| | I need help with lowering fees stripe charges my subscription project. | |
4 points by adelHBN on Aug 19, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
| | I am starting a project that gives context to news through history. I charge an introductory fee of $1.00/month for three months, and thereafter $2.99 month. In WordPress, I signed up with Stripe through the MemberPress plugin. But then found out Stripe charges 30 cents per each transaction, plus an additional 2.9%. I am fine with the 2.9%, but the 30 cents won't work with my low fees. Does anyone have any suggestions for me please? Thank you in advance. |
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Outside of that, many times what we wound up doing was integrating to First Data or another local bank clearing house that would provide more proper low transaction fees. It takes more work and effort, but clients saved huge percentages of their small payments many times by doing this, so if you can't fit into one of the existing solutions you may have to do it the "hard" way. Nice thing about this is we usually could accept e-checks (ACH transfers) when doing this which also lowered the fees drastically and made things more profitable. There are rules of course on industries, types of payments etc, but mainly if you aren't doing anything "illegal", porn or financial services you can generally find a good clearing house through a local bank. First Data's api used to suck, no clue what it looks like today but it used to be a royal pain.