Funny; when I edited the parent comment, the confirmation page showed the correct characters. When I went back to the thread view, the chars were garbled again.
A test of unescaped angle braces:
Usage: foo
If you fix this and you want me to retest the funky chars after that, just let me know: <my username here> at yahoo dot com.
Oops.. sorry for the repost; I should have imagined that abusing a feature request thread for bug reports was not much more original than the converse. :P
I tried to write 'cliché' (cliche with acute accent) and it appeared garbled in the forum. Some problem with unicode?
I have found out you can use escape characters here: cliché - cliché. I don't know if you intend this.
Some tests:
´a - á
´e - é
´i - í
´o - ó
´u - ú
^a - â
^e - ê
^o - ô
~a - ã
~o - õ
~n - ñ
¨i - ï
¨o - ö
¨u - ü
thorn - þ
eth - ð
,c - ç
Some tests of random html:
bold italics This Is A Big Header!
This may or may not show up between horizontal lines.
This is separated by nonbreaking spaces.