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Yes, and why were the shutdowns done? If you compare what happens with uncontrolled covid spread to a those of a flu season, they aren’t really all that similar. Even with the lockdowns, the deaths have been considerably more than tens of thousands.

Wrong. First, you have no uncontrolled covid spread to compare to. You are actually comparing tightly locked down COVID spread to a normal flu season. And COVID is still killing a lot more people. The closest example for an "uncontrolled covid spread" would be Bergamo in Jan-Mar 2020. Is that what you want repeated world-wide? The death rate there was astronomical.

I think you are making my point, which I didn’t convey very well.

So remember that’s tens of thousands of annual deaths with a vaccine. And what good have lockdowns really done? The virus seems to spread regardless. Look at all those European countries the US was compared to during the summer as an example of how to “do it right.” Not sitting so pretty right now...

The lockdowns in Europe worked. Full stop. Case rates dropped dramatically.

Some of those countries are "not sitting pretty right now" because they ended their lockdowns.

The answer is not "lockdowns don't really do any good." The answer is "don't prematurely end your lockdowns." Now that can be burdensome. You can do a middle ground (limited re-opening). That works too, but you have to be very careful and keep a close eye on case numbers and shut down totally as soon as cases ramp up. California tried to do that in the latest surge, but was a little late in implementing the newly stringent measures and even further So. Cal. "resisted" the newly stringent measures and are now suffering mightily.

I don’t think any European country has completely lifted their lockdown restrictions. All of it is a “limited re-opening.” Perhaps respiratory viruses spread much more effectively in the winter versus the summer? Maybe that’s it? Nah, it must be that everyone in Europe has perfect hygiene and practiced social distancing perfectly in the summer and they’ve all forgotten how to do those things now.

> I don’t think any European country has completely lifted their lockdown restrictions.


>All of it is a “limited re-opening.”

Yes, but the issue is how limited was the limited re-opening. I live in the U.S., but ALL of my colleagues are in Europe. It's anecdotal, but my understanding is that the re-openings throughout EU were quite closer to the "unlimited" side than the "total lockdown" side of the spectrum.

>Perhaps respiratory viruses spread much more effectively in the winter versus the summer

The presence of an additional explanatory factor does not prove the absence of an alternative explanatory factor. They could both be true, and almost certainly are true. That is: lockdowns work; without lockdowns, you have Bergamo in Jan-Mar 2020 (mass death); COVID spreads better in winter.

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