I’d give the same advice I’d give to understand anything remotely complicated.
Pick a real goal you want to accomplish that the thing you want to understand is a good fit for.
Maintain a curious mindset while trying to accomplish the goal.
To frame this in the context of emacs. Just start using it for programming. When you come across something you want it to do, google how do I make emacs <...>.
I know it sounds overly simplistic, but just trust me and try it.
Pick a real goal you want to accomplish that the thing you want to understand is a good fit for.
Maintain a curious mindset while trying to accomplish the goal.
To frame this in the context of emacs. Just start using it for programming. When you come across something you want it to do, google how do I make emacs <...>.
I know it sounds overly simplistic, but just trust me and try it.