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>shells, repls, notebooks, filesystem browser, internet browser, rss, and a slew of other utilities tiled, something akin to a Bloomberg terminal, even spotify if I need music

Could you describe each of the specific packages you use to accomplish all this? I'd love to add more tools.

Certainly: Shell: EShell, Term, (inferior) Shell

Repl (these will depend on what language you're using): usually I just run this within a shell, dedicated to the task (Mx rename-buffer) but there are specific shells for this like Python-shell.

Notebook: EIN, can be a pain to set up, requires you to run a notebook server, best done headlessly of course.

Filesystem browser: Neotree is the best I've found but there are other decent ones.

Internet browser: EWW is fine, some sites will better in mobile format, some in simple format if available.

RSS: Elfeed

Spotify: Helm

Have flirted with BitlBee for Discord and WhatsApp but think it is deprecated for the latter.

Most of the above are available with the default install. Additionally there are modes and such that make life easier like SLIME, MultipleCursors, WindowPurpose etc. Some settings will need to be fiddled with to get Elfeed updating when you want it to, I mean it's never as simple as installing a package as I'm sure you know, but once up and running it's fantastic.

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