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Came here to say pretty much the same thing. It's slick and easy to use. It's actually the 'dropbox' I've always wanted and if they introduce a storage limit I'd pay.


What's also impressive is doing away with Dropbox's clunky "selective sync". While having everything stored locally sounds like a good idea at first, as you store more and more data is gets less and less user-friendly; in other words, power-users get the worst user experience.

Additionally, creating an easy way to share files with friends without taking up their quota is awesome. This looks like it could be a very, very powerful competitor to Dropbox.

At one point OneDrive used a similar approach, and power users loved it.

But they've since moved away from that in favor of Dropbox-style selective sync for reasons that didn't seem very convincing to me. [1]

[1] http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/11/onedri...

Not storing files locally sounds like a good idea at first - you don't have any syncing issues. But nobody has a perfect always-on internet connection. Having files local is worth the occasional sync cockup.

Oh for sure there's a reason that approach is dropbox's default - its really hard for people to understand their files aren't really "there".

That said, my point is more that for people who start storing 100GB+ of data, it becomes harder and harder to actually manage which bits you want at any time.

Yeah. 1 GB Free + $.XX per additional GB would probably be the best model for them, at least looking at it from the outside.

> We're giving everyone 10 gigabytes.

>There is no paid upgrade currently. The 10GB free accounts will stay free, but we'll likely offer paid storage for people who want to store more data.

I was implying they should lop of the 0 and go with 1 free GB.

I'm looking forward to group sharing, on-premise caches, etc.

Maybe this is a tangental question, but wouldn't it be relatively easy for dropbox to implement this?

Or are you saying you prefer the command line interface?

Given Dropbox's absolutely glacial pace of feature progression, no it would not be easy. I mean, all of dropbox runs off of one set of private keys...


Dropbox works with the NSA to hand over customer data. You are absolutely right that something like this would go over like a turd in a punchbowl at Dropbox HQ.

Unlike Google, Microsoft and Slack, Dropbox does have the top, 5 star, EFF rating for protecting your data from the government... I'm not sure what more they could be doing.

Edit to add link to EFF ratings: https://www.eff.org/who-has-your-back-government-data-reques...

Are we THAT forgetful? http://kiledjian.com/main/2013/6/7/nsa-is-using-google-faceb...

Dropbox was listed on PRISM documents. Are you kidding me?

They could do client side encryption.

Their profitability depends on being able to dedupe and compress data across all customers. They would need to raise prices significantly to make client side encryption a built in feature.

You trust the end users to back up their private keys?

I don't care what other people do. I want client side encryption!

Then use tarsnap already. Bonus: it is owned by our own cperciva.

tarsnap is nerdish, secure and reasonably priced for what it provides IIRC. Haven't used it though but expect someone would have yelled out here if it was bad. (In fact the only one I've seen bashing it was patio11, -because it was too cheap and too nerdish.)

tptacek also complains that tarsnap is too nerdish. :-)

At least on Linux/OSX/Android, you can use encfs to have a encrypted directory tree.

Spideroak can do it without private keys to back up.

Thanks for adding facts. Do they still have that questionable(?) politician on the board?

As the recent Schrems case in the CJEU said, any data held in the USA is no secure.

By all means, just make stuff up. You've come to the right venue.

I like the social proof, I like the crypto, I like the command-line as well.

Asking for an invite as well. Email in my profile. Thank you John, or whoever has any invites left!

email NOT in your profile...

I'd appreciate an invite too, if you have one - vmarsi75-hn at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

i'm 8 hours behind but would love an alpha invite! =) my username at gmail

Hi John, mind sharing an invitation?

I have no shame... I would love an invite if you're not exhausted already.

Best of luck with this thing you're building. I haven't been excited about any tech stuff in ages. This is really cool.

Send an email to the address in my profile. I have some invites left.

If there's any left, kind sir.

Sent to email in your profile.

hi, could you please send me an invite if you have some left ? many thanks !

no email in your profile...

Email in profile, would like an invite as well... Edit: no longer necessary, got one through twitter

I'd take an invite as well if anyone sees this, thx :) edit: Email in profile

Hey! Any invites left? (Email in profile)

Got it :)

Would also love an invite, thanks!

i would also like an invite please. [myusername] @ gmail.com

insert checkmark

Thanks bro. Appreciated it.

ah, just added it. may you please ? thank you !

Just sent you one. Have a nice weekend,.

Am I too late to ask for an invite as well?

I'd really appreciate an invite, too.

you have no email in your profile

oh, whoops, I thought I had it in there. I did get an invite, though, so no need to worry.

I'd also love to check it out :)

Sent you one :)

Love an Invite! Really looks slick :D

I'd love an invite too!

(email in profile)

I didn't see an email. If you still need an invite, shoot me an email.

I got an invite, thank you though!

I also would love an invite

Your email address is not in your profile.

Could I get an invite too? I really love the premise of this project! Thanks

One more please?

no email in your profile

Hi, also would love an invite, thanks! (email in profile)

Jumping on the invite begging train (email in profile)

Sent you one.

Love to get on the invite train too (Email in profile)

Would love an invite please. Thank you.

Same here. Would love an alpha invite.

Thank you!

Me too please?

I would love an invite too (email in profile)

I was going to send you one, but... I can't find your email in your profile.

weird, it's in my profile. anyway, here it is dida1337 at yahoo.com

That email isn't public, I think. In any case, you should have one now.

Hi John, I also would love to test it out! https://keybase.io/flaviotsf

Thank you so much and congratulations on the release!

Another shameless request from me if any are floating around :) Happy Friday!

if you'd still like an invite, what's your email address? hi@peterood.com

I'm out of invites now

I have one invite left (for some reason I never got more than ten invites). Drop me an e-mail. First come, first served ;).


Shameless request from me as well. Thanks!

here's another shameless coder begging for an invitation

If anyone else wants an invite, I have a few left: email in profile.

All my invites are gone, sorry (and wow! did a lot of people email; there's a huge demand for Keybase)

I'd love an invite please (email in profile)

if you'd still like an invite, what's your email? hi@peterood.com

another shameless request for an invite, mid-project and am very excited by what keybase is doing here. thanks!

Count me in as one of the people who are excited. If you don't mind, Can I also get an invite?

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