> It is in the shape of a Directed Acyclic Rooted Tree or simply a tree. The neat thing is, a tree-shaped computation is always "one-pass". Each node can only be passed at least once.
I think I found one more minor typo – in the Control Flow Graph section I believe "The possible number of calls to c is zero to infinity;" should be "zero to one" instead, as the flow terminates as soon as it reaches "c", so there is no chance for it to be greater than one.
No, thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed the article. I also enjoy the title, although it caused some cognitive dissonance by implying that the primary thesis would be: to be careful trying to use trees, where meshes are more appropriate.
Instead the concluding thesis was: "Whenever Possible, Make a Tree" and due to my expectations I thought for a second that I may have accidentally skipped over some section which championed meshes.
Potentially, putting the thesis as a single sentence near the top would prime readers so they can accurately ingest the rest of the article with proper prejudice.
"Whenever Possible, Make a Tree" I've thought about it, but I added " and the Other Way Around" instead, just because I feel the original title gets more glances than the alternatives.
> It is in the shape of a Directed Acyclic Rooted Tree or simply a tree. The neat thing is, a tree-shaped computation is always "one-pass". Each node can only be passed at least once.
Should be:
> Each node can only be passed at most once.