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Even if you don't experience performance problems, the game is buggy as all hell, and some of those bugs are game breaking.

Besides, the issue at hand here is company reputation. CDPR knowingly released a game to consoles that is damn near unplayable. It was a blatant cash grab at the expense of their customers, and if you honestly believe they didn't know what the state of the game was prior to release then I have a bridge to sell you.

Sony actually has pretty strict certification criteria from what Ive read, so the assumption is that CDPR promised a day 1 fix for all of this stuff and they failed. Miserably.

I have 72+ hours in the game now, I've experienced one or two tposes and a single crash. I know many people who have had a similar experience to me.

Cool for you, I'm glad. We have thousands of streams showing people with high end rigs running into ridiculous bugs, and it's completely irrelevant in regards to the console versions.

There has not been thousands of stream that is complete hyperbole at least for PC, but yes granted console has been a complete shitshow and is inexcusable.

Yes there have been, and your point is still irrelevant.

Chill there bud. No need to be an asshole. It's just a video game.

Haha, well here's a new one


Try not to... uhhh... collect too many items... while playing your RPG... I guess. Top notch QA, really (though I think we both know deep down it's not really a QA problem.)

You call me an asshole and somehow I'm the jerk? I'm saying your point is both wrong and irrelevant, which it is. Maybe you're the one with the problem.

> You call me an asshole and somehow I'm the jerk?

People who call you an “asshole” tend to think you’re being an asshole. How is this surprising?

Because I wasn't name calling, only responding to what he said. I thought that much was obvious.

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