Buffet?! Sure. He's both from an influential family and was a prodigy for business. He's also been very lucky. If you think you can course-correct your life to rival a Buffet just by the power of these self-help articles, you're a fantasist.
I'm not telling anybody to do anything. Just opining my view that outright happiness is not a hard state to reach. One can be content with very little. When your goal in life is "more", fulfilling it is nigh on impossible.
So you're just pointing out that one of the richest men on the planet is happy?
What were you saying about noise?
FWIW, I was trying to make a legitimate counterpoint here and the votes suggest it wasn't as unwelcome as you suggest, but whatever. Thanks for your contribution.
I'm not telling anybody to do anything. Just opining my view that outright happiness is not a hard state to reach. One can be content with very little. When your goal in life is "more", fulfilling it is nigh on impossible.
But you do you.