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with MOSP there is no Workflow to setup. No need to edit a JSON file, the editor is generated based on the JSON schemas.

And yes, there is an API, which is already integrated with tools such as MONARC (https://github.com/monarc-project/MonarcAppFO).

The API is really easy to use. There is also a client: https://github.com/CASES-LU/PyMOSP

Versioning is planed for the next release.

For "there is no Workflow to setup" -- I think installing a full app is way harder than setting up Github workflow. Sure, for a test usage you can press "deploy to heroku" button, but for a production use you'll want monitoring, security patching, disaster recovery, user authentication... And github gives you all that automatically.

(I'd say differently if you had a large amount of data or a large number of editors... but it seems you only have just over 5000 items and few updates a month, so this will easily fit into a single git repo)

Re "the editor is generated based on the JSON schemas." -- this sounds really interesting! Looking at the public instance I only saw a way to view the data and it was pretty plain, just syntax-highlighted JSON.

If there are some JSON-specific editors, I suggest putting some screenshots in README or on the website somewhere so people can appreciate your work!

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