Additional source: "UPDATE: Sources tell
@BuzzFeedNews a "disgruntled staffer" is behind the State Department site's change of Trump and Pence's biographies"
I'm betting on some kind of glitch on the State Department website, but it's an interesting historical note that when Richard Nixon formally resigned in August 1974, he did so via a brief letter to then Secretary of State Kissinger.
Apparently runs on WordPress (if you View Source, there are a number of comments which reference WP plugins). My guess is something was badly configured and someone broke in and vandalized the page.
Even if section 4 of the 25th amendment were validly invoked, it would not end the president's term. Such a procedure only temporarily removes the powers of the presidency to the VP. Ending the term would require impeachment.
There's an obscure clause of the 25th amendment that declares the presidency null and void if it should be announced as such on the state department's website.
I was reminded of A Game Designers Analysis of QAnon [0]. It really is fun to be part of a group finding clues likes this. I was getting some definite ARG vibes.
And I know that most people have such a distorted view of his actions that someone could probably write an accurate biography with a fake name, and he would not be recognized by the left or the right.
But, please. He was the president, and he did a tremendous amount of things by all counts. He changed the world's attitude towards China and towards the Middle East.
Any other president would probably have used Covid to become dictator (see other countries), he instead boosted the States' power.
You may think that he made changes for the better, you may think for the worse. But he is commander in chief and he is leaving by all counts in another week.
A little respect looks a lot better and is much more manly than acting like a big baby and sore winner.
John Wayne Gacy [0] has a bad reputation and isn't well-liked either, just because he "assaulted and murdered at least 33 young men and boys."
No one ever talks about all the good things that he did, like bringing happiness and joy to so many by performing as a clown -- usually at no charge! -- "at numerous local parties, political functions, charitable events, and children's hospitals."
Instead, they always just focus on that one bad thing he did (at least 33 times).