The thing I'm always missing on Reddit and HN is a sliding scale to tweak the time dropoff factor. For example I've been busy and check Reddit for the first time in four days. Ideally I'd see the most important stuff of the past 4 days, but the algorithm for "best" is not configurable and I roughly see what's hot today.
Another example is a thoroughly boring lesson where you just keep hitting refresh and all the links are purple already. Here I'd slide the scale to "what's new in the past 5-30 minutes?"
On reddit you can go for top posts of the day/week/month/year/alltime already and HN can do the same via the search feature. What I can't select is a granularity of less than a week and either longer or shorter than a day, and this website can't do that either, so for me at least this site has no use.
I'm not saying you (OP) should build this. It's more of a shout out to the community in general, perhaps someone has tips (e.g. an app that can do this) or someone agrees and happens to know a reddit admin and tells them... just my thoughts. That's why I'm posting this, not to make you change this site ;)
By the way, it might just be me, but the background... is more of a foreground, at least when I try to look at the website it jumps out immediately.
That's something that Digg did well. You could click "top today/24 hours/week/x days" and you would see the submissions with most diggs in 24 hours/week/days/etc.
You could potentially do this with a client side extension. RES lets you filter posts that have certain keywords or other criteria. You could perhaps add a bit of code to make it filter posts that are older than x hours/days, and then browse /top like normal, but see only new posts.
I'm more concerned about mixing posts from different subreddits. When I browse my feed (sorted by past week), I see only posts from the largest subreddits I subscribe to, mainly default subreddits. I see zero posts from the smaller subreddit's I subscribe to. This is especially bad because I find the smaller subreddit's the most interesting!
Don't they still have the "multi reddits"? Just make a group for the smaller ones. Or a simple bookmark like etc. A bit work upfront but if you are annoyed it may very well be worth the time.
It might help a bit. But really the problem is I want to see the top 10 posts from the last week that I missed. Even grouping smaller subreddits together, /top still sorts them by the size of the subreddit and is mostly useless.
GitHub part is so flawed... because FreeCodeCamp inflate their popularity by requiring during onboarding for the user to star their repository yet keeping them at the top. It's like if I told everyone to vote up my Hacker News posts... and gave them the link to do it and GitHub has no remedy for that inflation.
This is why we recently retired FreeCodeCamp from Changelog Nightly[^1]. It was in the Top Starred list each and every night for months on end. Impressive, but not very interesting.
Well, that Reader One (One Reader?) only seems to show the current top N posts of a couple of popular sites (Hacker News, Product Hunt, Reddit, Slashdot, Designer News, Lifehacker, ...). Is there a (hidden) feature to show the top posts on a daily, weekly or monthly level?
It's only for Hacker News, but Colin Parcival daily posts the top 10 HN posts on It lacks your feature to show the top posts on a weekly or monthly level (and more sources), which are cool features. (I'm not a big fan of the UI style thought.)
Then there's also "hckr news",, which shows the top 10 or top 20 per day, or the top 50% of every six hours. But also that one is just for Hacker News.
I don't like having blocks of headlines all over the screen. It kind of reminds me of a web portal from the 90s. I think something like (mentioned by another user on this page) provides a more readable interface.
Another example is a thoroughly boring lesson where you just keep hitting refresh and all the links are purple already. Here I'd slide the scale to "what's new in the past 5-30 minutes?"
On reddit you can go for top posts of the day/week/month/year/alltime already and HN can do the same via the search feature. What I can't select is a granularity of less than a week and either longer or shorter than a day, and this website can't do that either, so for me at least this site has no use.
I'm not saying you (OP) should build this. It's more of a shout out to the community in general, perhaps someone has tips (e.g. an app that can do this) or someone agrees and happens to know a reddit admin and tells them... just my thoughts. That's why I'm posting this, not to make you change this site ;)
By the way, it might just be me, but the background... is more of a foreground, at least when I try to look at the website it jumps out immediately.