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> Trump warned us back in January

Ah yes, "warned", by assuring us that the virus was no worse than the common cold, and we were rapidly "turning a corner", and that it would just "go away on its own".

> wanted to close the borders

If he really wanted to, what stopped him? He was clearly fully capable of closing borders, given that he did close the border to China (too late) and Europe (also too late). Where was the closure to South Korea when the virus was spiking there?

"Ah yes, "warned", by assuring us that the virus was no worse than the common cold, and we were rapidly "turning a corner", and that it would just "go away on its own"."

I suppose he shouldn't have listened to the WHO at the time, which told us it couldn't spread from human-to-human. Nobody really knew anything about the virus at the time, except China, and the lied about it...but orange man bad.

He was also being impeached at the time and the Democrats were too busy with this to care about the potential spread of Covid-19.

He also talked about hydroxychloroquine, which his doctor was using at the time as a preventative measure for Covid-19.

Was it a cure? No (he never said it was), but Doctors were taking it at the time and many were still were taking it before the vaccine.

Because everything Trump said is bad, it was equated with junk science and possibly lead to the deaths of many more people.

"If he really wanted to, what stopped him? He was clearly fully capable of closing borders, given that he did close the border to China (too late) and Europe (also too late). Where was the closure to South Korea when the virus was spiking there?"

Right. He could easily just make decisions without the Democrats using everything in their power to stop him. Where have you been the last 4 years?

Again, The WHO was warned about this back in December from Taiwan officials.

Trump has been stopped from making decisions every step of the way from the Democrats and then Demonized in the press (which spread false information to the masses).

You really can't then blame him for making the wrong decision.

"It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that." — Trump, 2020-03-31

That's long after human-to-human transmission was confirmed. So, no, you can't blame the WHO there.

> Right. He could easily just make decisions without the Democrats using everything in their power to stop him.

...Uh okay? Since when has Trump cared what Democrats thought? Again, why did he not attempt to close the South Korean border if he cared so much? I'll tell you why: it's because Trump was just looking for an excuse to close the border to a country he already didn't like. He never cared about the virus, only about his personal agenda.

The China border was “closed” yet we had tens of thousands of Chinese travelers enter the US straight after the closure.

And the European border “closing” was so badly managed that it almost certainly seeded the massive outbreak in the NorthEast in the initial phase by causing hundreds of super spreader events daily in airports across the northeast as people all tried to return from Europe within the same few days and the airports were completely unprepared to handle them safely.

Most countries were unprepared, except for Taiwan. The government of China lied about SARS outbreaks and Taiwan has since had scientists that study disease outbreaks in China. Covid was spotted in December, but the WHO is under the influence of China and didn't listen.....

It's strange how the Chinese government: lied about the disease, allowed it to spread throughout the world without warning anyone, and purchased all of the PPE (creating a shortage and possibly causing even more deaths).

Yet here we are, blaming Trump.

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