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> The methods section only contains variables the authors think worth controlling, and in reality you never know, and the authors never know

Maybe the format needs to change. Perhaps journals should require video, audio commentary or automated note taking for publication.

I was chatting with a colleague last summer, and asking him for more details about a method he had published that I was having trouble reproducing. After pointing me to a few papers that didn't include the relevant details, hefinally told me that "if we told everyone about how it was done, anyone could do it."

While at the time I was pretty upset with him, perhaps it's the competitive nature of science and funding that also gives people a mild incentive to be secretive.

In this case, simply publishing code would have resolved the questions.

> I was chatting with a colleague last summer, and asking > him for more details about a method he had published that > I was having trouble reproducing. After pointing me to a > few papers that didn't include the relevant details, > hefinally told me that "if we told everyone about how it > was done, anyone could do it."

That's not science, that's bullshit. Can you please expose that? Scientists shouldn't simply get away with such malicious behavior.

That is exactly how science works. Methods sections include just enough information to get a good sense of how the experiment was done, not enough information to replicate it exactly. Some disciplines are worse than others.

People could also publish plain text data as supplementary material, but why do that when you can get away with a raster image of a plot...

That's not how science works. During my scientific career I gave code and data away to any and all who wanted them. That includes critics, competitors, and anyone else who was curious.

I felt my results were solid enough (and that my skill at producing more results was good enough) that this wouldn't hurt me. This was just how things worked in my field (physics).

Interestingly, my experimental colleagues rarely felt that they couldn't reproduce results they saw in a paper.

At that point its actually not even science and shouldn't be funded

The way you get funded is by being able to do things that others can't do, or by being better at some technique than everyone else. Giving away all your hard won tricks by putting all of them in a methods section takes away your advantage come funding time.

The problem is that it is far easier and cheaper to produce stuff that looks like science but isn't so if you fund stuff without being able to prove it/reproduce it then you will probably end up funding 90% bullshit while starving real science for money.

Any real scientists ought to recognize that secrecy as a strategy is terrible for science as a whole even if it is very temporarily good for them.

Though it should be noted that data sharing and dissemination plans are now required for many funding types, and I've been on at least two applications recently with very strict "You will share with others" requirements in them.

What's the point of funding something that won't help anyone because the author won't tell you how they did it? How is any conclusion that they've come to useful if nobody can verify if it's correct?

Who says the author(s) won't tell anybody? They only need to keep it secret from the competition, not the hand that feeds them.

This can definitely be the problem. I've seen studies where 50% of funding came from university and 50% from a private company. University required study to be published in their database, company wants the end result and don't want media to know what they are working with. So the report is obfuscated just enough to be legible for publication without giving away too much data from the company.

Especially for final masters degree projects this is very common as the students don't get paid by the university at all, so many try to find a company to sponsor. But the students still need the uni to publish the report for them to get their final degree so you get this conflict of interest again. Most of these reports are just written with the end goal of getting a degree, not of creating solid research, this really needs the stricter universities not letting through all that crap, for now they shouldn't really be trusted the same way as proper research papers.

At that point it's just like funding magicians to come up with new tricks.

So what you're saying is science is dead and we're going back to mysticism and alchemy.

It is more subtle than you think. It is not that you give no information about how to do things, you lay out all the steps that you took in your methods section. An example of keeping all tricks to yourself is that you do not tell others about the 100 small thing you found out, the hard way, that you should avoid doing. i.e. You explicitly say in the methods section these are the steps I took, but what others really need to know is why you ended up doing all the tiny tiny things it the particular way that you did. In many cases, you could write pages and pages about all these reasons. All these little tricks add up to much greater efficiency. Good experimentalists are the ones that have already made all the mistakes.

Edit: This is additional context for the commenters below.

I remember my teachers in high school making such a big deal about the scientific method on how important it was, how experiments must be reproducible to be useful, but today you barely hear it mentioned one way or another.

Wait, you're telling me that schools teach comforting lies about society that don't match how the real world actually works?

It's no more a "comforting lie" than your driving instructor telling you to check your blind spot. Not everyone does it, and bad things happen as a result, but all the more important to teach it.

I'm actually surprised to hear of high school teaching good scientific practice. I don't remember ever being taught that. Widely may it spread.

Hold on -- there's a category confusion here: "check your blindspots" isn't a comforting lie; it's a command. Converting it to "checking your blindspots will avoid collisions with careless drivers" would make it no longer a lie.

I was pointing out the category confusion. Science teachers don't purport to tell you what scientists actually do (history or sociology teachers might, I suppose, but they don't usually "make such a big deal" out of the scientific method). They purport to teach science.

As you say - it's not a comforting lie, it's a command.

The "comforting lie" I was referring to was "this is how scientists actually do it and why you can trust the results".

Erm, yes. We established that. And I assert that this is not what science teachers teach.

Lots of insights/technologies you use today were produced by scientists working in such and even more secretive conditions, even with public funding involved (e.g. nobody at the Manhattan project would broadcast their discoveries to the world and same for many other fields, not necessarily war related).

That's an absurd degree of cynicism. I just finished my PhD in chemical engineering, and I did the reverse of this. In fact, I successfully migrated the younger members of my research group to a completely open-source software stack for chemical simulations, so that in principle anyone with a Linux box could reproduce our results. We published all our code and plain text versions of the data.

I'm not saying you're wrong about the incentives - scientists are often incentivized toward secrecy - but I deny that we have to follow such incentives.

It differs depending on the field. Biology has a reputation for being extremely competitive. I've heard of PIs telling their students what they're forbidden to reveal at conferences for fear of getting scooped. As a CS grad student it was a completely different story: I was delighted just to get someone who was willing to listen to me talk.

I agree. I was on the team at Texas A&M that cloned the domestic cat -- (circa 2001) and secrecy was very important (notwithstanding the very real physical threats we had from anti-cloning nutcases.) Even the lab location was secret. The lab itself wasn't hidden, but nobody but us knew what was going on there. It was simply called "Reproductive Sciences." There was some very high incentives to be "first" -- which we were. Unfortunately for me, as an undergraduate research fellow, my name didn't make it into the Nature paper.. but wow what an experience!

It also differs based on study.

Am I worried about getting scooped on the results of a major, multi-year cohort study that would take thousands of dollars to replicate? Nope.

Am I worried about being scooped on the math modeling study that is perfectly reproducible based on two slides from a presentation? Hell yes.

I am writing a grant proposal right now. The success rate is ~19%. Personnel (i.e. publication record) of the team is weighted at 40% of the proposal. If you don't have an H-index of >50, there is no incentive to share with other that which gives you an advantage in the science section.

That might be how something works, but it's too kind to call it "science".

Code/design/engineer are considerably different than say biology, because you can (and should) publish artefacts. The actual code/algorithms (not pseudo code) needs to be shared and archived with the journal.

There has been some work for archiving code with some journals and some allow video uploads as well for segments from the actual experiments.

> Maybe the format needs to change. Perhaps journals should require video, audio commentary or automated note taking for publication.

A 'world view' column in Nature suggested the same things last week [1]; the author described a paper of theirs [2]:

> Yes, visual evidence can be faked, but a few simple safeguards should be enough to prevent that. Take a typical experiment in my field: using a tank of flowing water to expose fish to environmental perturbations and looking for shifts in behaviour. It is trivial to set up a camera, and equally simple to begin each recorded exposure with a note that details, for example, the trial number and treatment history of the organism. (Think of how film directors use clapper boards to keep records of the sequence of numerous takes.) This simple measure would make it much more difficult to fabricate data and ‘assign’ animals to desired treatment groups after the results are known.

[1]: http://www.nature.com/news/science-lies-and-video-taped-expe... [2]: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/2041-210X.12668/f...

I thought some journals were now allowed video archives. Some of the most famous experiments, such as the Stanley Milgram studies, have excellent video documentation (and in the case of Milgram, it's been replicated all around the world .. although no it's not ethical to do so).

I don't think this is particularly practical.

Most experiments run for years (literally) and no one is going to record or archive, let alone watch, years of footage to confirm that one paper is legit.

A brief experiment showing the apparatus and the collection of a few data points might be helpful for understanding the paper, but I can't see using it to verify a non-trivial experiment.

> no one is going to record or archive, let alone watch, years of footage

Recording and storing years of footage shouldn't be a significant problem with modern tech.

Nobody has to watch years of it; they can watch the parts they are interested in. They also can watch at 4x and search, as needed.

For those that study human subjects, releasing video's of the subject is not going to happen any time soon. Participants have rights, and anomyity is an important one.

Blur their faces? Some experiments might depend on seeing faces, but not all. Plus, you would at least have video of everything the experimenters do, if not the results.

The journal I work for just rolled out a new methods format; the big change is requiring all resources to be listed, with their origin (a major problem is that Chemical A or lab rat subspecies B might be very different from one company or another, even if they're theoretically identical.) What's really needed is broader standardization of all practices; requiring video wouldn't solve the issue that different labs might not know what another would think needed to be videotaped. No one is going to document and record the entire course of an experiment; that would literally be months of footage. We'd like to make sure everyone has the same understanding of procedures and techniques, but that requires communication not just through journals, but between scientists and academic institutions.

Additionally, not everything appears on video. We have found major differences between identical studies run in rooms set at different temperatures. Also, many of the procedures I do would essentially require a camera operator to capture all of the movement. I take a cage out of a rack, take a mouse out of the cage, weigh it, dose it, etc.

> not everything appears on video

Sure, but a lot of information does appear. Not everything appears in papers; should we stop publishing them?

No, but the burden of videography is a lot higher than the burden of writing a paper. In fact, a paper isn't written for every study, so in order to write a paper, you'd have to take video of every study just in case one of them is used in a paper in the future. It's a much higher burden than people want to believe. Add to that the fact that most animal facilities won't add cameras unless you force them at gunpoint because historically, videos of that sort make for targeting by protest groups.

> No one is going to document and record the entire course of an experiment; that would literally be months of footage.

Why not? Just setup a permanent camera and go. Storage is cheap. Organizations with security cameras often have multiple streams to record.

Or require the author to only communicate to the technicians via the same means that will be published with the paper -- i.e. Make sure anyone reading the paper has the same spec for the experiment as those who performed the original. [1]

That would help prevent such "hidden specs" from entering the experiment.

[1] Note: this implies that authors cannot be part of the experiment or conduct it themselves, because they can't "pass on their identity" in a research paper, as would be necessary to put readers on par with the technicians.

In my job, I work with an outside contract research organization. The way this works is pretty similar to what you're describing, and its a living hell. For starters, it takes 6-10 drafts back and forth to get a protocol to start with, and the resulting document is never shorter than 12 pages. Then, once they start a study, if we get any aberrant data, the question becomes "did they mess that up, or is that data real?". Of course anything we want to be sure about, we run twice, but when you have a panel of 20 compounds, you can't duplicate all of the work, so some compounds get dropped even if the data were not "real". Also, and maybe this would be different with another CRO, there are often very stressful conversations in which they are trying to avoid being blamed (because if they screwed up, we aren't supposed to pay them the full price), but we just really want to know what happened. Lastly, you can tell a lot by being hands-on with a study; there's a lot you can miss if you aren't in the room with the study. Just my 2 cents.

Well, the burden of a policy has to be judged relative to what you're trying to accomplish. If the policy is ensuring that you achieve your ostensible goals, then that burden is justified.

Based on your description, it actually sounds like it's making you do things exactly the way science is supposed to work! You quickly identify issues of "real effect or experimenter error or undocumented protocol?" -- and you prevent any ambiguous case from "infecting" the literature.

Those are the same objectives modern science is currently failing at with it's "publish but never replicate" incentives.

> Lastly, you can tell a lot by being hands-on with a study; there's a lot you can miss if you aren't in the room with the study.

I wasn't saying that you can't be there in the lab and do that kind of experimentation, just that scientists shouldn't represent this kind of ad hoc work as the repeatable part that merits a scientific conclusion. The process should be: if you find something interesting that way, see if you can identify a repeatable, articulable procedure by which others can see the same thing, and publish that.

The proposal has a problem in that it will increase the quality of results but will enormously slow down progress.

E.g., looking from the perspective of a scientist-reader, if someone has spent a few months doing the ad hoc hands on experiments and achieved interesting observations, then I would want them to publish that research now, instead of spending another half a year to make the repeatable procedure or possibly not publishing it ever because they'd rather do something else than make it up to these standards. There is a benefit from getting all the tricks to make the experiment cleaner, but the clean experiment is just means for acquiring knowledge and ideas for further research, not an end goal by itself for a researcher in that area. Outsiders may have different interests though (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13716233 goes into detail) preferring "finalized and finished research" but to the actual community (who in the end is doing everything and evaluating/judging their peers) generally would prefer the work in progress to be published as-is instead of having more thorough results, but later and less of them.

Outsiders can get the repeatable procedures when it's literally textbook knowledge, packaged in assignments that can be given to students for lab exercises (since that's the level what truly repeatable procedures would require). Insiders want the bleeding edge results now, so they design their journals and conferences to exchange that.

Then maybe the problem is that the public is expecting results to be actually true, exacerbated by "hey what peer-reviewed literature are you supporting your argument with". If peer-reviewed literature is just a scratchpad for ad hoc ideas that may turn into something legit later, then the current standard is good enough, and we shouldn't be worrying that most of them are false.

OTOH, it's a problem if people are basing real-world decisions on stuff that hasn't reached textbook level certainty. That's pretty much what happened with dietary advice and sugars. "Two scratchpads say a high-carb low-fat diet is good? Okay, then plaster it all over the public schools."

I think this is the case, and it has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread. When I see a paper published that I am interested in, I have to fit it into the context what I already know about a field, the standards of the the journal its published in, sometimes the origin of the paper (some labs are much less sloppy than others), and other factors.

For a recent personal example, a company published a paper saying that if you give a pre-treat with 2 doses of a particular drug, you can avoid some genetic markers of inflammation that are in the bloodstream and kidneys. Well, I looked at the stimulus and ordered some of my own from a different manufacturer that was easier to obtain and gave it to some mice with and without pretreatment by their compound. Instead of looking at the genes they looked at, I looked at an uptick in a protein expected to be one step removed from the genes they showed a change in. Well I haven't exactly replicated their study, but I've replicated the core points: stimulus with a the same cytokine gives a response in a particular pathway and it either is or isn't mitigated by the drug or class of drugs they showed. Now, my study took 2 days less than theirs, but it worked well enough that I don't need to fret the particular details I did differently from them. If my study didn't work, I could either decide that the study isn't important to me if it didn't work my way or go back a step and try to match their exact reagents and methods.

So yes, I do think the news industry picks up stuff too quickly sometimes, but depending on the outlet, they tend to couch things in appropriate wiggle words (may show, might prove, could lead to, add evidence, etc).

Yes, the problem seems to be that the general public is expecting journals/conferences that are essentially implemented by a research community as a tool for their ongoing research workflow, to fit to the goals of informing the general public - but there reasonably would/should/must be a gap of something like a year (or many years) between the finding must be initially published so that others can work on that research, and the time when the finding is reasonably verified by other teams (which necessarily happens a significant time after it's been published) and thus is ready to be used for informing public policy.

It's like the stages of clinical research - there we have general standards on when it is considered acceptable to use findings for actually treating people (e.g. phase 3 studies), but it's obviously clear that we need to publish and discuss the initial findings since that's required to actually get to the phase 3 studies. However, the effects seen in phase 1 studies often won't generalize to something that actually works in clinical practice, so if general public reads them then often they'll assume predictions that won't come true.

This exists (https://www.jove.com/), but, in my experience, even having that doesn't necessarily allow you to replicate the experiment.

Though I should say that I really like JOVE. You can learn a lot.

JOVE is really nice. My old lab posted some videos on there of how to for experiments. It is a huge step up from just reading methods and materials.

Usually, if you want the full details you look/ ask for the thesis or full report that the journal article is the condensed version of. Most journals also allow supplementary sections for more detailed methods. If its too long, people simply won't read it - already most will just read the abstract and look at figures.

The 'unknown unknowns' will never be eliminated. Certainly it's worthwhile to try to improve methods communication, but there are limits.

You really have to try it yourself before you can understand the degree of troubleshooting that's required of a good experimentalist. You could have scientists live-streaming all their work, and you'd still have the same issues you do now. Even a simple experiment, something most wouldn't blink an eye at, has dozens and dozens of variables that could influence the result. The combinatoric complexity is staggering. The reality is that you try things, find some that work, and then convince yourself that it's a real result with some further work.

The methods that endure are the ones that replicate well and work robustly. Molecular biology is still built on Sanger sequencing, electrophoresis, and blotting, all in the context of good crossing and genetics, because that's what works. Some of the genomic tools are starting to get there, I'd venture to say that RNAseq is reasonably standardized and robust at this point. Interpreting genomic data is another story...

So there's two different problems here.

What you're talking about is the authors not reporting variables they considered, and then didn't control for. These not being reported is not universal - for example, I very frequently report every variable considered, and make my code available, with comments about variable selection within.

What the parent post is talking about is "unmeasured confounding", or a Rumsfeldian "Unknown Unknown". If there is something that matters for your estimate, but you're unaware it exists, by definition you can neither report it nor control for it.

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