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You're acting like a language is either 100% imperative or 100% functional, but there's a lot of middle ground.

I just fundamentally disagree that "extra typing" (as you put it) doesn't give you much of a gain in correctness confidence.

I'm going to be a smartass about this and say I think neither of you are wrong. The "extra typing" gives you a large boost in your confidence that you've written something correct, without necessarily boosting the correctness of what you have written.

The best example of this which I have seen is Amos' https://fasterthanli.me/blog/2020/i-want-off-mr-golangs-wild... in which he chastises Go for allowing him to print filenames which contain non-UTF-8 data to the terminal which does not display correctly, instead of forcing them be escaped. Rust does that, so he is confident that the program he writes in Rust handles filenames properly: if they are UTF-8 they are printed normally, if they are not they are escaped. Since the Rust type system allows him to do this, it must be correct, right? Of course not. Filenames which contain vt100 escape codes would do a lot more damage and they are not handled at all.

At the end of the day you still have to think of all the possible cases. Types help to constrain the number of possible cases, but the more time you're spending making type constraints as narrow as possible, the less time you're spending handling the cases which can never be caught by the type system.

Parent comment isn't implying that functional vs imperative is a binary; they're pointing out that the power of a type system is orthogonal to the imperative/functional spectrum.

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