Don't disagree but you can get pretty far before you need to drop into js. Shiny [0] is one of the nicest UI frameworks I've come across. Period. I'm not a front end developer and it's always a mental struggle to get started with something that just looks nice. Shiny does - straight out the box. For interactive apps (e.g. dashboards) it's really quite compelling.
For non-interactive content, R Markdown is also pretty good. At the risk of being cast out as a heretic, I prefer Rmd to jupyter for report style docs (the kind of data science thing jupyter is meant for). Rmd isn't limited to R; it has multiple back ends including Python (which is also supported in the RStudio IDE).
So again: not disagreeing. If you need to get the polish that e.g. D3 can give, you'll need to get dirty with JS. But you can get a pretty long way before that.
BTW: I have no affiliation with RStudio the company, just a very happy user of their offerings (paid and open source).
For non-interactive content, R Markdown is also pretty good. At the risk of being cast out as a heretic, I prefer Rmd to jupyter for report style docs (the kind of data science thing jupyter is meant for). Rmd isn't limited to R; it has multiple back ends including Python (which is also supported in the RStudio IDE).
So again: not disagreeing. If you need to get the polish that e.g. D3 can give, you'll need to get dirty with JS. But you can get a pretty long way before that.
BTW: I have no affiliation with RStudio the company, just a very happy user of their offerings (paid and open source).