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Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but words have meaning and, as a father-to-son Scotsman, I'm pretty fucking sure that a Scotsman has to have some branch of their ancestry come from Scotland.

Also, a priest can't honestly say they love you and serve Jesus if they're raping your children in the back room.

There is truth and there are lies and falsehoods. Nuance is required to discern between them. Most people are just too intellectually lazy to even try. That ignorance leads to many of the systemic problems of our world, not the least of which are religious groups like ISIS/ISIL and the Catholic Church deceiving people with their lies, hypocrisies and oppressions.

Dunning & Kruger, dude. I know where you land on the chart, and I know that you don't know where you land yet think you do.

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