Of course, but you have to take into account the strength of feeling over this issue in the UK. The referendum was the most acrimonious vote in the UK in my lifetime. Turnout was very high. The majority of people who normally vote for May's Tory party supported Brexit. There is a staunchly anti-EU party (UKIP) waiting in the wings to pick up large numbers of votes if the Tories don't follow through. UKIP already got 13% of the popular vote at the last election, despite the first-past-the-post system (they only got 0.2% of the MPs).
It's not just general public sentiment that constrain's May. Many of May's own back bench MPs care far more about making Brexit happen than they do about keeping the Tories in government (the number of single-issue anti-eu diehard Tory MPs is greater than the Tories majority in parliament). They will bring down her government if she doesn't move towards Brexit.
That is assuming that the media, backed by recent and coming economic figures won't scaremonger and break away all the other popular arguments against Brexit, as 'no foreigners' wasn't the only argument. Not to mention that procrastination and fearful reports by the government will also help. The longer it takes the easier it will be to kill it.
Of course, all of this assumes May's intention to not exit.