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Every person is a door to your happiness, and you have the choice to serve their happiness or to treat them callously or even cruelly.

There is no religion without the person actively trying to be a better person to every single person around them. It doesn't matter what spiritual practices they do or don't do, we are each measured by our hearts with respect to how we treat every person we encounter.

Religion's only goal is to get us to work together cooperatively across all divisions of humanity (from form of religion, to gender identification or sexual preference, to ethnicity or culture) to create caring, accepting societies. Right now, our world's state is the result of our societies being based on competition. That is why there are so many destitute homeless people. The system itself doesn't give a shit about them because the system itself only cares about money.

And this is all the result of human making choices based upon their selfish desires, humans in their packs taking as much as they can for themselves while callously ignoring out-group members. That is not human, and is literally inhumane. For that same society to produce Jeff Bezos demonstrates its brokenness that is also its design.

The problem is that the vast majority of so-called religious folks are only doing so to be a member of the alpha group, instead of being interested in how they can be a better member of a better, all-inclusive society. We have mammalian bodies and those structures inform our potentials. To be human is to rise above that animal heredity and embrace the virtues of humanity: caring, active, effortful compassion being essential.

This is why a prominent Rabbi spoke at Muhammed Ali's funeral. They were both Men of God who spread love and unity amongst and between their different cultures. Anywhere you find universal love and respect for all others, you find God's Religion, whichever form it takes in its society.

And legion are those that selfishly deceive in the name of religion or even try to create their own religions. The child rapist Catholic Priest does not denigrate the Message of Love present in Jesus' form of God's Religion; he only proves his perfidy and that of the organization that hides his sins and felonies from his prey's society.

The True Scotsman, I know...

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but words have meaning and, as a father-to-son Scotsman, I'm pretty fucking sure that a Scotsman has to have some branch of their ancestry come from Scotland.

Also, a priest can't honestly say they love you and serve Jesus if they're raping your children in the back room.

There is truth and there are lies and falsehoods. Nuance is required to discern between them. Most people are just too intellectually lazy to even try. That ignorance leads to many of the systemic problems of our world, not the least of which are religious groups like ISIS/ISIL and the Catholic Church deceiving people with their lies, hypocrisies and oppressions.

Dunning & Kruger, dude. I know where you land on the chart, and I know that you don't know where you land yet think you do.

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