So in the realm of infinite knowledge and experience candidates may have, the signal you want is based purely on the specific contrived questions of your choice.
You should be aware this is not unbiased, it's just biased towards those who happen to have worked on similar problems to what you think is important.
Google can probably get away with this due to the size of applicant pool, but when I see other companies cargo-culting this approach I can't help but see a huge talent arbitrage opportunity.
in my opinion that disenfranchises the rank and file who should, and usually do, have as much interest and voice in the organization's future as the hiring managers
You should be aware this is not unbiased, it's just biased towards those who happen to have worked on similar problems to what you think is important.
Google can probably get away with this due to the size of applicant pool, but when I see other companies cargo-culting this approach I can't help but see a huge talent arbitrage opportunity.