With reference to the other post here (
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22875106), I’m once again fascinated by Emacs and the following it has. I know vi (learned it quite sometime ago) and though I’m not a power user, I can do a lot of things in vi without putting in much effort or searching online for solutions.
So I’m here to ask for resources — text based tutorials, video tutorials and what not — that would help someone grok Emacs (from a novice level) and get into the Emacs way of doing things (including elisp?).
I would also like recommendations on what (package/source) you consider as the best to install on macOS and on Linux.
I have a few customizations, not many. My .emacs file is 63 lines long, doesn't include any other files, and mostly just tweaks some key bindings and turns off features that I don't like. The only modes I use are built-in ones (e.g., C-mode, auto-wrapping text mode, etc.). I can't write elisp without a reference manual, and I think that's okay.
I suggest:
- not installing a bunch of random stuff until you're comfortable with the core experience or you simply have to adjust or disable something that bugs you
- just using Emacs, and not customizing the crap out of it, ditto
If you haven't gone through the Emacs tutorial, it's how I learned it (at 300 baud, uphill both ways and in the snow -- not kidding about the 300 baud thing, though).