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> Are we "consumers" now, rather than "victims" or "citizens"?

Are you a child, a parent, a sibling, or a citizen?

Or are you all of those things depending on context?

I get what you're saying, but you chose a way of expressing it which invites immediate response.

They were saying that in this context it should say victims.

Saying consumers changes the way it is read.

Following your logic try this one:

Equifax doesn't want children to get their $125

It reads differently.

Framing matters. The headline author chose what they thought would be the most salient feature of the class of affected people—or it was chosen for them, by precedent. And I take issue with the idea that we are in any meaningful way "consumers" of Equifax (one interpretation) or that we are best described in an offhand way as taking a passive role in society (another interpretation). Even if the latter is often true, it's something to struggle against, not accept as The Way of Things.

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