1. | | SteamMachines (steampowered.com) |
514 points by cheald on Sept 25, 2013 | 287 comments
2. | | The shittiest project I ever worked on (plover.com) |
501 points by m0nastic on Sept 25, 2013 | 181 comments
3. | | Lanyrd: From idea to exit – the story of our startup (natbat.net) |
324 points by simonw on Sept 25, 2013 | 32 comments
4. | | VLC 2.1.0 (videolan.org) |
282 points by jbk on Sept 25, 2013 | 142 comments
5. | | Solved By Flexbox – Cleaner, hack-free CSS (philipwalton.github.io) |
259 points by philipwalton on Sept 25, 2013 | 91 comments
6. | | Show HN: Drawingboard.js (leimi.github.io) |
233 points by Leimi on Sept 25, 2013 | 64 comments
7. | | Revealed: Qatar's World Cup 'slaves' (theguardian.com) |
214 points by yapcguy on Sept 25, 2013 | 140 comments
8. | | EasyJet refuses to let columnist on board for sending critical tweet (thedrum.com) |
201 points by r0h1n on Sept 25, 2013 | 145 comments
9. | | One-electron universe (wikipedia.org) |
192 points by agentzebra on Sept 25, 2013 | 99 comments
10. | | Myst Online: Uru Live Again (mystonline.com) |
189 points by evolve2k on Sept 25, 2013 | 80 comments
11. | | World record solar cell with 44.7% efficiency (phys.org) |
177 points by X4 on Sept 25, 2013 | 123 comments
12. | | What's the Most Concave State in the U.S.? Using R to Solve a Geography Puzzle (rapgenius.com) |
177 points by lil_tee on Sept 25, 2013 | 57 comments
13. | | SSL/TLS Deployment Best Practices v1.3 (ssllabs.com) |
152 points by ivanr on Sept 25, 2013 | 37 comments
14. | | What happened to Google Alerts? (gwern.net) |
151 points by gwern on Sept 25, 2013 | 39 comments
15. | | There's a coffeeshop called java.update() in GTA V (orcz.com) |
148 points by c2prods on Sept 25, 2013 | 77 comments
16. | | Large patent holders hate this reform proposal. That’s a good sign (washingtonpost.com) |
142 points by tareqak on Sept 25, 2013 | 41 comments
17. | | Create an algorithm to distinguish dogs from cats (kaggle.com) |
135 points by willis77 on Sept 25, 2013 | 73 comments
18. | | Surface Blades – true innovation from Microsoft (betanews.com) |
130 points by NZ_Matt on Sept 25, 2013 | 107 comments
19. | | Say Hello to Rick Ross (esquire.com) |
127 points by kitcar on Sept 25, 2013 | 69 comments
20. | | It's time to take into account the dates on the Android app average rating (medium.com/p) |
124 points by fesja on Sept 25, 2013 | 33 comments
21. | | FBI vexsome filer list (muckrock.com) |
124 points by aw3c2 on Sept 25, 2013 | 56 comments
22. | | Move over Bootstrap and Foundation, welcome Semantic UI (coderwall.com) |
120 points by bitsweet on Sept 25, 2013 | 55 comments
23. | | Gnome 3.10 Release Notes (gnome.org) |
109 points by bkor on Sept 25, 2013 | 100 comments
24. | | Amazon unveils a trio of new Kindle Fire tablets (cnet.com) |
108 points by healsdata on Sept 25, 2013 | 61 comments
25. | | Vim PDF Documentation (nathangrigg.net) |
104 points by chris_wot on Sept 25, 2013 | 53 comments
26. | | Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors, Part 1 (hypirion.com) |
106 points by llambda on Sept 25, 2013 | 23 comments
27. | | iOS 7 Tech Talks (developer.apple.com) |
106 points by dcope on Sept 25, 2013 | 29 comments
28. | | AMD Introduces "Mantle" API Initiative (hardwarezone.com.sg) |
101 points by jobstijl on Sept 25, 2013 | 47 comments
29. | | Webhooks Are Magic (iron.io) |
103 points by paddyforan on Sept 25, 2013 | 50 comments
30. | | Working hours: Get a life (economist.com) |
98 points by deusclovis on Sept 25, 2013 | 160 comments
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