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Compiling Rust is NP-hard (p4.team)
417 points by lovasoa on July 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 210 comments

For languages with Hindley-Milner typing, like SML and OCaml, it has long been known that type-checking is even worse in the worst case (DEXPTIME hard) [1]. But the programs where this matters aren't what one would write by hand, typically.

[1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/96709.96748

Maybe it's a good idea to add a concrete example (can't edit the reply anymore):


  let x1 = fun y -> (y, y) in
  let x2 = fun y -> x1 (x1 y) in
  let x3 = fun y -> x2 (x2 y) in
  let x4 = fun y -> x3 (x3 y) in
  let x5 = fun y -> x4 (x4 y) in
  let x6 = fun y -> x5 (x5 y) in
    x6 (fun z -> z)

  test = let 
    x1 = \y -> (y, y) 
    x2 = \y -> x1 (x1 y) 
    x3 = \y -> x2 (x2 y)
    x4 = \y -> x3 (x3 y) 
    x5 = \y -> x4 (x4 y) 
    x6 = \y -> x5 (x5 y)
    in x6 (\z -> z)
If you can compile these, add x7. The effort increases exponentially as one adds x7, x8 and so on.

Formerly id id id id id id id id id... would do it, but looks like someone has put in a fix for that.

Yes, types are usually represented by a DAG with sharing. OCaml does so, for example, and I assume ghc does something similar.

So, while id id has type ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'a), this is stored in memory by a pointer structure that amounts to let 'b = ('a -> 'a) in ('b -> 'b). The type of id id id would become let 'b = ('a -> 'a) in let 'c = ('b -> 'b) in ('c -> 'c). This grows linearly. If one were to write out the types without sharing then their size would grow exponentially.

There was a bug in ghci (the GHC REPL) for a while which made it take exponential time to print the type of `id id id id id id id id id`. It used the linear representation for type-checking, but the pretty-printer was not implemented so cleverly.

Apparently that's been fixed. I can't confirm because that's not something I ever check the type of.

It seems to me that id id id ... id always has type a -> a. If you're referring to the type of the first id in the sequence, then what you're saying makes sense.

The fact that x1 is \y -> (y, y) is superficial, though. Something like x1 = Just also increases exponentially, and makes clear that using a deduplicated DAG for representing type terms doesn't solve this.

With x1 = Just, the program is accepted instantly by ghc. I think you need a type variable to appear twice.

Ah, it's still exponential, but in the size of the type, and the constants of the complexity are a bit different, so you need around x30.

Ah, you're right. If one goes to x_{i+1}, then there will be 2^i Maybes in the type. The number of Maybe-occurrences in the type doubles in each step and sharing won't help there.

could you provide a python example?

Python does not perform static type checking, therefore this problem doesn't apply immediately. You can build a program that takes exponential time to execute, but that is probably not a relevation to you.

Building a program that takes exponential time to execute because of python run-time dynamic type checking might be interesting...

I don’t think that’s possible because I don’t think there’s any aspect of the runtime type checker that descends into complex type structures. It just checks if runtime type tags match when you invoke an operator, or that an attribute exists when you try to access it.

There may be some kind of linter that would choke on type inference, but I think you are correct. It is more a just in time type inference at runtime otherwise.

Note that is is polynomial with respect to the size of the output.

That is to say, pathological expressions don't stay small but induce horrendous searching, but rather merely get a log bigger (and that can cause more trouble for the rest of the program).

That means a heuristic to bail out when something grows a lot probably not violate the users intent and get it back into polynomial time.

No, this is the time complexity of type checking before any computation on the terms is performed.

Yes I am saying that while it is exponential with respect to the input, and it is polynomial with respect to the output.

To some extent it wouldn't even be surprising for a sufficiently powerful language to be EXPSPACE. Pretty much anything with sufficiently powerful macros would be EXPSPACE, or worse.

I had not thought of pattern-exhaustiveness checking like that.

Isn't compiling several languages, including Rust, actually undecidable though? Seems like if your type system or metaprogramming systems are Turing complete, this has to be the case.

So that's ~worse than NP-hard already (though calling it NP-hard is still technically correct).

Type checking /compiling often is conservative for this purpose. It's sound (Rejects all incorrect programs), decideable (There is an algorithm to reject all incorrect programs) but due to Godel's decidability problem they're incomplete (There are always correct programs which the type checker rejects as incorrect).

There are exceptions of course (C++ templating is turing complete; so type-checking is undecidable) but often you want your compiler to be sound and decidable

Also see https://3fx.ch/typing-is-hard.html

(edit: Apparently , as the link I posted shows, rust is indeed undecidable in certain edge cases. However you can usually reason about a subset of the language (Restrict using certain features) that is still decidable. I have the feeling Rust might have such a subset but it's just a fuzzy feeling)

> There are exceptions of course

for a definition of "exceptions" being "virtually all languages with a non-trivial static type system and non-zero userbase" as shown in your link.

Java (https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.05274), C# (https://blog.hediet.de/post/how-to-stress-the-csharp-compile...), Scala (https://michid.wordpress.com/2010/01/29/scala-type-level-enc...), Haskell, Rust (https://sdleffler.github.io/RustTypeSystemTuringComplete/), Typescript (https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/14833) ...

Having a type system with generics and not being turing-complete as a result is the exception, not the rule.

Generics is not really the right cutting point: parametric polymorphism is perfectly decidable. However, few languages stop at just parametric polymorphism. For instance, the OCaml issue in the linked blog post happens at the module level, which mixes parametric polymorphism and subtyping. And typically, while SML has parametric polymorphism, it lacks the OCaml extension that makes the module type system undecidable.

Haskell's System-F is definitely completely is decidable. You need to opt in to undecidable features like RankNTypes (n>=3) explicitly. (which are GHC; and not Haskell specific).

Even then; Undecidability is a bit spectrumy. e.g. RankNTypes become sort of decideable again in the presence of explicit type annotations

AFAIK, Haskell requires explicit types for higher-rank types specifically because inference is decidable for them.

For an example of contrary, one can check Agda. It is not Turing complete, but a useful language (I personally wrote many parsers in it and its Haskell FFI is pretty good so you can essentially write unsafe parts of your programs in Haskell, and safe parts in Agda then prove correctness).

> It's sound (Rejects all incorrect programs), decidable (There is an algorithm to reject all incorrect programs) but due to Godel's decidability problem they're incomplete (There are always correct programs which the type checker rejects as incorrect).

Isn't that the definition of "semidecidable" as distinct from "decidable"? A decidable question is one where you can determine the answer, whatever that answer may be. A semidecidable question is one where, if the answer is yes, you can determine that, and if the answer is no, you may not be able to determine that.

If you can always show that a program is incorrect, but you can't necessarily show that a program is correct, then the correctness of a program isn't decidable.

Decide-ability here means "Can we come to an answer in a known amount of steps". If you have an algorithm for type checking; then that answer is yes! You're _always_ able to come up with an answer that is yes or no.

For example the following algorithm is for typechecking is decideable:

    typechecks :: Program -> Bool
    typechecks _ = false
We always come to decision. There is no "semi" here. Just a clear yes/no answer.

The algorithm is even sound. It rejects all incorrect programs.

However it is not complete. It might also reject correct programs (In this case it rejects all correct programs).

Of course you want a as little conservative typechecker without getting into trouble. But it's always conservative to some extent. Preferably you would both be sound _and_ complete. But the problem is that any reasonable logic system can't proof its own consistency. Hence we can't have both. However we can get "as close as we possibly can".

I believe you're explaining what a computable function is. A decidable set S of a type T is defined to be one for which there is a computable function f : T -> Bool such that the set of values x with f x = true is equal to S. A semidecidable set S of a type T is defined to be one for which there is a partial computable function f : T -> Bool such that whenever x is in S, then f x is computable and equals true.

Given a definition for a well-typed program, you get a set W of Program of the well-typed programs. You can ask whether W is decidable or semidecidable -- i.e., whether there is some (partial) computable function f : Program -> Bool with the above properties.

The example you give is certainly computable, but it has nothing to do with the set W, so it says nothing about (semi)decidability of the typechecking decision problem.

However, it is a valid trying to find the largest subset of W that is (semi)decidable. Or trying to redefine what it means to be well-typed so that it is (semi)decidable!

One interesting case of a programming language without a semidecidable typechecking problem is Lean. The typechecker they've implemented will both reject or time out on valid programs (so the typechecker is at least a computable function in a sense), but in practice these cases don't really occur.

> We always come to decision. There is no "semi" here.

That's not really how I understand the "semi" in the terminology. For a decidable question, you can recognize when the answer is yes, and you can recognize when the answer is no. For a semidecidable question, you can recognize when the answer is yes.

It doesn't take much of a stretch to describe that as cutting your capabilities in "half".

The way I usually think about this is that with full decidability, you can rule something in or out. With semidecidability, you can rule something in, but you can't rule things out.

That framework extends well to the situation described above, where if the compiler chooses to compile a program, then the typing in that program was valid, and if the compiler chooses to complain about the typing, we can't draw any conclusions. It doesn't match your example; you can't rule anything in or out.

Semi-decidable means that will accept all correct formulas, and either rejects incorrect formulas or gives no answer. It's the same as having a generator that generates every correct formula eventually.

In my opinion, OP is incorrect and those systems are sound but indecidable.

> Semi-decidable means that will accept all correct formulas, and either rejects incorrect formulas or gives no answer.

By this definition, program incorrectness isn't semidecidable either - the compiler will accept all correct [incorrect] formulas, and will either reject or accept incorrect [correct] formulas.

Not really, because for undecidable problems semidecidability can only hold one-way. If it held in both ways then the language would be decidable.

Take the Halting program for example: For a program p which halts, you can determine whether it will halt in finite time (because by definition it halts). However, there is no semidecidable algorithm for "this program runs infinitely long".

I don't understand what you're trying to say. What are you contradicting with "Not really"? The claim above you is "by this definition, program incorrectness isn't semidecidable either". You're saying that it is?

Sort of a side track, but there’s a great layman’s intro to this in this Veratasium video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HeQX2HjkcNo

Rust's type system is undecidable. You can see a few languages listed here: https://3fx.ch/typing-is-hard.html

I believe there are limits to recursion (as mentioned in link above), so not strictly true. Perhaps they are too big?

Rust's recursion limit is fairly low, I believe it's 128. However, you can override this if you find it too restrictive.

So (tongue firmly in cheek), no Rust compiler actually fully implements Rust?

> Isn't compiling several languages, including Rust, actually undecidable though?

While Rust is Turing complete, the compiler has a recursion limit, and if you take that into account, then compiling Rust is decidable (you only need to evaluate compilation up to the recursion limit).

Same applies to C++ templates by the way, the compilers usually provide an expansion depth flag.

Rusts type system is turing complete if I recall correctly. Obviously, in practice everything is in a way decidable because we have limitations everywhere.

In other words, the abstract machine specification you’re programming your compile-time logic against in Rust, has Turing-complete semantics; but its extant implementations — any Rust compiler people would care to use — intentionally does not implement compile-time Turing-completeness.

But you could in theory write a Rust compiler whose compile-time runtime is fully Turing-complete; and that compile-time runtime would be conformant to the Rust language spec. (Just, nobody would want to use it, because “unbounded runtime” isn’t a property people tend to want from their compilers.)

There is nothing preventing the Rust language definition to add a constraint to type checking saying "recursion depth <= 128" or something like that (e.g. depth <= N where N is an implementation-defined constant).

In fact, since rustc is "the spec" today, that's kind of how it is ""specified"".

Any implementation that does not conform to that would be... non-conforming... or using your own point-of-view, they would be implementing some programming language, but that language wouldn't be "Rust".

Then the question is not if Rust programs type-check in finite time, but rather, whether they type check in <= N steps. And e.g. the current implementation answers that question very quickly by just trying.

> But you could in theory write a Rust compiler whose compile-time runtime is fully Turing-complete

Only if your theory allows for infinite storage...

Well, my infinite tape seemed to work just fine last time I checked.

Of course, I didn't check ad infinitum. <rim shot>

There is a low hardcoded limit to how deep you can nest types. But I don't think there is a hardcoded limitation to how large match patterns can be. That's the difference.

It's possible to change that hardcoded limit. By default it is 256, but you can bring it all the way up to 2^64 with #![recursion_limit = "18446744073709551615"].

This ends up in some discussion about what "compiling" actually means. Is macroexpanding a part of "compiling"?

Most languages with complex type systems avoid Turing completeness by having an explicit limit for all type level expansions - at least, that is how Java and C# do it.

I think metaprogram expansion has to be considered part of compiling. You have sourcecode, you need machinecode. If the lang says that the process of getting there requires running some metaprogram, so be it.

For Rust I think the type system itself is probably enough though even without that. If neither type checking or metaprogramming are part of compiling, I think your (for hypothetical you) definition of compiling is a bit too restrictive.

Even makefiles are Turing complete.

I think in Haskell you need to add:

    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
to get an Undecidable type system.

There are other language extensions to make the haskell type system undecidable. The classic example is `RankNTypes`

E.g. you can proof that type systems of rank n >= 3 are undecidable. [0]

I think that's why haskell has both Rank2Types and RankNTypes as a language extension. So you can still use higher rank types without running into decidability problems up to rank 2.

[0] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/182409.182456

Compiling a complete language and verifying correctness is undecidable but that's not necessarily what Rust does.

The complier can still fail to compile/verify otherwise correct parts of a program. Because it's only operating on a subset of the entire possible language and it's not verifying all properties of the language, it's not quite undecidable but it is still very much NP-hard.

Languages like C, C++, or Ada on the other hand take the other approach. They compile all parts of the language but make little to no attempt to enforce correctness on all those parts. You see verifying compilers for those languages only allowing a subset that they can actually verify which is the same as Rust.

At the moment Rust the language is what the main Rust compiler says it is but once there are meaningfully different compilers you'll start to notice the issue a bit more and there will likely be parts of the language that one compiler can verify but the other can't (and therefore fail to compile).

> [Rust is] not quite undecidable but it is still very much NP-hard.

> Languages like C, C++, or Ada ... make little to no attempt to enforce correctness

Both statements are laughably false, but for different reasons.

Both are based on the Doctrine of Rust Exceptionalism, which requires that Rust is not just a variation on a theme, but fundamentally different from other languages. Like most doctrines, this one is indefensible.

Rust compilation, like C++ and Haskell, is undecideable, not just NP-hard. Non-terminating compilation is artificially curtailed, thus failing to produce an open set of what would have been correct programs.

The Rust compiler performs certain correctness checks that other languages do not. It rejects an infinite set of correct programs that its correctness checks cannot resolve. In this as in all other particulars, Rust is very much on the continuum with other languages. All strongly-typed languages perform a huge variety of correctness checks, some built-in, others programmed, with great success, rejecting the large majority of incorrect programs people write. As a consequence, it is very common for Rust, C++, and Haskell programs to run correctly the first time, once the compiler is satisified.

I don't believe in any of that Rust exceptionalism BS. Rust is just a strongly typed language just like Haskell or any other strongly typed languages. This strong typing (particularly through the borrow checker) gives the Rust compiler the ability to verify properties about the code like any other strongly typed language. The mistake that Rust makes is that they attempt to make the verification a language requirement while nearly every other language either makes it optional or keeps the verification in a library or tool external to the standard.

With Rust though a significant part of the value in things like the borrow checker is that it has the assertion that if you break the rules set out by the "standard", the code doesn't compile. Even Haskell doesn't make the mistake of trying to enforce something like that (instead it's libraries that normally add that verification but those aren't part of the standard).

My point is that Rust has language requirements that force the language compilable by the compilers to never be close to or equally covering the entire language defined by the "standard".

There will be normal (and emphasis on normal) programs that will not be compilable in Rust on certain compilers but will work just fine on others due to the search space on the type solver or the borrow checker blowing up. These issues will also likely pop up in between versions of the same compiler when changes to the internal representation cause certain cases to fall outside the search space.

The only thing the Rust devs can actually do to solve this problem is to add arbitrary restrictions to the language spec based on the limitations of existing compilers.

This issue isn't unique to Rust but basically every other major language has gotten around the problem by not making it a problem in the first place.


This comes back to the point in my original comment. Rust the language based on the compiler will likely not be consistent within Rust the language based on the "spec" (whatever it ends up being). There will be normal code that fails to compile due to seemingly arbitrary changes triggering combinatorial explosions.

With C, C++, Haskell, etc this issue can pop up but the features that can invoke this problem are far more rare, are more self contained, and are easier to diagnose (i.e. template explosions which are localised vs the borrow checker which can be very much not localised).

The original comment was very much a critique of Rust and by no means some type of Rust exceptionalism.

Any hypothetical standards-conformant Rust implementation would have to be as or more restrictive than rustc, not less. Something like mrustc, which performs no borrow checking, would not be allowed to call itself a conformant Rust implementation.

(I say hypothetical because until there's a spec, it's simply not feasible to build a conformant alternative implementation, as you'd need to be bug-for-bug compatible with rustc.)

This is also not correct. As in, completely wrong.

Presuming a formal spec that rustc happens to enforce, another compiler could simply try longer to resolve types before giving up, admitting some set of programs that rustc gives up on.

The spec. could specify exactly the rules rustc actually has including iteration limits, this would freeze rustc (and so it would be undesirable) but it is an option.

The thing we're talking about here has changed after Rust 1.0, Rust 1.0 shipped with a rule that said if you match integers you have to provide a default. In lots of code that feels natural. But not everywhere. If you match all possible integers (e.g. for a i8 that's from -128 to 127), the compiler would say "Not good enough" until you write the default match it will never actually need.

That was fixed with feature(exhaustive_integer_patterns) in 2018 or so AIUI.

But you could imagine Rust being standardised with the old behaviour and, even though it's clearly possible to write a compiler which implements feature(exhaustive_integer_patterns) that would then be non-standard because Rust programs lacking the default match for integers are forbidden in the standard.

The type system is also Turing-complete, therefore non-terminating. It would be arbitrarily hard to write a spec in a non-Turing-complete language such that all implementations would admit the same set of programs, or even (responsive to the original claim) reliably only a smaller set.

TFA notes that rustc is not a particular _efficient_ SAT solver, taking something like 10^4 times as long as a commonly used algorithm [1] would on a small example.

So, I'm curious: what's the _strongest_ case one could make for including a more robust SAT solver as part of the exhaustiveness checking? Is there any reasonable place where this could matter? (Extremely autogenerated code?)

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DPLL_algorithm

I was under the impression that cases where it would matter are typically code that wouldn't usually be written. E.g. C# and Java also can solve SAT as part of overload resolution with generic types and it's an interesting peculiarity, but not a pattern that is interesting enough to optimize. Perhaps that's the case here as well.

I could also imagine the compiler code being easy to read, understand and modify are often more valuable traits than compilation speed of highly atypical patterns in a language. But that may well depend on how atypical those are.

The fact that most dependently typed languages (which have a much higher propensity for complicated exhaustiveness checking when pattern matching) don’t use a serious SAT solver for this makes me doubt Rust would ever need to.

Doesn't Liquid Haskell[1] use a SAT solver?

[1] https://ucsd-progsys.github.io/liquidhaskell-blog/

Like most languages with refinement types it uses an SMT solver (a more general problem), though I’m not sure it uses it for pattern matching. I was thinking of Coq, Agda, Lean, etc. which are full-spectrum dependently typed languages. LiquidHaskell is more specialized, though its automated proof capabilities are much stronger.

Dependent typing goes beyond SMT and SAT, so those languages wouldn't be able to leverage those solvers except in specific circumstances. See the language F* [1], for instance.

[1] https://www.fstar-lang.org/

It’s easy to embed the exact problem Rust has to solve for exhaustiveness checking into e.g. Lean’s pattern matching so they have the same opportunity to use SAT for such checks at least for some set of pattern matching situations (though as I said doubt it would be worthwhile). Using SMT for refinement types like F* does is mostly orthogonal to the problem this article is talking about, which arises just from structural pattern matching.

If you were using rustc as some sort of JIT compiler compile times could become extremely important, and error messages less important, at which point things like this might be worth it.

If you wanted the SAT solver for some other reason (optimization? proving code correct?) it might make sense to use it for this too.

One perhaps-interesting use case might be to use the fastest possible solver in the case of compiling generated/foreign code, so basically code that's expected to always compile (but which still needs to be checked for safety).

One could even imagine using it as a first-pass for code and to just fall back to a slower-but-with-better-error-messages type checker if errors are found.

(Of course you'd end up with two orthogonal implementations of the type checker, but that might not even be a bad thing since you'd be easily able to check for inconsistencies between them, aka. type checker bugs.)

Rust's proc-macro system makes it pretty easy to create some hard to compile code. but there's many ways to generate very slow compiling code with proc macros.

I had rare occasion to compile a Rust application recently because a prebuilt binary didn’t exist for my platform. It took just over two hours! Coming from primarily Go development recently, I was astonished.

How do you get anything done when the cost of testing an idea is several hours?! I’d feel like the sunk cost fallacy would kick in for even the most lackluster of changes just because you took the time to try it.

I have worked for 3 years on a project where it took a whole week to get the code compiled, signed by an external company and deployed to the device so that I could see the results.

I just learned to work without compiling for a long time. Over time my productivity increased and the number of bugs fell dramatically.

Working this way requires you to really think about what you are doing, which is always a good idea.

This was over a decade ago and now I work mostly on Java backends and I am happy that I typically spend days or even weeks without ever compiling the code and that it usually works the first time I run it.

I can't think how I could get back. It looks really strange to me to observe other developers constantly compiling and running their code just to see if it works. It kinda looks as if they did not exactly understand what they are doing because if they did, they would be confident the implementation works.

The only time when I actually run a lot of compile/execute iterations is when I actually don't know how something works. I typically do this to learn, and I typically use a separate toy project for this.

Often you can be certain that you know what tp expect from your own code, but not from dependencies or external systems. So checking that your assumptions about them are right is a major reason to run and rerun your code.

That is good reason to minimize amount of dependencies and only use the ones you know and can reason about. It is also part of what I do to help me reason about code before I execute it.

As I mentioned, if I don't understand a dependency or external system I make separate toy project where I can rapidly experiment and learn.

Think of it as having fun in a aircraft simulator. You play with it so that you are prepared to fly the actual plane.

Also checking your assumptions by trying to see if the code works is a problem in itself. A lot of these broken assumptions will not break your code immediately but maybe sometime later. Maybe when your application is under load or maybe when clock on the server is moved back by an hour or maybe when the connection breaks in a certain way.

Base your work on knowing how something works and not assuming.

Best way to limit the risk of your application failing due to broken assumption is to limit your reliance on assumptions in the first place.

I used to use approach, but the new heavily typed languages bring a lot of really nice tools that you only get to use at compile time.

Specifically in Rust, you can use the language to guide you through things like refactoring, thread synchronization, correctness verification and a lot of other things. But you have to run the compiler.

I don't write production code in Rust (though I learn for my embedded hobby).

But you can say the same for Java. IntelliJ IDEA internally does equivalent of compilation and tells me exactly where my code would fail to compile.

So in a sense I am not strictly practicing my approach, but I also don't see reason to do so if the tools are reliably giving me hints when I made mistake writing something that will not compile.

> So in a sense I am not strictly practicing my approach

Developing in an IDE that compiles almost continuously is about as far from the development philosophy you're advocating for here as one could get :P

That doesn't make any sense.

This isn't about throwing away tools for some idealized goal. It is about using the tools that are available to achieve best results without making you reliant on the tools to the point you don't know what your program is going to do without compiling and running.

IDE helps catch a lot of stupid simple mistakes and that helps save time. Why would that be bad?

I don't think using an IDE to catch lots of stupid simple mistakes is bad. It's how I prefer to work.

> It looks really strange to me to observe other developers constantly compiling and running their code just to see if it works. It kinda looks as if they did not exactly understand what they are doing because if they did, they would be confident the implementation works.

Explain to me how this statement doesn't apply to your use of an IDE, but the other engineers you've observed don't understand what they're doing.

If you can't read that sentence with comprehension none of my explanations are going to help.

It's legitimately surprising that you would double down here instead of realize that your tooling is recompiling your code and showing you the result continuously, making your workflow essentially the same as the people you seem to feel so superior to.

They did read that sentence with comprehension. It is you who can't connect the lines. Your IDE already does typechecking and finds other issues for you. Basically the only thing that you are missing is the ability to run and test your program.

How do you like embedded Rust?

I’m looking forward to someone making a legit IDE/suite with support, no indication of it yet but I assume some day!

I mainly work with STM32 Cortex-M3 MCUs (again, these are my personal projects).

Rust, well, "works". But there is still a bunch of issues so I keep developing using C until I get the kinks ironed out.

It's working really well for us at Oxide. I even do it on Windows :)

First job was in a mainframe environment, compiles were pretty quick but the job queue was so big and developer compiles were low enough priority that it could take hours of wall clock time to turn around.

I don't remember the specifics but while watching the job queue on the terminal screen I discovered that the job priority was editable. So I bumped it up, my compile job ran, and I was happy. I only did this a few times before I got a lecture from the system operations guys that was quite explicit that I should never do this again.

Yes, you figure out how to run code mentally, how to check carefully for typos and syntax errors, etc. No Intellisense then either, that's another modern crutch.

I am one of those devs that is always compiling and checking if their program is working. I am mainly working with java and still doing this.

Less so than when working with JavaScript. But please teach me your ways hahha

Start by understanding that this compile/run process is a crutch. Rather than use your knowledge, experience and intelligence to predict if it works you resign yourself to just waiting to see.

This is a problem for many reasons. One is that this may help you get something working, but with lack of deep understanding the outcome will likely be subpar if only because not all problems that you could have predicted will show themselves on execution.

Another is that it basically shrinks the part of brain that is necessary for understanding and predicting behavior of your code (figuratively). Sort of like driving with GPS makes me helpless without it.

Try to write larger stretches of code without compilation.

Try to focus on modularizing your application so that you can reason about modules separately. This is always a good idea, but it is even more important when you need to be able to predict how something works without trying it.

When you have finally compiled your code and it failed, do not immediately go to fix the problem. Try to spend a moment to learn from the failure and improve your process so that you minimize chance of this happening in the future.

Ask yourself, what you could have done to prevent this problem from happening? Could you have specified some function or module better? Could you have simplified your code to be able to better reason about it? Would it help if you have spent a bit more time getting acquainted with this internal or external library before you decided to use it?

From my experience, most of this comes down to following things:

- defining your modules and APIs correctly -- badly defined modules make it difficult to predict the behavior,

- finding simple solutions to problems -- complex solutions tend to make it difficult to predict behavior,

- using only tools you understand,

- only interacting with existing code after you have understood how it works (I typically at least look over the code that I plan to use),

- thinking hygiene (make sure you base your work on hard facts and not beliefs),

- refactoring, refactoring, refactoring -- first solution to the problem is rarely optimal. I write something that works and then immediately keep refactoring it removing any unnecessary complexity until I am satisfied. Don't leave refactoring for later -- when you have just written a piece of code it is easiest to change it.

- as much as possible, writing your code in a way that it is not even allowed to produce wrong result. This is very large topic so I won't explain. There is a lot of techniques that you can research.

Do you think there is a time and place where it is more sensible to just go by trial and error.

For example when I am interacting with a codebase for the first time and I want to implement something I just keep bashing and throwing shit at the wall untill something sticks. After that I start working more in line of what you described.

How exactly you arrive at understanding the codebase is not as important.

Just make sure you keep actual development separate from learning the tool if you care for your results and especially reliability.

Now, I use various ways to learn the tools and codebase. Running PoC for my idea or maintaining separate toy project helps me with maintaining hygiene.

For example, for the past year I have been spending a lot of time learning reactive programming with RxJava and Reactor. I have created a dozen small projects illustrating various ideas for making reactive APIs, processing pipelines, separating business logic from infrastructure, composing reactive modules, etc.

I did this with aim of purposeful learning rather than writing production code, even though some of these in the end migrated to be part of production codebase.

I am now at a level where I can, again, write large swaths of modules, libraries but now using reactive paradigm, with a very good chance of it working correctly, which for me validates that I more or less understand what is going on.

In case anyone else does this and is new to Rust - you can use `cargo check` to type check/borrow check/everything else without doing any codegen

This thread is no longer with regards to Rust or checking whether the code compiles or not. It is about how you can work with compilation times that are longer than a coffee break.

My theory for Java is that it was frog boiling turned cargo culting.

Comparatively speaking Java compilation was very fast at the beginning, so for instance Red-Green-Refactor (RGR) works pretty well. There's a parallel to other creative jobs where sometimes shuffling around the things you already have reveals a pattern that leads to a breakthrough.

But there are other feedback loops that, with J2EE in particular, the cycle times started to creep up, and up, and at some point if you haven't stopped and looked at what you're doing you don't see how crazy things have gotten. RGR still has a place there because you are typically not recompiling everything and you aren't spooling up the application to run unit tests. But making one line changes to see how a page loads is just bonkers amounts of busy work.

One of the bad dynamics is that people more like you also tend to memorize the code, which is both bad for new hires (circular logic does not reveal itself when you introduce one assertion at at time, but does when you get hit with all of them at once), and also incentivizes you push back on refactoring. Because those damned smartasses keep moving things around and they were Just Fine where they were. If that happens you have cemented the entire codebase and anything that is really wrong with it is going to stay wrong until someone proposes a rewrite. And having learned the wrong lessons the first time, we repeat them again in the second iteration.

Compiling Servo, a web browser engine, takes 5-6 minutes for an optimized build from scratch on my 6C/12T machine. So no, 2 hour build times are not normal for all but the largest software projects.

Compiling paru, an AUR helper for Arch Linux, on the other hand, takes me around 3 - 4 minutes on a 4C/8T i5 for an optimised build. I think Rust compile times might just fall within a narrow range.

I suspect the machine you were using was swapping itself to death, because I've never experienced anything resembling that in Rust.

I also presume you were compiling in release mode, which is good for producing extremely fast programs but not something I bother with in regular development (in contrast to Go, which has no distinction between debug and release optimization levels).

> How do you get anything done.

The vast majority of my workflow just involves seeing if my code typechecks, for which I don't even need to build the program (so no codegen, no linking). This I do very frequently, as a sanity check on my work. The command for this is `cargo check`. This takes less than a second for small projects, one to five seconds for medium projects, and one to twenty seconds for large projects.

> I suspect the machine you were using was swapping itself to death

Good point. I recently upgraded my machine to 64 GiB RAM, because 16 GiB filled up pretty quickly with parallel compilation, several VS Code/rust-analyzer instances and a couple of browser tabs open.

In my experience, Rust compilation times aren't that different from what I'm used to in the JavaScript world. Initial compilation takes a minute or two (comparable to the runtime of `npm install` on Windows), when you make changes you usually get incremental compilation within a few seconds.

I guess you can have projects that are just huge and/or run into some pathological case that increases compile time a lot (just like with C++), but for any subsequent compilations you should get very fast incremental builds.

I doubt your compile times were due to pattern matching which TFA demonstrates to be NP-complete, any more than C++'s compile-times are due to the undecidability of template metaprogramming.

(Though I guess one might argue that slow compile times on typical code and rarely-used computationally hard features have the same root cause of not treating fast compile times as a top priority.)

Right, and C++ got a lot of its compiler performance for large projects by making this an embarrassingly parallel problem even though the consequences are negative for the main consumers of the code (people, not compilers).

One cost of being embarrassingly parallel is the One Definition Rule. If we can compile N different code units in parallel, but they're all allowed to define things in the same namespace, obviously those definitions might contradict each other and we wouldn't notice. So, the C++ language explicitly forbids this, knowing you'll probably do it anyway, at least by mistake. If (when) you do, that isn't a valid C++ program, but the compiler isn't expected to produce any diagnostic (warning or error). So, you get a binary, but the language doesn't care what that binary does. Maybe it does exactly what you expected. Maybe it does almost exactly what you expected. If not too bad, the One Definition Rule means your compiler was fast and that's what matters.

I usually fails at link time doesn't it?

No. I have intentionally violated the one definition rule and nothing broke at all. In my case I wrote a second timer, which had hooks my unit test system could use to advance time without having to inject timers.

It will fail at link time if you link everything into the same library. Even here there is an escape: there are ways to mark something as a weak symbol and than the linker won't complain about more than one definition.

See your OS documentation for how this works on your implementation. (though don't be surprised if the documentation is wrong...)

> No. I have intentionally violated the one definition rule and nothing broke at all.

did you use LTO ? It always catches ODR issues for me. There is also GNU Gold's --detect-odr-violations switch.

No. LTO is something I've been meaning to look at. Though if I can't violate the ODR intentionally I might not be interested.

If you violate ODR intentionally you are just writing code that will break in a future version of GCC / Clang / ..

That is a risk I know I'm taking.

Though I've been tempted to write a paper for C++ to make it defined behavior. I know it works in some form on most implementations even though it isn't legal. Thus there seems to be some other use cases for it that could/should be formalized. If anyone can give me other examples of why you want to do this and what the rules are on each platform I'll take a shot at it.

> I know it works in some form on most implementations even though it isn't legal.

it definitely does not, every time I had an ODR issue that caused actual bugs. For instance, dynamic_cast not working because a typeid was defined in two shared objects, etc.

What would be the behaviour you expect if you have

    int constant() { return 123; }

    int constant() { return 456; }

    int constant();
    int main() { return constant(); } 
how could you define this meaningfully other than "hard error" ?

e.g. here with gcc, if a and b are put into shared libraries, the return value depends on the order in which the libraries are passed to g++ when linking. e.g.

    g++ c.cpp a.so b.so
calls the version in a.so, while

    g++ c.cpp b.so a.so
calls the version in b.so

You can do that because the order in which libraries are passed to the linker is something you can control. Of course linkers don't have to do this, and future versions can do something different, but it works and the rules for gcc are currently "the order in which the libraries are passed to g++ when linking", which is defined. Of course gcc has the right to change those rules (I suspect the real rules are a bit more complex)

Gcc also has the concept of weak symboles which if invoked (and the linker supports it) would allow you to make one of the two weaker than the others and then the whole doesn't depend on link order. Visual C++ also seems to have something like this, but I'm sure it is different.

Like I said, I want to write a paper to make it defined - but the paper will be a lot longer than would fit in a response here, and depending on information that I currently don't know.

> I wrote a second timer, which had hooks my unit test system could use to advance time without having to inject timers.

This use case isn't an ODR violation. Its just using the linker to mock an interface.

> It will fail at link time if you link everything into the same library.

That is an ODR violation, although there are variations on this pattern that are not required to be detectable. Template instantiation is an easy way to get a silent ODR violation.

What on earth did you compile? I can't recall ever having compiled a rust project that took more than 10 minutes from scratch.

I do have memories of the days when compiling Chromium or AOSP was a 4 hour battle, though :)

The rust compiler itself can take as long as 2 hours on a modern laptop if you do a full stage 2 build. I don't think that's what the top poster was talking about though, it sounded like they had a rust toolchain already.

(You know this, but for anyone else reading, don't forget that that doing this compiles LLVM, which is in of itself a massive C++ project, as well as compiling the compiler itself multiple times. That's part of why it would be such an outlier.)

Right. Nested C/C++ dependencies are the only case I can think of where drastically-long compile times are common.

Or maybe someone included Boost?

Sometimes it is just that someone drank the Kool-aid and made everything a template. Then split their code across hundreds of tiny files and did the one big massive include at the top of every file that pulls in everything.

> How do you get anything done when the cost of testing an idea is several hours?!

I haven't used rust in production, but usually you can just use `cargo check` to only run the typecheck. Using `cargo build` is also usually much faster than `cargo build --release`.

Having said that, at least in my toy projects it was not uncommon to have to compile using `--release` to run the tests (since otherwise the tests would take forever).

> Having said that, at least in my toy projects it was not uncommon to have to compile using `--release` to run the tests (since otherwise the tests would take forever).

Maybe you're already aware of that, but if the reason why your tests are slow is not “your code not being optimized” but “your dependencies not being optimized” then Cargo profile override[1] can save your life. You can have one specific dependency (or all of them) being build in release mode even when you're building you own code in debug mode. The first development build is going to be quite slow, but after that, you're going to have the best of both worlds.

[1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/profiles.html#over...

I'm really curious what you were compiling, and if you remember the machine specs (and was the machine under other load at the time). Two hours seems beyond ridiculous.

Also, I'm assuming it was a full (as opposed to an incremental) release build? But even then, I've never had to wait for that long.

Two hours is not beyond ridiculous. A lot of projects in the past compiled for way longer than that, days even.

In 90s and early 2000s if you worked on a large desktop application (the size of Office or Photoshop) you could expect to spend a business day waiting for compilation results.

Sorry, I should've clarified that I meant specifically meant in recent versions of Rust. I wasn't speaking in the general sense. I've experienced slow compilation times in C++ projects, although not of the same magnitude you describe (ie having to wait days)!

Around the turn of the millennium I remember recompiling, for some reason I don't remember, the whole of KDE. That took a bit...

Go is geared towards productivity. If you have a problem you can solve adequately in Go, why not just do it in Go?

Because they gained popularity roughly around the same time many people think they are competing languages, but they're really not.

Ruby is my main programming language, if I need something to be fast and/or light weight I switch to Go, sacrificing some comfort. And if I need absolute lowest possible overhead, I switch to Rust, sacrificing a whole lot more comfort. Rust is more expressive than Go, but if your Go project is so large that it needs a stronger typesystem in my opinion you should switch to a language like C# or Scala.

Go is geared towards productivity of specific people at specific environment: fresh grads at Google.

First time I used it, I had not written a line of Go prior, I rewrote our data ingestion gateway from Ruby to Go. It took me 1 week, and it had full feature parity. I don't think I had the GPA at university to land a fresh grad job at Google.

Sure the tooling around it (besides the compiler itself) was the dumbest 21st century tooling I've seen (this was ~6 years ago), but it was quick to learn, quick to write, quick to compile and quick to run so who am I to complain.

How was the tooling dumb?

It had this weird system where all your projects were supposed to be located in one directory structure that mapped to their git namespaces, it made no sense at all and was a pain to work around.

they got rid of that

Incremental compilation. Once you get the first build done, subsequent builds are much faster.

Also a project is likely to be split up over multiple crates, so a lot of the changes you make will require building and testing just that one crate.

Isn't incremental compile disabled currently? I thought they found a significant bug and so turned it off until they could validate a fix.

The grandparent was building a binary utility, which means they were (hopefully!) building in release mode, which doesn't use incremental compilation by default in any version of the compiler.

For debug builds, where incremental is usually on by default, it was disabled for 1.52.1 due to bugs, and then kept off in 1.53 out of an abundance of caution. It should be back on in 1.54.

okay that's what I thought (and the not turned back on yet officially was what I was trying to hint at with the abundance of caution).

I worked on a Rust project at work for several months. Compile times were not a significant issues for developers where it was generally cached. For example, repeatedly running a test only compiled a small amount of code.

It was a bit slow in CI/CD build environments with no cache, but so are the k8s Go projects I work on (go mod pulling in the world).

The only thing approaching 2 hours I've ever seen is building the compiler from scratch.

Were you compiling Servo on a Raspberry Pi or something? 2 hours is ridiculous even for Rust.

> How do you get anything done when the cost of testing an idea is several hours?

Incremental compilation. Depending on the project you can get the edit compile cycle down to somewhere between 1 second and 5 minutes. It's nowhere near as fast as Go but it's not like anyone is actually making edits then waiting 2 hours for them to compile.

Compiling linkerd-proxy took me also north of an hour on an Intel 6850k. Most of the time was spent compiling dependencies though. I also compiled envoy proxy which also took more than an hour.

Subsequent rust builds for linkerd-proxy were quite fast. For envoy most time was spent in Bazel itself. Probably because I just did a Bazel build instead of specifying a more specific target.

Out of curiousity I tried linkerd2-proxy here on a i5-1145G7 (I guess similar total CPU? Less cores, laptop model, newer). Took 5 minutes but used ~6GB resident. Maybe yours was swapping a lot?

My previous comment didn’t get saved apparently. I can hardly imagine that it was swapping. The machine has 32g ram. Perhaps compiling on macOS is slower. Most of the time was spent on compiling dependencies though. I can imagine that would be faster if you already have those builds lying around.

I've only had 2 hour build times when I was compiling a rust toolchain on an emulated ARM system running on x86.

I get this question about large scala codebases too - clean build and test cycles for things on underpowered containers in cloud build pipelines are in the tens of minutes sometimes.

One: my local dev machine has 16 gigs of memory and 16 cores. What takes the tiny docker container with 1 gig and 2 vcpus 30 minutes takes my computer about 1.

Two: Incremental compilation and testOnly make build/test cycles maybe a second / twenty seconds max, and most of that is test runtime on complex property based tests.

You just get by without a clean compile most of the time after you build the project the first time. And really, a lot of builds spend an inordinate amount of time just pulling in external dependencies (which are also cached on my local machine, but not on the containerized builds a lot of the time).

Short answer is it doesn’t normally take that long. You also don’t have the problem of cgo being slow or ever having to wait for the data race checker to run.

initial compile has to download and compile all dependencies. after that compiling is incremental. still slower than go though

> How do you get anything done when the cost of testing an idea is several hours?!

My Rust compile times are usually between 10 and 30 seconds. Some tricks that help:

- Get a good development machine. I prefer a Dell Precision laptop from the last couple of years, with plenty of cores. A 5-year old laptop with 2 cores will be a lot slower.

- Use Visual Studio Code and the rust-analyzer plugin. This will give you feedback in the editor while you're working.

- Rely on the type system to identify most problems before ever generating code.

- Minimize the use of slow-to-compile libraries that rely on complex generic types. Diesel, for example, is a great library but it's slow to compile.

- Install cargo-watch, and use it to automatically re-run the tests.

Also, remember that incrementally re-compiling a single crate in debug mode will be much faster than building an optimized application and all its dependencies from scratch.

TL;Dr: Rust compilation times are less than ideal, but with a fast laptop and rust-analyzer, it's possible to spend very little time actually waiting for the compiler.

Just get a new machine for a couple zillion bucks, why haven’t we thought of it earlier? :^)

Yes. If you are a professional developer who gets paid to work on large Rust projects all day long, then a US$2500 high-end laptop will pay for itself many times over. (I'm assuming US or European salaries here.)

I've gotten by with much less for personal projects. But Rust will make very efficient use of (say) an 8-core i9 if you have one.

As a developer who uses Rust a bunch (work & personal), this is what I ended up having to do. I'm joking, but this one simple trick can cut compile times in half.

Yeah, can really see that "empowering everyone" motto coming into play.

If I had to guess it is because all of the dependencies had to be compiled too.

In a normal Rust application you break it up into crates. Crates are the unit of compilation, and are only recompiled when something in the crate changes. In a "normal" developer flow you only touch 1 or two crates at a time so normal developer compile time would be a couple of minutes at most. Even for a new build on a machine most developers would never see the two hour compile time because they would have gotten precompiled dependencies.

> In a "normal" developer flow you only touch 1 or two crates at a time so normal developer compile time would be a couple of minutes at most.

Obviously this depends on your computer, but generally incremental Rust builds should typically be on the order of seconds, not minutes.

> Even for a new build on a machine most developers would never see the two hour compile time because they would have gotten precompiled dependencies.

Cargo doesn't do precompiled dependencies (even between projects on the same machine).

Compiling for production and compiling for development are two very different processes, with the latter benefiting from less optimizations and incremental compilation. It wouldn't take two hours to test an idea.

jesus christ

rust's compilation times are as terrible as c++'s?

I don't know about Him, but at least when working with C++ I feel the compile time is entirely up to deliberate tradeoffs. With better planning and more effort made with forward headers, better implementation boundaries w/pimpl like constructs, and otherwise linking, and avoiding meta-programming entirely, I've not found it to be an issue.

Incremental C++ builds can be lightning fast, or it can be ridiculously slow. I've worked on large projects where change + incremental compile + test was less than 5 seconds. And I've worked with project where no effort was made where the same could take 10 minutes.

Keeping your C++ compilation times reasonable requires eternal vigilance (or a distributed system with aggressive caching).

In my experience Rust is faster for full clean builds, even if you use slow dependencies like Serde.

However C++'s compilation units are smaller than Rust's which helps it to have faster incremental compilation times for small changes.

So, same order of magnitude basically.

It's the same ballpark

In my experience (C++ dev at work) C++ generally feels slower than Rust.

Edit: I quickly realised, this might only because of Rust's—in my opinion—superior type system and tooling, so maybe it just requires less waiting for compilations than when working C++.

Edit 2: I've never actually measured Rust compilation times, but even for large-ish graphical codebases (wezterm, alacritty, bevy games) I've compiled from scratch, it felt noticeably faster even then.

I think we must do better

AAA games need less resources than those tree walkers

I'm pretty excited for the Linux kernel to take three weeks to build.

Although Rust compile times are rather bad, IME such astronomical compile times are rather a result of terrible code quality, a lot of code doing essentially nothing, just gluing glue, to the point where it's normal to get a 50-60 frames deep stack trace with most functions being named such that it would suggest that all of them do basically the same. Then you look at their bodies and... yep... doing the same, aka nothing.

With Rust, procedural macros add a lot of overhead when compiling, so I try to avoid them.

At work, we have a C++ project which, without using distributed builds with distributed ccache, running on powerful cloud computers, takes 3h+. Code quality is adequate. Debugging anything is a nightmare in such a codebase.

While I agree that the compile times are bizarre, I don't think we can jump to conclusions such as "such astronomical compile times are rather a result of terrible code quality" without knowing more about what's being compiled and under what conditions it was being compiled!

Compiling really is the Achilles heel of Rust I feel. This article really talks about the worst case. As others have noted, Haskell and other languages have this property too.

Here’s another perspective on practical issues [1] that’s worth reading.

Basically, Rust made some understandable but unfortunate design decisions that are hard to walk back or change now.

[1]: https://pingcap.com/blog/rust-compilation-model-calamity

It's only NP-hard if you want the compiler to give you proper warnings/errors, right? As far as I know, the first matching arm is used. This means that if a compiler doesn't do any analysis on it, but naively generates machine code to compare the value, then there is no complexity at all.

(Not saying that that's acceptable...)

Here's what Rust's compiler actually does today:


Rust lets you say either "There are four specific possible Clowns, and I want everybody to explicitly deal with that" or you can write #[non_exhaustive] to say "There are several Clowns, right now I defined four of them, but maybe I'll add more some day" in which case you are allowed to only write code for those four Clowns, but everybody else is obliged by the compiler to handle the case with more Clowns than that since they can't depend on there only being four, and they have no idea how to name the additional ones that don't yet exist.

So, a compiler that just punts is not a correct Rust compiler. It needs to do this analysis or it's compiling a different less useful language.

In the real world the (default) exhaustive case is great for types that reflect some truth about the world being modelled, where you really do mean that all the code relying on this enumerated type should refuse to compile and needs re-engineering if your list is subsequently discovered not to really be exhaustive. Teapot not withstanding, there are definitely only five PlatonicSolids, such as Tetrahedron and Cube. The non-exhaustive case is great for types that reflect a truth you know or strongly suspect will change and everybody using your system needs to be prepared for that up front. In 2016 the enumerated list of US FederalHolidays didn't need Juneteenth, but in 2021 it does, we don't want random code to blow up because it had never imagined Congress would make new ones.

Sure. But a naive compiler whose only purpose is to stomp out a poorly optimized executable can safely ignore that annotation, right?

You could instead require everything to be treated as non-exhaustive in your cheap compiler. This means it would reject correct Rust code that explicitly handles each of the five PlatonicSolids differently, because that code lacks a way to handle a sixth (non-existent) PlatonicSolid.

You can't just go "Eh, shrug emoji" without deciding what happens when you don't match.

Suppose you silently treat the first (or last) handled case as the default, so I can write code that only handles Cubes and unlike the real Rust compiler your naive compiler spits out a program. But wait, now what happens for a Tetrahedron? I defined Cubes to have a 32-bit floating point size, but for whatever reason Tetrahedrons have a 16-bit integer length instead. Does your compiler just try to treat the 16-bit integer as a 32-bit floating point number since it assumes this was a Cube?

Yes, that annotation doesn't affect the codegen of a correct program (optimizations aside).

No, because checking that it is exhaustive is required by the language definition.

It's not just not optimized, it's wrong.

It still needs to ensure that one of the arms will always match. (just not executing any branch in that case is tricky, because the arms can return values)

It does not need to check, if it assumes it. mrustc works that way, it is not trying to check code, only compile valid code: https://github.com/thepowersgang/mrustc

This is similar to C/C++'s " undefined behaviors". There are things you can write that aren't valid for the language, but that compilers are not required to catch.

> Does this mean that rustc should integrate an industrial-strength SAT solver?

Well, this is actually what https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/1868-port... would require. There is already chalk, a logic programming language for traits too.

I don't balk at these things. A good logical / relational toolbox is very useful for a lot of tasks.

The points made by the Endsay here are key, and actually a good example of trade-offs in software engineering. It is definitely okay to incorporate an algorithm that is NP-hard into the core of a performant system as long as you can have some expectation that the input size on the NP-hard part will be small. Sometimes, it even allows you to simplify another piece of the problem via pre-computation that allows you to avoid making the piece of the system that accepts large inputs require a costly solution algorithm.

The actual code that handles exhaustiveness checks has extensive explanations on how it works and what it was inspired by.


> he standard representation of such a formula is the conjunctive normal form, or simply: AND-of-ORs. Our previous example would look like this when transformed:

    A and B and (A or B) and (!A or !B)
There is another normal form, the disjunctive normal form. This is in the form of An OR of ANDs. Interestingly, every formula can be represented in this form. And SAT is rather easy to determine for this form.

The catch is that taking a logical formula, and placing it in Disjunctive normal form is actually a rather arduous, non polynomial process.

> And SAT is rather easy to determine for this form.

Gave me a chuckle, as that's quite an understatement, as the decision procedure is only: is there a single clause and is it just "False"?

> The catch is that taking a logical formula, and placing it in Disjunctive normal form is actually a rather arduous, non polynomial process.

Basically writing out all assignments that make the formula true. Potentially exponentially many, as there are 2^n possible assignments of n variables. So this transformation is basically just solving and writing down all models.

The conjunctive normal form can be exponentially large in the worst case as well, though, see the footnote in the article. In practice that is not a problem, since it suffices to find a formula in CNF that is satisfiable precisely when the original formula is satisfiable, even though it might not be equivalent.

While this is an interesting result, isn't basically every compiler NP-hard, because of register allocation?

No - you can express register allocation as an NP-hard problem if you want to, but you don’t have to and not all compilers do it like that. You don’t need an optimal register allocation - you get into diminishing returns very quickly.

Yes, I hadn't thought about that before, but of course the difference here is that the Rust compiler cannot just produce a "good enough" result for pattern matching.

Register allocation is a great example of over-theorisation. People found that register allocation can be expressed as graph colouring, so they doubled-down and worked really hard to solve that pure problem, but then it turned out you can just do a very simple linear allocation heuristic and the generated code is basically as fast as solving the NP-hard problem.


Well, the problem for the NP-hard algorithm is that the base line is already very efficient. It's like branch prediction. Even the dumbest predictors can be 90% efficient. The perfect solution doesn't have much room to be better. I'd say there are more microsecond level optimization problems left than on the nanosecond or millisecond level.

Well, it probably _could_ do "good enough". If a set of matches gets too large/hairy it could just output a "here be dragons" warning and go ahead with compiling it, no?

That may not count as a correct Rust compiler though, I'm not 100% sure how that's defined, or if it is.

Or worse than NP-hard: C++ template instantiation and the C preprocessor are Turing complete. (Except that I believe C++ requires some fixed limit on the maximum instantiation depth, but even so it's still exponential complexity.)

I believe you can encode paradoxes in C++ templating. Something about two specializations which are mutually impossible because they reference eachother. So you can say:

   A is of type T <=> B is not of type T
   B is of type T <=> A is not of type T
Where <=> is if and only if.

In which case it is paradoxical to say that A is of type T. But also paradoxical to say that A is not of type T.

Note that "a template for which no valid instantiation is possible" is actually ill-formed, no diagnostic required.

That said, it's not clear to me what part of "you can write uninstantiable templates" is surprising, so I'm probably not understanding correctly. Maybe you could find the C++ code you're talking about? I would be interested.

>the C preprocessor are Turing complete

That's surprising, the C preprocessor is pretty crippled. It's creator intentionally made it so people won't abuse it to create full blown mini languages.

Did you get things mixed up or is there actually a way the c preprocessor can be turing-complete ?

Not sure whether this proves turing completeness of the preprocessor or not(probably not) but Simon Tatham has a great(and somewhat disturbing) write-up[1] on creating arbitrary control structures using macros in C. He even goes as far as providing a library of helper macros for doing things like making gensyms, etc.

If nothing else, it does demonstrate that you can do a lot more in the preprocessor than you might think, and this is at least a significant subset of what true MP macros are used for in Lisp most of the time. Except much gnarlier...

[1] https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/mp/

CPP needs to feed into itself (pipe stdout into stdin), if you want it to be turing-complete.

I believe that while you can't encode an infinite tape, you can very easily define an arbitrarily large tape, so, while not technically Turing complete, it is close enough.

If you do a SSA transform of your program the register graphs are chordal. It turns you that coloring chordal graphs is easy: http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~palsberg/course/cs232/papers/HackGoo...

Compilers don't guarantee (or try to find) the absolute optimal allocation, right?

This depends on the compiler of course. Most will not because it is not worth it, but I expect that there is at least one compiler out there with the option to exhaustively search the allocation space for that very last nanosecond of runtime optimization. Probably inside an HFT firm somewhere.

There's some material on this under "superoptimizers", but I think if you want this then you should get an FPGA.

> What's the most efficient algorithm you can write to do this? As it turns out, you can't do well in the worst case — and we'll prove this by a reduction from SAT.

Correction: you can't do well in the worst case, assuming P ≠ NP (where "well" means "in polynomial runtime").

Pedantic and wrong. Considering there is no known algorithm that can sat solve in P, nobody in the world can do well in the worst case. And if nobody can do it, then you can't do it either, for any you. QED.

I'm not a native English speaker, but I thought "you can't do well" is equivalent to "it's impossible to do well", which is how I read the original sentence.

As an aside, I find it a bit ironic that you're complaining about pedantry while interpreting the "you" word literally.

It’s not ironic that my response was pedantic, it was the entire point. When you engage in pedantic nerd sniping you just open yourself up for even more pedantic nerd sniping.

“Can’t” can mean impossible, or it can mean nobody can do it. Compare “you can’t go back in time” with “you can’t lift a horse”.

It's awkward to abbreviate "in polynomial time" as "in P". P is a set of (decision) problems. We don't know that 3-SAT is in P. We don't know that it's not.

To say that a solver is not in P is a type error.

Your “proof” it’s more like. No one has ever stepped on Mars. Therefore no one will.

Yet another pedantic fallacy.

Not that no one will, just that no one can

I give you until the end of today to show me someone (anyone!) step on Mars

It was just someone being cheeky about someone being cheeky. Now I'm being cheeky about you being cheeky over someone being cheeky about someone being cheeky

Presumably there’s another SAT solver in the realm of the Rust tool chain: cargo surely has one for dependency resolution. This is a big time sink in other package managers (looking at you, Anaconda). Does someone have an insight how solving is implemented in Cargo?

There is one[1] but Rust allows different major versions of the same package to exist in parallel, so dependency resolution is usually trivial unless someone in the dependency tree explicitly adds an upper limit of the acceptable version [2], which is pretty uncommon (I don't think I've ever met one in practice).

[1]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/master/src/cargo/cor...

[2]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-depende...

So just use a SAT solver to check for checking whether pattern matching is exhaustive. Any decent one will have much better performance than the current approach in the Rust compiler for complex cases. The interesting thing about SAT is that although the worst case is exponential (as far as we know until someone proves P = NP), even huge real-life problems (from circuits, program analysis etc) tend to have structure that makes them quickly solvable with a SAT solver. And if not, have a time budget and report "too complex to solve" if exceeded.

It's worth noting that the author of the arcicle doesn't think it's worth integrating a SAT solver:

> Does this mean that rustc should integrate an industrial-strength SAT solver? As hilarious as that would be, I'm advocating no such thing. This will only be a performance issue on pathological examples crafted by bored nerds, and I don't think precious engineering time should be spent on that. Besides, generalizing a SAT algorithm to handle the full expressive power of Rust's patterns might be, to borrow some language from mathematicians, non-trivial.

> Obviously, every formula can be transformed into this form, by applying the rules of Boolean algebra.

Is it so obvious? Why do so many engineers write with these sort of modifiers (obviously, just, of course, etc.)?

Edit: I am assuming no ill intent from the author. I also use these sorts of modifiers without thinking about them much when writing. I am just curious as to why we as engineers call deeply technical things obvious when they are not.

Usually this is a polite way to say that proof/derivation is too long to fit on this page, please look somewhere else if you are interested.

Notable example would be Lev Landau's Theoretical Physics. If you see "obviously" there it is probably not obvious at all and can take good few hours to derive the formula.

I liked the model in blogpost: https://status451.com/2016/01/06/splain-it-to-me/

It discusses that there can be different ways sharing information comes across. For some people, sharing information demonstration that you're smart enough to know the thing. For others, sharing information is for others' benefit.

I wouldn't prefer to interpret "obviously" as "you're not as smart/cool as me if you don't know this", but I can see why there are examples that could come across like that. (I'd sooner interpret it as "I'm not claiming to be smart by saying this").

The good faith interpretation is that the author means in the sense of “it follows then that” as opposed to “if you didn’t realize this upon reading the previous section then something is wrong”

That sounds like something that could be solved with a linter for prose. Though, I can't think of the search terms that would let me find such a solution, if it exists.

Roughly related: why not simply[1]

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27415725

I don't think it's any malice. Just a way to bring up the idea of a sudden realization. Obviously, I could be wrong.

Regarding Rust's compilation slowness, wouldn't a Rust interpreter be a good solution for developing code? A Rust interpreter would drastically cut down slow compilation times, and then when the final product is needed, the Rust compiler would kick in.

It's not clear that it would, or that the execution time of said interpreter would be fast enough to make it work. Miri interprets Rust code and it is, from what I hear, orders of magnitude slower. And for some applications, even debug builds of Rust are too slow. So it really just depends.

(It is also going to be slower than an interpreter focused on runtime speed would be, the point is more that interpreters aren't magic.)


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