Why are you so certain of this? I grew up dominated by Christianity. It wasn't until 14 that I saw a UFO magazine insinuate that humans came from Mars. True or not didn't matter - what I remember from reading that was that my faith was shaken to the core. That day, I learned to never base your worldview on something so tenuous that a new discovery could topple it. That experience sent me on a journey to solidify my understanding of the world, and in the process, has made me less of a 'hardcore' Christian.
> I learned to never base your worldview on something so tenuous that a new discovery could topple it.
What? I'd just call that "learning from evidence". I believe plenty of things that a new discovery could topple and there's nothing wrong with that, so long as the new discovery hasn't already happened. You can't update on evidence that could arrive but hasn't arrived.
I'm talking about basing your worldview, not what you currently believe. Worldviews are things people attach significant identities to, and internalize to form the foundations for the rest of their beliefs.
If there's nothing you can think of that can topple you, then kudos, you may have reached enlightenment.