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Introducing the Keybase filesystem (keybase.io)
1252 points by rdl on Feb 4, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 462 comments

About 4 years ago I was involved with a commercial software project attempting to do exactly this. What we built worked but it wasn't positioned in a way that interested our target audience (Enterprise customers).

First, bravo for making it happen in a way that is getting people excited. Second, I sincerely wish you the best luck in getting people to pay for it in a way that is sustainable for a business. We built a user interface that made truly secure group file sharing accessible to mere mortals and said mortals were uninterested.

About three months after we shut down the business Edward Snowden made his infamous leak(s) and it became obvious to me that commercial crypto products coming out of the United States would be met with extreme levels of skepticism for some time to come. Any remotely centralized solution to the problems of key distribution and encryption are probably dead on arrival because of the single point of jurisdiction/political failure. It really doesn't matter how open you are (unfortunately).

Two things really stand out to me about this implementation. 1) The trustworthiness of the key exchange doesn't appear to employ a mechanism that protects against a man in the middle. 2) They mention the possibility of in-browser Javascript crypto. These are not small issues. The people who need crypto require rigid, durable implementations that don't gloss over security concerns in favor of usability. Everyone else is just being trendy.

I wish you the best of luck.

I think they only gloss over the security on the front side. Have you read the documentation?

https://keybase.io/docs/server_security https://keybase.io/docs/sigchain

They do specifically mention the problem of javascript crypto. They also mention the fact they want to be mirrored.

That said, I don't actually know enough to make smart decisions in this space. But I'd be interested in your thoughts after reading the docs (if you haven't already).

I don't think Keybase is glossing over security at all.

First of all, you don't have to use the browser app at all. I personally don't trust Javascript crypto and hence don't do anything in the web app.

They're also acutely aware of the dangers of centralization and all the Keybase crypto is based on minimal trust. Check the documentation: https://keybase.io/docs/server_security

Is it JavaScript crypto you don't trust, or in-browser crypto you don't trust?

I don't trust in-browser crypto and I'm skeptical of JavaScript crypto.

Personally, I don't want someone else storing my private keys; which is a pre-condition for doing anything you'd have to worry about in the browser anyway.

Actually, I use Keybase without having them store my private keys.

So do I - that was my point to parent: I don't use the browser tools not because of JS (which is a concern) but because of not wanting private keys stored online which would be required to do so.

I think they know what they're doing. The article seems pretty thorough and they're open to feedback. It looks like they've thought of most things but are still able to keep it usable, engaging and at times even humorous (https://keybase.pub/chris/lemon_party.jpg). These are things often missing from security products.

P.S. If anyone wants an invite then details are in my profile.

I think it's more than just being trendy; there's a range of security needs to be considered.

I'd be happy to go with something that has more crypto than Dropbox but stop short of full tinfoil hat. Consider FileVault on Mac OS. You flip the switch and you're done. If someone steals your laptop they are unlikely to be able to access your files. Win. Will it stop a dedicated hacker or NSA (or even a court order compelling you to decrypt your computer)? Nope.

Regarding 1):

Could someone with more expertise explain how Keybase protects against MitM attacks please? Does it simply rely on the difficulty of compromising the SSL certs of multiple assertions (twitter.com, github.com, etc)?

As far as I can tell, if someone was able to 'pretend' to be Twitter, ie, MitM an HTTPS connection to twitter.com, they could 'pretend' to be someone who only has their Keybase info on Twitter. Of course, putting your key data in more places makes it harder to appear as you.

1) MitM on TLS requires being able to issue trusted certificates for any domain. That means you either own an already trusted certificate (which basically means you're a state-level actor), or you can install a certificate on the victim's device (which means you have physical access/ownership of the device). It's also detectable through certificate pinning.

2) In Keybase, if you 'track' someone, you sign the assertions they've made as of today. So in the future you (or anyone else -- tracking is public) can detect if those assertions have changed since you first started tracking them.

Does someone has an invite for me aswell? w.schaeuble at outlook dot de


Sent an invite

Have any left over? Email is in my profile.

Drop me an email if you still need one. Email is in my profile.

All gone!

I've been using this for a couple weeks. Along with Zcash, it is the most amazing crypto-engineering project I've seen in years.

Imagine being able to share files on an ad hoc basis with anyone -- on any network. Share with someone based on Twitter, on Facebook, or email address.

Even better, all with cryptographic proofs of identity, strong crypto at every level, and open source.

Came here to say pretty much the same thing. It's slick and easy to use. It's actually the 'dropbox' I've always wanted and if they introduce a storage limit I'd pay.


What's also impressive is doing away with Dropbox's clunky "selective sync". While having everything stored locally sounds like a good idea at first, as you store more and more data is gets less and less user-friendly; in other words, power-users get the worst user experience.

Additionally, creating an easy way to share files with friends without taking up their quota is awesome. This looks like it could be a very, very powerful competitor to Dropbox.

At one point OneDrive used a similar approach, and power users loved it.

But they've since moved away from that in favor of Dropbox-style selective sync for reasons that didn't seem very convincing to me. [1]

[1] http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/11/onedri...

Not storing files locally sounds like a good idea at first - you don't have any syncing issues. But nobody has a perfect always-on internet connection. Having files local is worth the occasional sync cockup.

Oh for sure there's a reason that approach is dropbox's default - its really hard for people to understand their files aren't really "there".

That said, my point is more that for people who start storing 100GB+ of data, it becomes harder and harder to actually manage which bits you want at any time.

Yeah. 1 GB Free + $.XX per additional GB would probably be the best model for them, at least looking at it from the outside.

> We're giving everyone 10 gigabytes.

>There is no paid upgrade currently. The 10GB free accounts will stay free, but we'll likely offer paid storage for people who want to store more data.

I was implying they should lop of the 0 and go with 1 free GB.

I'm looking forward to group sharing, on-premise caches, etc.

Maybe this is a tangental question, but wouldn't it be relatively easy for dropbox to implement this?

Or are you saying you prefer the command line interface?

Given Dropbox's absolutely glacial pace of feature progression, no it would not be easy. I mean, all of dropbox runs off of one set of private keys...


Dropbox works with the NSA to hand over customer data. You are absolutely right that something like this would go over like a turd in a punchbowl at Dropbox HQ.

Unlike Google, Microsoft and Slack, Dropbox does have the top, 5 star, EFF rating for protecting your data from the government... I'm not sure what more they could be doing.

Edit to add link to EFF ratings: https://www.eff.org/who-has-your-back-government-data-reques...

Are we THAT forgetful? http://kiledjian.com/main/2013/6/7/nsa-is-using-google-faceb...

Dropbox was listed on PRISM documents. Are you kidding me?

They could do client side encryption.

Their profitability depends on being able to dedupe and compress data across all customers. They would need to raise prices significantly to make client side encryption a built in feature.

You trust the end users to back up their private keys?

I don't care what other people do. I want client side encryption!

Then use tarsnap already. Bonus: it is owned by our own cperciva.

tarsnap is nerdish, secure and reasonably priced for what it provides IIRC. Haven't used it though but expect someone would have yelled out here if it was bad. (In fact the only one I've seen bashing it was patio11, -because it was too cheap and too nerdish.)

tptacek also complains that tarsnap is too nerdish. :-)

At least on Linux/OSX/Android, you can use encfs to have a encrypted directory tree.

Spideroak can do it without private keys to back up.

Thanks for adding facts. Do they still have that questionable(?) politician on the board?

As the recent Schrems case in the CJEU said, any data held in the USA is no secure.

By all means, just make stuff up. You've come to the right venue.

I like the social proof, I like the crypto, I like the command-line as well.

Asking for an invite as well. Email in my profile. Thank you John, or whoever has any invites left!

email NOT in your profile...

I'd appreciate an invite too, if you have one - vmarsi75-hn at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

i'm 8 hours behind but would love an alpha invite! =) my username at gmail

Hi John, mind sharing an invitation?

I have no shame... I would love an invite if you're not exhausted already.

Best of luck with this thing you're building. I haven't been excited about any tech stuff in ages. This is really cool.

Send an email to the address in my profile. I have some invites left.

If there's any left, kind sir.

Sent to email in your profile.

hi, could you please send me an invite if you have some left ? many thanks !

no email in your profile...

Email in profile, would like an invite as well... Edit: no longer necessary, got one through twitter

I'd take an invite as well if anyone sees this, thx :) edit: Email in profile

Hey! Any invites left? (Email in profile)

Got it :)

Would also love an invite, thanks!

i would also like an invite please. [myusername] @ gmail.com

insert checkmark

Thanks bro. Appreciated it.

ah, just added it. may you please ? thank you !

Just sent you one. Have a nice weekend,.

Am I too late to ask for an invite as well?

I'd really appreciate an invite, too.

you have no email in your profile

oh, whoops, I thought I had it in there. I did get an invite, though, so no need to worry.

I'd also love to check it out :)

Sent you one :)

Love an Invite! Really looks slick :D

I'd love an invite too!

(email in profile)

I didn't see an email. If you still need an invite, shoot me an email.

I got an invite, thank you though!

I also would love an invite

Your email address is not in your profile.

Could I get an invite too? I really love the premise of this project! Thanks

One more please?

no email in your profile

Hi, also would love an invite, thanks! (email in profile)

Jumping on the invite begging train (email in profile)

Sent you one.

Love to get on the invite train too (Email in profile)

Would love an invite please. Thank you.

Same here. Would love an alpha invite.

Thank you!

Me too please?

I would love an invite too (email in profile)

I was going to send you one, but... I can't find your email in your profile.

weird, it's in my profile. anyway, here it is dida1337 at yahoo.com

That email isn't public, I think. In any case, you should have one now.

Hi John, I also would love to test it out! https://keybase.io/flaviotsf

Thank you so much and congratulations on the release!

Another shameless request from me if any are floating around :) Happy Friday!

if you'd still like an invite, what's your email address? hi@peterood.com

I'm out of invites now

I have one invite left (for some reason I never got more than ten invites). Drop me an e-mail. First come, first served ;).


Shameless request from me as well. Thanks!

here's another shameless coder begging for an invitation

If anyone else wants an invite, I have a few left: email in profile.

All my invites are gone, sorry (and wow! did a lot of people email; there's a huge demand for Keybase)

I'd love an invite please (email in profile)

if you'd still like an invite, what's your email? hi@peterood.com

another shameless request for an invite, mid-project and am very excited by what keybase is doing here. thanks!

Count me in as one of the people who are excited. If you don't mind, Can I also get an invite?

So IPFS with cryptography? Although, since Keybase still has a copy of the data, its closer to Dropbox with crypto.


I don't think it's distributed in the IPFS fashion, right?

Which makes sense, of course, since Keybase is a funded startup that needs to capture value... and, well, centralized file sharing is a more straightforward solution, too.

The file system thing seems really cool and useful. I'm a fan of Keybase and will recommend this to people with whom I need to share sensitive data.

It'd be interesting to hear the Keybase people talk openly about how they see their role as both infrastructure providers for an open web of trust, and an economic entity that requires for its survival some degree of lock-in and centralization.

Which makes it pretty much boring from my perspective. Give me The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) -> https://ipfs.io/

IPFS alone is usable for the public web, but is not usable for private sharing. You need a social identity-oriented public key infrastructure with a good UI. That is Keybase, and it's incredible that we have this now. Sure, we should implement an IPFS backend for the storage part. But let's not neglect the huge progress the Keybase folks have given us.

Well, what I'm hoping for from Keybase is enough user friendly tooling to encourage a lot of people to start using public-key cryptography. I don't see IPFS as really addressing any of that, even though it is extremely cool and valuable in other ways.

I love the ideas behind IPFS, but it isn't even trying to solve the same problems as KeyBase, so comparing them like this is very silly. Users may be able to benefit from both in different ways, or even use parts of the two together in the future.

I'm not speaking for Keybase, but their approach so far is to fill these roles in compatible ways.

As an infrastructure provider, they open source the client software and design it to trust the server as little as possible. They also endeavor to document the behavior of the server so that, in theory, you could build your own Keybase-compatible server.

As an economic entity, they're positioned to tackle the issues that open source projects usually face, like support, development resources, UI design resources, and "where do you put all of this encrypted data" by getting their most needy users (mostly businesses) to pay them.

We are working on "IPFS with crypto" for Peergos: https://github.com/ianopolous/Peergos

Does it scale well?

I mean, if I want to do some Torrent like P2P stuff, I need to...

- gather public keys of all the people who want to download from me

- encrypt every chunk for every person separately

The second part is usually handled by encrypting a randomly chosen symmetric cipher key using each public key, and then encrypting the file with a symmetric cipher. And I believe keybase was founded to tackle the first problem.

>Along with Zcash

Have you read about Monero or Bitcoin + Coinjoin + Joinmarket?

I see lots of people asking me for invites to Keybase in this thread. Sorry, I can't help, I'm all out. I gave away the 9 I had super-fast.

A bit offtopic, but what do you like about Zcash, and what's different from Bitcoin?

Zcash is an actually anonymous cryptocurrency (BitCoin is not, since senders and receivers are public). The crypto is definitely impressive (which it is, it uses zero knowledge proofs -- which are really cool math -- for a lot of its sending operations).

I see, thanks! I'll look more into it, it sounds interesting.

By the way, how did you manage to install Keybase FS? It won't work for me at all.

I managed to find the prerelease packages in the build scripts, and got it working through that. Make sure you restart the keybase service, as it doesn't happen automatically


I love you.

EDIT: Still doesn't work, unfortunately. I get the /keybase dir, but it's empty.

This needs to be more visible in this thread.

I'm not the grandparent, I don't have it installed. :P

Can you spare an invite please?

PSA to people asking for invites: make sure your email is in your HN profile.

Added my mail just for this :) can you spare an invite? Thanks :)

I would also love an invite if possible!

> Business Model?

> We're a long way off from worrying about this, but we'll > never run an ad-supported business again. And Keybase will > never sell data. > [....] > But, as stated above, there is currently no pay model, and we're not trying to make money. > We're testing a product right now, and we'd like to bring public keys to the masses.

I know a lot of people will see this as a pro, but honestly I see it as a huge negative. Raising capital doesn't mean that you "are not trying to make money". If you are not trying to make money, then you can't call it a "product".

This is my biggest worry about using this service. It looks great, but if they don't make any money, how can they keep it running for free in the long term? They should charge users money for storage, not give it away for free - hopefully they have a plan to do so soon but they should make that clear.

It would also be nice to be able to completely self-host, that would be really reassuring, not sure if it is possible but they could certainly sell that as a service and support it for businesses interested in running their own keyserver and encrypted file store.

Totally agree. I don't want to invest my time using a service that I don't trust will be around in 5yrs. Would love to pay a few bucks a month for this service to help alleviate that fear. Making money is a good thing.

It's indeed a very valid point, but they are already making a huge progress and few people noticed the abrupt change. When they launched here, it was full of negative comments, many questioning how much funding they got given that the idea 'wasn't very good', some security professionals said. Now their filesystem is making such a noise and they're getting and will get more users. It's a gamble to see if they could put the commercial layer on top of it or not. That's why funding startups is risky. The good business model may not get enough users and the absent business model may get many users and could try to monetize on top of it. It's a gamble, as usual.

Except that "product" means some real result of a creative process. There's zero about the term "product" that has any reliance on any element of money inherently.

prod·uct ˈprädəkt noun 1. an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.

prod·uct \ˈprä-(ˌ)dəkt\ 2.a.1 Something produced ; 2.b Something resulting from or necessarily following from a set of conditions. This book is the product of many years of hard work.

( http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/product )

There's another sense (not listed) in which "product" specifically refers to prohibited drugs. I know, and you should know, that quadrangle wasn't using that sense. As regards the point being disputed, rburhum is plainly wrong to say "If you are not trying to make money, then you can't call it a 'product'", and quadrangle is completely correct to call him on it. You can call anything produced a "product". That is the meaning of "product".

If the word "product" is used in the context of "Business Model" (as in right under the "Business Model" subtitle), then it is fair to assume the definition of Business product https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_(business) and not the by-product of a process or anything drug related.

He is not "plainly wrong" if the first definition of the word in question is literally supporting what he is saying. Your assertion of his correctness is what is plainly wrong.

Don't get too hung up on "the first definition". The first definition of product in M-W is "the number or expression resulting from the multiplication together of two or more numbers or expressions". That says absolutely nothing about what it means in any particular sentence.

The bit rburhum objected to says "We're not trying to make money. We're testing a product right now." This is correct idiomatic use of the word "product" (in the sense "something we make"), and it's a relevant answer ("we don't have one") to the question "what is your business model?".

They aren't trying to make money short term. That's the kicker. I think they'll be able to monetize it later in a way that doesn't impact the average Joe.

I've begun to look at software license fees as a kind of insurance policy against developers quitting the project :)

It's a negative but not a huge negative. I, and basically anyone sane, would prefer them to have a business model we could evaluate in our minds - it's just an unknown that isn't helpful. However, it's common and we can deal with it.

I have seen lots of "security-software" get lost in the trap of monetising first and never making it alive because money becomes more important than a real secure product. I would much rather let them wait and build something good and _only_ then try to raise money.

> If you are not trying to make money, then you can't call it a "product".

You could, however, say you are testing a product. Which is probably how users should treat startups that don't know how they'll make money yet -- as a product in testing.

But it *is" a product, just not s commercial one (so far)

I wonder if you can tail a file, to create an ad-hoc encrypted messaging channel like:

    Read your messages: tail -f /keybase/private/yourname/inbox.log
    Send a message to someone: echo 'Hi, friend!' >> /keybase/private/yourfriend/inbox.log
And I wonder how it handles filename collisions? Guess I'm going to need to play with this a bit later. :)

It works to repeatedly append to a file on one machine and `tail -f` it on another. Even an encrypted file. It just works.

As for collisions, a "conflict" is handled as you would expect on file syncing services, although all conflict resolution has to be done by the clients! (Even in the unencrypted public folders, the resolution of the conflict has to be signed. And in the encrypted case, obviously the server has no idea.) This is one of the many things that had made KBFS a large and interesting project.

If you really wanted to use KBFS as a transport layer, you could avoid the conflict entirely by each device claiming a file to write to, and each one in a folder can monitor the others' files.

> As for collisions, a "conflict" is handled as you would expect on file syncing services

I'm not sure what to expect though. Does it rename subsequent files by appending _##? Or does it overwrite? Or does it allow 2 files with identical filenames, like Google Drive (at least on the web) does?

Oh I see, sorry for not fully answering. Keybase does not merge files or anything source-control like that. In fact, if that's what you want, you can actually init a bare repo inside of Keybase and clone into and out of it. We do this all the time as we're dogfooding. It's cool that every push is signed automatically, and every pull or clone is verified.

The conflict resolution Keybase does do is simple and much like what Dropbox does. The clients will determine a winner, and the loser will be written as something like `Keybase Logo.conflicted (sjs382's imac5k copy 2016-02-04).psd` Note in this case 'imac5k' is a guaranteed unique device name for sjs382, due to the way our merkle tree of key announcements works.

By the way, the conflict resolution of a single file is one case in a fairly large list of possible conflicts. What happens if you remove a directory on one machine, but add a file to it on another? And so on. The conflict resolution flow is designed to protect you from data loss above all else.

Awesome, I'll be sure to play with it soon!

Thanks for the answers and thanks for the awesome kbpgp.js!

Excellent use of ISO8601 date. Maybe timestamp resolution is needed?

It works flawlessly! Here's a helper function for chatting which includes your handle before each message (helps keep track of who's saying what):

  KBUSER=`keybase status | grep Username | awk '{print $NF}'`;
  function say() { echo "$KBUSER: $@" >> /keybase/private/shared,folder,between,multiple,users/chat.txt }
Note: I made KBUSER a variable because `keybase status` takes about a second to run.

On the page it says it is "open source Go". Does that mean that, at least theoretically, I (or another independent provider) could build this and run my own personal keybase server? If so, that would really excite me. The one thing that really keeps me away from most cloud storage and sync services is lockin. I just am not willing to be come super dependent on a service that is building their business around proprietary lockin rather than providing an excellent service.

Yes it's pretty straightforward. You can even do something much simpler if you want to self-host and just want a sort of encrypted dropbox for yourself.

I recently did a little proof of concept hackathon entry (gopher gala) for a very similar idea which works with keybase.io for keys or your own server - https://sendto.click, which is also open source. This is far simpler of course but there's no reason in principle you couldn't just compile the client yourself, write your own client and use their server, or just write your own client and server, using the same golang crypto libraries, which are here for pgp:


It doesn't have to be quite as complex as the keybase tools, though I'm sure they have reasons for every decision and have thought hard about the way it all works, the crypto libraries they've based it on are open source and relatively straightforward to use.

My one hesitation about using keybase.io would be their business model and whether they'll be around in 5 years. They might have the best intentions but if it doesn't make money, and/or is bought by a large corporation, all bets are off on how the service will evolve or whether it will continue to exist. I'd love to see them start charging money and have a sustainable business model.

I wouldn't be too hesitant to use it. I think it depends mostly on being able to verify everything that they verify. Which they already encourage you to do: leave signed signatures in profiles so that people can verify them independent of keybase.io

I do use keybase.io and will be trying this out, I just worry about depending on a company with zero revenue in the long term.

I'd say the client is open source https://github.com/keybase/client

Maybe it's because I am not a keybase user, but can somebody explain this product in human terms? I am not an idiot, and it does sound interesting, but the post is too long and I just want to know what makes it unique compared to dropbox, etc. in one sentence.

This is DropBox with secure digital signatures and end-to-end encryption integrated into it in a easily accessible way.

what confused me was how they say they are not a sync service. I am still confused.

Dropbox synchronizes files between your computer and their servers. Keybase stores the files on their servers and only downloads/uploads them "on demand". Think of your web browser accessing gmail.com versus running something like Thunderbird that downloads your mail locally.

As a benefit, it's much simpler to implement - you don't need to work as hard to handle conflicts where two people made incompatible changes while offline. However, it will be slower for bulk operations and will require an internet connection.

The gmail metaphor is a good one.

Unfortunately the FUSE model isn't as simple to implement as it might seem. For performance reasons we're going to have to accept writes locally and push to the server in the background, which means all the same conflict resolution logic needs to be there. (In our case "there" means the client; the server can't help us, because it doesn't have any keys.) It's not clear exactly how much we'll be able to do for you without an internet connection, but the files you've read recently at least will need to stay in cache somehow. Fun times :)

so if i understand correctly, the model is more like the old megaupload/rapidshare/etc.....so what's new? Is it that they provide multiple ways of sharing tied to social media, compared to public/private/password protected mode of sharing for those aforementioned services?

What's new is transparent client-side public key encryption with a database of verified keys.

In my interpretation, the sentence about "there is no sync model" only means "files are only downloaded to the client device when the client attempts to open() or read() them". I guess means that files will not take any disk space on your device.

In my interpretation, files are stored on keybase servers.

Is that correct? I agree that the "sync" sentence in the article is confusing and maybe a bit misleading.

They're calling it a "file system," whatever that means. Presumably it means you can create encrypted virtual disk partitions that represent network storage shared with various peers, and treat those partitions as if they were resident on local drives.

Agreed that they need to work on the narrative a bit.

On Linux and OSX, Keybase will be a FUSE filesystem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace.

Any way to get early access?

Is this all centralized?

How about something completely decentralized, but permanent:



The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

30 second caveats:

- You still have to host yourself, since you don't get free hosting.

- Not encrypted, so you gotta add the encryption in yourself.

Decentralized doesn't mean you need to host it yourself.

Decentralized simply gives you the additional option to host it yourself. It also does not preclude free hosting.

Example: email.

Not true. IPFS is encrypted and with pluggable PKI too!


And you do not have to host yourself once your content is distributed. That is what makes it permanent!

Here's an IPFS issue about Keybase integration: https://github.com/ipfs/notes/issues/48

You don't have to, but unless someone decides to "pin" it it might just disappear at any time. So you better pin it yourself or find someone reliable to pin it for you.

> or find someone reliable to pin it for you.

The Internet Archive will eventually be the "pin" of last resort.

And/or someone will make a business out of pinning files.

For public files, I hope that there will be several organizations organizing multiple long-term pins of files.

That's the best part! Anyone could be paid to pin!

Home users with enough bandwidth and storage. Existing CDNs. New cloud storage entrants (Backblaze).

Literally anyone with an internet connection and storage would be able to securely serve your content.

EDIT: I just saw your profile :) Thanks for the work you do at the IA!

For encrypted personal files?

No, this was IPFs being discussed (content addressable web).

Yes, but we were talking in the context of the grandparent post "IPFS is encrypted and with pluggable PKI too!", not of publicly accessible files.

I'm all for IPFS, but I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Crypto is hard, especially PKI. KeybaseFS is crypto first, global FS second, while IPFS just says "do crypto yourself" - which, as we've seen with email and texting and literally everything else, doesn't work.

I would love for KeybaseFS to work via IPFS instead of their own servers. But pointing at IPFS as a /replacement/ for this crypto+FS project is disingenious.

I think parent only wanted to give examples of what direction we should be looking in.

> Your app will encrypt just for you and then awake and rekey in the background when that Twitter user joins and announces a key.

Isn't this the weak link in the chain? If you can convince the client that you're the person the data was encrypted for, it will re-encrypt it with a new key and send it to you, thus making the encryption useless. What's the protection against this, other than "don't worry, we won't introduce bugs"? (I'm not saying Random Twitter Troll will do this, but couldn't "the government" compel Keybase to re-encrypt your content with a key they have?)

What does the encryption add here that a server controlling access doesn't?

Well I can audit the source code of my client and be assured that it will only rekey when it sees proof (posted via twitter) that the person the data was encrypted for has joined.

Keybase doesn't have my private key (only I do), so they can't re-encrypt the contents.

(sorry if I misunderstood your question)

Cross device usability suffers, then. Credential locked keyfiles stored server side could be served to end users without revealing the key to the server - you would still need to input the credential locally to open the keyring, but then you could just login to a client rather than having to copy public keys around by file.

I imagine the later isn't impossibly complex, but would require slick engineering to get over the barrier of expectations most people have.

I'm not sure about that either. The weakest link seems to be a national security letter to Keybase where they distribute a backdoored version of the FS driver to Alice, and adds the key of Eve to all messages also encrypted to Bob.

However, Keybase can't just broadcast "Eve on twitter is Bob!" - the client gets that announcement and links you to the tweet that claims it, where you audit the twitter handle, key fingerprint, etc.

If the NSA is your adversary model, Keybase isn't for you. If the NSA is your adversary model, NO system involving any central servers is for you, unless they only act as a dumb relay. Since Keybase is also the provider of your proof that another party is who they claim to be, they will always be suspectable to a government adversary. If you want to be NSA-safe, you can't trust any third party companies code, and that just leaves you DOA.

tldr; this isn't for the NSA adversary model

Anybody who's worried about being the target of a National Security Letter can just compile from source instead of using a binary distribution.

This is why the CJEU doesn't view the USA as a safe habour anymore.

US laws have broken the internet.

I think the bigger problem with this is the Skype message deliverability problem. Everyone uses battery-powered devices (laptops and cell phones) now, so it's possible that days or weeks could go by before the app could wake up and rekey the data.

I would be really interested to see how they're making the filesystem cross platform if they're supporting Windows. I see in their 'hiring' page they mention FUSE which would give Linux and OS X support.

I too am very interested in if they are currently supporting Windows and/or if/when they plan to. I was hoping this blog post would have at least mentioned it in passing.

We are testing a build for Windows that uses Dokan. Early results have been very positive. It's an important feature of KBFS that it can run on Windows.

Hi Chris, the very first versions of Boxcryptor for Windows some years ago also used Dokan. Our experiences have been really bad and as the user base grew so did the number BSOD reports caused by Dokan (v0.6 back then). We are now using the commercial driver CBFS since 3+ years and are really happy with it. Hint: As development at Dokan has picked up again with Dokany, I don't know anything about its current stability.

Also, it's a terrible Plan B, but it's still a Plan B to keep in mind: Windows still has semi-adequate WebDAV views in Explorer. OneDrive for Business is still WebDAV-based for instance. (I've also seen and used several backup and NAS tools that have relied on WebDAV.)

There's always the ability to use a SAMBA server variant and be a network share. Still a lot of dumb Windows apps that fail on network shares, but most of those are long in the tooth and should be retired anyway (and the tried and true Map Network Drive is still a power user workaround).

It looks like one application I use (JungleDisk) is somehow faking a removable drive (such as USB). I'm curious how they've built that.

Thanks for the response!

I wonder how hard it would be to use the NTFS pseudo-files that OneDrive used in Windows 8.1 (and abandoned in Windows 10 for being "too confusing to the average user")?

You can seemingly host static files on keybase.pub, too. Makes it a viable alternative to github pages for hosting static sites:

https://akenn.keybase.pub/index.html (not mine)

Those are some good looking dolphins ;)

This is beautiful. I don't understand the dependency on the block chain: what's the forking attack we're concerned about here?

It's a public accounting of everyone's keys. All participants can review the blockchain to confirm the accuracy of their own public key. Three-letter agencies can't fork the blockchain and replace a key from the perspective of one participant.

It's not a forking attack, it's a selective-lying attack -- a malicious Keybase server could serve up old versions of someone's files, or pretend that e.g. no shared files exist between you and another user even though they do.

Putting everything into Merkle trees with published updating hashes allows clients to catch a malicious server -- if the server wants to lie to someone (without being caught), it has to lie to everyone at once.

How do you actually download this update?

It has a link at the bottom -> "latest download (possibly without the filesystem)"

I'm guessing that means not all of the OS builds have it enabled yet?

I'm confused about that as well. I am a Keybase user for a while now, but I have no Keybase folder even though I downloaded the latest client.

Did you work this out? Or is it a case of cloning the repo?

When reading this I though, is this how the next "web" will look like!? Having the world mounted at file system level and content streamed or pushed on demand.

What about a public key block-chain where "mining" is storing and serving data!? A system with baked in hosting/browsing, identity (public key) and micro-transactions (web-money).

I agree! Exciting, right? :) At risk of showing you something you've already come across:

* https://ipfs.io/

* https://ethereum.org/

* IPFS project lead interviewed at Ethereum conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7VjUKCdfpg

Simple use-case I cobbled together after reading this:

Show HN: Signed Blogs with Keybase.io file system [1]

It's ugly as anything (no stylesheet), but just wanted to demonstrate what I think could be an interesting use.


Unfortunately you just need to hack keybase and serve malicious code. It doesnt matter if its signed if my malicious code tells you the signature verification succeeded.

Client side needs versioned code to make this harder. Including signed, versioned javascript code, automagically.

This will also make alterations of web sites code a lot easier to detect.

I love that if you're logged in, it'll say

You can now write data in a very special place: /keybase/public/fsargent

Very cool.

How did you install a client that will do that? Mine doesn't have fs support.

fsargent loves that if you're logged in, the linked keybase web page says...

This is really cool.

Since this is a filesystem that streams data on demand, how does it behave under poor network conditions? I'm also curious how much data it caches locally, e.g. if I'm on a laptop and lose wifi for an hour, how much of the data in the keybase filesystem can I reasonably continue to access?

This is an awesome announcement and got me totally fired up.

Unfortunately, I wasn't even able to log in to my keybase account on a new computer. Judging from the 1,000 outstanding issues on their Github, it seems like Keybase should first be focusing on fixing the bugs in existing software before rolling out new products. [0]

As for the substance of the filesystem, it would be nice to have some concept of named/shared groups. So I could create a "company" folder and then add people to it over time instead of having to create a whole new shared folder each time we add someone new. (And having to manually copy over all relevant files.)

[0] https://github.com/keybase/keybase-issues/issues

I hate begging but I've been in the keybase queue for at least a year and would like to finally see what it's all about. I'd appreciate it a ton if someone could shoot me an invite: [removed] Thank you very much ashishchaudhary! :)

same here :)

I can send you one, I only need your email.

May I get one? Email address in my profile.

Yes, please. My email address is in my profile.

This is really cool, but I'm not clear on how to actually install it.

Or is it only available to a limited set of users?

I see there's a "keybase fuse" command that might be related, but there's no docs for how to use it.

You have to join, since they're still in alpha they let you wait - I just signed up and I'm user "#19177 in the alpha queue"

Some of us had keybase.io accounts for a while now ;). I think we have to wait until the client packages are updated with kbfs support.

On Ubuntu, mine wasn't auto-updated to get KBFS, but I found pre-releases that work:


I came here to find this. Upvote for you sir.

Why is centralized crypto with a freemium biz model so welcomed? Remember Snowden? Remember parse?

"Centralised Crypto" in what sense? Unless I'm very much mistaken, your private key never leaves your control - signing/encryption is done client-side.

One _can_ host their private key(s) on Keybase (you need to to use in-browser tools) but you don't have to; can instead use Keybase cli, or gpg directly.

They are the trusted source for my public key.

The entire system is architected so that you don't need to trust them for anything, beyond the trust you generally need to have in open-source developers. What is a specific scenario that concerns you?

Are you talking about the announced file storage service here? Or about the "drudru claims to be foobar on Twitter" service?

The former should be good - that sounds like a smart client in front of a dumb server. The latter is a different problem and as far as I'm aware the service is merely aggregating proves - and can link to those. Verify them?

The client verifies the proofs!

Wasn't keybase started due to a problem snowden had? He couldn't easily verify the GPG key of a journalist? They even resorted to tweeting the public key fingerprint to verify: https://twitter.com/micahflee/status/296119710485979136

>If that person hasn't installed Keybase yet, your human work is still done. They can join and access the data within seconds

Good luck getting people to do that.

Edit: I guess if the audience for this is technical people, then the kind of person who follows them is likely to be the kind that would download it, but that's a very small market. There's a far greater barrier to getting people to install software (with little tangible gain) than getting them to sign up for your website.

It's also a little bit hard to "join and access your data in seconds" when signup is still essentially by invite only...

A monetization idea: let people create folders that others need to pay to access and take some % of the payment (useful for companies distributing movies, games, etc.)

So slightly tangental but keybase has been around for a few years now, right? I haven't been able to figure it out but are they only afloat due to investment funds? Do they have any monetization plans? I setup a profile but I'm curious what the company ends up turning into. Perhaps the money made from providing paid upgrades to this filesystem can give them enough profit?

so assuming one trusts the model, would it work to have something like:

I have a /me/private/yourwebsite.com set up to be shared between me and your particular site, the link is set-up when I sign up

when I log in your site, it would look for this directory to be there, in this directory there will be a file with a password hash, the server would load it, and validate the hash of the typed in password against the hash I provide, once the login is successful it would remove this file

this would basically mean that I could have single-use passwords for any site as it would be trivial to have a browser add-on that generates a random password and corresponding hash when I want to log in somewhere, it types the password in the password field on the page and puts the hash in the keybase directory corresponding to it, and alert me if the site does not remove the file after the login.

I actually wrote something like that for Keybase before KBFS was announced: https://github.com/jzila/kb-login-ext

The approach you detailed is the way to go once the filesystem is in the wild. Such power!

You can get rid of the middleman and just sign a nonce for the site, modulo the "don't sign whatever someone gives you" caveat. If you have a PGP key that uniquely identifies you, there are many many things you can do.

I have 9 invites and I do not particularly want to trawl through all of the existing comments to find people who may or may not have been invited since having posted their comments hours ago.

So, reply to me here or email me (wanda {at} teknik.io) and I will send you an invite. First co-- actually, first noticed, first served.

Those who have emailed me--I believe I have sent invites to as many of you as I could.

    FAO: "AY" (full name omitted)
    I'm sorry, I ran out before
    I could get an invite to you.

I'd like an invite if you have more to spare. (johnsonwesleyt {at} gmail)


Excellent. I'll pay it forward if I get any invites myself.

I'd like an invite. The email address is in my profile.

You appear to have been invited by another.

Keen as, would love an invite. (daniel {at} protonome.com)


I'd love an invite. bhbatha {at} gmail.com

I'd like an invite.

I can't see your email address anywhere. I googled your screen name, which just led me to various web 2.0 accounts. Your website seems to be down or non-existent. Sorry, you'll have to wait for the next train.

Podcast interview with Keybase founder Rick Krohn which discusses this among other things: http://softwareengineeringdaily.com/?s=keybase+

Just was granted 5 more invites (Thanks Chris!) if anyone else is late to the party.

Please either reply with an email address or have one visible in your profile if you want one.

I'd love one! I've been really excited about this project for over a year but still in the invite queue :(.

equivrel - you get my last one.. just sent it, enjoy!


Hi, I'd love one! Reach me at <email moved to profile>

Edit: Thanks a lot for the invite !

Invite sent!

Thanks !

If you still have an invite, I would love one.


parimm - invite sent!

Got it, Thanks a lot :)

I'd love to get one, too!

7An2ieoW - invite has been sent.. enjoY!

Thanks a lot!

Yes, please! :)

you don't need a special account for Keybase FS, you can use the Keybase account you already have

But how do I “activate” KeybaseFS? When I run “keybase status” I get

        status:    not running
and there is no ‘/keybase’ mount point.


please send one

Very excited for this, just waiting for an official build unless someone has actual instructions for building Keybase with kbfs-beta support on linux.

This is fucking awesome. I've gotta try it.

Plenty of invites over here if anyone would like one


EDIT: all gone for now, but see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11037629 for more

Have also 8 invites :)

EDIT: All gone.

Can you send one? For mail, see my profile -- I didn't see an email in yours.

Still have any? I'd love one if so: jg {at} justus {dot} ws

I would love one if you don't mind.

Edit: Got it. Thanks!

Any left? gtfierro225 AT gmail

Thanks in advance!

I've got five invites, see my profile for email.

I guessed at your email, but would love an invite. Thanks!

You guessed correctly! Invite sent.

(I've updated to my profile to actually include my email now.)

Yes, please, that would be very welcomed: me sveme.org thanks! Edit: thanks, highly appreciated!


Do I need an invite for the kbfs part if I already have a keybase account?

No, you just need a version of the client that supports it. The publicly-available client doesn't support it on all platforms yet.

Yes please! <my HN username> at gmail, please.

Four more invites here. hugo@barrera.io. CHeers.

Would love an invite. Email address in my profile.

Sent an email; would love an invite!


I'd love to have one too :D

robinlambertz+dev at gmail

Hi - victorhooi at Yahoo com please? =)

I would love one :)

Edit: brennan at umanwizard dot com

Me too! bengoering at gmail

I've been using keybase and their copy really seems to make sense to people that do not understand encryption. I've been able to get more of my friends using PGP recently due to this. I'm hoping that the file system will get more people to migrate away from dropbox, etc.

This is a pretty cool system! Sounds ideal for e.g. sharing passwords, API keys or other credentials.

I've got invites (9) for Keybase that are collecting dust if anyone wants one. Email in profile.

WOW: That happened fast, I'm all out of invites now... 2 minutes after posting emails started coming in and within 3 minutes I was out. Sorry if you didn't get one...

I also had six invites, my email is in my profile, and I will either edit this comment or reply to myself when I'm out.

Edit: All out. I you got one from me, please use it within 24 hours, otherwise I will reclaim it and give it to someone else.

Man! If anyone does happen to want to share one, I'd love to give it a try! Thanks

Hi. Does anyone still have an invite? I would love to try it out.

Thanks for the invite! If I get invites, I'll update so I can send them out as well.

If anyone has invites still, erg at trifocus.net

I'll delete this comment once I get one.


All invites gone!

Could I get one? New to HN - is there a PM page....?

Thanks so much! This is really exciting.

I would be really grateful!

I would like one, please!

All invites gone as well

sent edit: thanks!

Email sent, thanks!

Thanks a bunch!

I have 8 invites if any other stragglers (6 hours after the story was posted) are still reading. I'm heading to bed but will send them during morning coffee, GMT -5. (please make sure your email is in your profile)

Any invites left? Would love to have one. Email address in my profile.

I would really like an invite. I have been waiting for about a year for one, if you still have one. Thanks.

need an email

jsrjenkins (@) gmail.com

Many thanks!

I guess they are gone but I would really like a invite: martindk at mailbox.org

[x] invite sent.. check your email.

Thank you very much

I'd love one if you still have any.


[ x ] task complete.

I'd really like an invite.

need an email

thomas at toumpoulis com

[ x ] sent.

I would like one, please!

Oh wow. Still not sure what I would use this for, but definitely interested. Or rather, how to use it.

please add an email to your HN profile and i'll send it to that.

I would like to try ...

need an email

Please send me one

[ x ] task complete.

Thank you :)

I would greatly appreciate an invite as well (ben[at]jelled.com).

I would greatly appreciate an invite as well. Edit: got one, thanks!

[ x ] done.

I'd like one if you have any left to spare, thanks.

[ x ] done and done.

Please send me an invite :) Thanks in advance.

need an email

I'd like one if you have some.

[ x ] done.

I'll take one please

please add an email to your HN profile and i'll send it to that.

May I have one please?

[ x ] sent to the email on the key in your profile

Got it. Thanks!

I'm interested!


Any invites left?

[ x ] done.


Me please!

need an email

Are there any invites floating around yet? I'd love one, email address is in my profile. Very interested in developing other tools against Keybase, with mruby or Elixir.

I am so excited for this project. I have been waiting for an invite for close to a year. Can anyone send me one? EDIT: email: jsrjenkins @ [google's email service].com

This looks like a really well thought out implementation that ought to fit a lot of use cases.

Put myself in the alpha queue this morning. I'll look forward to testing it out.

Does anyone still has a spare invite? I've been reading hacker news for a while now but I made an account just to ask :D (email adress on my account)

Edit: got one (two actually) thanks!

lemon_party.jpg is a nice touch.

Haha, don't look it up at work friends

I'm a little confused, where are the files hosted?

Random unrelated keybase question: I generated new subkeys with GPG recently - how do I update my keybase account? The master key has not changed.

I think you're looking for:

  keybase pgp update

That does not work - I have to log in with the command line client, which fails because I it doesn't have GPG sign with the correct key. Edit: Managed to get it to work by restoring a backed up keyring from before I updated my keys.

Is there any difference between this and http://tresorit.com/ ?

Has anyone managed to get this up and running? I'm running the Go client on Linux and no dice.

Looks very cool, trying it now. I think this will help keybase take off. Congrats on shipping!

I would really like an invite, hopefully some are still left!!: kishoresurana |at| gmail.com

Any idea how to get this working on Arch? The latest version looks to be about 2 weeks old.

It is 2 weeks old, but that's also the latest tagged release on github, so it's not out of date. I'm not seeing how to actually get KBFS on linux today.

How about the "keybase-release" package from AUR?

Considering keybase-release[0] was "Last Updated: 2015-11-03 22:36", community/keybase is a lot more recent, but still from January, so not recent enough.

[0]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/keybase-release/

Very exciting project! I'd love an invite if anyone can spare one. Email in profile.

Realised my email actually wasn't in my profile :O still hanging out for an invite though

invite sent, check your email. :)

May I get one? Email address in my profile.

Thanks! Legend!

Pretty late here, but does anyone have any invites left? Super interesting project!

Email in my profile :)


I would be interested in an invite if someone has one available (address in email).

Appreciate an invite - vcsekhar DOT parepalli AT gmail DOT com ; Thanks in advance

Sounds really interesting. Anyone have an invite, they would like to share?

I'd love an invite if anyone has any: arobbins@simpleblend.net

Sent one. Enjoy.

Me need one too, thx :)


Is there a way to make a public folder writable to multiple users?

Hi. Does anyone still have an invite? I would love to try it out.

Any more invites? k e n c o o p at g m a i l . c o m Thanks!

If anyone still wants some, I can give out three invites.

May I get one? Email address in my profile.

I'd go for an invite if you hae some still. Email in profile.

Sorry I took so long, looks like you already have an invite, so I won't send you another.

This is awesome. Never knew such a product was in works

Also an invite would be appreciated. Email in profile.

Email: [my username here]@ymail.com

I have 2 invites if people are still looking for one.

I'd really appreciate an invite if you still have any. It's wild to see just how in demand these are right now.

Yeah I still have all 2, I just need an email.

I'd love one. Keybase has always been a fascinating service to me. m {at} sftw.ninja

Posibyte, sent.

I'll take one! Email's in my profile. Thanks!

Looking for an invite...thank you!

Need an email.

I am, andrew {at} amdavidson com


May I get one? Email is in my profile.


Edit: Thanks for the invite!

Thanks! :)

got 2 invites to give away. next 2 replies to this comment will get the invites (fifo). good luck! make sure your email is in your HN profile.

Can I have the other? Username @ gmail

yep, sent.

this is me replying.


I'd love to give this, and Keybase, a try if anyone has an invite they would be comfortable sharing.

tomkinsc@[google's consumer email service].com

I just sent you one.

May I get one? Email in my profile.

Received. Thank you!

Would anyone mind sharing an invitation? I've been waiting in line for close to a year.

My email address is visible on my profile.

Thanks in advance to the HN community!

    > My email address is visible on my profile
No it isn't :)

I realized that I updated my profile in a different tab and forgot to hit save!

Appreciate the invite.......Cheers!

Have signed up for the waiting list for months but looks like I'm still in line. Anyone care for an invite? chua@uzyn.com Thanks!


[X] Sent. check your email.

Looking for an invite. thanks!

Sent one

If there are invites left, I would like one (email in profile).

Just checked profile, email was not found. Took a guess though and sent an invite to the email listed at: https://github.com/stepvhen

If that's the wrong email then let me know where to send it.

Ah I thought it was there. Good guess, I got the invite. Thanks!

I also have invites if anyone needs them, reply or find my email in profile.

Whoa, this blew up. If you emailed me after 2:19pm PST I'm out of keys (did FIFO for them). If I get more I'll keep sending.

One more invite available for me? luislupe |at| gmail

fsiefken@gmail.com dankon!

Any invites left?

Edit: Got it. Thanks!

hello@robertluke.net thanks

I would love an invite in anyone has one. Email in my profile. Thanks!

I sent you the invite. It should be in your inbox. :)

Have one left? I'd like to join as well :) Email is in bio -> Thanks!

Would you still happen to have any invites left?

I'd love to give Keybase a spin as well! =)

(Email is in my profile)

Thank you!!

Jumping on the invite chain! Email in profile as well-- Thank you :)


Looks amazing. Would love to try this if anybody has any invites.

Late to the party, would really appreciate an invite.. Cheers!

I've got a few Keybase invites, email me if you want one!

I got some invites left, ping me if you want

May I have one? Email is in my profile.

I would like one very much, thanks! mail at lauritz dot me

Y'all got any more of them invites?

If anyone has still an invitation for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Has anyone got any invitations please? My email is in my profile.

Sent one if you still need.

I'd like an invite too, please.

Edit: GOT IT, thanks!

[x] invite sent. check your email.

Are invites still available?


can someone pass along on invite please. chaitanyamannem@googles email service(gmail)


I would like an invite if you still have a keybase invite available. Much appreciated. immistyle AT hotmail.com

go max!


No, if people find it interesting, that's fine. You're probably thinking of the Show HN guidelines, which only apply to a subset of stories:



What can you provided over and above yubikey?


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