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What don’t you like about git?

7000 votes on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4114095/how-do-i-revert-...

If one cannot figure one of the most common use case of a version control system without Googling a StackOverflow answer then we have a problem somewhere.

Reading the answers to that Stack Overflow question provides great insight into why git is so successful. "One of the most common use case" is actually several closely related use cases, and git has one-line commands to cleanly handle all of them.

I will say from experience that it's not hard to use git productively with a bit of self-study and only a few of the most common commands. You still have to understand what those commands actually do, though.

This person didn't know (or at least didn't know how to say) which of the several "most common use cases" they wanted to actually accomplish. I think most of the value of this question comes from the distinctions the top voted answers make between "temporarily navigate to", "delete local progress", "publish the reverse of the published changes"; all three of these are very common operations. The actual commands git uses to accomplish these aren't important, and this question should be popular in any distributed version control system. It doesn't matter how much sense the names of your commands make, someone starting out won't know that these three things can even be accomplished.

To be fair, 'revert' is too vague a term, and the very first sentence of the chosen answer asks what the asker meant. I think the answer is quite clear and concise once the question is clear.

    man git
The problem is people are unwilling to read the documentation. I have little patience for them demanding I change my workflow to accommodate their sloth.

Fortunately, I don't have to worry because the overlap of 'people who don't RTFM' and 'people who are capable of articulating how they want to change git' have so far failed to write a wrapper that's capable of manipulating git trees without frustrating everyone else on the same repo.

And of course they can't: version control[1] is not a trivial problem. So I see no reason for us to demand that someone knows how to do it without studying when we don't expect the same for other auxiliary parts of software development such as build systems or containerisation or documentation.

[1] As opposed to the backup system the link wants to use it as: asking better questions is another important step. There's little reason to checkout an older commit as a developer unless you want to change the history, in which case it's important you understand how that will interact with other users of the same branch. If you don't need it to be distributed, you already have diff or cp or rsync or a multitude of other tools to accomplish effective backups.

I am a big fan of git but honestly, if you can't recognize that there are unlikeable things about it you're suffering from some kind of stockholm syndrome. Just start with the fact that several of the most common actions / commands are named in ways that are either directly misleading or at very least severely conflict with standard use of common version control terms.

(one of my favorite, for example, is that `git checkout` causes silent data loss while every other git command will print out giant errors in that scenario)

You can't checkout if you have tracked changes. If you mean you lose untracked changes, then a) it's unsolvable in the general case unless we all start doing out-of-source builds, so don't have to worry about build artefacts and b) it's already solved by git-worktree, so if you haven't RTFM, adding new features won't matter anyway.

Using it, probably.

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