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The Programmer’s Guide to a Sane Workweek (codewithoutrules.com)
154 points by itamarst on Sept 16, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 148 comments

I went to a talk once on leadership. One of the suggestions was to get your "go to hell kit" ready. That is, get enough money in the bank (whatever that means for you) so that you can walk away if things cross your personal lines, be they moral / work-life balance, whatever. It's a good thing if there's pressure to work silly hours. In my first job (recent grad) before I left the job, I'd been working 5 weekends straight (at least a Sat/Sun). Looking back, insane, now I'd be having a conversation with my manager.

Sometimes it's hard when the "norm" is to work these extra hours. Where I live now, I have worked a normal 8:45ish to 5:15ish and haven't had to stay late or work weekends in years. It can be like that, I reckon it _ought_ to be like that. If your contract says 40 hours a week, why would you work more? You're just reducing your hourly rate. Now, I don't mind putting in extra effort if needed, no worries, but if it's the culture that it's just long hours, well that's crazy.

> You're just reducing your hourly rate.

This is how I've always explained to people who constantly work overtime in salaried positions where they don't actually get paid for that overtime.

You can at look at it one of 2 ways.

1. Your billable self stopped at the 8-hour mark on a given weekday and every hour after that, including weekends, you're just giving away free labor to the company. Just think about that every time you're working overtime, every minute after 8-hours you're freely giving away to the company. This is your personal free time.

2. Or, like patrickdavey said, you dilute your hourly worth. Say you're a dev who makes $90K, that's roughly $43.xx/hr for a 40 hour work week. But if you're actually working 50hr work weeks you're now worth $34.xx, and so on. The company just saved money on you (or they are making money off you).

For salaried employees or contract work with capped hours, overtime can also be banked goodwill or converted to flex time.

Most office environments I've worked at are not rigidly policy-driven, are populated with sensible humans, and the overwhelming majority of my teammates are working for the success of the team and each other.

Sure, the team/your teammates might be working for the success of each other, but that doesn't mean you aren't all being screwed by the company.

Do you also account for the fact that you are way more likely to be promoted if you work overtime?

Promotions are a myth told to people to get them to work harder, aren't they? They're quite rare and usually come with moderate increments. Whereas the best way to increase your salary is to move jobs. Salary is only vaguely linked to job title.

(I was once promoted en passant, when my first employer wished to inflate the number of Senior Developers assigned to a consulting proposal...)

I agree. Unless you are in an environment where there are very specific pay scales for fairly specific positions and levels, with lots of chances for advancement (e.g. Google or the like), expecting a significant raise at your current job is unlikely unless you have a lot of leverage. Put another way, you've been giving the company the extra work for free. People (and companies) don't like to pay for things they're used to getting for free. That just feels like an unnecessary expenditure, so is resisted.

I've never seen en passant used outside of chess before. It makes sense though, so long as he didn't capture you afterward.

What’s even better is that he did in a reply to a comment by _ThePawnBreak_.

literally, it means "in passing".

You may be more likely to be promoted if you display a backbone. Real straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

I would say the vast majority (greater than 99.99%) of raises come from the threat of quitting. That can either be an active threat (where you approach management for a raise to set expectations) or a passive threat, where management wants to make sure you aren't looking around for better opportunities, and those opportunities will often pay more than they have to raise your salary to keep you, which makes retaining you after you've shopped around much more expensive.

Large companies that realize losing institutional knowledge is costly put in programs to make sure there are good expectations on what is required to achieve the next position and what the pay-scale range is for the next position (which also helps fight racism/sexism). You see this at Google (and I'm sure many other large companies), who had identified this as a problem that needed to be solved.

I'd rather just look for a job elsewhere paying more than do tonnes of overtime to maybe get promoted.

People are promoted and given new opportunities based on business needs, not performance, beyond some table stakes level. Overtime is not what gets you promoted.

Is that actually true? A good coder or sysadmin who is willing to work overtime is more valuable as a coder or sysadmin than as a team lead or something, where the nature of their work demands less overtime.

I have a coworker who works harder than anyone else on the team, he's the most productive and knows the codebase in depth. I can see him getting a nice bonus, he deserves it, but I don't think he will be promoted. For one, my boss just hired someone more senior and I think his plan is to move that person into management. The other thing is, it would kill our team's productivity to lose our best programmer, he's too useful in his current role.

I think a lot of people expect this to be the way it works, and perhaps it should be, but it's not the way business thinks. They see it as you volunteering free labor and that's pretty much it.

There is some research showing that coming in early makes your manager rate you higher. But it seems unrelated to number of hours, ironically. http://qz.com/209513/no-matter-what-the-boss-says-about-flex...

If you value your worth based off what label an organization slaps on your paychecks, sure. If you are getting better and better at your job, you can tell your company or other companies you require $x.xx salary, or want to move into management, etc. Why wait for them to promote you?

"Fact"? When you're already willing to work for 2/3rds of your market rate? No, you've advertised your commitment to being stuck in the trenches while new people are hired over your head until you burn out.

Reading all the responses to your comment a few things come to mind:

- people on HN have bad jobs with no advancement track for strong technical skills

- people on HN don't want to work their way up, then want it handed to them.

>people on HN don't want to work their way up, then want it handed to them

Yes. How terrible would that be. How terrible would it be for someone to have a title / position commiserate to their skills, not how good they are at office politics.

Regarding point number 2 - A promotion has to get handed to you in some way or another, regardless of how hard you work for it.

I just don't want my career advancement to be up to the arbitrary whims of someone in a position of authority, that's all.

There are many ways to work your way up that don't involve giving all of your free time away to someone else who may or may not decide to promote you for it.

Citation needed.

Promoted to what? A manager? I guess in a more hierarchical organization you get to be Programmer III instead of Programmer II and maybe get a higher salary?

What about those of us who don't have strictly defined roles like that? Where I work you're basically just a programmer. Experience has always seemed to count more for me than an arbitrary title.

Sure you can put in whatever your contract says and nothing more... Or they could fire you, move you out the fast track career situation, and remove you from the "good" projects.

It's also known as "fuck you money", and there's a really good scene with John Goodman in The Gambler about it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdfeXqHFmPI

So many people, especially in tech, work jobs that pay really, really, really well compared to most people and piss it away on stupid shit. You can choose to save a lot of that money instead and still have a very good and fulfilling life.

Eventually, when you have enough savings/investments to cover you for a few years, your life changes. You don't have to worry so much if people are getting laid off, or if your job starts demanding unreasonable things.

Here's the article that brought me to that video, and goes more in depth about the concept. I highly recommend it - http://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/06/why-you-need-f-you-money/

There's no security in the world like knowing you can tell your boss "fuck you" and be fine for a year or more (except perhaps two years or more =P ). You don't have to do it; you can just always know that you have the cash to walk out the door and never come back.

Or you can drive a Tesla.

I bet I know which one makes you feel better when you put your head on your pillow at night.

The question is where to get that reliable rate of return.

As I've thought about my investments, I've also struggled with the notion that I'm very heavily in non-dividend paying equities. While my growth has been great, I'm not really deriving any passive investment income to offset my living expenses (presumably for the opportunity for a higher rate of growth).

Do many that aim for this tend to focus more on dividend and income-providing investments instead, despite the lower rates of return?

Another name I've seen this under is having "F You Money". Or in other words, enough money that if you ever need to tell management "F You", you can do so without fearing for you or your family's livelihood.

I think this is important anywhere, not just programming. When I was younger, I worked at several fast food places. There was a Burger King job I left within 2 weeks because they had me working insane amounts of unpaid overtime. When I told them I would be leaving they essentially tried to bully me into staying. "We may not be paying you in full, but if you leave you'll be making no money, and that's much worse. You don't have another job waiting, it's just a bad idea to quit. You could become homeless!"

Thankfully I was living with my parents at the time and could tell BK to screw themselves. But I feel really bad for other employees in that same situation who either fell for the spiel or legitimately couldn't afford to be jobless for a day.

That's what I've always called it ;)

No work without pay. If they feel that's a bad attitude then they can start offering their products and/or services for free and see how they like it.

One should always have the "go to hell kit" somewhat nearby (e.g., available with at most a few weeks of focused effort). Not having this can make one effectively enslaved to the current job (and not only job) which, at least for me, is very very not good for morale.

I don't know what's the perfect amount of work every week, but I'm sure anything > 40h is wrong, and you should add commute time if more than 30min/day, otherwise it's a fake figure. In 36-40h/week it's possible to do a lot of things. If you can't often is not because of the time, but because the same people wanting you to work more vaporize your time with meetings, conference calls, emails, phone calls, at a rate that makes it impossible for you to work. Or your coworkers are tempesting you with questions. Or your boss is switching your goal every day not allowing you to produce properly. Or you lack discipline to sit down and work instead of surfing random websites. Anyway whatever the problem is, the solution is NEVER to work more than 40h. Working more can just lead to a shitty life, depression, burn-out, and so forth.

I wouldn't necessarily draw the line there. It always depends on your situation. If you don't have a family, working 7.30am-5.30pm (my approx working hours) 5 days per week still allows you to have enough time to spend with friends and for side projects.

If your really dedicated to your project and have no family waiting at home, why should you always leave after 8 hours? Sitting in front of the TV at home isn't necessarily better than an interesting project at work. Will not always be the case, so it's (in my opinion) completely normal to work longer during some months of the year and shorter during others.

For me, flexibility is clearly more importan than working hours. It's great to have a workplace where you can go for a long lunch once in a while or a doctor's appointment without anyone raising questions. It's about being able to make plans. If I know that I can go out for Dinner next Wed on 5pm then it's no problem to work longer on other days. Not being able to plan this sucks, no matter how much you actually work.

But I agree that if the work environment is unproductive, working more is definitely not the solution.

> If your really dedicated to your project and have no family waiting at home, why should you always leave after 8 hours?

Because longer != better. It's like why sleeping on a problem helps or why some people have the best thoughts in the shower. The best way to really make the most of those 8 hours is to do other stuff the rest of the time.

Besides, if you're a professional, you should at least have the courtesy not to devalue your colleague's time. If you start working longer, management might ask your colleague who has a family to do the same (or worse, fire them). Everybody loses by working unpaid overtime except the company. If you want to do this, make sure it's your company.

7.30/5.30 works, but if you think at the lunch pause and the inevitable things to do a few hours a week, you are into the 40h limits more or less... This is why I say 40h is likely the limit. Then if it's 38 or 43... is a small percentage, but 50 is already out of order and 60 crazy IMHO.

I hope you negotiated an appropriate salary for the extra 25% a week you're apparently working as opposed to the standard 40 hours a week.

There are jobs with flexibility that don't require that amount of time.

No, I didn't negotiate a 25% bonus as I didn't choose the job based on the salary. Of course I need a decent salary, but I took the job because I like what I'm doing here and I'm fascinated by the work. Much of what I do now during working hours was what I did before on side projects. It's fun for me to work on it and the employer gives me flexibility to test my ideas. So both parties benefit from this arrangement.

I wouldn't trade my job against a better paying job with strict 40h/week if I don't like it as much. And I wouldn't want an employer where every working day is strictly 9-5, no matter what project you're on or how the workload is.

> If your really dedicated to your project and have no family waiting at home, why should you always leave after 8 hours?

I'll work longer than 8 hours if I want to. I won't work longer than 8 hours because you want or expect me to. That's the difference.

I really like that phrasing, "vaporizing your time", which captures the adversarial nature of external interruptions in a suitably light-hearted way.

I would add that to produce anything it is important to clear a space both in time and physical or abstract space (e.g. a folder, if you are a programmer) into which you put tools and supplies and labor. You must then a) know each space, and b) develop a way to visit each space (and leave it) as required by circumstance and your own needs. For a program, you need (at a bare minimum): a folder, a toolset, a set of time, and a list of predicates that are currently false that you commit to making evaluate to true (but no cheating). This process is actively harmed by overwork, because overwork attacks the same cognition that is necessary to successfully execute the process.

Good post, but... Never say never. Instead, say "almost never".

In this business, sometimes a crisis happens. Sometimes you need to be there more than 40 hours a week. I accept that as part of the profession, as long as it's rare.

When a show-stopper bug gets exposed two days before we're supposed to ship, and my boss called me at 9 PM, I came in and was there until 1 AM identifying the problem. When it's only happened once in seven years, well, you just roll with it when it happens.

When they expect it every week? No. Change your expectations, or I'll change jobs.

Yes a "sprint" is doable for me as well. 1/2 every year...

I know everyone is different, but one of my greatest periods of productivity was when I was finishing my EE degree. My employer let me drop my hours down to 30/week, but it didn't really change my responsibilities / workload. I used to come in to work, bust ass, and get to class. It was a really happy time for me, professionally speaking.

One red flag is this: does a company zealously track every hour of vacation time but not even give you a place to log overtime? These two things should be treated with equal importance because they are fundamentally the same measurement. If they expect you to take precisely 2 weeks of vacation a year then be sure to reward them by doing precisely 8 hours of work each day. If they have leniency in vacation, reward them with some leniency in when you are willing to handle emergency situations.

I nearly lost it once when an employer asked me to start deducting vacation time for some appointments. My answer was a shouted, "No, I work late for you and you call me up on the weekends and make me spend half of my day looking at phony database problems. If I have to deduct time for an appointment I will find another job."

The topic was never brought up again.

or four weeks' vacation in a jurisdiction with humane labour practices

I agree that 28 days is reasonable while 14 isn't really.

But if we start calling 14 "inhumane", then we are in danger of losing our grip on what what inhumanity is. Which is to lose our grip on our moral compass.

"inhumane relative to the developed world", then.

I'd rather lose my grip in that direction than in the other

Overtime? For software engineers? Where?

I think the easiest and most overlooked piece of advice revolves around cell phones.

When you start a new job, under no circumstance should you give them your personal cell phone number.

Tell them it's inappropriate, tell them it could turn into a conflict of interest, tell them you don't have a cell (true for me), tell them you can't afford a cell, tell them you can't afford roaming, tell them you only have data, not a number, tell them anything you have to so you don't give them your personal cell number. Don't ever, ever let them install anything on your phone either, "BYOD" style.

Same applies for your home number, if you have one, and your personal email address. Setup a different email and google voice number for the purposes of interviewing, etc. Once you have a job, don't respond to it "real time".

Now, if they want you to have a work cell, they can provide and pay for it, and before you put a hand on it, you make them very, very clearly document under what circumstances and times you are expected to answer that phone, and what compensation you get for doing so. If they won't provide extra compensation, you make it very clear your home commitments (kids, sick family, make something up) are your priority, and you won't be taking that cell home with you. Leave it in your desk drawer at work, turn it on at 8:30am and turn it off at 5pm and leave it there.

If your employer won't accept that, find another one. Life is too short.

Finally, you'll need to have the self-confidence or stubbornness to choose and stick to a path that most people don't take.

You don't need self-confidence or stubbornness, just commitment to your principles...

I have never worked more than 40 hours per week for anyone else. Ever. I arrive at 8. I leave at 5. I don't work from home.

Except for emergencies.

My definition of emergency: If someone is dying or their production software isn't working. That's it. Anything else, I'll be in all day tomorrow and will be happy to talk about it then.

All you really need to do is reach an understanding with your manager about your boundaries and the definition of "emergency" at the beginning.

If they want to pay 40 hours for more than 40 hours of work or have a different definition of emergency, they I'll work somewhere else.

It's really that simple. I've been doing this for almost 40 years and have never had a single complaint about it.

And I'm not sure which "most people" OP knows, but "most people" I know have a philosophy similar to mine. We'll do whatever it takes to get the job done, but we won't be suckers.

OP, do you really need a whole book for this?

I often say to my colleagues that me working 1 hour later without a valid reason (emergency) is exactly like my boss giving me a few dollars more without a valid reason... which never happens. ever.

As a manager: If your code blows up in production on a Saturday afternoon, and you don't answer email/skype/phone, you've effectively left me in the shit. I know thats my job, and I will deal with it and survive, but your future work is going to be very heavily scrutinized - borderline micromanaged - until I trust you again

But the flipside, if your code blows up in production on a Saturday, and you spend four hours of a weekend fixing it, I'll say take 6 hours off during the week to compensate. I'd say take a day off, but our HR system will complain.

Aside from that, I expect 40 hours of "quality" braintime from you, and I don't really care where or when those hours occur, as long as you're collaborating with the team when they need you.

> As a manager: If your code blows up in production on a Saturday afternoon, and you don't answer email/skype/phone, you've effectively left me in the shit.

As an IT employee if you are running mission critical software and (as Manager) don't have an after hours call-out rotation and procedures, then you're not doing a very good job, and I'll be looking for another place of employment.

The wonders of missing context :)

Its not mission critical or life-threatening. I know this, my team knows this, but someone up in the food chain is going to want blood for any serious outage.

I'm perfectly happy to shed blood for my team and take the crap, but I need something. Even if its a text back: "Dangling on mountain. Will check email on Monday" - then I can tell my higher-ups it won't be fixed till Monday, then they can tell who they need to tell.

Its the attitude that says "I'll only work 40 hours then turn my phone off" that I object to, there are real people up and down the line who are affected by business interruptions. If you're not flexible, sorry, but you're not that useful.

You probably wouldn't enjoy working on my team, and you'd probably pick that up from the interview

I think @grecy was pretty clear, but FWIW, here's my interpretation: the system is either important enough to disturb employees after hours or it isn't. If it is, you need to define and implement a support protocol: on-call rotations, procedures, etc.

If it isn't important enough to organize support for it, then it isn't important enough and you should not expect anyone to justify being off work and off duty.

Okay, I see.

I will talk to my team on Monday and ask their opinion.

For the record, I don't agree that life is as black and white as the first sentence. There are plenty of symptoms which "could" be serious issues, but after a phone call I know can be safely ignored.

I appreciate your reply - thanks.

I honestly would like to hear the thoughts of your team if you are happy to reply here please.

In all honesty - you're right, I'm not very flexible. Either you're paying me to be on call and I'll answer my phone at 3am on a Sunday, or you're not.

Let's flip it around so you see my point of view. Either I stick to the employment contract and ask you to pay me my salary this week, or for reasons completely outside your control, I expect you to pay me $salary+$X, because I said so. If you say no, I view you as inflexible.

See my point?

I do see your point, yes. The contract is formal for a reason. I'm being far too fuzzy, my team probably don't know what they're supposed to do in the case of an emergency, so log in out of a mixture of curiosity and apprehensiveness.

Hmmm. Well, I always hated pager duty, especially as a frontend engineer. What the hell did I know about these silly Hadoop clusters that were thrown together so badly? Why wake me up just so I can wake up the lazy SOB who can't build software properly?

I'd prefer not to impose that on my team. Is there a middle ground?

The middle ground is correctly configured alarms that follow team-specific escalation policies and wake up the right people.

FWIW, alarming systems aren't that flexible. The market sorely needs better solutions around monitoring and alarming. We use PagerDuty for this and it can be made to work with about 80% of our alarms, but it's a PITA. Also, on the topic of waking people up, the PagerDuty app conveniently includes several blaring, obnoxious alarms, but it frequently fails to receive push notifications, so it's not that rare for someone (or several someones) to sleep through the PDs. :|

I do understand what you're saying and I think most people actually are reasonably flexible as long as the occasion doesn't become common. But I wouldn't hold it against someone who's dangling from a mountain if they can't text back immediately (unless they're the on-call engineer that day).

> my team probably don't know what they're supposed to do in the case of an emergency, so log in out of a mixture of curiosity and apprehensiveness

Imagine you're at home with your wife celebrating your anniversary after a bottle of wine, or out celebrating your child's 6th birthday and you get a text from work that makes you apprehensive enough to stop what you're doing and log into work systems.

Please talk to your team so none of them has to ever go through this. In my experience as an employee, it's a really shitty feeling.

> I'd prefer not to impose that on my team. Is there a middle ground?

Inclusion in the on-call rotation can be optional. If a person on the team wants and extra $x per month to be on call for y days per month, they're on the rotation. If another person doesn't want that, they're not.

That was done at one of my previous employers, I think it worked great. Generally speaking the younger people without families opted in, and the older people with families opted out. I loved hiking/camping/getting out of town at every chance, so I always opted out :)

(Please don't think all of the above means I dislike your management or something. Reading your other comments, it sounds like you'd be awesome to work for)

I agree that it's not always possible to know how serious an issue is from a first glance at its symptoms, but my first sentence wasn't about issues, it was about systems.

Feel free to substitute the word "system" with "project" or "service" or whatever best fits your own terminology, but the gist is: a particular chunk of deployed software either deserves after-hour support or it doesn't. You either care whether it's misbehaving during "off" hours or you don't. If you do, you should care enough to organize proper support. That's all I was trying to say.

Of course, "you should" might be too strong a phrasing; what I mean is that I think that it would be better for everyone and that I would rather work at a place where things are that way than at a place where they are the way you described them.

I think this attitude is the problem. If you pay me for 40 hours of work, I owe you 40 hours of work. That is all.

If you want me to be on call, pay me to be on call.

If my code blows up, I don't owe you 45 hours of work for 40 hours of pay. If my code blows up, it's because you haven't managed testing and quality assurance properly. I shouldn't be able to get shitty code into production — that's why you're the manager and I'm the peon.

It may sound harsh, but demanding free work is exploitation. And trying to guilt people into working for free is immoral.

I think at the very least we can agree that it is the employee's job to inform their superiors of feature creep, looming technical debt, and whatever bad practices they see.

If you're fixing bugs in production because your manager hasn't addressed longstanding technical debt, then yes, you shouldn't feel bad about the bugs that slipped through against your advice. In that case, I think your indignation at working extra hours without getting paid would be justified.

Ideally, we would do proper estimates upfront without being pushed to grossly underestimate features because so-and-so thinks it should only take a few minutes.

Pushy managers and bad employees are made for each other. It's a feedback loop.

"I think at the very least we can agree that it is the employee's job to inform their superiors of feature creep, looming technical debt, and whatever bad practices they see. "

Yes, please yes. This is really where 1-1s come into their own. I can ask directly - is there any part of the code you're working on that truly sucks, and is going to break? I don't care who wrote it or when (it was probably me), I just need to know, so I can put it in the backlog

Some of us would rather take some responsibility for our code than be treated as "peons".

"I shouldn't be able to get shitty code into production"

Seriously? My job is to watch over your shoulder and double-check everything you do?

No, there's more to life than this.

Of course there is more to life. That's my entire point. I want to be an actively engaged member of the team, rather than a peon. I want to value the work I do and the people I work with. But there's the rub. Being an active, committed, engaged member of the team shouldn't equate to giving away the one thing of value I have — my time — for nothing.

When you ask me to work for free you are making me a peon — someone of low worth whose time and effort aren't worth paying for. Someone who you don't respect enough to give them fair recompense for their work.

It would be absurd for me to demand that my employer gives me five hours of extra pay for doing nothing because otherwise I can't afford something that's of meaningful value to me. It's equally absurd for an employer to demand that I give them something they value – my work — in return for nothing.

A company is not a charity — it's a cooperative venture that exists to generate value for its owners. Every bit of work you do for the company is to generate value for someone else. I'm not going to work so that someone else benefits and I get nothing. I think any other view is either a manipulative management technique or a delusion.

I am all for flexibility -- but I think the quid-quo-pro here is that the phone is only for legitimate problems.

Not for example: "Oh the customer has decided that the feature we thought we implemented wasn't what he wanted. Can we have this weeks' requirement met by Monday?"

Honestly, I'm talking about problems that I'm sure are actually affecting the core business. Anything trivial I'll deflect long before I talk to an engineer

This is all something of a moot point. Looking back through my diary, I've only ever had to call our IT support out of hours, never one of my own engineers. Someone on my team has always independently began to act on whatever alert has been raised.

>If your code blows up in production on a Saturday afternoon, and you don't answer email/skype/phone, you've effectively left me in the shit.

Um, why aren't you calling the person on-call? If you have up-time requirements then you write out-of-hours terms into your contracts and have designated staff.

Others are recording the need for a real on-call rotation, so I'll just jump into this:

>Aside from that, I expect 40 hours of "quality" braintime from you, and I don't really care where or when those hours occur, as long as you're collaborating with the team when they need you.

There is no way you are getting 40 hours of "quality brain time" from anyone. If you believe you are, you don't know what "quality brain time" is.

Assign the amount of work you feel is reasonable. Let the worker do the work. If the work gets done, it doesn't matter how much time it took. Knowledge workers sell their knowledge to help you accomplish a designated task, not their time.

How much work really gets done in a 40-hour work week? Anyone who has been in any office environment knows that probably at least 50% of that time is always just farting around trying to rack up butt-in-chair time. Consider also that promotions and political favors are usually withheld from people who do the "bare minimum" of 40 hours and that butt-in-chair time comprises 95% of an external entity's (like, say, your boss's boss) assessment of job performance, and the time constraints can become quite demanding.

We should do away with the Industrial-era culture of minutely managing hours (when time working was directly correlated to the quantity of products a company could assemble, and thus counting time allowed the company to reasonably reliably assign a portion of the revenue to its employees) and embrace the Information-era mandate of small, irregular work units moving the majority of the product.

We should accommodate workers such that they can cultivate a fruitful and creative mental state for use in employment when inspiration and flow is most likely to strike (which, for coders, is usually in the middle of the night when there is a solid block of 5-6 hours with 0 interruptions), instead of forcing our supposedly-revered knowledge workers into deadened, drooling blobs stuck to their chairs for 55 hours a week because they're vying for a promotion next year.

It's a major pet peeve to see someone treating knowledge workers like assembly linemen. More butt-in-chair time != more productivity, and in fact, once a certain threshold is reached (probably ~20 hours), it becomes counterproductive.

Before I dive into my comment, let me just state that I agree with you on the impossibility of delivering 40 hours of "quality brain time" and on the stupidity of measuring productivity in "butt-in-chair hours".

That said, I always get worried whenever someone starts advocating for getting rid of 40-hour work week without a very clear idea of how to replace it in concrete terms. See, maybe I'm cynical, but it seems to me that a lot of people forget that the whole concept of 40-hour work week comes from a compromise between the workers and the employers: it's supposed to mean you can be expected to work no more than 40 hours a week. Naturally, the employer will expect you to work no less, otherwise they're "not getting their money's worth".

Whether we like it or not, there is a power imbalance between workers and employers and it's usually in favor of employers. I don't want to touch sensitive topics of how that imbalance might be redressed, but as long as the imbalance is there, having a fixed number of hours in a work week -- even if that's only nominal -- is still better than getting rid of that and making workers vulnerable to having their historically hard-earned rights eroded or downright stripped away.

If that sounds too jaded and bitter, consider the "unlimited" vacation policy. At best, it means you'll still take roughly the same time off as the rest of the team. At worst, everyone ends up taking less vacation time than before and the company profits because they don't have the financial liability of unused vacations anymore.

> Whether we like it or not, there is a power imbalance between workers and employers and it's usually in favor of employers.

I wanted to chime in and mention this balance varies greatly by country. I've worked in Canada, Australia, USA for years, so has my brother.

I personally feel in Australia the balance is clearly in favor of the employee, in Canada it's over to the Employer and in the USA it's shockingly (scarily) in favor of the Employer.

After 7 years in the USA and Canada my brother went back to Australia. One month in I asked him what the most shocking thing was - what do you think he said? Going from years of -30C winter to +40C summer? Driving on the wrong side of the road? food? accents? Nope.

In Australia, you are a valued person at work, rather than a slave. I think that says a lot.

I actually have the same opinion as you on "unlimited vacation". I'd rather know what the company explicitly allows and use it guilt-free than have to ask myself every time I take time off, "Wait, I mean, I know I'm technically allowed to do this, but am I allowed?" People who go in to companies like that guns blazing, oblivious to social matters like colleague perception, are usually destroyed pretty quickly.

So, I can definitely see where your concern arises. I don't want to make it seem like you should do any quantity work that the employer throws your way. There should be a basically agreed-upon range of value delivered in person-week units; the employer should expect to get some value within that range per week, and the employee should expect to provide it on an ongoing basis. This value range is something that is going to be negotiated between employee and employer and the only way to get a realistic feel for it is to undertake a relationship and see where you land. By accepting the standard timeframe for value evaluation to week-units, it matters much less whether you were in your chair from 2pm-4pm all 5 days of the work week. It just matters that you got your work done.

I don't have an exact way to quantify it, because again, in knowledge work, employee productivity isn't really calculable by a simple equation. It's really just about whether the company feels adequate progress is being made and whether the employee feels that his work-life balance isn't falling apart. As long as both of these things are synchronized on an individual basis, there is no problem and no hard rule.

It's hard to get to this because as you said, an employer feels that they're not getting their money's worth if there isn't 40 hours on the clock. However, that's based on the antiquated model of production where time-at-station pulling levers was directly correlated to the value provided to the company. In a factory / assembly line context, that approach still makes sense. For knowledge workers who depend on creativity, like software developers, it doesn't -- it's not an accurate way to measure performance. The challenge for us is in educating employers to view knowledge workers appropriately.

On HN we're all probably familiar with PG's Maker's Schedule essay. I believe that schedule arises naturally because our brain is trying to self-optimize and do work in the most productivity time period, which is usually overnight when there are minimal interruptions. We should all be free to engage with that. It will result in both happier employees and superior work product.

Finally, I think there's a more basic component at play here that I don't actually think we'll overcome anytime soon. The workweek is entrenched into American lifestyle now. People are taught to expect a 9-5 and to be suspicious of those that don't have one. People are taught that colleagues should all go hang out in a big office building for 1/3rd of the day 5 days per week. This is a common expectation even if it's unsuited for modern work. Most people, even most knowledge workers, like this arrangement and don't want it to change. The social costs of doing something unusual with your work day can be substantial, especially if you're in the midst of a period of financial difficulty. I don't think that will change any time soon and I don't know that it'd be a net social good if it did.

However, there are companies that accommodate people that want to work differently. They can be found with some degree of discretion and specific searching.

I phrased that wrong, but I'm not sure how else to phrase it. I suspect we violently agree, but if you want to take this offline I think my email is in my profile

I have a remote team, spread across the western seaboard of the US. I don't track hours, I don't do the whole "burn-down chart" crap. I keep almost no metrics about my team's productivity. As a result, my team are all far higher performing than I ever was as an engineer. If higher-ups want an assessment of my team's abilities, I'll figure out a way to give them what they seem to want that is truthful to my beliefs.

The employment contract says 40 hours, and our timesheet system will freak if you enter less than 40 hours, and of course you mustn't lie on your timesheet (hello HR! :) ) but what hours you work and when are up to you. My only caveat is that if another team member needs your help in office hours, you need to be able to talk to them and help them. The business pays for 40 quality hours, thats the rule. But nothing is black or white...

If you're "at work" but really you're on hacker news - as I am right now - then I'm not getting "quality" brain time.

Believe it or not, there are people in the world who'll spend 1 hour working, 7 hours on hacker news, then shut their laptop and demand that the rest of their time is out of bounds of work.

Honestly, though, those people are so easy to spot and manage. They're the ones who do deliver what I ask, but never more. They'll spend 3 days writing a post function, not because it took 3 days but because thats how much time I seemed to agree with in the estimate.

There are other people, who'll maybe spend 1 hour on a post function and say "done, whats next?"

There are others still who'll spend 1 hour and say "Hey, boss, the post function is done, but this entire framework is kinda crap, mind if I take three days to look at what else is out there?"

There are others still who'll spend 1 hour and say "Hey, boss, the post function is done, but its kind of weird for the users, how about we do this instead?"

Those last 2 types of people seem to enjoy life more, they're happier in themselves and I'll fight tooth and nail for anything they want. If they really work 30 hours a week, get their shit done and don't let any team members down: who cares, the lying on the timesheet issue is the only problem and I'll cover for them the best I can if they get caught. But the best folks will generally happily work 40 hours, and the 10 or so extra hours - I've found - are best "given" to them to do with as they wish.

The first person (the person who spent 1 hour on code and 3 days on netflix) might be temporarily useful to get code written, but really they're not worth hiring. Yes - I know - its my fault - I should get better estimates - I should follow up - I should write out requirements better. But that person is getting seriously out-shined every day by their team - who (lets be honest) know they're slacking - and that person at the very least is going to first on any chopping block. But more likely I'll work with HR to get rid of them.

The other one - the one that says when they're done and asks for more work - that person I'll try to coach into thinking for themselves more so in future they say "I've done the post function, now i'll go ahead and write the get/delete etc and document it, and there's a new unit test package i'd like to fiddle with"...

Now - to join back along with your comment - "We should accommodate workers such that they can cultivate a fruitful and creative mental state for use in employment when inspiration and flow is most likely to strike"

In my head I have an expression that I can't quite get into language - let people be people, let them be the best they can, and compensate them enough so that their best is directed towards the business - the thing that also compensates me for being the best I can be. but Don't demand more than that, don't try to take ALL their best time, don't try to elbow out their family or their hobbies etc. It needs to be voluntary, given. Not in a contract somewhere, demanded. It can be done, I've seen it, even in a big ole faceless corporation you can make a team perform just by shaping the environment to work for humans, rather than spreadsheets.

You seem awesome to work for. Need an iOS developer?

Your style totally matches mine.

I understand, and I think that you're right that we probably mostly agree with each other. I just have a few nits to pick.

>if you want to take this offline I think my email is in my profile

Your account appears to be a throwaway and doesn't contain an email address.

>My only caveat is that if another team member needs your help in office hours, you need to be able to talk to them and help them.

What are "office hours"? Unfortunately, this is tantamount to an ordinary dictated work schedule. If you can't say "Hey, I'll get to this in [some period of time > 30 mins and < 24 hours]" without getting in hot water, you might as well stay tethered to your desk during whatever "office hours" are. I know this from experience working "set your own hours" jobs that expected near-immediate response times between "core business hours". It's just a normal schedule.

I would say the only schedule expectation should be attendance at specific, pre-planned meetings, barring emergency needs. If you have a colleague that needs a video chat or real-time communication and you're not able to run into each other naturally, I would say it should be scheduled, just like anything else. As long as time can be made within 24 hours, I don't think there's a big issue there. Even in remote environments (and I've been a full-time remote worker for over 10 [non-consecutive] years), extemporaneous meetings are too often a distraction and a drain on productivity.

I understand that's a lot of freedom to give employees and that not all of them can handle it. In those cases, I would suggest the privilege be removed in specific instances rather than assuming that no employee can handle this responsibility.

>If you're "at work" but really you're on hacker news - as I am right now - then I'm not getting "quality" brain time.

I've always encouraged my subordinates to spend a (paid) hour or two every so often reviewing the industry news in trade outlets like HN. Staying abreast of industry developments and engaging with the discussion about them as they emerge makes everyone a much more effective programmer. I wouldn't say it's not quality brain time.

Tech employees are knowledge workers. Expanding their knowledge is absolutely beneficial to you and its importance shouldn't be discounted.

Obviously, 7 out of 8 hours per day is excessive.

>They'll spend 3 days writing a post function, not because it took 3 days but because thats how much time I seemed to agree with in the estimate.

While I agree that laziness is a potential explanation for this type of behavior, there are several other factors that can cause it, like an employee's feeling that their input isn't considered trustworthy or valuable. In the real world, please don't discount potential explanations that aren't laziness, especially if the employee has a good track record at other employers.

>who cares, the lying on the timesheet issue is the only problem and I'll cover for them the best I can if they get caught.

First, most employees who do this work aren't going to be filling out a timesheet. Are you talking about contractors? I'm confused why they're not paid a regular salary.

Second, sometimes you just have to understand that there's a translation barrier here and what the HR dept really means when they ask to affirm a 40-hour work week is "Did you honestly provide the expected amount of value to the company this week?", to which the truthful answer is "Yes." (This is especially true if you're monopolozing a chunk of time known as "office hours" and demanding that people be available within that timeframe -- I would say that should count as paid even if they don't have anything to respond to. You're still consuming their availability.) While people may be entering a literal value that isn't commensurate with the literal reality it appears to represent, the intent and spirit of the question has been correctly fulfilled. Thus, it's improper to call this a "lie", especially when, as already discussed, the 40 hours put in by conventional office workers are so clearly half-hearted, even resentful.

Other than this, it sounds like we're in pretty good agreement.

He did say "or their production software isn't working"

> "most people" I know have a philosophy similar to mine

That's probably why you know them in the first place.

most people just don't have the balls to draw a line and not cross it, mainly because of fear. simple as that.

Most people also don't set an alarm on their phone for 4:59 at which point they leave no matter what is happening. Not saying the GP is that person, but there are certainly extremes on both ends of the spectrum (working 80 hours a week v. refusing to work 8h 0m 1s under any non-emergency circumstance no matter what), and I've worked with both of them and neither are very enjoyable to be around.

I've had meetings scheduled that go past the end of my day. Or on a day where I work a different schedule (6-2 or 10-6 or whatever) a normal meeting outside of my schedule for the day. Sometimes professionalism dictates you suck it up and work more than 8 hours in a day. If you have a reasonable manager, just work less than 8 the next day! It's not that big of a deal, and to say "well I'll be in for 8 hours tomorrow so I'm leaving now you can go to hell" is not a reasonable way to handle it.

I don't think it has anything to do with fear. It has to do with understanding that life (yes even non-emergency events) don't always fit into a neat 8-hour or 9-hour window, and adjusting yourself accordingly.

I've often worked 10 or more hours in a day for non emergency reasons. I've often worked 5 hours or less in a day to make up for it. I still manage a roughly 40 hour or less work week and it's no less "sane" than any other approach.

I agree with everything you've said, but how do you feel about your phone ringing at 2am on a Sunday?

Is it reasonable to come in and do a few hours then, and just do a few less on Monday morning?

I personally am happy to work the odd late day, even stay late with the team, grab a pizza, etc.

Getting calls in the middle of the night, or on the weekend, or on a holiday is a completely different thing that requires compensation, no exceptions.

Yeah, people need to be less uptight about this in general. Once in a while you'll have an appointment or a flight or something that requires you to leave at 5:00:00 sharp, and that's cool as long as it's not excessive, but most of the time employees should expect to leave anywhere between 4pm and 6pm just based on how the day is going, what meetings are scheduled, etc.

The article is also about going below 40h/week which is more challenging. I'm really happy to currently having an interesting 24h/w job with just enough pay to get by, but I'm currently also writing my thesis and definitely couldn't afford a child.

Here's the somewhat passive aggressive approach.

1. Make sure you either arrive at work before your boss each day, or leave after your boss each day, or at least the large majority of days.

2. A couple times a week answer an email or two during the evening or weekend, preferably ones your boss will see. This doesn't have to take very much time. Don't force it, make sure they are emails that you are actually interested in and have a good response to.

3. Work smart and hard when you are working, be above average on your team despite probably spending less time in the office.

4. Work longer hours than you normally do when it's something really fun and you don't have much going on at home anyway. That situation does arise from time to time. Make sure, in a very natural way, that your boss notices when you do this, probably by telling him/her how fun it was.

5. When you have to duck out for an hour or two for the dentist or whatever, don't tell your boss unless you absolutely have to (e.g., you have to miss a meeting with him/her). You are an adult, he/she doesn't need to know where you are at all times. You don't ask permission to go to the bathroom, do you? In short, don't emphasize to your boss, "I'm not going to be working for the next little while" if you don't have to.

6. Keep all commitments that you make to be at work at a certain time. Try not to make very many of those commitments. Instead commit to getting work done, not just being somewhere.

If you are doing all that, you can work less than 40 hours most weeks and nobody will care.

The "paths to a saner week" seem pretty simplistic and unrealistic. Want fewer hours? Work fewer hours! Wow, you don't say?! That simple, huh? The quote from the article is "you always have the option of unilaterally normalizing your hours." Oh reeeeally?

Don't like your commute? Don't commute so much. Just snap your fingers and afford to live closer to work! Got it.

Want a shorter work week? Just "negotiate" (word mentioned 9 times in the story). Oh, silly me, I was forgetting all of that extra power most people have in the employee/employer relationship!

Any advice for those of us living in the real world?

While it's true few people can snap their fingers to accomplish these goals, you certainly can over a period of 5-10 years by working on them consciously.

If your employer expects constant overtime from you, start looking. When you have an offer from a sane place in hand, quit your current job. On the way out, tell them why. It might help the others who are still there.

In a world that complains about a shortage of programmers, you have more leverage than you may think.

There is risk involved in doing that. I've seen a lot of people come back to their former employer after trying out a new place and not having it work out. If you give a real accounting of your opinions in an exit interview, that escape hatch from the new gig would probably close.

The amount of leverage you have is heavily dependent on the perception of your bosses. If your bosses know how rare a good programmer is and truly do value you, then you shouldn't have these problems anyway, and I'm sure they'd rectify them ASAP if you brought them up. Many of us don't work for such enlightened people, though.

Everything worth doing involves some risk.

No, tell them that constant overtime is a problem now, and that it needs to be rectified soon.

If the problem isn't rectified, keep informing your employer that you want to work normal and sane work hours. Escalate to your boss's boss, HR, ect.

You're free to look for another job, but do that because you want another job, not because there's a short-term problem in your current job.

If you have a reasonable basis for assuming that the problem will in fact be short term, sure. If the management is insane, and isn't going to recover sanity soon, then you're likely to just get fired as a complainer. That leaves you no income while you're looking for a job, which can be uncomfortable.

You can certainly chose to move closer to work, if commute time is important to you. You'll probably trade off something else against it.

Similarly, you can trade off hours expectations.

And yes, you, and everyone have the option of unilaterally normalizing your hours. You may not like the results (or you may love them) but you absolutely have the option.

Similarly, you - yes you - have the option of (re) opening negotiations with your employer. One possible outcome is always that you part ways, of course.

Take advantage of the one proven means of normalizing the negotiation power between you and your employer: join a union, organize your shop, and take advantage of collective bargaining rights. This is obviously easier said than done, but at least it's not based on magical thinking.

Unionizing is definitely an option... but it's worth noting that the balance of power between programmers and employers isn't the same as factory workers. In particular the means of production are so cheap anyone can start a software company.

Or become a contractor. That's what I'm doing.

I think it also depends on the industry and way you are paid. If you are getting paid $100k doing simple web work, CRUD database stuff, JEE plumbing type where, wiring together libraries with Spring, etc. then you are probably going to complain about working more hours.

If you are getting paid $250k or $300k doing something highly interesting that comes with tight deadlines like finance or trading, then you are going to push yourself a lot harder.

And especially if much of your pay is bonus-based, you will definitely push harder. For example, working in the front-office of a trading company where even developers are getting paid mostly in bonus it is very common to put in more than 60 hours a week. And people love it because the work it very exciting.

One of the most important questions is do you love what you do. I love working in front-office in finance, and i'll gladly put in plenty of hours, especially since getting the promotion to director or principal carries a huge pay increase.

I don't work for my current salary, I work for the next one. I don't do any side projects because getting that next strategy or gateway up and running is worth more than any project I could work on. My job is my side project. And I really like it that way.

Instead of figuring out to only work so many hours, why not try to figure out how to find jobs that excite you more. Find that field you really love and that pays you well or find that startup where you can really see yourself making a huge contribution.

Your point about comp is really important. In roles where I felt I was not paid enough, and the pay was not life changing to begin with, I definitely valued my work/life balance more. In roles where significant changes in quality of life came from the job or comp, I pushed myself harder if it materially improved my outcomes.

That said, if your goals are financial independence, everyone needs to do a real reality check as to whether their current job (or even career path if you are junior) will ever let you reach that with your target lifestyle. I know people who love what they do, but the reality is I can't see how they could ever retire with what they earn even with a relatively frugal lifestyle.

On the flip side, I have an ibanker relative who would be on track for financial independence in his early thirties if only he didn't live an ibanker lifestyle.

In my opinion, when you work for bonuses/commission they have effectively hired you as a contractor. At that point you are your own business and can go anywhere. But you give away the rights to your work for stability in income, scalable structure and having a team.

Edit* also capital is pretty important which huge companies have and being self employed becomes more difficult to obtain

But, like any self owned business, you get out what you put in.

I read up to the part where he said he worked at google, then shut my computer down and jumped out of a window.

It IS always Google isn't it? That's what turned me off of Quora. For me every other post is, "I work at Google and I think this", or the flip side someone asking about Google.

Could you explain?

I've not worked at Google, but my guess is that:

1) Google is able to be flexible about many things that other companies are not

2) If you work at Google, you have many job opportunities open to you that others might not. So just leaving and finding or creating a job where you can work fewer hours is much easier than someone working in a lower-end position for a small company in a market with few opportunities.

Just put in my two week's notice yesterday. I've been putting in a stupid amount of hours (80+) while my colleagues in other departments barely hit the 40 hour mark. This is a good omen.

Was that down to yourself or your employer ?

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

Does it really matter? Since he put in his notice, I don't think he'd have worked 80 hour weeks if he didn't feel he had to. Either way, he feels pressured to do it and he is now out from under that pressure.

It does matter - we can fix self inflicted wounds a little easier than fix the culture of an organisation.

A little of both, actually. There was never a requirement to work more than 40 hours. In fact, last Friday I talked about how I'd probably work through the weekend to make the deadlines they set for the beginning of this week. They took pity on me and said I shouldn't even be checking my email over the weekend. I reluctantly agreed, and didn't work on the projects. But, guess who everyone was angry with come early this week for not having the deliverables to the clients?

Sometimes things need to fail to improve...

How do you get to the stage where you're putting that many hours in? Does it start off just staying late one night and then turns into more nights and then every day? Or is it like that from day one trying to prove yourself?

It started off innocently enough. "I'll work just a few more hours on this project, because once these changes are in place, I'm going to save so much time when the client changes their mind again." That quickly turned into the normal amount of work on a daily basis, and then weekends started getting gobbled up. I also knew that I had a baby on the way, and I thought I'd put in yet more hours then, so now wouldn't be so bad. Now has come, and it is far worse than I could have imagines.

Why put in your notice? Why not just cut back your hours? Especially if everybody else is - walking out seems a little drastic in this case.

Lots of work isn't always bad, but we move in the direction of where we spend our time. First decide, where do I want to be in 1,3,5 years? Map your time usage (including work & leisure), determine how much truly free-time you have left and split it into 9. Spend 5/9 of free-time positioning for where you want to be in 1 year, 3/9 positioning for where you want to be in 3 years, and 1/9 positioning for where you want to be in 5 years. If your 1,3 & 5 year goals relate to climbing ladder at company you're in now, then your work weeks may be many hours (Jeffrey Immelt of GE for example), if your goal is successful completion of a project your managing due in 1 year, so you can move to another company in 3 years and then do whatever after that, your workweeks this year will be standard hours + 5/9 of your free time. The further the goal, the less time you devote today, but if you devote no time, the goal won't ever happen. This is the cost of leadership.

Where I live IT workers are not fairly valued, the average one can charge and still get contracts is around USD $30/hr. As such, reducing working hours will make it really difficult to pay bills (forget about early retirement). So, instead of working less I work on developing products that bring in passive income. These products are not the next ubers, just small B2B apps that serve local/niche markets. I started this strategy a couple of years ago and now half my income comes from selling my time while the other half comes from selling saas. Furthermore, time is limited so income from selling dev hours can only increase if rates increase or if extra hands are hired. Selling saas does not have this growth restriction.

Can you share some examples of these projects?

I think this really boils down to self regulation. In some/most cases no one is forcing you to work 50+ hours a week.

I remember a sign a coworker used to have in his office. The gist is - are you happy? If so, keep doing what you're doing, if not, change something.

I can't stress how important it is to cut commuting out of your life. I know many people who commute an hour each way, each day. Two hours per day. ~500 hours per year. Thats 20 to 30 days of your life each year wasted commuting, depending on whether or not you just count waking hours. And not only are you not making money those hours, you are spending it - on gas, insurance, the life of your vehicle, etc.

Last year I moved from 1.2 miles away from work with a ~10 min. door-to-door commute whether I biked or drove, to roughly a 16 mile 30-45 min. commute each way (depending on traffic) in order to buy a house, get more space, etc.

I desperately wish I had my old commute back, but am making the sacrifice for the time being and enjoying the gorgeous drive home on 280 as the sun sets while listening to some relaxing music or podcasts.

That said, the car maintenance costs have gone up, gas has gone way up, and my free time has gone down. Those are all real costs. I did the math on them before the move, but the real cumulative impact of the reduced free time was something that didn't really hit me until I was doing it.

If only non-engineering jobs had as much flexibility with remote work.

The problem is never more working hours. Nobody minds working extra hours as long as they are paid for it.

The problem really is companies expecting people to do far more then anything they are ready to pay for. Sometime its even more worse when a few people have to make up for other people, and then watch the lazy group get rewarded better for political reasons.

The real issue is resentment not extra working hours.

There are people that have obligations outside of the work day, particularly people with families. You couldn't pay me to work a 12 hour day, for example, because those hours are reserved for my wife and kids. Emergencies are one thing, but no way would I accept it as routine, even if I got paid extra.

> Nobody minds working extra hours as long as they are paid for it.

"As long as they are paid for it" may already be fairyland. A usual clause in employment contracts for developers in Germany goes like "The salary is X per month. Overtime is satisfied by this."

Don't larger companies in Germany usually do flex-time (Gleitzeit) for non-management employees?

So, my boss can require that I work an extra 10 hours this week, but I need to get it back at some point, right?

I know it as "Zeitausgleich". You don't get paid overtime but you accumulate time off. Pretty much like getting additional vacation days. And to be honest, I kind of like this system. I'm happy to work >40h every now and then, but I won't work >40h on average.

They don't?

What do people consider an average work week?

I do 37.5hrs religiously and have never had a problem. A good fraction of developers at head office do 30-32hrs (4 days/wk).

I consider 40-ish to be "normal" but I don't always organize my time that way, it's just some ingrained cultural thing because I'm from the USA.

When I feel like I'm working much less than 40, I check my productivity. If my productivity feels good I stop worrying; if not then I try to work more. (I've been in the game long enough to have a pretty good sense of this.)

When I feel like I'm working much more than 40, I worry about my time-management and try to correct it.

I would find it completely reasonable for someone else to do the same reckoning with 30 instead of 40 hours, as long as they get shit done.

On the occasions when I've found myself stuck in crazy ruts, like six months at 80 hours per week, in hindsight it's always been because I followed some wrong lead -- a workaholic boss, an arbitrary deadline -- that I didn't actually have to follow.

If your biggest concern with work is how many hours you are doing, then you have bigger problems.

Does it count as irony that the only hope for a sane work week is coding with rules?

Let me come in with a contradictory opinion especially on the overtime.

You don't work for your current salary, you work for your next one. If you are one of those 9 to 5 ers, don't complain when the guy working 60 hours and more gets that promotion over you.

The higher up the ladder you go, the more that will be required of you. Also, startups or high paying jobs will require more of you since you will get getting more in return for better performance.

It is a trade off, and as you get older your priorities change. But there is a trade off to be made. 60 hours is the norm in my field, and often I'll put out more (including the random 2am call), and sometimes much more.

I have a simple rebuttal to that. It doesn't scale.

This is actually sign of poor management. You should not reward people for working 60+ hours. If you want to reward anyone, you should find the ones that can get the same work done in about 30 hours. Hard to believe, but they do exist.

What you will find, is that the people that need 60 hours at one level, are likely to think they need 80 hours at the next. Or more. This clearly is not going to be available.

Worse, you don't think so, but the odds are high that as you get older, you will get a family and possibly children. When that happens, the ability to get 60 hours is now in jeopardy. Heck, many weeks, that 40 is tough.

Note carefully, I do not believe you should punish people for working extra hours. But incentives should not be such that they are required or encouraged. Unless you like seeing ruined lives. And businesses.

I say meh to all of this. You're better off taking that extra time and spending it on side projects and side businesses that will give you independence from your current company.

When you take taxes into consideration, the promotions don't really add up to that much. You're just adding to your yearly income, which tends to get taxed quite heavily anyway. You need to find a way to take your effort and put it into something that doesn't get taxed as much as regular income does.

I would be more interested in building passive sources of income that don't rely so much on my being present to bring in the money.

I also generally don't like the idea of someone else telling me what my contributions are worth. By putting in all those extra hours, you're basically pinning all of your hopes on someone else's judgment. If they like you, then maybe you'll get that extra money.

But what if they don't? What if they're just some sociopath who couldn't give a rip about your career goals? In my experience, that's been the case more often that not.

It would take one hell of a leader to convince me it's worth putting in all those extra hours. I would basically need assurance from the very beginning that I would be getting a bigger cut of the pie.

> I also generally don't like the idea of someone else telling me what my contributions are worth. By putting in all those extra hours, you're basically pinning all of your hopes on someone else's judgment. If they like you, then maybe you'll get that extra money.

He mentioned he works in finance. That whole industry is very hierarchical and based around strict pecking orders (and lots of koolaid drinking to boot). In many firms, you are always just "one project away" from being promoted or made partner.

The might be applicable to some, but if he works in finance, there's a possibility that the compensation is heavily performance-based, and high enough that it is much smarter to focus on maximizing that (while investing/saving it) than it is to spend non-existent free time on side projects that might pan out to something eventually.

At a certain level of income from a job, it can very much make sense to pour everything you have into it to maximize your personal return while you can.

>when the guy working 60 hours and more gets that promotion over you

Plenty of people who work hard (whether 40 or 60 hours/week) do not get promoted because they can't or won't spend half of that time on self-promotion. They are seen as valuable worker-bees, but promotions go to self-promoters and schmoozers.

This is the culture you want to support and see thrive? Or are you a survival of the fittest kind of person? Many people in the software community believe in opensource and freedom of information. A single one of us often replaces at least 20 peoples jobs due to automation and that number will go up. Tech attracts the most spineless yet sweet personalities.

With all this in mind, you believe that the person allowing you to live should dictate the lifestyle you are allowed to. And their choice is one of "12 hours is not enough but you need sleep so you can do it again tomarrow". Do you want to live your life with only glimpses of the outside world? Do you think success in the ccorperate bubble is worth more than exploring what you want?

> If you are one of those 9 to 5 ers, don't complain when the guy working 60 hours and more gets that promotion over you.

And he shouldn't complain that the guy who works 75 hours and fucks everyone else over at the first opportunity gets a promotion over him.

And the management shouldn't complain when they discover they've created a shitty combative environment where everyone sabotages each other and points fingers of blame.



It depends - is the promotion worth it? Is it worth working 60 hours a week? There's more to life than work.

Also, if you get a reputation as a 60 hour worker that's going to be your expectation. After promotion that's going to be the expected schedule. The promotion after that will be the same. The point is you're not just working 60 until the next promotion. You'll probably end up working 60 for the next 10-20 years.

If that's ok with you, and that's what you want, then that's fine.

Another kicker: a company can fire you at pretty much any time and for any reason. Why pour yourself into an enterprise that can toss you aside at any moment?

If I'm sitting here doing 35 hours a week and some guy is doing 60 and gets promoted I'd be fine with it, because you can guarantee he won't be getting a 40% pay increase, and I get 25 hours a week more of my life.

Youre conflating 'working more hours' with 'doing more work' - these are not at all one and the same.

A fresh college graduate could spend 60 hours trying to spin up a new web server, where an experienced professional could do the same in an hour. Should the fresh graduate get a promotion for this?

You're right that higher paying jobs require more of you, thats why the barrier to entry is higher. You need to have more experience and know how to do more things. You're not getting paid more because you're expected to work more hours, but because you are expected to be capable of doing more complex work.

This is a pretty naive approach in most cases.

There are tons of companies (I'd argue most) where firstly there's no "next big salary" to be received (it's a slooow upwards trajectory) and secondly promotions are not based on who works harder than everyone else.

Why am I getting down voted for this?

While I didn't down vote, I would say: because you're wrong.

You seem to suffer from the delusion that number of hours a person works is what matters. Most people aren't productive above 40 hours a week, any high number of hours and you're just wasting time.

Then there's the fact that working 60+ hours of week simply isn't health, and you're advocating that the thing you need to do to advance in the world is to trade in health for promotions, and increased salary.

If a job requires a person to work 60+ hours per week, then may it should be two jobs, not one. So now you're not just encouraging people so scarifies health, family and friend for you job, you're basically under biding a another person by doing their work for free.

Edit: May not wrong, but the advocate for a work environment that should be illegal. In fact it is illegal where I live.

There are highly competitive fields where this is the reality. Those also tend to pay very well and include large bonuses. And some of us like working in those fields. We don't just work on web projects or droid apps.

That's hardly the point. The point is that if not regulated, at a level where the average person can keep up, be healthy and have a life outside work, then some employers will push and exploit people.

Also employees shouldn't be rewarded for self destructive behaviour. Sadly many companies can't tell the self destructive from the people who just happen to enjoy what they do. And some of the self destructive actually do love their job.

It seems to be the latest trend on YC. If you disagree with someone's opinion, down vote it, regardless whether the post was well argumented or not.

Obvious reasons.

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