The text breakdown doesn't show some of the numbers that are in the map. However, they are in the source. Here they are.
United States 54.3%
India 8.2%
United Kingdom 4.5%
Canada 3.6%
Germany 3.2%
China 2.4%
Australia 2.3%
Italy 2.0%
Pakistan 1.9%
South Africa 1.6%
China 2.4%
Australia 2.3%
Italy 2.0%
Pakistan 1.9%
South Africa 1.6%
Netherlands 1.4%
Kyrgyzstan 1.0%
Belgium 0.7%
Mexico 0.7%
Cameroon 0.7%
Ireland 0.6%
Japan 0.5%
Other 10.4%
With Alexa data your results will be skewed because you will only count visits from people with the Alexa toolbar installed. For whatever reason, people in Kyrgyzystan are more likely to have the Alexa toolbar.
Toronto has a huge presence on Hacker News out of those that come from Canada. At first I thought it was one of my monikers ("A Toronto Data Guy") but after linking to some of my colleagues blog posts and checking out their Google Analytics results, it turns out that Toronto is many times over represented.
Hacker News Summary was recently featured on the front page of Hacker News. Here is a PDF export of the number of visitors only from Hacker News and what country they came from. It should give a decent representation of where Hacker News users are located.