1. | | JQuery Sparklines (omnipotent.net) |
201 points by kordless on April 28, 2010 | 22 comments
2. | | Match.com no longer top dating site, sends in the lawyers (plentyoffish.wordpress.com) |
165 points by tortilla on April 28, 2010 | 109 comments
3. | | 93% of 2006 AAA-rated subprime mortgage-backed securities now rated junk (nytimes.com) |
149 points by mcantelon on April 28, 2010 | 70 comments
4. | | Let’s Admit Why There Are So Many “Job Hoppers” In Startupland (mixergy.com) |
145 points by AndrewWarner on April 28, 2010 | 66 comments
5. | | Genius redditor created a multiplayer 2d game, where everybody edits the world (reddit.com) |
129 points by fizz972 on April 28, 2010 | 21 comments
6. | | Heroku Node.js Support (experimental) (heroku.com) |
123 points by jmonegro on April 28, 2010 | 29 comments
7. | | The Data-Driven Life (nytimes.com) |
121 points by iamwil on April 28, 2010 | 31 comments
8. | | This year, Mac apps are no longer eligible for the Apple Design awards (developer.apple.com) |
119 points by mortenjorck on April 28, 2010 | 85 comments
9. | | A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js Code (catonmat.net) |
116 points by pkrumins on April 28, 2010 | 25 comments
10. | | Geocities-izer - Make Any Webpage Look Like It Was Made By A 13 Year-Old In 1996 (wonder-tonic.com) |
117 points by jaybol on April 28, 2010 | 36 comments
11. | | Cook Your Meat in a Beer Cooler: The World's Best Sous-Vide Hack (seriouseats.com) |
115 points by JoelSutherland on April 28, 2010 | 48 comments
12. | | TDD: tastes better without the T? (coderoom.wordpress.com) |
96 points by moconnor on April 28, 2010 | 57 comments
13. | | Things a Non-Engineer Should Know Before Founding a Web Startup (wepay.com) |
91 points by kschults on April 28, 2010 | 49 comments
14. | | The Surprising Reason Why Americans Are So Lonely (euraeka.com) |
90 points by haidut on April 28, 2010 | 70 comments
15. | | What happens to water if it’s not allowed to expand when frozen? (howstuffworks.com) |
89 points by andreyf on April 28, 2010 | 39 comments
16. | | Why We Prefer Founding CEOs (bhorowitz.com) |
82 points by jayliew on April 28, 2010 | 7 comments
17. | | Gmail vs Pine (snarfed.org) |
79 points by njn on April 28, 2010 | 37 comments
18. | | The Ritual Calling of the Engineer (joegaudet.tumblr.com) |
75 points by joegaudet on April 28, 2010 | 56 comments
19. | | Siri bought by Apple (scobleizer.com) |
75 points by cwilson on April 28, 2010 | 31 comments
20. | | Amazing fractal-inspired animation done with HTML5 and Canvas (onecm.com) |
69 points by grinich on April 28, 2010 | 11 comments
21. | | In the UK? Don't secure your wifi (me.uk) |
69 points by bensummers on April 28, 2010 | 32 comments
22. | | Why Tony Stark is better than you (julio-ody.tumblr.com) |
67 points by julio on April 28, 2010 | 30 comments
23. | | What I wish a Ruby programmer had told me one year ago.. (sirupsen.dk) |
63 points by Sirupsen on April 28, 2010 | 62 comments
24. | | Dropbox-style Double-Sided Incentives for Sharing (kalzumeus.com) |
62 points by patio11 on April 28, 2010 | 12 comments
25. | | Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book (gamedev.net) |
58 points by kenshi on April 28, 2010 | 14 comments
26. | | The Future's Pretty Cool, or Why I Love Ruby (intridea.com) |
58 points by renaebair on April 28, 2010 | 64 comments
27. | | Michael Lewis’s ‘The Big Short’? Read the Harvard Thesis Instead (wsj.com) |
56 points by tortilla on April 28, 2010 | 45 comments
28. | | How I Did It: Google's CEO on the Enduring Lessons of a Quirky IPO (hbr.org) |
56 points by faramarz on April 28, 2010 | 9 comments
29. | | Jinnetic Engineering by Richard Stallman (stallman.org) |
54 points by revorad on April 28, 2010 | 17 comments
30. | | Node.js fanout pubsub server for real-time apps (github.com/jazzychad) |
54 points by jazzychad on April 28, 2010 | 7 comments
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