I've been writing a lot of Rust lately after writing Go for 7 years now (unrelated, but that is incredibly odd for me to write out. It still feels like that funny new language that came out of Google). I've always said that generics is overhyped (in Go), but I find that I write a lot of generic stuff in Rust that is somewhat surprising. For example we have a JSON API that returns data in the format '{"ok": bool, "data":...}'. In Go I might do something with json.RawMessage and pay for decoding twice, or annotate every struct with Ok/Data. But in Rust I can just have a type ApiResponse<T>. Then I can have functions that operate just on ApiResponse, or ApiResponse<T=Users>. This problem is solvable in Go, but in a different way and with less guarantees. However that power comes at a mental cost, that creeps in C++ as well. I spent more time playing type system golf trying to come up with the optimal type for whatever usecase. In Go I might just "do the work", but in Rust I've turned 5 minute functions into 30 minute api design thought exercises. The jury is out if thats is a good thing or a bad thing.
That said, the only feature I'd steal from Rust is sum types and getting rid of null. `nil` interfaces are the only language feature to actually cost me money and Option<T> is just better in every aspect, and Result<T> is much better than err == nil. I'd be perfectly happy with compiler blessed Option and Result types even if the larger language didn't support generics.
The cost you pay for appeasing the type system is the cost you're not paying writing more tests around corner cases ("this function never returns null"), debugging segfaults, null pointer exceptions, "attribute not found" errors, memory leaks (lifetimes help here), etc.
The type system may not always help you get your code out the door faster, but when you finally ship it, you have much easier time running it.
>The cost you pay for appeasing the type system is the cost you're not paying writing more tests around corner cases
I have spent a lot of time in Rust getting carried away with type system stuff that is not required for the actual program I am writing. I realize this when I go over it a second time and reduce line counts drastically by replacing my gee-whiz generics with primitive types. This is balanced out by an equal number of times where I've reduced line counts drastically by using the advanced type stuff to reduce the repetition that comes along with using primitives to represent a type that has way more structure than the primitive.
I feel obsessing over types is often just a form of procrastination, as it feels more interesting than the real work that needs to be done. This seems to be a bigger issue in Rust because the type system is powerful.
I write a lot of Rust nowadays, so I often need to keep myself in check and make sure I'm not getting sidetracked. When I'm writing internal code, the priority is to just get it done but still avoiding shortcuts. This is mainly avoiding .unwrap() / .clone() / taking care to handle Result correctly, as well as regularly running clippy to pick up the obviously silly stuff.
I find the most painful part of this strategy is when you want to revisit completed code to reduce copying as that generally requires a lot of type changes. At least when you get to this point though and haven't taken shortcuts, you've got functioning software and it should be fairly fault tolerant.
> I feel obsessing over types is often just a form of procrastination, as it feels more interesting than the real work that needs to be done. This seems to be a bigger issue in Rust because the type system is powerful.
This is interesting, because I generally feel like getting the types right actually IS most of the work that needs to be done, and once the types are correct the implementation code just follows from the available operations necessary. I've never used Rust, so perhaps it's different in this language (I understand memory management is quite onerous there?), but this is how things feel for me in C# or TypeScript.
Try Haskell, the ceiling is so high for the type system that you can spend a lot of time trying to golf an interface until you are happy that it is maximally elegant. Banal is better in some regards, hense Go. But it’s always a trade off where the extremes are pushing your boundaries and getting stuff done.
This misses the point of why expressive type systems matter. Beginners and hobbyist (and i’m using these labels in the best possible sense) play with these things, push bounderies, etc... Professionals (in the literate sense, ie. people getting paid for it) tend to just solve problems whilst being fully aware that they have many powerful tools in their arsenal if/when the need arises. If you have a pro who is constantly lost in type-golfing land then that’s a problem.
Check out type-driven development (there’s some good F# example blogs) - honestly it’s like TDD on steroids. Having no type system scares me now, having worked in a Python startup before moving to a Haskell shop and seeing the difference in development quality (speed is surprisingly similar too).
I think we are on the same page. I also write Haskell for food. What I'm saying is that if you write Haskell professionally and types slow you down, ie. you always try to come up with the best possible abstraction for everything, then that's a problem. It should do the opposite: give you wings while prototyping, iterating fast and refactoring(!!) as well as great comfort knowing that you have all its amazingly powerful tools in your arsenal if and when you need them.
That seems to idealize professionals quite a bit. In reality, professionals are capable of much pedantry, not to mention political posturing. Some languages give greater scope for these than others.
If you just don’t need the assurances, that seems true.
In my world, anything the type system doesn’t do for me, I must do myself in unit tests.
It’s actually possible to learn a type system and get good/fast at it. But typing out all those goddamn test cases never gets any easier, and updating them when the code changes is a nightmare.
Huh? What does Haskell's (lack of) adoption have to do with any merits of Go? PHP, Visual Basic (perhaps?) and Javascript have even better adoption than Go, if you want to go down that route.
If anything, you should have asked about the prospects of OCaml, shouldn't you? (Spoiler alert: they are grimmer than Haskell's.)
Mostly, Go is full of wasted opportunities. It would have perhaps been a worthwhile language had they come up with Go instead of C in the 1970s. https://github.com/ksimka/go-is-not-good is a good summary.
I would suggest having a look at D as an example of what an evolution of C could look. An evolution with fewer wasted opportunities.
Funny that I also always claim D being "the better Go". It has a very similar compilation and runtime model. But D is a much more powerful language, it's not "dumbed down to the max". For people that like Go's runtime model but don't see "simplified at all costs" as an advantage D could be just right.
OCaml is used, for instance, as a main language in Jane Street which is a top prop trading firm. They also are the main sponsors of the language and contribute a lot to the compiler, but that doesn't invalidate the point.
Git-annex, darcs, postgREST. I might have cheated and used google, but those are all projects I've heard of before. And it's not really fair to exclude big projects for haskell, but not for go.
I explicitly excluded the big Go projects of Docker/K8s.
I think I've heard the name darcs, but have no idea what it is or does. I may have heard of postgrest but I think the whole category of a thin layer over the DB is dumb, so I refuse to learn about it. :-) (If you want to talk to your DB, use the native SQL drivers. Don't just invent the same thing but as REST or GraphQL for no reason. Backend system should connect SQL to SQL. If you want a browser to be able to talk to your DB, then you will need auth and want bundling of calls and object translation and suddenly the thin translation layer isn't thin anymore.)
Anyway, the point is that Haskell has been around for a long time and is very popular with HN/Reddit users, but unlike Go and Rust, it has produced a very small amount of OSS.
Darcs is a distributed version control system. It predates git.
I tried using darcs for a bit. But the designers were a bit too ambitious: they had an elegant concept to solve all rebases automatically at least in principle. Alas, the early implementations sometimes ran into corner cases that had exponential runtime. Which in practice meant that it hang forever for all a user could tell.
As far as I can recall, that behaviour is fixed now. But they missed their window of opportunity, when other dvcs became really popular. Like git.
Interestingly, git had the opposite philosophy: they explicitly only resolve simple conflicts in a simple way, and bubble up anything slightly more complicated to the user.
About SQL: Haskell users wouldn't want to use SQL directly. They want their compiler to yell at them when they get their database interactions wrong.
So they don't want some much to have a layer on top of SQL that hides things, but they'd rather want some support to forbid nonsensical SQL queries.
Interestingly, at one of my previous jobs we had 'relational object mappers' in our Haskell code. What that means is that we used relations as data structures inside our Haskell code, but had to interact with a mostly object oriented world on the outside.
Relations make fabulous data structures for expressing business logic. Take the leap in expressivity coming from eg dumb C to Python's ad-hoc dicts and tuples, and then imagine making a similar step again, and you arrive at relations.
Especially the various kinds of joins are good at expressing many business concerns. But projections and maps etc as well. Basically, everything that makes SQL useful, but embedded in a better language and just as a datastructure.
> Anyway, the point is that Haskell has been around for a long time and is very popular with HN/Reddit users, but unlike Go and Rust, it has produced a very small amount of OSS.
The ML family of languages that Haskell is a part of has been around for even longer, and many of the beloved features of Haskell stem from that older legacy.
I don't have high hopes of the ML family becoming more mainstream. But I am really glad to see many advances born in the land of functional programming, and ML or Haskell in particular, making it out into the wider world.
The poster child is garbage collection. Which was invented for Lisp in the first place.
(You can do functional programming without garbage collection, but it requires much more finesse and understanding than they had when Lisp was young. And even then, garbage collection is probably still the right trade-off when you programme is not resource constrained.)
Garbage collection is pretty much the default for new languages these days. People expect a good rationale for any deviation.
More recently we have seen first class functions, closures and lambdas make it out into the wider world. Even Java and C++ have picked up some of those.
First class functions belong relate to a wider theme of 'first class' elements of your programming language. I remember that eg in Perl you had to jump through extra hoops to make an array of arrays. That's because arrays were not by default treated the same as any other value.
I think Python did a lot for the mainstream here: Python is pretty good at letting you assign many of its constructs (like classes or functions or ints or tuples etc) to variables and pass them around just like any other value. In the understanding of the Python community, they see that just as good OOP, of course.
Combinators like map and filter have become popular in mainstream languages.
Algebraic data types have made it to a few languages. With that comes structural pattern matching, and the compiler complaining when you miss a case.
Tuples are pretty much expected in any new language these days.
The very article we are commenting on talks about generics.
Immutable data types are something every new language is supposed to have thought about. Even C++ has const and Java has final. Go's designers were asked to justify their very limited support for immutability.
Many people go so far as suggesting immutability should be the default in new languages. (And you could very well imagine a dialect of C++ where 'const' is implied, and you need 'mutable' everywhere, if you want to override that.)
There's quite a few more examples. Of course, correlation is not causation, and so not everything that showed up in functional programming languages before it showed up in the mainstream means that the mainstream actually got it from FP.
In summary, you are right that Haskell has not been used in OSS or commercial products as much as eg Go, but I am just happy that the rest of the world is moving in the Right Direction.
I’ll agree with that: while Haskell/FP has had a ton of OSS, it has had a huge, positive impact on other languages. Eg Rust would never exist without Haskell being around first.
I wasn't thinking of any specific design choices, but rather the overall feeling of pragmatism one gets from OCaml when coming from Haskell.
Most of my favourite design choices are the ones that make OCaml a functional programming language. So mostly not apt for Go. But here's a list of what I think one could adapt while staying true to the idea of a C-like language:
C had unions. They had some obvious problems. Go's solution was to get rid of them. OCaml instead went for discriminated unions (https://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/discriminated-unions/240009296) and made the compiler check that you are handling all cases correctly. In OCaml parlance, they are called algebraic data types.
C had null pointers. Go inherited them. OCaml uses the general mechanism of discriminated unions to represent cases like 'end of a linked list' or 'no data' or 'unknown' instead. And the compiler will check for you that you either handled those cases (when declared) or that you don't create those cases (when not explicitly declared to be there).
Some of C's constructs are generic. Like accessing arrays or taking the address of a value or dereferencing a pointer. To give an example, p works for a pointer of any type and does the right thing. And the compiler will tell you off, if you mix up the types.
As a user of C you can not add your own generic operations. You can use copy-and-paste or cast to and fro void or sometimes use function pointers in a clever way.
Go goes the same route. For example the built-in datastructures are generic, like maps or arrays.
Similar to C, a user of Go can not add their own generic operations. Go's sorting https://golang.org/pkg/sort/#Interface demonstrates what I mean by clever use of function pointers. (Note, how even that sorting interface still has lots of copy-and-paste when implementing and how it only really works for in-place sorting algorithms. I'm not sure how much trouble it would give in a multi threaded environment.)
I suspect Go's aversion to user-creatable generics comes from C++. C++'s templates confuse ad-hoc polymorphism and parametric polymorphism.
If C++'s unholy mess were the only game in town, Go's stance of restricting generics to the grownups (ie language implementors) would be perfectly reasonable.
OCaml carefully separates these two kinds of polymorphism.
Parametric polymorphism basically means 'this function or data structure works identically with any type'. That's what we also call generics. Eg the length of an array doesn't depend on what's in the array. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametric_polymorphism)
When compiling you only need to create code once regardless of type. (Modulo unboxed types.)
An infamous example are the bitshift operators from C whose cute looks got them roped into IO duty in C++.
In OCaml parametric polymorphism is handled as the simple concept it is. Ad hoc polymorphism (and unboxing for parametric polymorphism) are more complicated, and rightly make up the more complicated bits of OCaml types system.
Go could have gone with parametric polymorphism and left out ad-hoc polymorphism to stay simple.
(Parametric polymorphism synergises well with algebraic data types. Eg you can model the possibility of a null-pointer via an 'option' type, and have generic functionality to handle it. Same for the slightly richer concept of a value that's 'either an error message or a proper value'.)
But discussions about generics are a bit of a mine-field in Go.
Type inference. Go's type inference only goes one way, and is very limited. OCaml type inference goes backwards and forwards. Rust's system is perhaps a good compromise: it has similar machinery to OCaml, but they intentionally restrict it to only consider variable usage information from inside the same function.
(Generics restricted to parametric-polymorphism-only don't make type inference any harder.)
Back to something uncontroversial: Go allows tuples and pattern matching against them only when returning from functions and has lots of specialised machinery like 'multiple return types'.
OCaml just allows you tuples anywhere any other value could occur. You can pattern match against tuples and arbitrary other types. The compiler ensures that your pattern matching considers all cases.
I am sure there are more things to learn. But those few examples shall suffice for now. I feel especially strong about tuples as a wasted opportunity that wouldn't impact how the language feels at all. (From a practical point of view discriminated unions would probably make a bigger impact.)
> This is interesting, because I generally feel like getting the types right actually IS most of the work that needs to be done
When I was much younger, I was told by my elders that to a first approximation a function doesn't need a name because it's defined by its range and domain. If it's hard to discern what the function does just by the range and domain then your type system isn't powerful enough. This insight is as powerful as it is superficially wrong.
That insight is wrong. Not just superficially; it goes against the whole point of types.
1) Consider easing functions in animation (see easings.net for examples). They all have domain and range "real numbers between 0 and 1", yet they are all meaningfully different.
2) Consider filters in audio processing. They all have domain and range "streams of real numbers", yet they are all meaningfully different. The fact that they have the same type is important - it allows composition of filters, which I'd hope would sound exciting to a typed programmer!
3) Consider sorting algorithms. Even under a very advanced type system, the domain would be "arrays of numbers" and the range would be "sorted arrays of numbers". Yet there are tons of sorting algorithms that are meaningfully different. The fact that they have the same type is important - it allows a sorting library to evolve without breaking applications.
See the common thread? Types enable mixing and matching functionality. If a type allows only one functionality, it's useless for that purpose.
> I feel obsessing over types is often just a form of procrastination
Can confirm, this happened to me in Java constantly. I once spent an hour writing a big utility class using generics, even though I needed it for only one type in the code. "What if I need it for something else? Copying the code and replacing the types is very inefficient!"
Turned out that Java, being Java, was unable to instantiate an empty array of a generic type, so the very elegant code in the utility class now meant having to handle a bunch of special null cases in the application. I actually left it in for a while, but thankfully changed my mind before merging it as I'm sure the team wouldn't have appreciated having to deal with even more null in unexpected places because I got attached to my shiny generic code.
That sounds like a problem with Java more than a problem with generics.
In general, I agree with your sentiment. Though in some cases, an abstraction can be justified even when used only once.
Take the simple case of a function. Generally a function only communication with its surroundings via parameters and returned values. A function that respects those conventions makes reading code much easier, and can be worth it even if used only once.
In contrast, a code block inside a much larger stretch of code doesn't give the reader any explicit guidance one how it intends to interact with the rest of the system. Even if it's exactly the same code as in the function.
Similarly, a for-loop can do almost anything. But using map or filter immediately tells you that only a few things are possible here. Even a fold is more restricted than a general for-loop.
For me that type golfing is how I explore the problem. A lot of times you realize things about the problem that you didn’t understand before.
This is especially true with Rust where you also need to consider who owns what data. With C# it’s much too to model things that make sense as a type zoo but where the more important problems like ownership and access patterns is lost in the cracks.
The typical sign in Rust is when you need a lifetime on a struct so you realize it has someone else’s data. That usually means I stop to think before progressing. In C# it’s very easy to miss that big red flag.
Obviously it’s always worth revisiting and simplifying a design, but I still don’t think the initial design or designs were a waste of time if it gave me an understanding of the problem space.
> I feel obsessing over types is often just a form of procrastination, as it feels more interesting than the real work that needs to be done.
I spent 2 days implementing a (terrible) discriminated union struct type in C# (for types I don’t control, so I can’t just add an interface) rather than just return `Object` from a couple of methods.
Type systems need to be more expressive if we’re going to be able to increase developer productivity without costing program safety.
There are expressive type systems around, it’s the industry at large that needs to use them more and educate future generations on why these are useful tools. I 100% agree that spending 2 days on that task is lunacy. But imagine if youcould do it instantly with 0 ceremony. At that point it would 100% worth your while.
So, part of those 2 days was spent toying with Roslyn code-generation to try to re-implement C++ templates in C# - but I ran out of time and reverted back to using T4.
The .NET CLI itself places limits on what .NET-based languages can actually do: for example, structural-typing at method boundaries in CIL is only possible by having the compiler generate build-time adapter classes and interfaces - which means that methods accepting structural-types can’t be easily called by non-strucutural-typing-aware languages. The CLI also imposes single-inheritance - so a .NET language cannot implement multiple inheritance at all - and because non-virtual calls cannot be intercepted at all (without hacks like abusing .NET Remoting’s special-cases in the CLR) it’s not possible to have a “every call is virtual” system like Java’s in the CLR (note to self: find out how J# did it). Implementing Go-style composition is hamstrung by the fact we can’t patch the vtable at runtime either (reified vtables would be nice...).
I dare say it - but I think 2020 marks the decline of C# and the CLR because we’re held-back by decisions made over 15 years ago. .NET 5 isn’t showing any sign of significant improvements to the CLR’s type system or fundamental concepts.
> I spent 2 days implementing a (terrible) discriminated union struct type in C#
A type system without native or at least low-impedance support for discriminated unions is, well, not a very good type system.
> Type systems need to be more expressive if we’re going to be able to increase developer productivity without costing program safety.
Lots of type systems support discriminated unions directly, or at least make it trivial to implement them. C# perhaps doesn’t, but that's a problem with C#, not typed programming in general.
One of the most pleasant parts of programming in C# is that an 'int' is an 'int'. If some function takes an integer input, that's exactly what it takes.
In C/C++, the base type system is so weak and squishy that everything redefines every type. You can no longer pass an 'int', but instead pass a "FOO_INT" or a "BARLONG" where FOO and BAR are trivial libraries that shouldn't need to redefine the concept of an integer.
Like C#, Rust has well-defined basic types, which eliminates a crazy amount of boilerplate and redefining the basics.
C++ itself has well-defined (if verbose-named) types (e.g. uint32_t ) the problem is as soon as you interface with any large library or platform API with a long history: Win32 and Qt comes to mind. It’s 2020 and Windows.h still has macros for 16-bit FAR pointers. I’m disappointed Microsoft hasn’t cleaned-up Win32 and removed all of the unnecessary macros (they can start with T()!)
C# and Java might seem to have escaped that problem - but now it means that because `int` was defined back in 32-bit days programs can’t use `int` (System.Int32) when the intent is to use - what is presumably - “the best int-type for the platform” (I.e. C++’s fast-int types) - or the context (.NET’s arrays are indexed by Int32 instead of size_t, so you can’t have a Byte[] array larger than 2GB without some ugly hacks).
(I know this is moot for function locals as those will be word-aligned and so should behave the same as a native/fast int, but this isn’t guaranteed, especially when performing operations on non-local ints, such as in object instance fields).
>I’m disappointed Microsoft hasn’t cleaned-up Win32 and removed all of the unnecessary macros
Considering how seriously they take backward compatibility, the only way to do that would be to design a completely separate API, like they did with UWP. I'm 99.999% certain these macros are still being used somewhere out there. And who usually takes the blame when some badly written application stops working or compiling properly? Microsoft. (And I don't even like Microsoft.)
What I'm proposing isn't really a new API - but you're right about it having to be separate. It avoids the work of having to design a new API (and then implement it!) - what I'm proposing would keep the exact same Win32 binary API, but just clean-up all of the Win32 header files and remove as many #define macros and typedefs as possible - and redefining the headers for Win32's DLLs/LIBs using raw/primitive C types wherever possible.
There's just no need for "LPCWSTR" to exist anymore, for example. And I don't see anything wrong with calling the "real" function names (with the "W" suffix) instead of every call being a macro over A or W functions (which is silly as most of the A functions now cause errors when called).
This would only be of value for new applications written in C and C++ (which can directly consume Win32's header files) where the author wouldn't need to worry about missing macros. It would certainly make Win32 more self-describing again and reduce our dependence on the documentation.
Which is exactly why UWP ended up being an adoption failure to demise of us that were quite welcoming to its design goals, and I still believe that UWP is what .NET v1.0 should have been all along.
Now we have Project Reunion as official confirmation of what has been slowly happening since Build 2018, as Microsoft pivoted into bringing UWP ideas into Win32.
Breaking backwards compatibility is a very high price to pay, as many of its proponents end up discovering the hard way.
> Breaking backwards compatibility is a very high price to pay, as many of its proponents end up discovering the hard way.
I don't believe breaking back-compat was ever the problem: there were (and are) two main problems with UWP (and its predecessors[1]) going back to Windows 8:
* UWP were/are unnecessarily and very artificially restricted in what they could do: not just the sandboxing, but the app-store restrictions almost copied directly from Apple's own store.
* And because the then-new XAML-based "Jupiter" UI for UWP did not (and still doesn't, imo) ship with control library suitable for high-information-density, mouse-first UIs - and because XAML is still fundamentally unchanged since its original 2005 design with WPF in .NET Framework 3.5 - the XAML system is now far less capable (overall) than HTML+CSS in Electron now (the horror). Microsoft had a choice to maintain progress on XAML or let Electron overrun it for desktop application UIs - instead they've decided to keep XAML alive but for what gain? There simply isn't any decent exit-strategy for Microsoft now: they've just re-committed themselves to a dead-end UI system that needs significant amounts of re-work just to keep it competitive with Electron, while simultaneously using Electron for new headline first-party applications like Teams, Skype, Visual Studio Code, and more.
Microsoft has completely wasted the past ~10 years of progress they could have made on Windows and the desktop user-experience, letting Apple stay competitive with macOS while still funneling billions into iOS and iPad OS - further weakening the Windows value-proposition).
[1] Metro Apps, Modern Apps, Microsoft Store Apps, Windows Store Apps...
Skype uses React Native, and given that React Native for Windows bashes Electron in every talk that they give with its 300x overheard bar charts, expect that when React Native for macOS and Linux get mature enough, which MS is also contributing for, that eventually all Electron in use gets replaced with React Native.
I admire their efforts in backwards compatibility, but I never saw the point of extreme source compatibility. If I don’t want to recompile then I don’t need to worry that some names were changed. If I do rebuild my app then I’m happy to spend the time fixing the errors, or build agains an old library or language version.
As someone who does a lot of work in Java (which lacks typedef), I feel the opposite. I don't like "stringly typed" APIs where everything is a String or int or whatnot - it's only slightly better than Object; you're basically giving up on typechecking.
With generics or typedefs (or a willingness to create lots of classes), you can be certain you never pass an Id<Foo> someplace that expects an Id<Bar>.
I haven't used Rust before, but I can relate to the experience.
In general I lean towards it not being a waste. That's not to say it's always useful for that project but it is usually useful as a learning exercise, that allows me to better identify similar patterns later (including whether generics are worth using compared to primitive types, in situations like that).
For example, I spent a good year or two forcing all of my iteration into functional styles. Now I am much better at coding in that style... and at knowing when a for loop is the more appropriate tool.
> I realize this when I go over it a second time and reduce line counts drastically by replacing my gee-whiz generics with primitive types.
I do this too, but I’ve also come to realize that fresh perspectives and newly learned patterns may be more of the reason than being a little over zealous.
Edit: forgot to mention that this happens to me in most languages, not just rust.
Sometimes. Often the reduced line counts contain way more complexity per line and understanding it is just as hard. There's something to be said for code churn, as it keeps it fresh in the mind of whomever is on the team right now as opposed to "a guy that left eight years ago wrote this".
I sometimes use the analogy of haiku versus short story.
You can pack a lot of meaning into a haiku, but few will be able to unpack it in the manner intended. A short story can get you to the point without filling a whole book to do so. And a lot more people can write a reasonable short story.
Exactly, the maintenance tax, you have to load the crazy type into your head and once you get to 2 or 3 layers of generics is just painful. C# and typescript both have this.
The question is, what is beyond generics? We need a humane alternative that still provides the type safe guard rails.
That's up to debate, you have to prove that in x.y.z language the time spend for maintenance would have been avoided if x.y.z had that feature from the start. Especially language like Rust that have a big learning curve / blockers, is it justified on the end? I'm not sure.
In Go I never felt that omg it misses some big features we're screwed, we're going to pay the cost of running that in Prod. All the services I worked on while not being perfect ran like a clock without issues on the long term, and it has to do with Go "simplicity", eventhough you never wrote the code you can actually jump into any code base without issues, there is no weird abstraction layer / complexity that takes you day to understand.
For me the fact that Go is a "simple" language is very powerful because on the long run it's much easier to maintain.
Moreover, not all domains require you to catch every error. In many applications, it's just fine to ship a few bugs and it's much better to ship a few bugs here and there rather than slow down dramatically to appease a pedantic type checker. This is especially true when bugs can be found and fixed in a matter of minutes or hours and when the bugs are superficial. And I also contend that the more pedantic the type checker, the more likely that the additional bugs that it finds are of diminishing importance--they are less and less likely to be a downtime issue, they are increasingly likely to be in very rarely hit paths.
I like Rust a lot and I hope to get to use it more, but "added type safety at the expense of iteration velocity" is not a good tradeoff for my domain and I suspect many others (although its iteration velocity is improving monotonically!).
Strangely, I found Go to be one of the least productive languages I've ever used, 2nd only to Java. It just makes the programmer do so much of the work for common tasks, and it's incredibly repetitive and while it generally generates a fast program, the quality/fault rate isn't any better than any other iterative language.
I’ve used Python and Go (and JS to a lesser extent) extensively and Go has been consistently faster to iterate with, much better performance, much less headache with build/deploy/dependency issues, much better for teamwork (less pedantry in code review, docs don’t get out of date as easily, types keep people from doing as much pointless magic, etc). Note that the performance point is hard to overstate since with Python it means you run into performance issues far sooner and your options for optimizing are in a much different complexity ballpark which completely eats any iteration velocity gains that you might have had from Python in the first place (in case it was ever a question).
Yeah, although Python was my first language and I used to love it, now I realize it's "the worst of all worlds". It's superficially easy, but it both runs slower than "real" languages and programmer productivity scales much, much worse than them. Of course "real" languages are also a scale and I think they too become worse further the scale. Go, C# and Java are probably around the sweet spot, although I myself prefer stricter languages like OCaml. Definitely something like Haskell is "too much" for my taste, probably will have to try Rust soon to figure out where it stands in my scale.
curious what other languages and domains you are working in. In my experience, Go has been a boon to productivity. I do networked services mostly. Projects that are maintained for years with lots of tweaks. Rewrites, greenfield. Lots of focus on operability, maintainability, and high availability. My work started in php, became more serious under perl (anyevent), and python (twisted), and toss in a smattering of other things here and there (some C, C++, ruby, javascript, lua). The main work horses were perl and python though. I've been using Go now since 1.2 (around 2013/2014). Every time I go back to these other languages in the same domain it is like taking a giant leap backwards.
Go is most often preferable to any of the languages you mentioned, no doubt about it. It's just that Rust is generally held to an even higher standard.
So you've only used untyped languages, C++? No wonder you think Go is productive...
Not that Java is even good, but that beats go. The history of Go is the history of Java, repeated as farce. It's even some of the same academic lineage come to bail things out with the type system for generics!
Go is quite a lot different than Java. Go has held to its promise of simplicity and consistency remarkably well. No need to learn groovy to configure Gradle to build your application; just use ‘go build’. No need to learn javadoc or configure your CI pipeline to build and deploy documentation packages. No need to figure out how to statically link your code, it’s the default. No need to figure out how to compile your code ahead of time, it’s the default. No need to figure out how to tune your GC for low latency and low memory usage, it’s the default. Plus Go has value types; Java is maybe going to get them, but they’ll never be idiomatic. On top of all of this are the misfeatures and antipatterns that are pervasive in Java but which don’t exist in ago—things like inheritance, objects, and the “you just want a banana, but the banana has a reference to the gorilla holding it and the whole damn jungle” design pattern. I know, I know “that’s just bad design and you can have that in any language!”—true in theory, but Go doesn’t have this in practice. Nor gratuitous inheritance hierarchies or anything else. And while Java folks don’t have to use those patterns/features if they don’t want to, the must still interface with them because their coworkers probably write code like that and if not your coworkers’ code, then the dependency library and even the standard library.
Go is a dramatically nicer programming experience than Java. There are some benefits in Java however: sometimes JIT is nice and Go has no analog to Spring. But these are very circumstantial benefits and not good tradeoffs in the general case.
Most of the things you listed are not a problem in C#. And you don't have to be tied deeply to Microsoft to use it these days — I develop stuff full-time on top of .NET Core under Linux (and host it on Linux).
>No need to learn groovy to configure Gradle to build your application
I rarely have to configure msbuild, mostly to do some relatively advanced stuff like auto-installing npm dependencies for an SPA.
>No need to learn javadoc
Just use
/** */
>No need to figure out how to statically link your code
You can build pseudo-statically linked executables by adding one line to .csproj (which builds a single executable file, but it's really a self-extracting archive), and real static linking is in the works. I have no need for it personally though.
>how to compile your code ahead of time
Same thing — AOT compilation is one configuration line away. You don't need it very much though, as the CLR is very performant these days and beats Go in most benchmarks:
>No need to figure out how to tune your GC for low latency and low memory usage
I would argue CLR's GC is ahead of Go's GC at least for latency. Memory usage, not so much, but damn, look at the execution times above. It depends on your priorities I guess.
>Plus Go has value types
C# has had them since before Go was a thing. Unlike Java, it also has real structs, which you can configure the alignment of, and map a raw chunk of memory to them (which you received from a COM port, for example). This came in handy more often than I care to remember.
As for your forest/banana analogy, I'd argue it's never been as bad in .NET world as it's been in Java world. I have personally never found anything similar to the insane class hierarchies they have in Spring.
I think people get causation and correlation a bit confused here ... Java code is like it is not just because of it's nature as a language but because a gigantic number of huge corporations use it. And they have bajillions of dollars to pay developers to figure out a gradle build, or navigate a typ e hierachy etc. That's why equivalents of Spring etc., have appeared for .Net etc.
Btw, did you know the default Gradle configuration for compiling a Java app is literally 1 line?
apply plugin: 'java'
I'm not that much a fan of Gradle (too much magic), but it's one of the least verbose and easiest to figure out parts of working with java.
Having spent way too much years in java I’d have to say that the build systems are really the weakest part of java. We have „maven“ (wtf) and „gradle“ (powerful but yikes) oh and “ant” (dead now)
Wrt gradle: While it’s super easy to get started, any slight modification is a major pain.
Note to other tooling guys for other languages:
- I don’t want to write in a new language just for my build system
- I don’t want freaking xml hell like maven
And don’t get me even started with Maven as a package manager. But to be honest... it’s at least better than NPM :-)
So I assume you don't like many of the popular build tools at all - Make, bazel, etc all define a custom DSL effectively. At least Groovy or Kotlin are actual languages you can learn and use for other things, not something that has no alternative purpose so is completely wasted. And their syntax is very close to Java so you have a head start on learning it.
In general the concept of a "cross platform" build tool and "not having to learn another language" are at odds with each other, for anybody who isn't lucky enough to already work in the language the build tool is written in.
My only java experience was in college nearly two decades ago, so I def don’t have a valid opinion on Go vs Java. I’ve worked with dozens of former Java devs that were now working in Go. The majority felt it was a breath of fresh air and did not want to return to Java in the future. Granted that was not all of them. The plural of anecdote is not data, so I’d be interested in a larger poll to know how folks feel who have experienced both.
Were you using an IDE? For me, yeah go has a lot of boilerplate, but with autocomplete, because the type system is so simple, the autocomplete is super savvy and code just flies onto the screen. Still a fair amount of plumbing, but it's easy plumbing.
I can easily see it being tedious if you have to type every character.
The trouble with boilerplate is that we have tools that write it for you but almost nothing that reads it for you, much less reviews it for manual edits. Anything that can be generated from a high level description and then thrown away, should be.
The IDE side is in my experience the worse part for Go (unless you pay for JetBrains GoLand).
Code navigation is extremely basic (can only find references in the same package!), often breaks, and can't handle stuff like finding all interfaces that a type implements, or finding all implementations of an interface.
It used to be really good across the board, but I think modules broke a lot of things and they never fully repaired? I'm not sure, but I get the feeling that the quality of these editor integrations dropped a year or two ago.
As far as I can tell, they never had support for finding usages across packages, never had support for finding implementations of an interface, never had support for finding what interfaces a certain type matches/implements. These are basic features in any IDE for a language that has packages and interfaces.
Really good IDE support would include refactoring (more than renaming a local variable/struct field, e.g. Extract Function, extract parameter), advanced navigation/analysis (analyze data flow to/from variable, find call stack etc).
Go is somewhat decent in the tooling area, and you can get your job done with it, but it really doesn't have anything I would call good support in any area of tooling except the compiler (not code analysis, not debugging, not monitoring, not profiling, not package management).
> As far as I can tell, they never had support for finding usages across packages, never had support for finding implementations of an interface, never had support for finding what interfaces a certain type matches/implements. These are basic features in any IDE for a language that has packages and interfaces.
I suppose it depends on what you're used to. I've never found myself wanting to do these things, but I'm also strictly from a Python and C++ background so my standards are admittedly lower than Java and C# people. Hopefully gopls solves for these problems.
I think that's totally backwards. A good type system _improves_ iteration speed, it doesn't slow you down. When I refactor a Rust program, I have very high confidence that if it compiles, I haven't accidentally introduced a bug.
I don't write much Go code, but my company does. I have seen so many incidents and bugs whose root cause was: someone changed a library, that broke the semantics that users were relying on, but everything still compiled fine, so nobody noticed the subtly wrong behavior for a long time. An incredible amount of money has been lost like this.
Go simply does not give you the tools to prevent these issues in the type system, you have to rely on really thorough unit tests (which inevitably don't get written in the spirit of "moving fast".)
Wait what?! Most of the major go libs (std and not) have been stable for years. Rust is merging random syntaxes and random packages get upgraded to std lib all the time.
The package ecosystem was so stable that go didn’t ship with a package manager (not saying it’s good but definitely a sign of relative stability).
Besides nil pointers (typesystem could do better here) and bad logic (can’t do better but language simplicity reduces this), what you’re saying is definitely not the experience of the majority. People constantly talk about being able to go to a golang program from 8 years ago and run it with no problems. Rust changes every few weeks.
> People constantly talk about being able to go to a golang program from 8 years ago and run it with no problems. Rust changes every few weeks.
You stated that "Rust is merging random syntaxes and random packages get upgraded to std lib all the time" as though it were incompatible with "being able to go to a program from 8 years ago and run it with no problems". But there's no incompatibility here. Rust adds new features at a faster rate than Go does, but it also maintains backwards compatibility ("stability without stagnation").
Sure, I conflated 'still compiles' with 'still the right pattern'. Its sorta like Javascript, ECMAscript has been backwards compatible but the ecosystem is a consistently moving target that users have to adopt their code to or feel left behind. E.g crossbeam and parkinglot. Also the bunch of nightly features that disappear but many use.
Sure the mainline stays clean but thats not what matters in practice.
> The package ecosystem was so stable that go didn’t ship with a package manager (not saying it’s good but definitely a sign of relative stability).
Which also explains why you can git clone a Go library/tool and have it not building because some dependencies introduced some breaking changes in the master branch. That happened the last 3 times I wanted to fix something in a Go project.
I don’t know what Rust you’ve been using, but they’ve been explicitly having all changes be backwards compatible since 2016 - when they hit 1.0 - with a few small changes in 2018.
> Rust is merging random syntaxes and random packages get upgraded to std lib all the time.
I really don't know where this is coming from. The only package that was included into std like this is replacing the hashmap with hashbrown, and this didn't even change the public api of the standard library at all, besides improving performance of the hashmap.
Not to mention go compiles at the speed of light, so CI pipes are usually just rebuild and rerun the entire suite on every commit, so idk how such bugs would lurk unless the tests were lackluster. Which happens, I totally understand.
> don't write much Go code, but my company does. I have seen so many incidents and bugs whose root cause was: someone changed a library, that broke the semantics that users were relying on, but everything still compiled fine, so nobody noticed the subtly wrong behavior for a long time. An incredible amount of money has been lost like this.
In all likelihood, that "incredible amount" is a small fraction of the money your company saved in iteration velocity by not using Rust in the first place. This might not be true depending on your domain--if you're writing space shuttle software, bugs can be really expensive. If you're writing ordinary web app backend code, you're probably much better off with Go than Rust.
I'm not sure I understand how this can happen in Go, it's a strongly type language, if for example you change a method / function signature, the code won't compile.
Go is strongly typed (you can't pass an int to a function expecting a string), but its type system is not very powerful, and it cannot express many of the types people need in practice. Back to the discussion at hand (generics), Go programmers usually work around this lack by using interface{} types, which can point to anything and are essentially dynamic typing.
As another example, Go makes it impossible to create a Maybe/Option type which leads to a bunch of issues around returning failing or empty values from functions. In one particularly costly example, there was a function in a library that was getting some price information from a file. Originally this returned nil when the price information could not be loaded, but a refactoring caused it instead to return 0 which the client happily used. This was not caught for _weeks_.
I've never seen those claims about heavy usage of empty interface in the real world, and in the few case we have it, there is type assertion that is safe and well known.
As for the second example I don't think it's a language issue but more a programmer one, how Rust would have saved you in that case, anyone could have returned 0 for the price instead of a proper type. Using Rust doesn't magically turn programmer into good ones. You still have to know how to properly design your code and best use the language and its features.
I'm often reading code in various language and I'm baffled at what a giant lib.rs looks like from someone that never really used Rust.
> how Rust would have saved you in that case, anyone could have returned 0 for the price instead of a proper type
You've missed the problem that was posed. It wasn't returning 0 to indicate an error, it was changing the error value from nil to 0. In rust that would've been a type change (from Option<int> to int). Because the context here was about how stronger type systems (like rust's) allow you to be more specific about your types, and thus many code changes that would not involve the type changing in other more weakly-type languages do cause a type change in rust.
Except that in Go, you always return the error alongside the value, like this:
return 0, errors.New("unable to get price")
It's less elegant than Options but still, very common practice. GP's company clearly hasn't bought into Go if they're using a library that doesn't follow well-known conventions.
This is what strikes me: the situation is a programmer being lazy.
They wanted to do: something(getPrice()), but if getPrice can actually fail the then either something needs to accept an error, or they need to handle the error.
No type system imagined can save you from someone who's decided returning 0 is the correct way indicate an error in this scenario.
Sounds like your company is just using a unidiomatic library. It's poor practice to return a zero value as an error instead of, well, returning the error. As someone else said, it's standard practice in the vast majority of all go code to return a value, error tuple and check at each call site. In fact, it's so common that it's the number 2 complaint about go code after not having generics (error handling too verbose).
Go has its problems, and it isn't a perfect language, but I have never felt unproductive using it. In fact, my company uses it for all backend services. It has a great stdlib and first class tooling. Most of the discussion in this thread seems to be coming from people who barely use it or have only dabbled with go.
As a tangent, it's really tiring to see HN engage ad nauseum in these pointless language debates. Every language has its place; use it when it's appropriate.
What you're describing comes down to "Bad programmers do bad things", which literally no language can or will solve. If your code has lots of interface{} in it, you're not really using the language as intended. Pretty much every Go styleguide/linter/whatever will throw up at interface{} usage.
You can write unsafe code in Rust. Does that mean that Rust is bad too?
100% agree. Same with :any in typescript. When it comes to bugs... I tend to think that a good configured linter is more important than the degree of the type system. It’s nice to have a strong type system but people forget that a lot of programmers are bad and a good type system won’t change that fact.
>Originally this returned nil when the price information could not be loaded, but a refactoring caused it instead to return 0 which the client happily used.
Hard to feel sympathetic, as this practice violates the Go convention of adding an additional return value to the function to indicate failure, either of type error or bool, as appropriate.
>Go makes it impossible to create a Maybe/Option type
The Option type there isn't type safe. E.g. https://play.golang.org/p/CiQLf4yWhCO doesn't throw a type error for the Get function even though I've omitted the null check.
Sorry, but that's just ridiculous. Obviously the language can't prevent you from defining your Option type incorrectly. The point is that it's not possible to misuse it.
Go constantly requires boiler-plate checks for errors, null values etc. without the type checker helping ensure you've checked for an error or null value.
Maybe you need to think why your company is not writing in Rust. Is there some quality of Rust that individual users prefer more than companies in general.
Whenever I hear about Rust in companies same dozen or so companies get mentioned every time.
The specifics of what languages my company writes are mostly historical, and I would say that Rust was not ideal for writing high-throughput network services until this year with the release of async/await.
But in general, companies adopt Go for the same reason they adopt MongoDB [0]: it's really easy to get started with, and get something that "works." The pain comes months or years down the road, and by then you're stuck with it.
[0] A company I previously worked for starting using MongoDB as a small startup, starting finding the limitations about 6 months later, but ending up spending an incredible amount of engineering time over 5 years getting rid of it.
You're a person that really does not like the Go programming language, and that's okay, but to try and paint a perfectly fine tool as bad because someone used it incorrectly, and then compare it to a pretty objectively bad product is silly.
We get it. You don't like Go. Don't use it. That's a perfectly fine option. Plenty of very successful companies, open source projects and services all work with Go (and literally every language) without issue. You not liking something does not make it bad.
What's wrong with iterating on Rust? Comprehensive type checking makes refactorings a lot easier than something like Go. And you can iterate starting from a simple, working solution that relies on marginally more expensive features, such as .clone(), Rc<…>, Cell<…> or RefCell<…>, Any for dynamic data etc. etc.
Refactoring is safer with Rust, but in generaly Go is not so unsafe that refactoring costs more than it saves on the frontend. You can write a lot of Go (and contrary to the memes in this thread, you can still leverage the type system to great effect wrt safety) in the time it takes to get a little Rust to compile; however, Rust is getting better all the time.
I think you are missing the point of type systems. Our current economy doesn't value correctness at all. Code is rushed out, and usually live longer than it was designed too. This mimicks the the largest infrastructure debt of America (and to a lesser extent, the western world as a whole).
But the same shoddy system is also constantly changing the requirements, precisely because nothing is built for posterity and there's tons of make-work churn. Good type systems make code far easier to refactor, and refactoring (as opposed to slapped-on new code) is the only way to handle shifting requirements without being crushed under ones own weight.
I'm not missing anything. I'm well aware of the value of type systems, as I am our current cultural decision to value speed over correctness.
I'm not confident that average level developers are able to ship features in Rust as quickly as they would in Go, which is the root of my point. Those building tools, which generally do not have the same success metrics with respect to speed and correctness, should use the language with a focus on safety and correctness. Those whose positions do not lend themselves to safety and correctness should not use that tool.
> I'm not confident that average level developers are able to ship features in Rust as quickly as they would in Go
Even if this was a genuine concern, they should still use Rust. Because it will be far easier to refactor the code that they ship into something that is safe and correct, compared to rewriting a Go codebase.
This is a silly strawman. All code is meant to be correct, but often times close enough to correct is good enough (as is literally the whole point of my post). Most businesses operate on code that is close enough to correct for their individual risk tolerance, and increasing that correctness would reduce speed/throughput and increase cost.
This. Let me give an example. When booting a system you can get errors as concurrently booted subsystems (we're talking tens of thousands of them potentially) don't necessarily finish in the order you want, inducing effectively dependency error race conditions. You can either write a totally checked system that is brittle to these race conditions, and many nightmares worth of debugging, testing, and giving up, or you can write floopy logic that accepts the problem, fails, and restarts, and moreover very likely gives you lowered downtime overall. What do you do?
I agree, although my experience with Mypy has been miserable. I’m not sure the costs are less than the gains. Also there are other tradeoffs, like performance and artifact size (numpy and pandas alone are 100mb).
1. There's lots of software that doesn't "ship" - it's used internally.
2. There's lots of software that "ships" as a web service, often used by people who are not paying for the web service.
If you're talking about defects for an actual product that render it unsafe or unsuitable for the intended purpose, then I can see your point (though even there I'm not sure that I completely agree). But there's much more software than that.
Note that the whole point of my post is that there are different risk profiles for different kinds of software (or even within one kind of software--e.g., the data security subsystems in saas apps have a different profile than the UI widget library). If the parent's point is "some bugs are serious!" then that's not a rebuttal to my post--don't use weak type systems for those projects or those parts of the project. You don't rebut "You don't have to write all software like it is space shuttle software" with "some software is space shuttle software!".
Nonsense. No one is served by fining companies for superficial issues. Customers are nearly always better off getting features faster at the expense of superficial issues. Any other take ignores economic reality (I say this with much chagrin, as I would rather move slower and release finely crafted features).
Ideally, you'd have a language that allowed you to do both. Generics/type safety when you want them (e.g. for stuff that is hard to maintain), and total freedom otherwise.
Python with type annotations is the closest I've used to that, and I hate it. It beats no type annotations, but only barely.
As soon as I need to use someone else's code, all bets are off. Half the reason I want types is because it makes my life easier when I'm trying to use something written by someone else -- instead I find myself needing to experiment with a debugger to figure out what functions are actually doing.
Plenty of languages allow you to do this, either by opting into type checking only when you add type annotations, or by using "any" / "dynamic" or unchecked typecasts as an escape hatch when you don't feel like going through the trouble of how to make the typechecker happy.
That study calls out significant issues. I can go from personal experience. Porting python to Go. In python, we had to have tests dedicated to ensuring the right types were handled the right way. Is it a string or an array passed in? Welp, need a new test to cover that. Whole classes of tests go away with more advanced type systems. Those tests were needed to prevent those classes of bugs. So better type system == removing of whole class of bugs.
Came here to say I've had this exact same debate. We were writing long Python test suites to check types. I constantly (and playfully, I don't care to die on this hill) pointed out this is fully automatable with a static typing system. I remember many times being told to just read thousands of lines of uncommented tests in order to understand some thing I was trying to debug. (Don't get me started on Python stack traces!)
I've started applying `mypy --strict` to my new python code. It caught so many issues already it's definitely worth it. Mostly in cases of uncommon error handling, some in code which was tested but under wrong assumptions and would actually fail on production. (This is a problem with "you can test types approach")
Yes, mypy is terrific, and has changed the way I write Python programs.
Taking this gradual typing tool a step further, you can run your tests with the typeguard plugin for pytest, which will dynamically check the types of most values, pointing out places where your types are a lie.
What you point out is a developer error. Mixing variable types in a dynamically typed language is, like generics, a code smell.
Using a dynamically typed language is all about not having to babysit the compiler, its not about playing dumb about types.
If you design your functions in a way that that function will never receive an array, you dont have to test for it. And if some idiot tries one day, it should error very loudly that something is wrong.
Too many abuse dynamic typing to the point they feel safer offloading this headwork to a compiler.
That is, they get the compiler to make sure nobody will ever send an array into that function that takes a string.
All generics do is bring back the lack of typesafety and all the manual typechecking that comes with muddying generalizing the parameter typeset.
I actually dont hate generics, they are super powerful, but I question every usage as suspicious.
I also wish people would remember human brains arent all the same. We have different ways of thinking about problems. Some people need to have a compiler to busy work, some people need to do busy work while they think.
I just wish people shitting on dynamic typed languages would remember they came to solve the mess and monotomy that arose from typesafety.
Someone mentioned they felt go was going backwards from rust, i think both languages are massive steps backward from python.
> If you design your functions in a way that that function will never receive an array, you dont have to test for it. And if some idiot tries one day, it should error very loudly that something is wrong.
Then you've moved it from a test to a runtime assertion. You're still re-implementing the type-checker, poorly.
And on top of this, it's usually not "some idiot" calling the function from a REPL. It's "some idiot's code", which may not be executed until the program is running in production somewhere if it is rare. "Oh, someone uploaded THAT kind of file? Well, let me see... AttributeError: Type SomeObject does not have attribute append. Here's a list of 47 functions that were called between the action you took and this error being raised. None of them guarantee the types going in or out, so you should probably get going waking through all this logic. You're welcome! -Python <3, XOXOXO"
It ran fine with all the file types we tested! A dependency loads the file into a custom type, but it handles this file type differently! Now it's a stinky old NoneType. :( :( :(
I love Python, and generally I agree, but the place where an error is raised can be significantly distant from the event that occurred which caused it. The lack of static typing can really make it difficult to find such bugs sometimes.
A statically typed language with compile-time type checking would flag that immediately, and chances are your IDE will show the error before it even gets to that point.
Type hints are a thing, but then you are already moving in that direction while remaining in python.
Agree that there's a big difference between the error happening at compile time vs. happening at run time in prod, but I personally find the python stacktrace much more descriptive of how we got to the error than a lot of other languages.
A certain amount of it is probably a familiarity thing, but I do usually find myself able to parse it to the point of what line in which file things started to go wrong.
Other languages can do the same, they just deliberately make the decision not to because of performance. Ruby has the same nice stacktrace (even nicer).
There was some work that took ML compile time errors and created Python-like stacktraces of how this specific error could blow up at runtime in a Python-like fashion. Students found those concrete errors with concrete values easier to reason about than abstract compile time errors.
> If you design your functions in a way that that function will never receive an array, you dont have to test for it. And if some idiot tries one day, it should error very loudly that something is wrong.
That's naïve. Unless you code extra defensively (which is the same type of overhead as excessive testing, and needs itself to be verified by testing), there's very little guarantee that type errors will result in loud failure consistently at the first point that the bad value is passed (because functions that don't do unnecessary work often pass their arguments along without doing a lot of work dependent on the very specific type.)
And, in any case, failing consistently at compile time (or, with a modern code editor, at writing time) with static type checking is better than failing at runtime, even if it is loud and consistent.
Of course things like mypy and TypeScript (especially, in the latter case, because it powers tools that work pretty well when the actual immediate source is plain JS, or JS with JSDoc comments from which type information can be extracted, when consuming libraries with TS typings) mean that some popular dynamic languages have static type checking available with more expressive type systems than a number of popular statically-typed languages.
In Python, it’s entirely idiomatic to take different types of input and do different things. Look at the pandas dataframe constructor or just about anything in the datascience ecosystem (e.g., matplotlib). Look at the open() builtin—the value of the second string argument changes the return value type. Things aren’t much better in JS land where a function might take an arg or a list or a config object, etc. We see dozens of type errors in production every day.
For what its worth, the datascience ecosystem is probably the worst place to get general idioms from. They tend to err towards their own domain language and build stuff for people who arent programmers. i.e. for caller flexibility instead of maintainability.
Besides that, i only said it was a code smell, i dont debate that its useful sometimes. Just that its a signal to be careful, check you really need itor there is t some other constraint you can break.
My only advice is that narrowing your parameter types at the earliest opportunity is a good practice and results in much easier to understand code.
I kinda wish Python took the Rust approach of having multiple factory static-methods, rather than one constructor that does different things based on what arguments you pass in.
Yeah, it seems not very idiomatic. I regularly see "senior engineers" doing I/O, throwing exceptions, etc in constructors. I staunchly believe a constructor should take exactly one parameter per member variable and set the member variable. For conveniences, make static methods that invoke that constructor. This will make your code far more understandable and testable (you can initialize your object in any state without having to jump through hoops). This is language agnostic advice, but some language communities adhere to it better than others. Python is not very good about this.
I wonder if dataclasses might change this. They provide an __init__ that does what you describe, and though you can supply your own __init__ instead, classmethods seem the easier way to add custom initialization logic.
Yeah, it would be a very good thing for the Python community if dataclasses became idiomatic and vanilla classes came to be regarded as a code smell. Basically what every language should have is the concept of a "struct" or a "struct pointer". Constructors imply that there is one right way to construct an object which is rarely true except in the one-param-per-member-field sense.
"Convenience constructors" (i.e., static methods for creating instances from a set of parameters) are fine, but should often not be in the same module (or perhaps even the same package) as the class anyway. For example, if you have a Book class and it has a convenience constructor for creating a book from a database connection string and a book ID, this is probably reasonable for certain applications, but if it's likely that others would want to use your book class in non-database applications, then it would be a travesty to make the non-database application take a dependency on sqlalchemy, a database driver, etc (especially since database drivers tend to be C-extensions which may or may not be difficult to install on various target platforms).
Im sorry you feel like i was shitting on statically typed languages.
I can assure you I do beleive they have their purpose and place in the world where raw performance or closer to metal abstractions can take place.
Personally, my brain much prefers to use a dynamic type system to infer what i mean leaving the thinking part up to me.
I just find defining a string is a string when im only ever going to put a string in there kind of redundant.
There are other arguments about readability, refactorability, and similar and I think they have some weight in large doverse systems with many many teams interacting.
Personally, that isnt a large issue for me. Im working at the scope I can maintain a standard and a level of consitency that alleviates these problems to the point the type safety is simply not wareanted from a return on investment point of view.
I do not, for instance, think the kernel or chrome should be rewritten in javascript. Despite what some react developers seem to think.
> I just find defining a string is a string when im only ever going to put a string in there kind of redundant.
There are 2 problems with this kind of thinking.
1) you aren't going to be so sure. Humans are imperfect and as codebase grows, everyone commits such errors. Eg comparing a string to int without converting it to int in python. It always returns false (IIRC) and it is hard to detect where the problem is.
2) Most type systems aren't that verbose. I guess you got the impression from java / mediaeval C++. But most statically typed languages have local variable type inference. OCaml / Haskell / F# / Swift etc.. have varying degrees of type inference. At this point, types in method signatures, in languages that require it, serve as documentation. And many of these languages are terser than python/javascript.
1) I work on a typescript codebase for work. There is a real need for types in this case because the definitions are about 3 layers of abstraction away from their use. It drives me up the wall because I know when you keep definitions close to use, or have some basic conventions this problem melts away. At least to the point of diminishing returns where types are no longer relevant.
So, i guess over the years ive been caught out by int + string = 0 all of like, 1-2 times in production, maybe a few more while in dev. Either way its rare enough for me to call FUD on the argument. Stop mixing types and this really doesnt happen. To be fair to your point, at work, i know of a recurring error in production where this is almost certainly the same class of error. Nobody can be bothered fixing it because its too hard to track down and the cost benefit isnt there.
2) Type inference is problematic for me. Doesnt it just open you up to type errors of a different class?
2.5) terse code is not the point, I find rust cryptic and dense to say the least. I prefer something like go wgere readability is a priority over density.
> 2) Type inference is problematic for me. Doesnt it just open you up to type errors of a different class?
It's at compile time, so not really? It will tell you exactly what it expects vs what you provided at compile time. These kind of languages read like dynamic languages (for the most part) but they are completely static.
> In python, we had to have tests dedicated to ensuring the right types were handled the right way. Is it a string or an array passed in? Welp, need a new test to cover that
But, do you really save tests? You have to test your code anyway. Does a type system buy you anything more in code that's going to be heavily tested for other reasons?
So many tests it's not even funny. A huge chunk of tests in dynamic/softly typed languages just end up being input/output validations where in a strongly typed language you don't bother since you know the compiler would refuse to compile it.
Except if you are comprehensively testing your code for things other than what's caught by type checking, you get those validations for free.
In my view, type checking lulls one into thinking the code is better than it actually is, just because it compiles. But it doesn't test the algorithms. And testing the algorithms exercises the code enough to reveal the shallow type errors.
Positive vs negative testing. Checking the algorithm is generally positive testing. You still should have negative testing, and in a strong type system language the compiler can be leveraged to do much more of that for you.
But yes, there's a lull with type checking that makes people believe only negative testing is sufficient, which is as foolish as thinking only positive testing is sufficient.
The evidence is pretty clear to anyone who writes in an untyped language. I can't count the number of bugs that I see in ruby code at work that would simply not exist in rust. The biggest one being unexpected nils.
In my experience I find it very common to write, rewrite and rerewrite code a lot when embarking on a new project. For various reasons, I embark on more new projects than I work on long term ones, which I think is a factor here.
It takes a while for something to settle down enough to say this version is going to be the code for the long run.
At that point, solidity in testing and gradual typing can be added, usually starting with the public interface.
Languages where I’ve had to satisfy all type errors in the various fragments of half brained code I’ve written for version 0.0.85 have always felt a little cumbersome. The compiler’s type checker is a perfectionist looking over my shoulder.
I'm the opposite. New applications are the ones you refactor the most, and refactoring is an order of magnitude easier/faster when the code is statically typed.
Refactoring any dynamically typed application (regardless of size) is a manual operation, and error prone.
But then again I rarely deal with type errors, when I do it's the compiler looking out for my often 'application ending' mistakes.
This is a generalized feeling about good static type systems.
What is missing is a language with good static type system (Algebraic data types, stream/iterators, generics), simple and having GC, for application domains where prototyping speed matters.
I think Swift satisfies all of those those criteria, and doesn't have a steep learning curve since you can write in an imperative style if you want.
F#, OCaml and Haskell (and other ML-family languages) satisfy the first 3 criteria (type system, simple and GC) and depending on your familiarity with the language, can be fairly suitable for fast prototyping.
For example, I write most of my new personal projects in Haskell, and I'm able to iterate pretty rapidly once I have a skeleton of the system in place (with liberal use of typed holes to ignore things I don't care about implementing right now). For some projects, I find I'm actually able to prototype more rapidly than I would be able to in an untyped language, because the language helps me express the shape of the data through algebraic data types, and then the functions end up having "one obvious implementation" that follows the structure of the data.
Reference counting still requires you to keep track of cycles. Also performance is less than GC, especially in multithreaded environments. And Swift is not a serious language outside apple ecosystem.
OCaml is actually very good language. I hate how people outright dismiss it mentioning multicore. Neither JS nor Python have great multicore story. And most applications don't need multicore.
Wish there was a good static compilation toolchain for .net core. F# would gain much more traction then.
Both Javascript and Python are perfect for this, IMO - both languages have syntax for type annotations which are ignored by the intepreter, but are respected by external typecheckers.
Types also are also massively useful in making better tooling. The ability to refactor with confidence and get meaningful autocompletes is already enough justification for a static typesystem.
As for programming with types, that's partly what Go was trying to avoid: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6821389 . And I agree with Pike on this one. The nice thing about Go for me is that I'm just writing code. Not defining a type hierarchy, not rewriting some things to get them just right, not defining getters, setters, move and copy constructors for every type :). Just telling the computer what to do and in what order. When I'm writing a library I'm defining an API, but that's about it; and you can usually steal whatever the standard library's patterns are there.
I disagree about nil as well; I think Go's zero value approach is useful, and basically impossible without nil (it wasn't necessary in my code, but I may want to instantiate an ApiResponse object without a data structure ready to be passed in).
A little bit of a rambly response from me, but, all in all, I think I'll be one of the stubborn ones which refuses to use generics in his code for a long time.
The first comment below your link to the message about Rob Pike's feeling on types was a more succinct form of my reaction:
> Sounds like Rob Pike doesn't understand type theory.
I'd be a bit more charitable; Pike is a smart dude, I'm sure he does understand type theory, but has decided he'd prefer to write imperative code. And he's actually good at writing imperative code correctly, so for him, that works. But most people are not very good at writing imperative code correctly, at least not the first time, and not without writing a large volume of tests (usually several times as much test code as program code) to verify that imperative code.
Or perhaps Pike was just assuming the person he was talking to was only talking about types in the OOP sense. If that's the case, I agree with him: taxonomies are boring, and inheritance often leads to leaky abstractions.
But types let you do so much more than that. I much prefer being able to encode behavior and constraints into the types I define over writing a bunch of tests to verify that the constraints I've expressed in code are correct. Why do the work that a compiler can do for you, and do it much better and more reliably than you?
> But most people are not very good at writing imperative
> code correctly, at least not the first time, and not
> without writing a large volume of tests (usually several
> times as much test code as program code) to verify that
> imperative code.
How are languages other than Go (like Rust, Swift etc.,) not imperative? They are nearly as much imperative as Go but have FP features like ADTs and pattern matching, but those don't make them "functional". This point might be valid if you are talking about Haskell, MLs and the likes.
> I much prefer being able to encode behavior and constraints
> into the types I define over writing a bunch of tests to verify that the constraints
> I've expressed in code are correct. Why do the work that a compiler can
> do for you, and do it much better and more reliably than you?
IMO, this "types replacing tests" might be true when comparing dynamic vs static typing, but for already static typed languages, extra typing cannot be a substantial gain. Personally, I find type-level programming beyond a certain extent to be counter productive and it doesn't seem to have much impact on correctness (unless we bring in dependent types).
I'm going to be a smartass about this and say I think neither of you are wrong. The "extra typing" gives you a large boost in your confidence that you've written something correct, without necessarily boosting the correctness of what you have written.
The best example of this which I have seen is Amos' https://fasterthanli.me/blog/2020/i-want-off-mr-golangs-wild... in which he chastises Go for allowing him to print filenames which contain non-UTF-8 data to the terminal which does not display correctly, instead of forcing them be escaped. Rust does that, so he is confident that the program he writes in Rust handles filenames properly: if they are UTF-8 they are printed normally, if they are not they are escaped. Since the Rust type system allows him to do this, it must be correct, right? Of course not. Filenames which contain vt100 escape codes would do a lot more damage and they are not handled at all.
At the end of the day you still have to think of all the possible cases. Types help to constrain the number of possible cases, but the more time you're spending making type constraints as narrow as possible, the less time you're spending handling the cases which can never be caught by the type system.
Parent comment isn't implying that functional vs imperative is a binary; they're pointing out that the power of a type system is orthogonal to the imperative/functional spectrum.
How about just having the bread-and-butter tools of FP available? You can't have a typesafe map operation without generics, so that alone is a major impediment to FP in Go.
You are conflating FP with statically typed FP. There are dynamic typed FPLs too (Scheme, Elixir etc.,). Yes, I agree that Go could've been better if it had simple generics and discriminated unions.
By the way, generics are not at all exclusive to FP. Both C++ and D proved advanced generic/meta-programming facilities like template template parameters(HKTs) and constant generics which Rust currently lacks. But I'd certainly not use these if there is no absolute need.
What I objected to was abstracting and generalizing too much to the point of over-engineering. Some type systems, like those of Rust and Haskell, provide more room for such abuse and it takes some discipline to keep it simple. In contrast, OCaml is a very good sweet spot. ML modules are as powerful as type classes and lead to much cleaner and simpler APIs. OCaml compiles even faster than Go!
>I disagree about nil as well; I think Go's zero value approach is useful, and basically impossible without nil (it wasn't necessary in my code, but I may want to instantiate an ApiResponse object without a data structure ready to be passed in).
I like your solution to my imaginary problem, but I am going to counter this one. Now I'm salty because nil interface[1] actually bit me once and cost me. Go's zero value approach also exists in Rust, but is type safe. Basically every primitive type, and Option<T> have zero values. Any struct that is made up of those values can also safely have zero values. Then for those that don't, you can implement your own zero values. This is called Default in Rust. Go's zero value approach is perfectly possible, and arguable better without nil. And even then, the number of times I've seen a service crash because someone "forgot" to initialize a nullable type, and passed it to a function that then exploded isn't an issue I should deal with in 2020.
First of all, interfaces are not nil if they point to a nil value for the same reason a * * T is not nil if the * T is nil. That is the correct decision. You can not call a function on a nil interface, but you can call a function on an interface which is not nil, but where the value of the type is nil[1].
As for your proposal, there are some issues with it: not all structures have a sane default for all not optional, nilable parameters. What is the default underlying reader for a bufio.Reader? A reader which returns zero bytes? Certainly that would be more confusing to debug than a simple panic, which is what we have now [2]. There's also the fact that a zero value is just a value with all the bytes zeroed and allocating an object via language means (new) never allocates more than the size of the object and doesn't do computation.
But I guess the main point would be that I simply do not have a problem programming with nil-able types. Failing to initialize in Go means writing var a *T as opposed to a := &T{} or a := NewT(), which seems like an odd mistake to make - or forgetting to initialize a member of a struct in the NewT() function. Fundamentally, I do not want to spend hours of my life dealing with safeguards which are protecting me from a few minutes of debugging.
But hey, that's just me. Go isn't Rust and Rust isn't Go and that's a good thing.
> not all structures have a sane default for all not optional, nilable parameters. What is the default underlying reader for a bufio.Reader?
I think you're actually agreeing with nemothekid here, what you're saying is that there is no sensible default value for a bufio.Reader. In Rust terminology, that would mean bufio.Reader would not implement the Default trait. Types need to explicitly implement the Default trait, so only types where that makes sense implement it.
> I simply do not have a problem programming with nil-able types
Yes, that's going to make a big difference to how you feel about features that reduce the chance of errors like that. I'd hazard a guess that in C# the most common exception that is thrown is the NullReferenceException, after a quick search[1] it looks like NullPointerException is a good bet for the most common exception in Java. Most of those IlligalArgumentExceptions are probably from null checks too.
> Fundamentally, I do not want to spend hours of my life dealing with safeguards which are protecting me from a few minutes of debugging.
Similarly, I've already spent hours of my live dealing with null and undefined value errors, and I'd like to stop doing that. So I welcome new languages and new language features that help to stop those errors before they happen.
Go is designed as a language for the average. Average programmer doing averagely complex things in the current average environment (ie web services, slinging protobufs or equivalent). That is its specific design goal for Google.
It's designed to be simple, to be boilerplate, to be easily reviewable/checkable by coding teams.
Not sure why Go and Rust are always the compared languages. Go is designed to replace Java/RoR/Python in Enterprise-land, not to replace C/C++.
Rust is designed to replace C/C++ in system-land, embedded, kernel, thick app components (browsers are probably the most complex apps running these days on end user systems). The entire focus is zero-cost abstractions.
Because for a long time people were trying to shove Go into use cases that before were covered by C applications. Some infrastructure has been developed in Go (Kubernetes being quite prominent) and so the overlap between systems programming and web/enterprise got muddy.
Rust can't cover the enterprise use-cases of Go the same way that Go won't ever cover what Rust can do on systems/embedded level but there is enough overlap in some cases to confuse people into trying to compare them directly.
Ah! Yes, that is a case that I would consider could have an overlap between Go/Rust and C. Thanks for sharing it, had no idea it was implemented in bare metal Go, will check it out :)
I have seen average programmers who can write less dumbed down code than the most succinct code possible in Go.
I have seen below average programmers who understand how to use generic data structures / programs in C++ / Java / C# etc..
> It's designed to be simple, to be boilerplate, to be easily reviewable/checkable by coding teams.
Boilerplate and easily reviewable are at the odds. Unless Enterprise style java is the bar, it is hard for anyone to say that. Go is too much boilerplate than average programmer's python code, for example. Don't tell me python is dynamic. The average programmer doesn't do metaclass magic.
Being so much boilerplate and verbose `if err != nil` and no generics and no methods/functions for common operations like finding the index of an element in an array. All this leads to for-loop-inside-while-loop-inside-for-loop attrocities where it is harder to decipher what the intention is. Compare to python where you have methods on collections to carry out common manipulations, and list comprehension in python is so cleaner than 4 line imperative go code.
Go seems to miss why python/JS/ruby are so popular. It is because so much is built in that you can communicate __intent__ clearly without getting bogged down in details. Compared to any modern language that's not C and not mediaeval C++, Go is so much more verbose. Even java has enough shortcuts to do these common things.
And don't start telling me this leads to incomprehensible code. Coding standards are there. What's unreadable is 8 level indented imperative attrocity of blue collar language Go.
> Not sure why Go and Rust are always the compared languages.
They both emerged at same time and have some overlapping scope - eg static native compilation, memory safety etc.. but there similarities end. However, there is lack of a a popular, succinct natively compiled language which gets out of the way to write software. Everyone knows expressive languages need not be slow or difficult to deploy. Some people have to write Go in dayjob and the sibling rust, having quality-of-life improvements that anyone expects in a post-2000 language [0], seems to be a closer candidate to comparison (even though rust isn't the optimal language for the things Go is used for, given it is a systems language with static memory management) Others like D and Nim have a fraction of users. Of course there are also some vocal rust fanboys who think crab god is not popular because world is anti intellectual.
Well you have seen lot of things which I guess is fine. Others may have seen different things. In my last 10 workplaces and dozens of projects I have seen code which would be at least 5-10 times more verbose than an equivalent Go code. I also differentiate verbosity of individual expression vs verbosity of overall project due to dependencies, code arrangement and other associated files/ resources etc to produce a deliverable.
> Go seems to miss why python/JS/ruby are so popular.
Not sure what is there to miss especially since Go is pretty popular for its age. Considering it is not even mandated or officially supported like Swift by Apple, or Dart/Kotlin by Google/Android.
This is pretty much correct, except for 2 minor gripes: Firstly, Go was meant to replace C++ in server-land. The fact that it ended up being a suitable alternative for Java/Python in many cases was a happy accident.
Secondly, I don't think the fact that Go making the opposite trade-offs in terms of (let's say) programmer effort vs. CPU clock cycles means it is a "language for the average". Go is great for any number of interesting high-level server-side components where it being done in half the time is better than it being 15% faster.
I'm just going to comment on one point of your comment:
> to be easily reviewable/checkable by coding teams.
I strongly disagree with this. I find Go code to be incredibly difficult to read. This is because of two main reasons.
The first is that the lack of expressive power in the language means that many simple algorithms get inlined into the code instead of using an abstraction with a simple and understandable name. I find that the first pass of the code is me reading over the lines (each of which is very simple and understandable) and virtually abstracting it into what the code actually does. I find that the interesting business logic is lost in all of the boilerplate.
out := []int{}
for _, v := range input {
number, err := fetchData(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if math.Abs(float64(number)) <= 2 {
out = append(out, v)
return out
As I said, every line in the Go is simple (except maybe for append, but generics can help with that). However the actual business logic is lost in the boilerplate. In the second example (Rust with one existing and available helper function) the boilerplate is much less and each line basically expresses a point in the business logic. There are really two bits of boilerplate here `filter_ok` instead of `filter` to handle the errors from `fetch` and the `collect` to turn the iterator into a collection (although maybe you could improve the code by returning an iterator instead of a collection and simplify this function in the process).
Secondly the "defaults are useful" idea is in my opinion the worst mistake the language made. They repeated The Billion Dollar Mistake from C. I have seen multiple expensive production issues as a result of it and it makes code review much harder because you need to check that something wasn't uninitialized or nil. It is absolutely amazing in Rust that I don't have to worry about this for most types (depends on your exact coding style, in the above example there is never a variable that isn't "complete").
So while Go may be quick to write. I think the understandably is deceiving. Yes, I can understand every line, but understanding the program/patch as a whole becomes much more difficult because of the lack of abstraction. Humans can only hold so much in our head, making abstraction a critical tool for understandable code. So while too much of the medicine can be worse that the disease I think Go aimed - and hit - far, far below the ideal abstraction level.
> So while Go may be quick to write. I think the understandably is deceiving. Yes, I can understand every line, but understanding the program/patch as a whole becomes much more difficult because of the lack of abstraction. Humans can only hold so much in our head, making abstraction a critical tool for understandable code. So while too much of the medicine can be worse that the disease I think Go aimed - and hit - far, far below the ideal abstraction level.
I think this is the fundamental point of contention. Go aims at abstraction at the package level. Each package exports a set of types and functions which are "magic" to outsiders and can be used by outsiders - an API, if you will. Rust seems to aim at abstraction at the line level - each line is an abstract "magic" representation of what it is meant to do.
In your Go code, the only pieces of line-level magic are `range` and arguably `append` (even though I would argue it is integral to the concept of slices). And of course the API magic of `fetchData` and `abs` which is in both versions.
On the other hand, Rust has .iter(), .map(), .filter_ok() and .collect(). So, while I think anyone could understand the Go code if you explained `range` to them, I do not understand the Rust code. Yes, I understand what it does, but I have no clue how it does it. What is the type of .iter()? Why can I map over it? Why can I filter a map?
But that's not the point of the Rust code. The Rust code expresses what should be done, not how it is to be done.
The way Rust deals with complexity is by offering tools which push that complexity into the type system, so you do not have to keep everything in your head. The way Go deals with complexity is by eliminating it and, when that is not possible, by making sure it does not cross API boundaries. In Go you do keep everything in your head.
> Go aims at abstraction at the package level. Each package exports a set of types and functions which are "magic" to outsiders and can be used by outsiders - an API, if you will. Rust seems to aim at abstraction at the line level - each line is an abstract "magic" representation of what it is meant to do.
Are line-level vs. package-level abstractions are necessarily mutually exclusive? One could argue that the functions Rust iterators expose are "'magic' to outsiders and can be used by outsiders --- an API, if you will".
> but I have no clue how it does it
The question here is whether it actually matters whether you know how the Rust code works. You don't necessarily need to know how `range` or `append` work; you just need to know what they do. Why should the Rust code be held to a different standard in this case?
> I think this is the fundamental point of contention.
I agree with your point. Part of Go was definitely the removal of unnecessary abstraction and complication. However my argument is that they went too far.
> Go aims at abstraction at the package level [...] Rust seems to aim at abstraction at the line level
I don't understand the difference in your mind vs package level or line level. For whatever is exposed as a package is surely intended to be used in a line elsewhere in the program.
> On the other hand, Rust has .iter(), .map(), .filter_ok() and .collect(). So, while I think anyone could understand the Go code if you explained `range` to them
If you explain range, continue, return and append then you could understand the Go snippet. I don't see how this is meaningfully different from explaining iter, map, filter_ok and collect. Sure, the former are language features while the latter are library features but that doesn't seem to be a meaningful difference when it comes to comprehension.
> Yes, I understand what it does, but I have no clue how it does it.
This is the whole point of my argument. You don't need to understand how it works. Much like you don't need to understand how continue or append work in go. That is the point of abstraction. You need to know what they do, not how they do it. In my opinion Go forces you to leave too much of this usually-irrelevant plumbing in the code, which distracts from the interesting bits.
> The way Go deals with complexity is by eliminating it
This is again my key point. I'm arguing that in most cases Go hasn't managed to eliminate the complexity. Maybe it got rid of a little, as your "map" loop doesn't need to be as generic and perfect as the Iterator::map in the standard library. But the complexity that is left is now scattered around your codebase, instead of organized and maintained in the standard library.
The intrinsic complexity has to live somewhere. And in Go I find a lot more lives inline in your code. In other languages I find it is much easier to move the repetitive, boilerplate elsewhere. And when this is done well, it makes the code much, much easier to read and modify as well as leading to more correct code on average.
> That's a Go feature.
I agree with that. But what I am trying to express that in my experience this is actually a flaw. It looks good at the beginning. But once you start reviewing code you start to see it break down. I think Go had a great idea, but based on my experience I don't think it worked out.
> Sure, the former are language features while the latter are library features but that doesn't seem to be a meaningful difference when it comes to comprehension.
Absolutely. The difference is that Go has a limited number of such features and once you have learnt them that's all you need to know, in that sense, and can understand any code base.
One thing which I have not expressed very well in my reply is what exactly I meant by "understanding what the code does". When you look at func fetchData(T1) (T2, error), it's easy to understand what it does: it fetches some data from T1 and returns it as T2, with the possibility of it failing, and returning an error. If you know what T1 and T2 are (which you should if you're inspecting that code), that's usually sufficient. You understand (almost) all of it's observable behavior, which is different from it's implementation details. Similarly, `abs` returns the absolute value of a number
`append` also has easy to understand observable behavior: it appends the elements starting at position len(slice) and reallocating it if necessary (generally, if the capacity is not big enough), but it's actual implementation is undoubtedly very complex. `range` is harder to explain, but rather intuitive when you get the hang of it.
Of course you also want to keep in mind the behavior of all the language primitives as well: operators, control flow etc. In Go, you have to keep all of these things in your head to understand what is happening in the code, but once you do you really understand it.
We can call all of these things: variables, language primitives, API functions etc. atoms of behavior. In Go, to understand a piece of code, you first have to understand what the observable behavior (but usually not the implementation) of all of the atoms in that code are, and then understand all of the interactions between those atoms that happen as a result of programmer instructions.
What I mean by line-level vs package-level abstraction is quite simple (maybe not the best names, but hey, I'll stick with them). With package-level abstraction, the atoms, as well as the interactions between them, remain conceptually easy to understand, but become more powerful as you move up the import tree. The observable behavior of an HTTPS GET is easy to understand, but very complex under the hood.
With line-level abstractions the atoms, and especially the interactions between them, become very complex. The programmer no longer "has to understand" the observable behavior of every single function he uses. Odd one-off mutators are preferred to inlining the mutation because it "makes the code more expressive" - in that it makes it look more like english, it makes it easier to understand what the programmer is trying to do. It does not, however, make it easier to understand what the programmer is actually doing, because the number of atoms - and their complexity - increases substantially. If you want to get a feel for this look at the explanation for any complex feature in C++ on cppreference.com. I must have read the page on rvalue references 20 times by now and I still don't grok it.
Of course, with line-level abstraction, the programmer doesn't need to constantly keep in mind 100% of the behavior of the atoms he's using, much less whoever's reading.
I can't tell you which one's better - probably both have their place - all I'm saying is that I, personally, can't work with C++/Rust/other languages in that style. I've tried to use them but I can't. C is easier to use - for me.
I'm honestly still confused what point you're trying to make.
Paragraphs 2 through 6 seem like they would apply to most, if not all, languages, even if the language is more complex. For example, here's the text with a few minor alterations:
> One thing which I have not expressed very well in my reply is what exactly I meant by "understanding what the code does". When you look at `fn fetch_data(input: T1) -> Result<T2, Error>`, it's easy to understand what it does: it fetches some data from T1 and returns it as T2, with the possibility of it failing, and returning an error. If you know what T1 and T2 are (which you should if you're inspecting that code), that's usually sufficient. You understand (almost) all of it's observable behavior, which is different from it's implementation details. Similarly, `abs` returns the absolute value of a number
> `Vec::push` also has easy to understand observable behavior: it appends the elements starting at position vec.len() and reallocating it if necessary (generally, if the capacity is not big enough), but it's actual implementation is undoubtedly very complex. `Vec::iter` is harder to explain, but rather intuitive when you get the hang of it.
> Of course you also want to keep in mind the behavior of all the language primitives as well: operators, control flow etc. In Rust, you have to keep all of these things in your head to understand what is happening in the code, but once you do you really understand it.
> We can call all of these things: variables, language primitives, API functions etc. atoms of behavior. In Rust, to understand a piece of code, you first have to understand what the observable behavior (but usually not the implementation) of all of the atoms in that code are, and then understand all of the interactions between those atoms that happen as a result of programmer instructions.
The details differ, but the overall points remain true, do they not?
Unfortunately, I'm still confused after your description of line-level vs. package-level abstraction. Just to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, you say an HTTPS GET is an example of a package-level abstraction, and an "odd one-off mutator" (presumably referring to a functional/stream-style thing like map()/filter()) is an example of a line-level abstraction?
If so, I'm afraid to say that I fail to see the distinction in terms of package-level vs. line-level abstraction, since what you said could apply equally well to both HTTPS GET and map()/filter(). For example, if a programmer uses a function for an HTTPS GET instead of inlining the function's implementation, you can say "using the function is preferred to inlining the request because it 'makes the code more expressive' --- in that it makes it look more like English, it makes it easier to understand what the programmer is trying to do. It does not, however, make it easier to understand what the programmer is actually doing..."
That's the nature of abstractions. You hide away how something is done in favor of what is being done.
> With line-level abstractions the atoms, and especially the interactions between them, become very complex. The programmer no longer "has to understand" the observable behavior of every single function he uses.
I believe your second sentence here is wrong. Of course the programmer needs to understand the observable behavior of the functions being used --- how else would they be sure that what they are writing is correct?
> Odd one-off mutators are preferred to inlining the mutation because it "makes the code more expressive"
I think you might misunderstand the purpose of functions like map() and filter() if you call them "odd one-off mutators". The same way that `httpsGet` might package the concept of executing an HTTPS GET request, map() and filter() package the concept of perform-operation-on-each-item-of-stream and select-stream-of-elements-matching-criteria.
> If you want to get a feel for this look at the explanation for any complex feature in C++ on cppreference.com. I must have read the page on rvalue references 20 times by now and I still don't grok it.
You need to be careful here; in this case, I don't think rvalue references are a great example because those aren't really meant to abstract away behavior; on the contrary, they introduce new behavior/state that did not exist before. It makes sense, then, that they add complexity.
In the end, to me it feels like "package-level" and "line-level" abstractions are two sides of the same coin. The functions exposed by a "package-level abstraction" become a "line-level abstraction" when used by a programmer in a different part of the code.
> I think this is the fundamental point of contention. Go aims at abstraction at the package level. ...
I think this is an excellent point. I have Go code which might make Rust fan apoplectic with its verbosity and basicness. But for me it is like magic every time it runs and get stuff done on any of my remote/local machine.
I made a similar point elsewhere about expression verbosity vs project verbosity. To me all the 3rd party dependencies, substantial number of outside tools and obscure setup files are a type of verbosity when I work on a project. Though I do not mind them if thats what is needed.
Because originally Go was designed while Pike and others were waiting on C++ builds and he couldn't grasp why C++ developers don't jump of joy into adopting Go.
> We—Ken, Robert and myself—were C++ programmers when we designed a new language to solve the problems that we thought needed to be solved for the kind of software we wrote. It seems almost paradoxical that other C++ programmers don't seem to care.
If I understand it correctly, your code doesn't check when unmarshalling if the content of Data has the expected structure. Using interface{} it's always been possible to achieve something like you'd do with Generics but it's ugly and can't check types at compile time.
> I spent more time playing type system golf trying to come up with the optimal type for whatever usecase. In Go I might just "do the work", but in Rust I've turned 5 minute functions into 30 minute api design thought exercises. The jury is out if thats is a good thing or a bad thing.
The way I tend to look at this is the 30 minutes I spend up front making my types work will usually save me hours of time later (sometimes much later, and spread over different coding sessions), because if I'm using the type system to enforce constraints, I'm not going to have to worry about writing buggy constraint code.
When I was learning Scala (after working in Java most of the time), I noticed that I would sometimes spend quite a bit of time getting short snippets of code correct so the types would line up. The result would be shorter than the equivalent Java code. But I had much more confidence in that code actually working, without needing to write tests (or at least as many tests), because I was leaning hard on the type system to prove the code correct. You can do that to some extent in Java, but the type system there is a bit weaker, and the standard library and common idioms make it harder to do. Ultimately if I have a chunk of Java code and a chunk of Scala code that does the same thing, I'm much more confident in the Scala code because I know scalac is providing me stronger guarantees than javac, assuming I've written the code to make good use of the compiler's abilities.
Do we have a name yet for the internet phenomenon where every time Go is discussed, Rust must be immediately brought into the conversation, and vice versa?
They both came on the scene at the same time, aiming for similar (though not exactly the same) markets, with Go aiming for something between a "better C" and "statically-compiled Python" and Rust a straight-up "better/safer C++". There's enough overlap between those two markets that it's natural for people to want to compare the two languages and how they've evolved over time.
To be clear Mozilla first mentioned starting sponsorship for something called "Rust" a few months after Go was publicly announced. However that prototype "Rust" was a language almost entirely unlike Rust 1.0 (which didn't appear until 2015, five years after sponsorship was first announced). Go was already years into development before being announced and was used internally before the public 1.0 release.
Today Rust and Go exist in different spaces. Go is a Python/Ruby/Java/etc alternative. Whereas Rust is an alternative to C/C++/etc. Obviously there is overlap between those sets of languages but that doesn't really mean Rust and Go are as directly comparable as HN comments might lead people to believe.
>Today Rust and Go exist in different spaces. Go is a Python/Ruby/Java/etc alternative. Whereas Rust is an alternative to C/C++/etc.
You make it sound as if Python/Ruby/Java on one hand and C/C++ on the other are two well established, well delineated language blocks with completely different uses cases. That's never been the case in my experience, especially with the pair Java vs. C++ which might be the most apt comparison for Go vs. Rust.
It's absolutely obvious to me that Go and Rust are competing for market share, there's no reason why ripgrep couldn't be written in Go or fzf in Rust for instance.
Maybe it's irrelevant and there's enough room for both languages to coexist and thrive in the long term, but in my experience they really don't exist in different spaces at all.
> Go is a Python/Ruby/Java/etc alternative. Whereas Rust is an alternative to C/C++/etc
Except that in this years Rust survey, there were more people using Rust for "Backend Development" than any other purpose. Rust allows you low-level control, but in many ways it's higher-level than Go (it allows for more sophisticated abstractions that can be wrapped up in libraries). It's an excellent choice for web services. And many people find it more productive than Go (although the reverse is also true).
I would say that Rust and Go started in a similar space, but diverged over time, with Go finding a higher-level, less strict niche and Rust finding a lower-level, stricter niche. In retrospect this seems completely unsurprising, with the development team of Go primarily targeting servers and the development team of Rust primarily targeting Web browser engines (though, as both are general-purpose languages, they can be used in many niches, and plenty of people are productive with e.g. emulators in Go and servers in Rust).
Personally I find Rust to be a much higher level language than Go, though I understand this is a bit of a weird case since it also involves manual memory management to some degree.
In terms of “feeling”, Go feels like a polished form of C to me. Rust doesn’t feel like C++ to me — it actually feels much more like OCaml and even Haskell. Though Haskel no doubt has a more sophisticated type system, I still find that a shocking number of design practices that I used in Haskell port naturally to Rust.
The original Rust compiler was written in OCaml, and OCaml was one of the chief design inspirations for the language. The similarities between Rust and ML-like languages is no coincidence.
I don't understand people trying to make "a language that does it all". There has been a lot of that in Go, in Rust, in JavaScript, in Java, in TypeScript, in C++, in Haskell, in D...
Hopefully not vice versa. In one way I put Swift, Java, and Go in same category. Their authors rarely show up in discussion which is not on their own subreddit, mailing list or any other discussion forum.
Whereas Rust user and committers are much more interested in discussing what is good programming, nuances of PL theory and so on. It does not matter if the post is about Rust or not and specially if it is about Go.
It shouldn't be that surprising. Both are "low-level" languages that came onto the scene around the same time, are highly opinionated, but stake out very different points on the design space.
If you start talking about changing the recipe for Coca-Cola, surely Pepsi is going to enter the discussion at some point, right?
Sorry. Either you are ignoring facts or you have not noticed at all. The point is if an article is about Rust it is quite unlikely that Go will appear in discussion but if it is Go discussion Rust will appear with almost 100% certainty.
this. Every conversation about Go gets interrupted by a Rust fanboy saying "Rust does this better".
The HN comments on this article have been derailed from any interesting discussion about Generics in Go to an utterly pointless religious war about Rust and type systems.
In spirit I agree. But Rusk fans would claim 1) expression of opinion in non-abusive way. 2) Enlightening programers who are unaware of "better" way of doing things. And both activities are fine at least technically.
I totally agree with both those things. But the Rust fan should realise:
1. This opinion gets expressed on every single comment thread about Go, multiple times. Maybe have some respect for other people's right to have a discussion on a subject without derailing it with a tangential opinion about another language.
2. We all know that Rust is the one true programming language for every possible context. However, because we're clearly idiots, we're writing a program in Go. Pointing out how Rust would do it better isn't helping.
Fitting analogy: If there's an article about McDonald's, people would always talk about Wendy's instead. No one would mention BurgerKing (C++), Subway (D), KFC, ...
The thing is, most discussions about Go are about adding features Rust has or making changes where Rust has something relevant to say.
I chose my analogy carefully. Coca-Cola tried to change its recipe to make it sweeter because they did studies and found people liked the taste of Pepsi more. So any discussion of changing Coke's flavor means Pepsi is highly relevant. But the converse is not necessarily true. Pepsi doesn't have any (recent) history of trying to match their flavor to Coke.
Maybe a better analogy is this: if Mercedes comes out with an electric car, you should expect to see Tesla in the discussions. But if Tesla comes out with a combustion engine, there's nothing particularly relevant about Mercedes in that discussion.
I'm sure that if there were discussions about adding structural typing or lightweight fibers to Rust, then Go would show up. But most of the discussions tend to be around adding generics or sum types to Go.
I wouldn’t say that I’m obsessed with Rust. However, it’s the sort of language I’ve wanted essentially since I started programming: a Haskell/OCaml-like language with the sheer performance and practicality of C++.
I’ve been a long-time user of Haskell, but I can safely say Rust has supplanted it almost entirely for me at this point. I never would have felt comfortable betting on Haskell in a commercial environment. Rust? Absolutely.
Can you expand on why you would not bet on Haskell for commercial work? What are those things that make Rust suitable for it but not Haskell in your opinion?
This is cool to hear. I've been interested in Haskell/OCaml to learn functional programming. Rust has other cool applications like WebAssembly too. I think I'll start learning it after I learn Clojure (trying to get into functional stuff first with Lisp).
Everybody that talks about rust is talking from a different perspective with different values. What makes rust different from other languages is the breadth of use cases for which rust is a candidate worth mentioning. That's not so much an obsession as it is an availability bias on your part. You're seeing different people talk about rust obsessively in different contexts and assuming that those same people talk about rust in all contexts.
If any of these features is of significant value to a programming use case, it is worth talking about rust:
* Speed
* Type safety
* Memory safety
* Memory determinism
* Latency
* RAII-based resource acquisition and destruction
* Concurrency correctness / safety
* Minimal runtime requirements
* Low level bit manipulation (eg. Cryptography, compression)
* Startup time
* Networking
This isn't exhaustive, but it gives a lot of different people in different domains working on different problems a reason to talk about the same language when comparing to their usual choices.
I don’t know if this explains the entirety of the phenomenon but I do think this post helped me understand at least a portion of the pervasive mention of rust in almost any programming conversation on HN, which makes the fact that happens slightly less frustrating.
You do realize that the lack of generics in go pushed a lot of go programmers towards rust, right? This feature of go is long overdue, and many people gave up on trying to get them implemented. The fact that they are now available has many programmers wondering if it is even worth switching back.
That is context for discussion, and yes, it is relevant. Directly relevant, in fact.
I get that. And that's a great discussion for the Rust community to have.
I wanted to hear what Go devs have to say about this latest iteration of the generics proposal. But to do that I have to wade through endless comments about type systems and Rust. Even on comments directly talking about this iteration and how to use it, every other reply starts with "In Rust..."
If implementing generics leads more of the Rust community back to Go, then from what I've seen here: no thanks. I have a feeling we'd see every conversation in every community forum start with "In Rust.."
> I get that. And that's a great discussion for the Rust community to have.
It's also a great discussion for the go community to have. The only problem here is that it's not a discussion you wanted to have. Should every discussion about go revolve around you and your wants?
If all you wanted was to hear what the go devs wanted to say, you could have clicked on the link and read it. Or could you possibly use the feature that was built for you: the [-] button to collapse a thread. Or maybe, just maybe, you could go to a place that is explicitly only about go, like /r/golang.
I'd be totally cool if it was this once, and actually interested.
But it's every freaking time. Every single time Go is mentioned, there's a ton of Rust folk commenting on how Rust does it (better).
Just for once, it'd be nice to have a comment thread discussing a Go-specific item, that has nothing to do with Rust, without talking about Rust.
And yeah, /r/golang is at least Go-focused. But it has its own problems too. Mostly PHP and JS folks learning Go and asking basic questions (which would be great if they didn't then reply to the answers with "but that's not how PHP/JS does it, why does Go do it so strangely?" and without reading any of the billion answers for that question already).
No I do not realize that at all. It's like saying "Lot of Americans will renounced their citizenship if Trump won" Yes a lot of people said that but I am not sure if there is data to conclusively say it happened in either case.
The only cases I know of are people moved to Rust to avoid GC pauses.
To me, Go vs JVM ecosystem languages is a much more difficult choice. I would have to actually think a bit.
To me, Rust and Go really don't occupy the same ecosystem niche. I can't think of a project where I would have to choose between them--the choice between them is almost always dead obvious given the project description.
Clojure and Go seem like two of the least comparable languages to me. They basically have no commonalities. Comparing Java, Kotlin, or Scala to Go seems more valuable to me.
Superficially they're very different. But lots of people use Go because its a "first class" concurrency language. Concurrency was given a huge consideration in Clojure too, with its immutability, STM, agents, etc. The reasons you might choose Go can overlap heavily with why you might choose Clojure, Erlang, or Elixir.
Go automatically multiplexes goroutines on top of OS threads. You can peg all the cores of a multicore CPU in a single Go program using goroutines.
Edit: last I looked you could see how many OS threads would be used by looking at runtime.GOMAXPROCS. There was a time when it would just default to 1, but it looks like they changed it. When I last programmed in Go you had to override it via an environment variable or set it in code.
Both are great choices for networking, concurrency, latency, and throughout-oriented use cases. Networked applications, databases, streaming, caches, etc.
I like to think that how much time a language makes you spend designing the API is a spectrum, and Rust in particular is very much towards the extreme. There are a lot of languages out there with generics that do not place the cognitive load that Rust's borrow checker puts on you. I suggest you give those languages a try if you feel that 30 minutes is too long.
I must say I am biased, since I develop a language that I believe fits the sweet spot here. I would encourage you to give it a try: https://nim-lang.org
I don't consider myself a particularly good programmer, and I don't find the burrow checker is a substantial source of cognitive load.
I think I get way more friction from:
- library authors that go crazy with generics.
- the million ways rust makes performance tradeoffs explicit (even when you're writing part of the program where performance simply doesn't matter).
- the million-and-one things you can do with an option type.
- the arcane macro syntax.
I could probably go on. I've been writing a lot of rust because I wanted a low-ish level language with good C interop, and I didn't want to learn C++, so I wasn't at any point a rust fanboy. I very much appreciate not having to be a genius to avoid segmentation faults, but other than that, I think rust is a somewhat ugly language - for the simple reason that it has a lot of features, some of which partially overlap, and most of which are vaguely inconsistent.
I'm probably sounding a bit harsher than I mean to - obviously, you can't expect a language like rust to have the simplicity and consistency of something like lua, and by and large, it's better than anything else I write programs in.
Still, the point is, as somebody with a lot of (fair and unfair) complaints, the burrow checker is not one of them. It complains rarely, and when it does you're almost always doing something stupid, unless you're doing something fairly arcane, in which case, you should probably use unsafe.
Rust effectively forces you to code like you're writing a multi-threaded app even when you aren't. There's a reason why people suck at writing multi-threaded apps: because it's hard. This is what people are fighting when they fight the borrow checker. And this is why so many people find it frustrating. There's all sorts of designs that flat out don't work or are way more effort than they're worth.
This is a really common misconception, but all of the borrow checker's rules are necessary to fully verify the memory safety of single-threaded programs too.
It just turns out that mathematically proving GC-free code to be free of use-after-free and double-free errors is really difficult unless you disallow a lot of things.
it's not just about multi-threading, it's also about actually dealing with memory in a way that's safe in a single thread as well without introducing GC, which we know from C is hard too
In my experience most of the painful difficulties people have with the borrow checker is because it works like a read-write lock. AFAIK this aspect isn't required to have safe single threaded code without a GC.
How does this relate to whether or not you plan to mutate things? Wouldn't plain ole counting work for this, regardless of whether or not they're mutable, rather than what Rust does - allowing multiple readers and no writers, or zero readers and 1 writer?
Refcounting is GC; it automatically detects at runtime that an object has no references. It also adds a substantial cost that Rust is trying to avoid, often by copying immutable objects (which have better cache locality than random access to refcounts everywhere).
Oh, I get it, you're suggesting all references could be mutable, but still limited to the lifetime of the object. I guess the downside would be that you can't design an API like iterator invalidation that relies on "some (mutable) methods can't be called while any other (immutable) references exist".
It would mean that, once you obtain a derived pointer – say, if you start with a Vec<Foo>, a pointer to Foo that refers to the first element – you would have to throw away that pointer as soon as you made any function call whatsoever. After all, that function call might mutate the Vec<Foo> and cause the backing storage to be reallocated.
In practice, this is unworkable enough that it would basically forces you to reference count the Foo, so you could preserve pointers across calls by incrementing the reference count.
On the other hand, Rust's approach is suboptimal in cases where you're using reference counting anyway, or are willing to pay the cost of reference counting.
Yes, exactly. One of my first big fights with the borrow checker was over not realizing I was invalidating an iterator by mutating it by looping over it. Then it clicked for me.
Instead of a spectrum, I think of it more qualitatively. Rust says that lifetime is a fundamental, necessary part of an API's design. To call an API, you have to think about the ownership of what you send to it and what you receive.
C also makes you think about ownership in your API design, it's just the language doesn't give you any real tools to express or enforce it. C++ gives you a bunch of tools and options, but you have to hope that you and the API you want to use agreed on which subset of the tools to use.
Garbage collected languages specifically take memory management out of the API design by declaring that the runtime will take care of it for everyone.
If you want lifetime to be something an API can control, then I think Rust's approach makes sense even though it obviously adds complexity. If you don't, then, yes, removing it from the equation definitely lowers the API design burden.
In many ways its analogous to having language support for strings. In C/C++, you gotta hope that the library you're using has the same approach to strings that you want (std::string? char*, wchar_t?, something else?). In newer languages, it's just a given. (For better or worse: because then you end up stuck with UTF-16 in some languages.)
I've always said if you can write Ruby/Scala, you can probably write simple Rust with very similar levels of productivity after you get past the initial learning curve. But apparently there's a sizable population that thinks Ruby/Scala is hard/confusing/sizable cognitive load too.
> The jury is out if thats is a good thing or a bad thing.
My vote goes towards good thing.
One of the things I like most about Rust is that it forces you to think through your design and address complex tradeoffs, and often won't even compile until you do.
What it costs you in development time, you'll make back in reduced maintenance. The former is a visible cost therefore you feel it more than the latter which is invisible when things run well.
This is why Rust can feel less productive even if it makes you more productive in the long term if you take in to account less maintenance.
> One of the things I like most about Rust is that it forces you to think through your design and address complex tradeoffs, and often won't even compile until you do.
I have heard this bullshit enough times. "Orange crab god doesn't like it so you are doing it wrong". No, you shouldn't have to care about memory management nuisances when that's not relevant and rust being a language suited for systems domains with correct static memory management (Good thing for systems domain), makes those irrelevant details surface in implementation.. what you said isn't true for other domains.
This kind of shilling is what leads to rust evangelism strike force memes.
You can try to fix that with an "Animal" concept, but it turns out that if someone adds a roar method to a Vehicle, you can still:
roar(truck); // Trucks can roar... but roar expected Animal
In Rust, these things just cannot happen. If you write:
fn roar(animal: impl Animal);
then trying to call it with anything that's not an animal will fail to compile.
That's a good thing, but maybe somebody did wanted to call roar with a truck, and now you have to invest time into more precisely thinking which types should roar actually take, which types constraints make sense defining, how you categorize types, etc.
In Rust thinking about these things costs time. In C++ it also costs time, usually more than Rust, because you have to go way out of your way to prevent mistakes like the above. In Go you don't have to think about these issues at all because the language does not allow you to do most of this (except for interfaces, but that's another story).
I should first tell that I don't hate rust. It is a well designed language for what it aims for (statically guaranteed memory safety for systems programming). I have deep respect for rust creator and some members of core team for their technical work.
What irritates me is claims like "If borrow checker rejects your code, it was wrongly structured anyway" and "rust's restrictions lead to good structured code". It is not wrong if program logic requires self referential structures, for example. Neither does it make sense to evangelize rust using blanket statements like this. I get the impression that some people are trying to evangelize rust as a language for everything.
The mental overhead of rust (or maybe ATS, maybe Ada/SPARK, depending on requirements) makes sense for systems programming, where C/C++ will make stuff even more complicated, and you can't compromise on performance. The applications domain is realistically better served by something like F# / OCaml / Go once it gets generics..
> "If borrow checker rejects your code, it was wrongly structured anyway"
Nobody is claiming that? At least not in this thread.
I think your confusion stems for thinking that "Rust == borrow checker". The borrow checker is a tiny part of Rust.
> The mental overhead of rust
I find the mental overhead of Rust to be smaller than that of Python, Go, Java, Haskell, C, C++, Lisp, and pretty much any other language that I've ever used.
In Rust I don't have to think about multi-threading, data-races, memory management, resource acquisition and release... the compiler does the thinking for me. I also can refactor and reshuffle code at will, and trust the compiler to catch all errors.
Changing a type that pretty much every translation uses in a 500k LOC code base and add multi-threading to it? No problem, just try it out, and if it compiles, it is correct.
I can't say the same of Go, Python, Java, etc. where threading errors are impossible to debug. And well, it wouldn't even be worth trying. It would be impossible to make sure that the code is correct, even after fuzzing for weeks.
I wouldn't want to spend that time one a one off script I only expect to run a few times.
I also wouldn't want to spend that time only to find that my assumptions were wrong or the requirements changed and I have to throw it all away for a new class puzzle.
Or just...not deal with any of that, and literally bash my way through it. I hated the bash learning curve because it's so zany compared to "sane" langs, but once you hit a point in comfort, it's "muck around with syntax for a few minutes, applying to a test case of a few examples, dial it in, and let it rip on a few GBs of data and go work on other things". stringly typed pipes go brrrr XD. Composing unix utilities is horrific and beautiful all at once. Shellcheck helps a ton.
Recently started getting into Xonsh cause it still makes piping programs super easy, while being still fairly easy to provision.
Really wish there were a (stable) go-based scripting language and shell. There's tengo and some other things, but not primetime ready.
I would do it with D, but sure: whatever rocks anyones boat. All I'm saying Rust is not particularly worse for writing "quick&dirty" scripts ignoring good design and corner cases. And if any quick&dirty script becomes " important part of our legacy production environment" the story of improving such a script is much better in Rust.
I can relate, maybe this is the paradox of choice?
That said I agree completely, `Option`/`Result` themselves (even if they are just intrinsic language elements, not user-implementable types) are valuable.
I can dramatically shorten development time with generics + codable in Swift using a similar approach - to the same code in objective C it’s like night and day
> I spent more time playing type system golf trying to come up with the optimal type for whatever usecase. In Go I might just "do the work", but in Rust I've turned 5 minute functions into 30 minute api design thought exercises. The jury is out if thats is a good thing or a bad thing.
I usually do stuff like this as a YAGNI exercise. Don't spend the extra 25 minutes thinking about it until you know you have 3 or so cases where you'd actually be sharing code. But at that point... the consistency you can get starts to become attractive, if you want the behavior to stay consistent in the future!
One think I realized is that properly using the type system is a skill you have to/should learn.
It includes:
- Having some understanding of how type systems tend to work and common patterns around them, preferable in a abstrac non language specific way. Do not confuse it with knowing formal CS since type theories, it's not the same.
- Knowing how to effectively use the type system to encode important variants.
But probably even more important:
- Not getting obsessed with trying "perfectly"/"optimally" use the type system.
- Knowing that the moment your types and their relations get too complex it might not be worth it at all, even if you encode use-full variants. Sometimes just having runtime checks is so much better from a API UX point of view. Getting complex type system based API's right is hard and from what I see in the open source community most people do not have the skill to do it right. (Through this doesn't mean not using the type system to encoded constraints, just not over using it!). A common case where this happens is when people try to use the type system to force a DSL into a language which isn't very compatible with that kind of DSL.
While I often see people learning about how they can use advanced features of a type system but they do not learn when to _not_ use it.
Disclaimer: I just realized that what I see as Simple usage of the type system the parent post might already see as advanced usage.
> but in Rust I've turned 5 minute functions into 30 minute api design thought exercises.
This is very real. One reason I like Rust for serious projects that deserve this level of thinking time, but I'm wary to use it for simple 'toys'. Go was far easier to jump into but also far easier to push against its limits.
Some sort of compromise might seem better here but I like using the best language for the job. Rather than some all-encompassing developer experience or language use-cases.
I've also done this. Maybe a good rule would be to just write the function for the single type you need it for, and only introduce a generic type parameter when the need for it arises?
I think (disclaimer: not a language expert, don't know Rust, etc) that it's a tradeoff between verbose and repeated but readable and simple code, vs generic reusable but more difficult code. In Go you can take most code at face value, with generics you have to keep use cases and possible types into consideration.
Substituting null with optional helps with getting a stack trace of what's going on. However, it doesn't get rid of programming errors.
What does get rid of errors is IDE support for nullable types which warns the programmer that they have accessed a property without checking for nulls. Take kotlin and Intellij/IDEA for instance.
This doesn't sound right. Could you paste an example of a misuse of optional (for example: an unchecked unwrap) causing a compilation failure instead of a panic?
My swift isn't good, but since you didn't specify a type for x, I think it should compile anyway. But if things is an empty array of T, first may return nil and x will be of type T?. If things is an array of optional, x will be of type T??
From someone who hasn't learned/considered Go for any real project so far, would there be any benefits in going Go instead of Rust? Or learning Go instead of Rust?
The way I look at it, and I could totally be wrong, is if you go for a different language for your back-end than your front-end, it betters pay off big time. I find Go and Typescript to be in a very similar ballpark in term of productivity, but with Typescript having a huge advantage since you can reuse all the learning/tooling from the front-end.
Rust on the other hand really adds something to the table with the memory safety and zero-cost abstraction.
TL&DR: It feels like either you eat the bullet and go Rust for memory safety, or Typescript is a better choice. Of course I'm overly simplifying.
Go is a significantly simpler language than Rust, and has a garbage collector. You can learn Go in a weekend, and experiment with it in a couple more.
Rust on the other hand has a steep learning curve which will take at least a couple of months to get good at.
So if I were you, I'd start by learning Go, seeing if it fit my needs, and then learning Rust later on if I had a use case that Go wasn't a good fit for.
I’m not familiar with Rust’s tooling but i’m wondering whether the dev workflow involves explicit manual recompilation? Eg. in Haskell modern workflows are about conversing with the compiler real-time ie. make a type error and it is immediately pointed out and thus explicit recompilation is not part of it anymore. I’d be mildly surprised is something like this does not exists for Rust.
Rust is a compiled language, so you will have to recompile. Incremental compilation helps to a certain degree.
There is IDE tooling that helps with a lot of issues you may encounter, but in the end, you still have to recompile to run your code. Same applies to Go as well.
I have never find this a shortcoming of any language, but YMMV.
So is Haskell. What I'm saying is that in 2020 the dev workflow is not: code, compile, run, repeat. Thanks to modern tooling it is now a near-instant feedback loop of: code, red wiggly line(s), fix, repeat. Ie. real-time conversation with the compiler.
rust-analyzer brings this to the table, but it's a pretty recent development. The RLS existed for a while before that, and gave a basic version of this story, but it was much slower.
Languages are tools, so it depends on your problem.
Go shines when you have a lot of parallelism, and not a lot of concurrency (although sync package is fantastic). Web servers, data processing pipes, task queue consumers...
Also the language is simpler. Personally I think in it like C vs C++ or RISC vs CISC.
And last, but not least: Go have faster compilation times. Rust compilation is slow, and for some tasks that requires retrying (like learning a new language) compiling fast is very valuable.
decent points, I like TS too -- but commenting to help
w the idiom:
it's "bite the bullet" (ie, accept the pain and deiberately suffer through it now), not "eat the bullet" (commit suicide).
Same here. Go tends to make me "just do it". I personally think it's a big win, because I believe systems need to be composed and the components they are composed of as simple as possible. As a human though I tend to waste time coming up with fancy abstractions. Generics are exactly that. Fancy, nice to have, but I completely fail to see how they are necessary.
You need a for loop for what is done in other languages with one method call.
Removing an element from an array doesn't look like that. It is some slice appending trickery.
Having null and having to check errors every 5th line or so..
It lacks idioms like list comprehensions or map / filter. Reading code is spent in details like whether a for loop is index(), count(), map() or filter().
Instead of some simple code like
x = condition ? a : b
you are writing imperative verbose code like:
if condition {
x = a
} else {
x = b
Go maybe simpler than enterprise-style java. But that's not 'simple'.
Is there an old quote about `as simple as possible but no simpler`? Go rides the simple line really well occasionally, but generics is an area where it falls into the 'simpler' category.
That said, the only feature I'd steal from Rust is sum types and getting rid of null. `nil` interfaces are the only language feature to actually cost me money and Option<T> is just better in every aspect, and Result<T> is much better than err == nil. I'd be perfectly happy with compiler blessed Option and Result types even if the larger language didn't support generics.