. To take bottom-up "fundamentals of CS" to an extreme (without venturing too far into electrical engineering):

First, work your way through Kernighan & Ritchie and do EVERY exercise.

Then read Hennessy & Patterson (Computer Architecture).

When you're done, you'll understand exactly how a computer executes instructions, and you'll have an abstract mental map from C code to machine code.


Functional programming is not essential but helpful. It will help you fill your tool box. Fsharp for fun and profit teaches the concepts in an easy to learn way.

I'd recommend learning what a monad is. Then you'll see it all over. When you use tools like map or promises.

I wish I'd learnt this earlier.

Most of the answers are covering data structures and algorithms but I have a different direction. If you're doing VR/rendering, you should also look at linear algebra if you don't know it already. Specifically, make sure you're really comfortable with matrix multiplication, matrix inversion, change of basis vectors, cross products, etc.

I always recommend Robert Sedgwick's series: https://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Parts-1-4-Fundamentals-Str...

You'll also get a chance to learn C++ as you go through it.

The Impostor's Handbook https://bigmachine.io/products/the-imposters-handbook/ has been helpful for me. Been using it to supplement learning from a coding bootcamp.

Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science, by Ronald Graham, Donald Knuth, and Oren Patashnik.

Oh I know Donald Knuth from the Lex Fridman podcast. I am noting that it was written in 1994. Would any problems result from this?

No but it's a maths textbook more than anything else. Not really a starting point for the sort of thing you're describing.

It’s a fundamentals thing, you will have to practice it a lot before it clicks and becomes practical for you to use on a daily basis.

But it won’t help you land a job at a startup, for that you need to learn JavaScript or C++

I highly recommend The Computational Beauty of Nature by Gary William Flake (1998).

As a self taught dev myself, check out my comment here:


it seems you want something that's less CS (math) and more algorithms. I would highly recommend the classing TAOCP (https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/taocp.html). If anything, your IQ bumps by 10 points just by putting the book in your shelf.

It's a really fun book, tons of exercises and never gets old.

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs by Niklaus Wirth.

Take a look at the suggestions on https://teachyourselfcs.com/

You should checkout https://teachyourselfcs.com/

The Art of Computer Programming. It requires some decent math knowledge. But so does CS understanding.

Maybe this won't be a popular opinion, but there are some non-CS-specific works that really helped cement some underlying principles.

Namely, the fun stuff like "Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games" articles, "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by Hofstadter, and "The Cyberiad" by Stanislaw Lem.

These require a bit of thoughtfulness applied to relate to CS. And it was specifically worthwhile to actually work through the number theory stuff in GEB.

There are a lot of book recommendations, but I would not focus on books if I wanted to get the equivalent of a solid CS education. Instead I would work through university lecture slides, assignments, and exams -- basically fast forward through a CS undergrad leveraging what you already know.

I'm partial to CMU's CS syllabus for obvious reasons, but I find that it's also one of the most open and available resources on the web; i.e. not locked in on an intranet, etc.

With pre-existing background in software development the basic syllabus is more than doable in a 3-4 months. There are two sequences below: programming and theoretical fundamentals; you can do them in parallel.


15-211: Introduction to Data Structures. Used to be in C++; now looks like it's in Java. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjs/121/lectures.html

15-212: Principles of Programming. Still in ML. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~me/212/schedule.html | https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/96-212/ (unlocked assignment pages)

15-213: Intro to Computer Systems. I hesitate to recommend this; 90% of the value in this course is in the labs and assignments, so it's difficult to do on one's own, but I would at least go through the slides and try to work through exams. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~213/schedule.html


15-251: Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science. Used to be Discrete Math with a heavy CS lean; it may have evolved. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15251/schedule.html

15-451: Algorithms. Here's a decade worth of lectures, exams and assignments - take your pick: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15451/ The 2013 course looks pretty complete: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15451-f...

Next steps:

Since you are interested in VR, etc, you should probably look into the Computer Graphics courses. Note that the undergrad and grad courses are combined; the only difference is the expectations:

15-462: Computer Graphics http://15462.courses.cs.cmu.edu/fall2020/ Exam problems and solutions are gold: http://15462.courses.cs.cmu.edu/fall2020content/exams/finals...

15-463: Computational Photography http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/15-463/

15-464: Technical Animation http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/nsp/course/15464-s21/www/syllabus... http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/nsp/course/15464-s21/www/assignme...

Hope this helps. Good luck!

There are three areas to really study here:

1. Programming

2. Computer Science

3. Software engineering

Programming is, well, the act of writing code both in general and in a particular language. For this, find one or two books or courses on the languages you're using. Work through them, type up most, if not all, their sample programs yourself. Don't just copy/paste, don't download a copy of their source code. Typing it in helps a lot to internalize the information. Then create variations. I'm learning Rust, as an example, and have been writing up the programs in The Rust Programming Language, then I change their structure, make them generic, or modify other elements to see if I actually understand what's happening.

Computer science is more fundamental. For that, many of the algorithms & data structures books mentioned are great to study. It's good practice to implement both (algorithms & data structures) in whatever languages you're using, even if they already have them built in. Then switch out your implementation for the language standard version (if present) so you learn both the fundamentals (how they're built and used) and the standard (how they're used in your language). Pay attention to things like algorithm analysis, it gets cast aside here sometimes but it really is helpful especially in something like rendering. If you understand the relative costs of different choices you will get much more efficient programs, but also study how your actual system behaves. Sometimes an on-paper faster algorithm is slower in practice due to how the CPU and RAM actually work (like scanning a vector for something may be faster in practice than a faster-on-paper hash table or map data structure). You can go deeper and study theory of computation and other areas, but that's not going to be necessary yet.

Software engineering is, reductionist definition, about three things: working with others, working with your future self, organizing programs and systems. Two books I like on the non-technical side: The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks and The Psychology of Computer Programming by Gerald Weinberg. Some parts of both are dated, but they're still relevant to today and thinking about how teams work and systems develop over time. On the more technical side: Learn how to test in your languages, and read Refactoring by Martin Fowler. Learn to use version control, even for toy projects. Create git repos and get in the habit of committing early and often (like with working with any file on the computer you should save early and often so you don't get burned by a crashed editor, committing early and often saves you from when you make a major change and realize you want to undo it).


You can study programming without studying CS proper, but at some point you are likely to start running into decision points that will be hard for you without knowing the tradeoffs that CS (even just the introductory portions) teaches. Same thing with software engineering, it's not technically necessary for programming, but once you start working at scale (large projects or more than just a handful of people) it pays to understand that area.

I think this is all good advice. Including the "type it out yourself" bit.

I'd add a recommendation for _Code Complete_ by Steve McConnell, which is like 2/3 Programming and 1/3 Software Engineering, and seems about right for your level of experience.

* The elements of computer systems

* The little schemer

* The c programming language (k&r)

Seconding the recommendation of The Little Schemer, especially as a beginner book. Very accessible and low time investment, but even as an intermediate programmer when I read it, I got a lot out of it.

for what you are doing, you can probably learn more from reading id software’s open source code bases. e.g. the doom code base.

I’m addition to all of the canonical texts folks have posted here, it might be worth noting the ACM has a publication in which they define what makes a complete Computer Science curriculum:


This is behind their paywall, and I would not discourage you from paying, but someone might be able to find the same document with a simple web search.

I’m addition to all of the canonical texts folks have posted here, it might be worth noting the ACM has a publication in which they define what makes a complete Computer Science curriculum:


This is behind their paywall, and I would discourage you from paying, but someone might be able to find the same document with a simple web search.

Try harvard's free CS60

Learn Haskell. Most of Haskell concepts have root in CS and mathematics.

Hey! I have written a book on conceptual foundations of programming and CS. It is language-agnostic and focuses on principles that transcend programming languages. It talks about everything from functions and types (and where they come from, theoretically) to concurrency and parallelism. It's written with beginners in mind that want to have a grasp on concepts as well as working devs that have hands-on experience with a language, but want to learn to think in cross-language concepts. I am really short on time to put a website on the internet yet (I hope by Christmas it'd be up), but I'd love to send a draft to whoever is interested (if you like, you can pay me later, but no obligations) Email is blagovest dot gospodinov at yah00 dot c0m (just say you're from HN)

edit: pasting chapter of contents from a python script i use:

        "Foreword.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Function.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Data and Types.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Functions as Data.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Function Types.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Type Classes.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Polymorphism and Types I.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Polymorphism and Types II.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Types as Data.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Polymorphism and Types III.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Universal Types.md": dict(finished=False),
        "From Idea to Execution.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Side Effects and Purity.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Side Effects and Types.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Objects I.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Objects II.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Objects III.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Objects IV.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Objects V.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Objects VI.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Names.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Change I.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Change II.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Modes of Computation.md": dict(finished=False),
        "The Infinite.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Incomplete Functions.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Syntax and Semantics.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Memory I.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Memory II.md": dict(finished=False),
        "Parallel Computation.md": dict(finished=False),


Have you tried some of the old "Graphics Gems" series books yet? [1], [2], [3] They are not CS fundamentals but will help you out with the necessary concepts, math and algorithms for graphics programming and ray-tracing.

As others have mentioned any books on Data Structures & Algorithms are a must. [4], [5], [6]

However in my opinion, trying to understand CS fundamentals without undergoing some sort of formal education is a chore. You won't know what you are missing. Going through an established approved syllabus will give you a fuller understanding. But that is only if you are interested in the long haul.

There are a number of MOOCs that may fit the bill allowing you to slowly gather the knowledge without sacrificing too much time and focus on a day job to keep you going. I feel they are also great value for money for what you get. Some of them are from very reputable names if that is important. [7][8].

Since you have a B.Sc you can do the Masters level but there are also Bachelors level courses. [9]

1. https://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Gems-Andrew-S-Glassner/dp/01...

2. https://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Gems-II-IBM-No/dp/0120644819...

3. https://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Gems-No-3-David-Kirk/dp/0124...

4. https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Algorithms-3rd-MIT-Press...

5. https://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-4th-Robert-Sedgewick/dp/03...

6. https://www.amazon.com/Algorithm-Design-Manual-Steven-Skiena...

7. https://www.coursera.org/degrees/master-of-computer-science-...

8. https://www.coursera.org/degrees/mcit-penn

9. https://www.coursera.org/degrees/bachelor-of-science-compute...

I'm actually going to apply to the OMSCS as well, so hopefully I get in. It'll be part-time so I can work, but I'll definitely have less of a social/gaming life for the next few years if I'm pursuing an online masters lol

OMSCS Website: https://omscs.gatech.edu/home

A very good choice Karsteski, probably one of the best online CS programs out there. Wishing you the best in getting in.

I have embarked on another MOOC catering to a business degree and still figuring out how to balance course load with personal and professional life but I am loving it.

Learning a lot and the courses encourage group/team assignments working with students from all over the world. Learning to navigate the global team work model.

Good luck.

Textbooks are the old way to learn, but sometimes old is gold.

Use videos for faster learning though. It’s pretty much learning on cruise mode.

I find the opposite, I can pace myself with books, take notes in the margins, interact with the harder concepts, cruise through the easier ones. Answer the questions at the end of the book in-line, it feels much more interactive. Since I can physically visualize all the sections/chapters it's easier to skip around. Video is so linear and passive; I have to go at the pace of the video and it's harder move alinearly. Also I have much more stamina for reading than listening to audio, the words start to blur together after a while.

My chief problem with learning from videos is... videos progress at a linear rate, but I don't absorb concepts at a linear rate. And even when delivery_rate/absorption_rate is a constant, it's rarely 1. I often have to stop, reverse, flip pages back and forth to compare precedents with consequents -- none of which is feasible with video.

With books I can also stop and take notes or reflect on what I've learned. That's harder with video.

And of course fewer words are spoken on video than are written in a book with fewer concepts and fewer illustrations, and with more verbal miscues -- errors or omissions.

I also rely heavily on the index of a book to look up related topics and terms, as used by the author.

In subjects that are precise (like math or algorithms) I've found learning from books to be far superior to video.

That said, some videos are great, especially those that animate or visualize, like 3Blue1Brown and Khan Academy.

Asking as an avid textbook fan -- what might be some videos that you especially like?

> Use videos for faster learning though.

I'm pretty sure I can read at twice the speed that an average video is spoken.

And more importantly I can pause to think, re-read a sentence I didn't grasp and pace myself. All of these are far more cumbersome to do with video.

There my be entirely valid reasons to prefer videos. But I strongly contest the claim that videos are faster.

I like videos for small topics as well, but I find reading much easier for hard to digest knowledge, personally

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