The argument is why C++ hasn't died, and the video games industry has undoubtably contributed to its staying power. Most of the things you list have replaced C++ with other languages.
That's ludicrous. Because of game industry demand for programmable graphics pipelines we now have the modern AI industry. You're welcome.
Because of game industry demand for high-performance, low-latency programming languages C++ stuck around. You've scoffed that it's basically used as C-in-a-C++-compiler, but that's because the steering committee seems to be completely out of touch with what people want C++ to do.
Sure, game devs ignore modern C++ and the STL, but they do so because modern C++ and the STL, as defined, are not zero-cost abstractions. If we wanted a language with a predictable 30% overhead we'd use C#, and we do, but when it matters we want something where the core language is without serious burden in its use.
Why use C++ if zero-cost abstractions aren't important to you? Honestly, what's the value? You've already given up frames, you may as well accept some to handle memory management, continuous garbage collection, ownership safety and so on.
Programmable graphics pipelines were originally done at Pixar with Renderman, and used in Hollywood movies like Toy Story, definitly not a game related community.
Yes the games industry demand for better hardware has driven mainstream computing to adopt them.
And naturally we got shader Assembly, followed up by C dialects like Cg and 3DLabs initial GLSL implementation.
C++ on the GPUs happened thanks to CUDA and C++AMP.
Even Vulkan would keep being a bare bones C API if it wasn't for NVidia's initial use of C++ on their samples SDK.
Hardly any programming language innovation being done by gaming companies, with exception of snowflakes like Naughty Dog.