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Seems to work if you view from twitter first: https://mobile.twitter.com/W_R_Chase/status/1247154986783514...

For my input, I think R (in particular ggplot2) is amazing for static graphs and rapid prototyping. When used with something like adobe illustrator for polishing, you can make some beautiful newsroom publication quality charts as well (see BBC).

However, JavaScript is the language of the web, and that dependency will never be removed from creating high-quality interactive visualizations. (Sure, you can write wrappers in R/Python, but you’ll still need to know the JavaScript under-the-hood to do anything bespoke/custom).

Don't disagree but you can get pretty far before you need to drop into js. Shiny [0] is one of the nicest UI frameworks I've come across. Period. I'm not a front end developer and it's always a mental struggle to get started with something that just looks nice. Shiny does - straight out the box. For interactive apps (e.g. dashboards) it's really quite compelling.

For non-interactive content, R Markdown is also pretty good. At the risk of being cast out as a heretic, I prefer Rmd to jupyter for report style docs (the kind of data science thing jupyter is meant for). Rmd isn't limited to R; it has multiple back ends including Python (which is also supported in the RStudio IDE).

So again: not disagreeing. If you need to get the polish that e.g. D3 can give, you'll need to get dirty with JS. But you can get a pretty long way before that.

BTW: I have no affiliation with RStudio the company, just a very happy user of their offerings (paid and open source).

[0] https://shiny.rstudio.com/

[1] https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/

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