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I acknowledged several times that there a number of special circumstances that allowed us to do this, and that it probably wouldn't work for the majority of folks, but I think it would work for more people than you're seeming to imply.

I also made it clear that my comment wasn't intended to cover every single detail (like my wife's parents... and thousands of other details). I would have exceeded the max HN comment length several times over if I tried to cover everything. That's why I said I was happy to talk if anyone had any questions.

Regarding my wife's parents, they also live close by, and I suspect we will be involved in their care as well, but they also have other (adult) kids in the area, so it makes sense for us to divide and conquer a bit. Our relationship with my wife's parents would not have worked in this setting though (which isn't to say we aren't close... we see them at least a couple times per month, but living in close proximity wouldn't have worked). This was absolutely a conversation we had with everyone involved though (including my in-laws) before we moved forward with the plan.

Thanks for replying so well when you could have taken it as a provocation instead. That is not always easy.


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