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A new release of MOSP: A tool for creating, editing and sharing JSON objects (github.com/cases-lu)
8 points by cedricbonhomme on June 17, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I don't understand -- how is this better than a github repo full of json files, with a pre-merge check to enforce the naming format and schema?

The repo will give you integrated authentication, ability to review changes, history, offline capability, ability to test changes locally and many other features for free.

The only downside of github repo is that it is hard to query an object by properties.. but for that you can have an post-merge task that runs after every merge and updates the some sort of database. This will be more complex than a single repo, but still way easier than setting up the whole editing workflow from scratch.

with MOSP there is no Workflow to setup. No need to edit a JSON file, the editor is generated based on the JSON schemas.

And yes, there is an API, which is already integrated with tools such as MONARC (https://github.com/monarc-project/MonarcAppFO).

The API is really easy to use. There is also a client: https://github.com/CASES-LU/PyMOSP

Versioning is planed for the next release.

For "there is no Workflow to setup" -- I think installing a full app is way harder than setting up Github workflow. Sure, for a test usage you can press "deploy to heroku" button, but for a production use you'll want monitoring, security patching, disaster recovery, user authentication... And github gives you all that automatically.

(I'd say differently if you had a large amount of data or a large number of editors... but it seems you only have just over 5000 items and few updates a month, so this will easily fit into a single git repo)

Re "the editor is generated based on the JSON schemas." -- this sounds really interesting! Looking at the public instance I only saw a way to view the data and it was pretty plain, just syntax-highlighted JSON.

If there are some JSON-specific editors, I suggest putting some screenshots in README or on the website somewhere so people can appreciate your work!

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