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Demon Internet were the closest thing to xs4all. They were the only ISP who could provide me ADSL when I lived in the UK. Back the BT had marked our entire new build housing estate as being too far from the exchange to get it despite the fact that we had fibre up to the last 100 meters or so.

For five years I was the only person there who had ADSL.

In The Netherlands I've been a loyal customer of xs4all for 12 years now but with this move I've signed up to Ziggo. Got to hit KPN where it hurts.

I would follow you except I made the move the other way around to hit Ziggo where it hurts.

That's why I originally switched to xs4all, because chello were being dumb.

But with Ziggo offering 500/50 lines for the same price as xs4all's ADSL and this move..

It's sad that we're going into the dark ages over the internet :(

ADSL2 is max 24 mbit. You probably mean VDSL2. If you can get fiber, Xs4all's 500/500 costs only 3,50 EUR more than Ziggo's 500/50. VDSL2 is max 200/20 and that package costs 58,50 EUR. Which is 4,50 EUR a month more expensive than Ziggo's 200/20 which is 54 EUR. If you want TV the comparison becomes terrible (for Xs4all) but the interactive TV is KPN's anyway.

i moved also to ziggo. kpn has got shit lines. ziggo is not too bad these days and kpn only breaks good things. look at their track record of company take overs and you will see what i mean.

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