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As a very heavy day to day user, my biggest three complaints are:

1. Ability to "lock" a row. We often build lists in Asana that are not meant to be tasks. It's great for project planning or status boards. The problem is everything in Asana is very easily checked off or moved, which sometimes can happen by accident. This provides a feeling of fleetingness that I think makes some people (especially super detail oriented project managers) nervous.

2. Native Apps. I really need a great official OSX native app. The iOS app, while it has gotten better, has always felt like an afterthought to the company.

3. Notifications. This is the main reason I want a solid OSX app. I need notifications to work really well. If something is important and needs my attention, I need to instantly know about it (and knowing about it via a push notification on my phone isn't good enough). Slack has cut down on email usage for us, like many, significantly. I don't check email as much now, so I can't rely on email notifications for our primary project management tool.

Overall Asana is great. I always end up going back to it after using other tools. I do agree however there are a few small things that would help to make it feel a bit more "grown up".

My experience is pretty similar. Asana is fine, and I find other tools generally less effective. The ui is convoluted though, especially since they introduced conversation. The way documents are integrated isn't great either - I wish there was a way to share team docs or project docs without sticking them into tasks or conversations.

And basic things like assigning tasks or moving them across sections take forever in the mobile apps - which is quite painful.

But when you define a clear process within a team, which features to use or avoid, it's way more powerful than email, and more inclusive than ticketing systems

So you use asana and slack? As a developer with a small company that is looking at messaging options, would you mind explaining your use scenarios for these two, in my view, relatively similar apps?

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