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Stories from September 24, 2013
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1. JetBrains releases open-source Python IDE (jetbrains.com)
568 points by ternaryoperator on Sept 24, 2013 | 211 comments
2. The Banality of Systemic Evil (nytimes.com)
366 points by Maakuth on Sept 24, 2013 | 169 comments
3. Mozilla's New Fira Typeface (github.com/mozilla)
328 points by potch on Sept 24, 2013 | 128 comments
4. Starting an Airline (boeing.com)
318 points by amerf1 on Sept 24, 2013 | 222 comments
5. Scaling Django to 8 Billion Page Views (disqus.com)
316 points by mattrobenolt on Sept 24, 2013 | 132 comments
6. iMessage for Android (play.google.com)
301 points by robbiet480 on Sept 24, 2013 | 221 comments
7. Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens (theguardian.com)
290 points by devx on Sept 24, 2013 | 158 comments
8. Nvidia seeks peace with Linux, pledges help on open source driver (arstechnica.com)
278 points by bitops on Sept 24, 2013 | 80 comments
9. Urbit: A clean-slate functional OS (urbit.org)
262 points by tsax on Sept 24, 2013 | 178 comments
10. Nvidia to release documentation on Nouveau project (freedesktop.org)
256 points by throwaway2048 on Sept 24, 2013 | 92 comments
11. How we tripled our revenue by adding one button (medium.com/what-i-learned-building)
255 points by ARolek on Sept 24, 2013 | 44 comments
12. Confusing UI in iOS7 (medium.com/design-ux)
246 points by shandip on Sept 24, 2013 | 188 comments
13. Requests v2.0 Python module released (python-requests.org)
212 points by TheSwordsman on Sept 24, 2013 | 37 comments
14. What to do if a bubble is starting (samaltman.com)
172 points by fjw on Sept 24, 2013 | 144 comments
15. Looking back on the game 'Myst' on its 20th anniversary (grantland.com)
159 points by libovness on Sept 24, 2013 | 117 comments
16. How startups should die (42floors.com)
159 points by waratuman on Sept 24, 2013 | 66 comments
17. Minecrafting with OS OpenData (ordnancesurvey.co.uk)
158 points by room271 on Sept 24, 2013 | 38 comments
18. Who rooted kernel.org servers two years ago? (arstechnica.com)
150 points by pranavk on Sept 24, 2013 | 45 comments
19. How IPython Notebook and Github have changed the way I teach Python (peak5390.wordpress.com)
144 points by japhyr on Sept 24, 2013 | 31 comments
20. Dropbox - Transparency Report (dropbox.com)
141 points by lispython on Sept 24, 2013 | 61 comments
21. Empty F-16 jet tested by Boeing and US Air Force (bbc.co.uk)
137 points by inovica on Sept 24, 2013 | 115 comments
22. How Copyright Made Mid-Century Books Vanish (theatlantic.com)
125 points by devx on Sept 24, 2013 | 99 comments
23. Google to Encrypt All Keyword Searches (hubspot.com)
125 points by trevin on Sept 24, 2013 | 112 comments
24. Brazilian president: US surveillance a 'breach of international law' (theguardian.com)
122 points by thex86 on Sept 24, 2013 | 48 comments
25. Why We Hate Infographics (qunb.com)
120 points by cyrillevincey on Sept 24, 2013 | 71 comments
26. Alfred 2 Workflows (github.com/zenorocha)
117 points by bpierre on Sept 24, 2013 | 37 comments
27. Stop using Digital Ocean Now For the greater good (serdardogruyol.com)
119 points by sdogruyol on Sept 24, 2013 | 113 comments
28. 7373170279850 (ams.org)
109 points by henning on Sept 24, 2013 | 39 comments
29. Nokia Admits Giving Misleading Information About Elop's Compensation (forbes.com/sites/terokuittinen)
109 points by fnordfnordfnord on Sept 24, 2013 | 86 comments
30. Why I Hacked Appleā€™s TouchID and Still Think it is Awesome (lookout.com)
107 points by signa11 on Sept 24, 2013 | 59 comments

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