Your's is not "a project that gives context to news through history" @$1.00 per month. If the market wants it, it should work at $1(+$0.30 +2.9%)per month also.
So just charge $1.49 per month and move on. Once you have a 1000 users, you can think about optimizing things.
Yes. not necessarily. Once you are able to observe active users, have paying users or even sizeable traffic to test conversions.
You can experiment to find out what that "right" or "best converting" price point would be.
"Free to start" may very well end up being the answer. Here are 2 examples one from pubilshing and one about starting with a price and using data to uncover insights about the "right" price. You will see the 30 cents is not the biggest problem you are going to have in pricing. :-)
Your's is not "a project that gives context to news through history" @$1.00 per month. If the market wants it, it should work at $1(+$0.30 +2.9%)per month also.
So just charge $1.49 per month and move on. Once you have a 1000 users, you can think about optimizing things.